IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Laack, L.L.; Tewes, M.; Haines, A.M.; Rappole, J.H. 2005 Reproductive life history of ocelots _Leopardu pardalis_ in southern Texas
Acta Theriologica (50)
Laakkonen, J.; Kivalo, M. 2013 The use of silicone casts in collection of morphological data from free-ranging wildlife - the case of tracheobronchial anatomy of the Eurasian lynx (_Lynx lynx_)
Annales Zoologici Fennici (50)
Laass, J. 2001 Zustand der Luchspopulation im westlichen Berner Oberland im Winter 2000 - Fotofallen-Einsatz Nov./Dez. 2000
Full Book
Laass, J. 2002 Fotofallen-Monitoring im westlichen Berner Oberland 2001 - Fotofallen-Extensiv-Einsatz 2001, Fotofallen-Intensiv-Einsatz Winter 2001/2002
Full Book
Laass, J.; Fuxj„ger, C.; Huber, T.; Gerstl, N. 2006 Lynx in the Austrian Alps 2000-2004
Acta Biologica Slovenica (49)
Labisky, R.F. 1994 Population ecology of white-tailed deer in the wet prairie of Big Cypress National Preserve and Everglades National Park
Conference Proceeding
Labisky, R.F.; Boulay, M.C. 1998 Behaviors of bobcats preying on white-tailed deer in the Everglades
American Midland Naturalist (139)
Labuschagne, W. 1981 Aspects of cheetah ecology in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park
Conference Proceeding
Lachish, S.; Gopalaswamy, A.M.; Knowles, S.C.L.; Sheldon, B.C. 2011 Site-occupancy modelling as a novel framework for assessing test sensitivity and estimating wildlife disease prevalence from imperfect diagnostic tests
Methods in Ecology and Evolution
Lackey, C.W. 2014 Nevada cougar management topics
Conference Proceeding
Lacy, B.; Vargas, A. 2004 Report on the genetic and demographic management of the breeding programme for the conservation of the Iberian lynx: Scenarios, conclusions and recommendations
Full Book
Lacy, R.C. Population Viability Analysis
Conference Proceeding
Lacy, R.C. 1993 Vortex: A computer simulation model for population viability analysis
Wildlife Research (20)
Lacy, R.C. 1989 Florida Panther viability analysis and survival plan- Population viability analysis
Conference Proceeding
Lacy, R.C. 1987 Loss of genetic diversity from managed populations: Interacting effects of drift, mutation, immigration, selection, and population subdivision
Conservation Biology (1)
Lacy, R.C.; Foose, T.; Ballou, J.D.; Eldridge, J. 1992 Small Population Biology and Population and Habitat Viability Assessment Population and Habitat Viability Analysis (P.H.V.A.), Global Animal Survival Plan (G.A.S.P.) of the Asiatic Lion (Panthera leo persica)
Conference Proceeding
Lafuente, R. 2008 Human attitude survey in potential Iberian lynx reintroduction areas in Sierra Morena 
Conference Proceeding
Lagan, P.; Mannan, S.; Matsubayashi, H. 2007 Sustainable use of tropical forests by reduced-impact logging in Deramakot Forest Reserve, Sabah, Malaysia
Ecological Research (22)
Lagana, D.M.; Lee, J.S.; Lewis, J.S.; Bevins, S.N.; Carver, S.; Sweanor, L.L.; McBride, R.; McBride, C.; Crooks, K.R.; VandeWoude, S. 2013 Characterization of regionally associated Feline immunodeficiency virus in bobcats (_Lynx rufus_)
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (49)
Lagendijk, D.D.G.; Gusset, M. 2008 Human-Carnivore Coexistence on Communal Land Bordering the Greater Kruger Area, South Africa
Environmental Management (42)
Laguardia, A.; Kamler, J.F.; Li, S.; Zhang, C.; Zhou, Z.; Shi, K. 2017 The current distribution and status of leopards _Panthera pardus_ in China
Oryx (51)
Lahkar, D.; Ahmed, M.F.; Begum, R.H.; Kumar Das, S.; Lahkar, B.P.; Sarma, H.K.; Harlhar, A. 2018 Camera-trapping survey to assess diversity, distribution and photographic capture rate of terrestrial mammals in the aftermath of the ethnopolitical conflict in Manas National Park, Assam, India
Journal of Threatened Taxa (10)
Lähmus, A. 2001 Large Carnivore Control and Management Plan for Estonia, 2002-2011
Full Book
Laidlaw, R.K. 2000 Effects of Habitat Disturbance and Protected Areas on Mammals of Peninsular Malaysia
Conservation Biology (14)
Laidler, K. 1987 Burning blight
Laing, S.P.; Lindzey, F.G. 1993 Patterns of replacement of resident cougars in Southern Utah
