IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Lone, K.; Mysterud, A.; Gobakken, T.; Odden, J.; Linnell, J.; Loe, L.E. 2017 Temporal variation in habitat selection breaks the catch-22 of spatially contasting predation risk from multiple predators
Oikos (126)
Long, B. 2001 Out of the Shadows
Defenders of Wildlife
Long, B. 2001 Tiger conservation and survey training for the Central Vietnam Tiger Corridor
Full Book
Long, R.A.; Donovan, T.M.; Mackay, P.; Zielinski, W.J.; Buzas, J.S. 2007 Comparing Scat Detection Dogs, Cameras, and Hair Snares for Surveying Carnivores
Journal of Wildlife Management (71)
Long, R.A.; Donovan, T.M.; Mackay, P.; Zielinski, W.J.; Buzas, J.S. 2007 Effectiveness of scat detection dogs for detecting forest carnivores
Journal of Wildlife Management (71)
Long, R.A.; Donovan, T.M.; Mackay, P.; Zielinski, W.J.; Buzas, J.S. 2011 Predicting carnivore occurrence with noninvasive surveys and occupancy modeling
Landscape Ecology (26)
Long-Hui, X. 1987 The environmental status of the South China Tiger in Guangdong Province Biological features of the South China Tiger
Full Book
Long-Hui, X. 1987 Survey on South China Tiger
Full Book
Longchar, S.; Qureshi, Q.; Jhala, Y.V. 2014 Felid species in Intanki National Park, Nagaland, India
Cat News (61)
Longchar, S.; Yhoshu, K.; Pandit, R. 2017 First photographic record of Asiatic golden cat in eastern Nagaland, India
Cat News (65)
Longcore, T.; Rich, C.; Sullivan, L.M. 2009 Critical Assessment of Claims Regarding Management of Feral Cats by Trap-Neuter-Return
Conservation Biology (23)
Loock, D.J.E.; Rend¢n-Franco, E.; Williams, S.T.; van Niekerk, J.; Swanepoel, L.H. 2021 Viral Prevalence in wild serval population is driven by season and sex
EcoHealth (18)
Loock, D.J.E.; Williams, S.T.; Emslie, K.W.; Matthews, W.S.; Swanepoel, L.H. 2018 High carnivore population density highlights the conservation value of industrialised sites
Scientific Reports (8)
Loomis, J.; Ekstrand, E. 1998 Alternative approaches for incorporating respondent uncertainty when estimating willingness to pay: the case of the Mexican spotted owl
Ecological Economics (27)
Loomis, J.; Kent, P.; Strange, L.; Fausch, K.; Covich, A. 2000 Measuring the total economic value of restoring ecosystem sevices in an impaired river basin: results from a contingent valuation survey
Ecological Economics (33)
Loomis, J.B.; White, D.S. 1996 Economic benefits of rare and endangered species: summary and meta-analysis
Ecological Economics (18)
Loomis, M. 1998 Panther journeys from Big Cypress to Orlando
Lopes Palmeira, F.B. 2004 Cattle predation by jaguars in the north of the state of Goi s
Full Book
Lopes Palmeira, F.B.; Barrella, W. 2007 Conflicts caused by predation on livestock by large cats in quilombola communities in the Atlantic Forest
Biota Neotropica (7)
Lopes Palmeira, F.B.; Trape Trinca, C.; Haddad, C.M. 2015 Livestock predation by puma (_Puma concolor_) in the highlands of a southeastern Brazilian Atlantic Forest
Environmental Management (56)
Lopes, M.G.; Junior, J.M.; Foster, R.J.; Harmsen, B.J.; Sanchez, E.; Martins, R.F.; Quigley, H.; Marcili, A.; Labruna, M.B. 2016 Ticks and rickettsiae from wildlife in Belize, Central America
Parasites & Vectors (9:62)
Lopes-Fernandes, M. 1993 Some aspects of the ecology and systematics of the wildcat (Felis silvestris) in Portugal
Conference Proceeding
Lopes-Fernandes, M.; Espirito-Santo, C.; Frazao-Moreira, A. 2018 The return of the Iberian lynx to Portugal: local voices
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (14)
Lopez Gonzalez, C.A. 1994 Ecologia comportamiento del Puma (Puma concolor) en amfientes fracmentados
Full Book
Lopez Gonzalez, C.A.; Laundr‚, J.W.; Gonzalez-Romero, A. 1996 The Conservation and Management of the Carnivore Community of Tropical Dry Forests in Mexico - Progress Report
Full Book
Lopez Gonzalez, C.A.; Lorenzana Pi¤a, G. 2002 Carrion use by jaguars (_Panthera onca_) in Sonora, Mexico
Mammalia (66)
Lopez Gonzalez, C.A.; Lorenzana Pi¤a, G. 2002 Sonoran jaguars - Conserving borderland cats
Wild Earth (Fall/Winter 2001-2002)
