IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Herrmann, M. 2005 Biology and Conservation of the European Wildcat _(Felis silvestris silvestris)._ Abstracts
Conference Proceeding
Herrmann, M.; Klar, N. 2007 Wirkungsuntersuchung zum Bau eines wildkatzensicheren Wildschutzzaunes im Zuge des Neubaus der BAB A 60, Bittburg - Wittlich
Full Book
Herrmann, M.; Klar, N.; Fuss, A.; Gottwald, F. 2010 Biotopverbund Brandenburg - Teil Wildtierkorridore
Full Book
Herrmann, T.M.; Schttler, E.; Benavides, P.; Galvez, N.; Soehn, L.; Palomo, N. 2013 Values, animal symbolism, and human-animal relationships associated to two threatened felids in Mapuche and Chilean local narratives
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (9)
Hershkovitz, P. 1951 Mammals from British Honduras, Mecixo, Jamaica and Haiti
Fieldiana Zoology (31)
Hershkovitz, P. 1987 A history of the recent mammalogy of the Neotropical region from 1492 to 1850
Fieldiana Zoology (39)
Hertwig, S.T.; Schweizer, M.; Stepanow, S.; Jungnickel, A.; Bhle, U.-R.; Fischer, M.S. 2009 Regionally high rates of hybridization and introgression in German wildcat populations (_Felis silvestris_, Carnivora, Felidae)
Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research (47)
Hertwig, S.T.; Stepanow, S.; Jungnickel, A.; Krger, M.; Jetschke, G.; Mhlich, T.; Vogel, B.; Fischer, M.S. 2007 The Wildcat (_Felis silvestris_, Carnivora, Felidae) in Thuringia - a Combined Morphological and Genetic Study
Conference Proceeding
Hern, I.; Pejcha, P. 1979 Comments upon the sexual differences in the comfort behavior of the Pallas' cat, _Otocolobus manul_
Vest.cs.Spolec.zool. (45)
Hess, G.R.; Fischer, R.A. 2001 Communicating clearly about conservation corridors
Landscape and Urban Planning (55)
Hetem, R.S.; Mitchell, D.; de Witt, B.A.; Fick, L.G.; Maloney, S.K.; Meyer, L.C.R.; Fuller, A. 2018 Body temperature, activity patterns, and hunting in free-living cheetah: biologging reveals new insights
Integrative Zoology (14)
Hetem, R.S.; Mitchell, D.; de Witt, B.A.; Fick, L.G.; Meyer, L.C.R.; Maloney, S.K.; Fuller, A. 2013 Cheetah do not abandon hunts because they overheat
Biology Letters (9)
Hetherington, D. 2006 The lynx in Britain's past, present and future
Ecos (27)
Hetherington, D. 2008 The history of the Eurasian Lynx in Britain and the potential for its reintroduction
British Wildlife
Hetherington, D. 2010 The Lynx
Book Chapter
Hetherington, D.; Campbell, R. 2012 The Cairngorms Wildcat Project
Full Book
Hetherington, D.A. 2005 The Feasibility of Reintroducing the Eurasian Lynx (_Lynx lynx_) to Scotland
Full Book
Hetherington, D.A.; Gorman, M.L. 2007 Using prey densities to estimate the potential size of reintroduced populations of Eurasian lynx
Biological Conservation (137)
Hetherington, D.A.; Lord, T.C.; Jacobi, R.M. 2005 New evidence for the occurrence of Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) in medieval Britain
Journal of Quaternary Science
Hetherington, D.A.; Miller, D.R.; Macelod, C.D.; Gorman, M.L. 2008 A potential habitat network for the Eurasian lynx_ Lynx lynx i_n Scotland
Mammal Review (38)
Hettlich, B.F.; Hobson, H.P.; Ducote, J.; Fossum, T.W.; Johnson, J.H. 2010 Esophageal hiatal hernia in three exotic felines
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine (41)
Heurich, M.; Hilger, A.; Kchenhoff, H.; Andr‚n, H.; Bufka, L.; Krofel, M.; Mattisson, J.; Odden, J.; Persson, J.; Rauset, G.R.; Schmidt, K.; Linnell, J.D.C. 2014 Activity patterns of Eurasian lynx are modulated by light regime and individual traits over a wide latitudinal range
PLoS ONE (9)
Heurich, M.; M”st, L.; Schauberger, G.; Reulen, H.; Sustr, P.; Hothorn, T. 2012 Survival and causes of death of European Roe Deer before and after Eurasian Lynx reintroduction in the Bavarian Forest National Park
European Journal of Wildlife Research (58)