Journal of Mammalogy (74)
Lakew, D.; Ayichew, B. 2021 A Preliminary Survey of Medium and Large-Sized Mammals in Amoro Forest, West Gojjam Zone, Amhara, Ethiopia
Lakhani, B.P. 1985 Gir Lion Census - 1985
Lakkundi, J.N. 2010 Molecular and serological studies on trypanosomosis with special reference to captive wild animals
Full Book
Laliberte, A.S.; Ripple, W.J. 2004 Range contractions of North American Carnivores and Ungulates
BioScience (54)
Lalthanpuia,; Dey, S.; Sharma, T.; Sharma, P.; Deka, J.; Bora, P.J.; Borah, J. 2014 Camera-trap record of felid species from Kanchanjuri wildlife corridor, Assam, India
Cat News (60)
Lam, W.Y.; Hedges, L.; Clements, G.R. 2014 First record of a clouded leopard predation on a binturong
Cat News (60)
Lama, R.P.; Ghale, T.R.; Suwal, M.K.; Ranabhat, R.; Regmi, G.R. 2018 First photographic evidence of Snow Leopard _Panthera uncia_ outside current protected areas network in Nepal Himalaya
Journal of Threatened Taxa (10)
Lama, R.P.; O'Connor, P.; Andre, K.; Ghale, T.R.; Regmi, G.R. 2016 Historical evidence of Pallas's cat in Nyesyang valley, Manang, Nepal
Cat News (63)
Lama, T.; Hongfa, X.; Tsering, D.; Zhiyong, F.; Jia, L.; Liou, C. 2006 Asian Big Cats Strategic Action Plan for China 2007-2017
Full Book
Laman, T.G.; Knott, C.D. 1997 An observation of leopard (Panthera pardus Linnaeus) mating behaviour in Serengeti National Park, Tanzania
African Journal of Ecology (35)
Lamarque, F.; Anderson, J.; Fergusson, R.; Lagrange, M.; Osei-Owusu, Y.; Bakker, L. 2009 Human-wildlife conflict in Africa
Full Book
Lamba, B.S. 1967 Occurrence of the desert cat, _Felis libyca ornata_ Gray near Poona
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society
Lambeck, R.J. 1997 Focal species: A multi-species umbrella for nature conservation
Conservation Biology (11)
Lamberski, N.; Sliwa, A.; Wilson, B.; Herrick, J.; Lawrenz, A.; Dubovi, E. 2009 Conservation of Black-footed cats (_Felis nigripes_) and prevalence of infectious diseases in sympatric carnivores in the Northern Cape Province, South Africa
Conference Proceeding
Lambert, C.M.S. 2003 Dynamics and viability of a cougar population in the Pacific Northwest
Full Book
Lambert, C.M.S.; Wielgus, R.B.; Robinson, H.S.; Katnik, D.D.; Cruickshank, H.S.; Clarke, R.; Almack, J. 2006 Cougar population dynamics and viability in the Pacific Northwest
Journal of Wildlife Management (70)
Lamichane, B.R.; Pant, G.; Dhakal, M.; Acharya, H.R.; Subedi, N.; Thapa, K.; Dahal, B.R.; Gurung, A.; Mishra, R. 2023 Camera trap record of Asiatic wildcat from Chitwan,Nepal
Cat News (77)
Lamichhane, B.R.; Dhakal, M.; Subedi, N.; Pokheral, C.P. 2014 Clouded leopard co-exist with other five felids in Chitwan National Park, Nepal
Cat News (61)
Lamichhane, B.R.; Kadariya, R.; Subedi, N.; Dhakal, B.K.; Dhakal, M.; Thapa, K.; Acharya, K.P. 2016 Rusty-spotted cat: 12th cat species discovered in Western Terai of Nepal
Cat News (64)
Lamichhane, B.R.; Leirs, H.; Persoon, G.A.; Subedi, N.; Dhakal, M.; Oli, B.N.; Reynaert, S.; Sluydts, V.; Pokheral, C.P.; Poudyal, L.P.; Malla, S.; de Iong, H.H. 2019 Factors associated with co-occurrence of large carnivores in a human-dominated landscape
Biodiversity and Conservation (28)
Lamichhane, B.R.; Persoon, G.A.; Leirs, H.; Musters, C.J.M.; Subedi, N.; Gairhe, K.P.; Pokheral, C.P.; Poudel, S.; Mishra, R.; Dhakal, M.; Smith, J.L.D.; de Iongh, H.H. 2017 Are conflict-causing tigers different? Another perspective for understanding human-tiger conflict in Chitwan National Park, Nepal
Global Ecology and Conservation (11)
Lamichhane, B.R.; Pokheral, C.P.; Poudel, S.; Adhikari, S.; Giri, S.R.; Bhattarai, S.; Bhatta, T.R.; Pickles, R.; Amin, R.; Acharya, K.P.; Dhakal, M.; Regmi, U.R.; Ram, A.K.; Subedi, N. 2018 Rapid recovery of tigers in Parsa Wildlife Reserve, Nepal
Oryx (52)
Lamprey, R.H.; Mugisha, A. 2009 The re-introduction of recreational hunting in Uganda
Book Chapter
Lamprey, R.H.; Reid, R.S. 2004 Expansion of human settlement in Kenya's Maasai Mara: what future for pastoralism and wildlife?
Journal of Biogeography (31)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)