IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Kabala, D. 1986 L'homme dans la nature, role potentiel des reserves de la biosphere du programme MAB de l'UNESCO dans l'amenagement de la faune - International Symposium "Conservation status of the Jaguar"
Conference Proceeding
Kabir, M.; Awan, M.S.; Anwar, M. 2013 Distribution range and population status of common leopard (_Panthera pardus_) in and around Machiara National Park, Azad Jammu and Kashmir
Conservation Science (4)
Kabir, M.; Ghoddousi, A.; Awan, M.S.; Awan, M.N. 2013 Assessment of human-leopard conflict in Machiara National Park, Azad Jammu and Kasmir, Pakistan
European Journal of Wildlife Research (60)
Kaczensky, P. 1993 Beaucoup de lynx p‚rissent jeunes
Mitteilungen aus der Wildforschung (125)
Kaczensky, P. 1998 Status and distribution of the lynx in the German Alps
Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy (10)
Kaczensky, P. 1991 Untersuchungen zur Raumnutzung weiblicher Luchse (Lynx lynx), sowie zur Abwanderung und Mortalit„t ihrer Jungen im Schweizer Jura - Spatial use of female lynx, and dispersal and mortality of their offspring in the Swiss Jura
Full Book
Kaczensky, P.; Chapron, G.; von Arx, M.; Huber, D.; Andrā€šn, H.; Linnell, J. 2013 Status, management and distribution of large carnivores - bear, lynx, wolf & wolverine - in Europe
Full Book
Kaczensky, P.; Chapron, G.; von Arx, M.; Huber, D.; Andrā€šn, H.; Linnell, J. 2013 Status, management and distribution of large carnivores - bear, lynx, wolf & wolverine - in Europe
Full Book
Kaczensky, P.; Linnell, J.D.C. 2015 Rapid assessment of the mammalian community of the Badhyz Ecosystem, Turkmenistan, October 2014
Full Book
Kadariya, R.; Bahadur, K.C.; Paudel, U.; Shrestha, B.P. 2023 Behaviour change conservation campaign for improved human-tiger coexistence in Nepal
Oryx (57)
Kaelin, C.B.; Xu, X.; Hong, L.Z.; David, V.A.; McGowan, K.A.; Schmidt-KĀntzel, A.; Roelke, M.E.; Pino, J.; Pontius, J.; Cooper, G.M.; Manuel, H.; Swanson, W.F.; Marker, L.L.; Harper, C.K.; Van Dyk, A.; Yue, B.; Mullikin, J.C.; Warren, W.C.; Eizirik, E.; Kos, L.; O'Brien, S.J.; Barsh, G.S.; Menotti-Raymond, M. 2012 Specifying and Sustaining Pigmentation Patterns in Domestic and Wild Cats
Science (337)
Kaemmerer, K. 1995 Report on the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Endangered Cats Recovery Team and the Texas Ocelot Research Consortion
Full Book
Kaeppeli, U.; Eulenberger, U.; Nitzl, D.; Rohrer Bley, C.; Steffen, F.; Sydler, T.; Schmid, N.; Hatt, J.-M.; Steinmetz, H.W. Clinical challenge
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine (40)
Kaerkkaeinen, M.; Wahlberg, C. 1984 Coxofemoral dysplasia in the snow leopard (_Panthera uncia_). A roentgenological evaluation of the coxofemoral joints of 9 snow leopards
Book Chapter
Kafle, S.K. 2011 Rapid disaster risk assessment of wild animal attacks: with special reference to Sumatran tiger in Aceh, Indonesia
Full Book
Kafley, H.; Gompper, M.E.; Spinelli, F.; Poudel, K.L.; Thapaliya, B.P. 2014 Alternative financing schemes for tiger conservation in Nepal
Wildlife Biology in Practice (10)
Kagendo, D.; Magambo, J.; Agola, E.L.; Njenga, S.M.; Zeyhle, E.; Mulinge, E.; Gitonga, P.; Mbae, C.; Muchiri, E.; Wassermann, M.; Kern, P.; Romig, T. 2014 A survey for _Echinococcus _spp. of carnivores in six wildlife conservation areas in Kenya
Parasitology International (63)
Kahn, M.M.H. 2010 The last tigers of Bangladesh
Bangladesh Nature Quest
Kailas, R.; Tiwari, J. 2019 A rare, direct sighting of caracal from India
Cat News (70)
Kailas, R.; Tiwari, J. 2019 A rare, direct sighting of caracal from India
Cat News (70)
Kaiser, C.; Wernery, U.; Kinne, J.; Marker, L.L.; Liesegang, A. 2014 The role of cooper and vitamin A deficiencies leading to neurological signs in captive cheetahs (_Acinonyx jubatus_) and lions (_Panthera leo_) in the United Arab Emirates
Food and Nutrition Sciences (5)
Kaizer, M.C.; Alvim, T.H.G.; Novaes, C.L.; McDevitt, A.D.; Young, R.J. 2022 Snapshot of the Atlantic Forest canopy: surveying arboreal mammals in a biodiversity hotspot
Oryx (56)
Kajitani, Y.; Hipel, K.W.; McLeod, A.I. 2005 Forecasting nonlinear time series with feed-forward neural networks: a case study of Canadian lynx data
Journal of Forecasting (24)
Kakati, K. 2012 First camera trap record of the Malayan sun bear from Assam, Northeast India
International Bear News (21)
Kala, C.P.; Kothari, K.K. 2013 Livestock predation by common leopard in Binsar Wildlife Sanctuary, India: human-wildlife conflicts and conservation issues