Heurich, M.; Mller, J.; Burg, M. 2012 Comparison of the effectivity of different snare types for collecting and retaining hair from Eurasian lynx
European Journal of Wildlife Research (58)
Heurich, M.; Schultze-Naumburg, J.; Piacenza, N.; Magg, N.; Cerveny, J.; Engleder, T.; Herdtfelder, M.; Sladova, M.; Kramer-Schadt, S. 2018 Illegal hunting as a major driver of the source-sink dynamics of a reintroduced lynx population in Central Europe
Biological Conservation (224)
Heurich, M.; Zeis, K.; Kchenhoff, H.; Mller, J.; Belotti, E.; Bufka, L.; Woelfing, B. 2016 Selective predation of a stalking predator on ungulate prey
PLoS ONE (11)
Hewitt, S.; Williamson, S.; Woodger, N.; Streete, P.; Cracknell, J.; Lewis, J. 2010 Secobarbital poisoning in an Amur tiger (_Panthera tigris altaica_)
Veterinary Record (167 )
Hewson, R. 1983 The food of wild cats (_Felis silvestris_) and red foxes (_Vulpes vulpes_) in west and north-east Scotland
Notes from the Mammal Society (46)
Heydinger, J. 2020 'Vermin': Predator eradication as an expression of White Supremacy in Colonial Namibia, 1921-1952
Journal of Southern African Studies (46)
Heydinger, J.M. 2020 Humans, livestock, and lions in northwest Namibia
Full Book
Heydinger, J.M.; Packer, C.; Tsaneb, J. 2019 Desert-adapted lions on communal land: Surveying the costs incurred by, and perspectives of, communal-area livestock owners in northwest Namibia
Biological Conservation (236)
Heydlauff, A. 2008 Rising tiger - good news from China 
Wildlife Conservation (March/April )
Hibben, F.C. 1939 The Mountain Lion and Ecology
Ecology (20)
Hibbert, R.A. 1968 Wildlife Protection in Mongolia
Oryx (9)
Hiby, L.; Lovell, P.; Patil, N.; Kumar, N.S.; Gopalaswamy, A.M.; Karanth, K.U. 2009 A tiger cannot change its stripes: using a three-dimensional model to match images of living tigers and tiger skins
Biology Letters (5)
Hickenbottom, J.R.; Summerfield, B.; Aardahl, J.; Halekas, G.; Hilliard, M.; Jackson, L.; Prevedel, D.; Rupe, J. 1999 Biological assessment of the effects of National Forest Land and Resource Management Plans and Bureau of Land Management Land Use Plans on Canada lynx
Full Book
Hickisch, R.; Aebischer, T. 2013 African golden cat, caracal and serval in the Chinko/Mbari Drainage Basin, CAR
Cat News (58)
Hicks, T.C. 2010 A chimpanzee Mega-Culture? Exploring behavioral continuity in _Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii_ across northern DR Congo
Full Book
Hiedanp„„, J.; Salo, M.; Kotilainen, J. 2015 Teleodynamics and institutional change: the hardship of protecting the Amur tiger, big leaf mahogany, and gray wolf
Journal for Nature Conservation (26)
Hiestand, S.J.; Clayton, K.N.; Jimenez, F.A. 2014 Epizootic and zoonotic helminths of the bobcat (_Lynx rufus_) in Illinois and a comparison of its helminth component communities across the American Midwest
Parasite (21)
Higginbottom, P.; Furtado, M.M. 2009 Jaguar News - January 2009
Higginbottom, P.A. 2012 Improving the reliability of jaguar abundance and density estimates from camera trapping surveys
Full Book
Higham, J.E.S. 2012 Wildlife social learning should inform sustainable tourism management
Animal Conservation (15)
Highley, K. 1993 The market for tiger products on Taiwan - A survey
Full Book
Hilborn, A.; Pettorelli, N.; Orme, C.D.L.; Durant, S.M. 2012 Stalk and chase: how hunt stages affect hunting success in Serengeti cheetah
Animal Behaviour (84)
Hildebrand, M. 1961 Further studies on locomotion of the cheetah
Journal of Mammalogy (42 )
Hildebrand, M. 1959 Motions of the running cheetah and horse
Journal of Mammalogy (40)
Hildebrand, M.; Hurley, J.P. 1985 Energy of the oscillating legs of a fast-moving cheetah, pronghorn, jackrabbit, and elephant
Journal of Morphology (184)
Hildebrand, R.H.; Watts, A.C.; Randle, A.M. 2005 The myths of restoration ecology
Ecology and Society (10)
Hill, G.E.; McGraw, K.J. 2003 Melanin, nutrition and the lion's mane
Science (299)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)