Human-Wildlife Interactions (7)
Kalinowski, S.T.; Waples, R.S. 2002 Relationship of effective to census size in fluctuating populations
Conservation Biology (16)
Kalle, R. 2013 Ecology of sympatric small carnivores in Mudumalai Tiger Reserve, Tamil Nadu
Full Book
Kalle, R.; Ramesh, T.; Qureshi, Q.; Sankar, K. 2011 Density of tiger and leopard in a tropical deciduous of Mudumalai Tiger Reserve, southern India, as estimated using photographic capture-recapture sampling
Acta Theriologica (56)
Kalle, R.; Ramesh, T.; Qureshi, Q.; Sankar, K. 2013 Predicting the distribution pattern of small carnivores in response to environmental factors in the Western Ghats
PLoS ONE (8)
Kalle, R.; Ramesh, T.; Qureshi, Q.; Sankar, K. 2013 The occurrence of small felids in Mudumalai Tiger reserve, Tamil Nadu, India
Cat News (58)
Kalle, R.; Ramesh, T.; Qureshi, Q.; Sankar, K. 2014 Estimating seasonal abundance and habitat use of small carnivores in the Western Ghats using an occupancy approach
Journal of Tropical Ecology (30 )
Kalle, R.; Ramesh, T.; Sankar, K.; Qureshi, Q. 2010 Habitat occupancy of small felids, viverrids and herpestids in Mudumalai Tiger Reserve, Tamil Nadu
Conference Proceeding
Kaltenborn, B.P.; Andersen, O.; Linnell, J.D.C. 2013 Predators, stewards, or sportsmen - how do Norwegian hunters perceive their role in carnivore management?
International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services and Management (9)
Kaltenborn, B.P.; Andersen, O.; Linnell, J.D.C. 2013 Is hunting large carnivores different from hunting ungulates? Some judgements made by Norwegian hunters
Journal for Nature Conservation (21)
Kaltenborn, B.P.; Bjerke, T.; Strumse, E. 1998 Diverging attitudes towards predators: do environmental beliefs play a part?
Research in Human Ecology (5)
Kaltenborn, B.P.; Thomassen, J.; Linnell, J.D.C. 2012 Island futures - does a participatory scenario process capture the common view of local residents?
Futures (44)
Kaltenborn, B.P.; Thomassen, J.; Wold, L.C.; Linnell, J.D.C.; Skar, B. 2013 World Heritage status as a foundation for building local futures? A case study from Vega in Central Norway
Journal of Sustainable Tourism (21)
Kamal, M.S.; Nimmy, S.F. 2012 Knowledgebase representation for Royal Bengal tiger in the context of Bangladesh
Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology (12)
Kamalakannan, M.; Nameer, P.O. 2019 A checklist of Mammals of Tamil Nadu, India
Journal of Threatened Taxa (11)
Kamalakannan, M.; Venkatraman, C.; Sharma, L.K. 2018 Diversity and Distribution of Mammals in the Indian Himalayas
Book Chapter
Kamaru, D.N.; Palmer, T.M.; Riginos, C.; Ford, A.T.; Belnap, J.; Chira, R.M.; Githaiga, J.M.; Gituku, B.C.; Hays, B.R.; Kavwele, C.M.; Kibungei, A.K.; Lamb, C.T.; Maiyo, N.J.; Milligan, P.D.; Mutisya, S.; Ng'weno, C.C.; Ogutu, M.; Pietrek, A.G.; Wildt, B.T.; Goheen, J.R. 2024 Disruption of an ant-plant mutualism shapes interactions between lions and their primary prey
Science (383)
Kamil, S.K.S.M.; Zainuddin, Z.Z.; Abidin, F.A.Z. 2011 Roadkill of a flat-headed cat in Pahang, Peninsular Malaysia
Cat News
Kaminski, N.; Brandt, A.P.; Sampaio, D.S.; Fay, K.; Machado Pereira, L.C.; Nicola, P.A. 2013 New record of _Leopardus pardalis_ in the Caatinga of the state of Pernambuco, northeastern Brazil
Check List (9)
Kamler, J.F. 1998 Ecology and interspecific relationships of mammalian predators on Fort Riley Military Reservation, Kansas
Full Book
Kamler, J.F.; Gipson, P.S. 2000 Home range, habitat selection, and survival of bobcats, _Lynx rufus,_ in a Prairie Ecosystem in Kansas
The Canadian Field-Naturalist (114)
Kamler, J.F.; Gipson, P.S. 2004 Survival and cause-specific mortality among furbearers in a protected area
American Midland Naturalist (151)
Kamler, J.F.; Gipson, P.S.; Snyser, T.R. 2000 Dispersal characteristics of young bobcats from northeastern Kansas
The Southwestern Naturalist (45)
Kamler, J.F.; Lee, R.M.; deVos, J.C.; Ballard, Q.B.; Withlaw, H.A. 2002 Survival and cougar predation of translocated bighorn sheep in Arizona
Journal of Wildlife Management (66)
Kamler, J.F.; Richardson, C.; Gipson, P.S. 2000 Comparison of standard and modified soft catch traps for capturing coyotes, bobcats, and raccoons
Conference Proceeding
Kamler, J.F.; Stenkewitz, U.; Gharajehdaghipour, T.; MacDonald, D.W. 2019 Social organization, home ranges, and extraterritorial forays of black-backed jackals
The Journal of Wildlife Management (83)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)