Lopez Gonzalez, C.A.; Lorenzana Pi¤a, G.; Moreno, C.N.; Ortega Urrieta, A.; Jimenez Maldonado, R.E.; Carillo Percastegui, S.E. 2007 Comparative Ecology of Two Jaguar Populations under Different Land Tenure and Human Disturbance Regimes in Mexico
Conference Proceeding
Lopez Gonzalez, C.A.; Martinez Meyer, E.; Laundr‚, J.W.; Miller, B.; Gonzalez-Romero, A. 1996 Contribution to the natural history of pumas (_Puma concolor_) in a tropical dry forest of Western Mexico
Full Book
Lopez Gonzalez, C.A.; Meyer, E.M.; Laundr‚, J.W.; Miller, B.; Gonzalez-Romero, A. 1996 Contribution to the natural history of pumas in a tropical dry forest Abstracts Fifth Mountain Lion Workshop 27.02.-01.03., 1996 Bahia Hotel, San Diego, California
Conference Proceeding
Lopez Gonzalez, C.A.; Miguel, C.A.; Carrillo, F.M.; Gonzalez, Z.Y. 2014 Ocelot: An addition to the mammals of Chihuahua, Mexico
Western North American Naturalist (74)
Lopez Pizarro, E. 1986 Estado actual del jaguar en Costa Rica - International Symposium "Conservation status of the Jaguar"
Conference Proceeding
Lopez Pizarro, E. 1986 Cano negro national wildlife refuge - International Symposium "Conservation status of the Jaguar"
Conference Proceeding
Lopez Preciado, G. 1986 Resumen del taller de especialistas de alto nivel sobre manejo de fauna silvestre para el desarrollo rural - International Symposium "Conservation status of the Jaguar"
Conference Proceeding
Lopez Preciado, G. 1986 Resumen del estado de la concervacion y el manejo de la fauna silvestre en la amazonia del Peru - International Symposium "Conservation status of the Jaguar"
Conference Proceeding
Lopez, G.; Lopez, M.; Fernandez, L.; Ruiz, G.; Arenas, R.; Del Rey, T.; Gil, J.M.; Garrote, G.; Garcia, M.; Simon, M. 2012 Population development of the Iberian lynx since 2002
Cat News (57)
Lopez, G.; Lopez-Parra, M.; Fernandez, L.; Simon, M.A. 2011 Feline leukaemia virus outbreak in the Iberian lynx in 2007: analysing partial data may lead to misconceptions
Animal Conservation (14)
Lopez, G.; Lopez-Parra, M.; Garrote, G.; Fernandez, L.; del Rey-Wamba, T.; Arenas-Rojas, R.; Garcia-Tardio, M.; Ruiz, G.; Zorrilla, I.; Moral, M.; Simon, M.A. 2014 Evaluating mortality rates and causalities in a critically endangered felid across its whole distribution range
European Journal of Wildlife Research (60)
Lopez, G.; Martinez, F.; Molina, I.; Zorrilla, I.; Martinez, C.; Vargas, A.; Simon, M.A. 2008 Sanitary control plan for the Iberian lynx reintroduction in Anadalusia 
Conference Proceeding
Lopez, I.; Pineda, C.; Mu¤oz, L.; Raya, A.; Lopez, G.; Aguilera-Tejero, E. 2016 Chronic Vitamin D intoxication in captive Iberian lynx
PLoS ONE (11)
Lopez, J.M.; Rosi, M.I.; Tabeni, S.; Bender, B.; Chiavazza, H. 2017 Taphonomic analysis of small bone remains preyed upon by wildcats from the central Monte Desert (Mendoza, Argentina)
Boreas (46)
Lopez-Gonzalez, C.A.; Avila-Aguilar, D.; Cruz-Torres, M.F. 2015 Abundancia del gato montes (Lynx rufus) en el Parque Nacional El Cimatario, Queretaro, Mexico
Acta Zoologica Mexicana (31)
Lopez-Parra, M.; Fernandez, L.; Ruiz, G.; Gil-Sanchez, J.M.; Simon, M.A.; Lopez, G.; Sarmento, P. 2012 Change in demographic patterns of the Do¤ana Iberian lynx Lynx pardinus: management implications and conservation perspectives
Oryx (46)
Lopez-Rebollar, L.M.; Penzhorn, B.L.; de Waal, D.T.; Lewis, B.D. 1999 A possible new piroplasm in lions from the Republic of South Africa
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (35)
Lopez-Vidal, J.C.; Elizalde-Arellano, C.; Hern ndez, L.; Laundr‚, J.W.; Gonzalez-Romero, A.; Cervantes, F.A. 2014 Foraging of the bobcat (_Lynx rufus_) in the Chihuahuan desert: generalist or specialist?
The Southwestern Naturalist (59)
Lopez-Vidal, J.C.; Elizalde-Arellano, C.; Laundr‚, J.W.; Hern ndez, L. 2007 Using the Landscape of Fear to Analyze Habitat Use of Bobcats in the Chihuahuan Desert of M‚xico
Conference Proceeding
Lorenzana Pi¤a, G.P.; Castillo Gamez, R.A.; Lopez Gonzalez, C.A. 2004 Distribution, habitat association, and activity patterns of medium and large-sized mammals of Sonora, Mexico
Natural Areas Journal (24)
Lorestani, N.; Hemami, M.-R.; Rezvani, A.; Ahmadi, M. 2024 Ecological niche models reveal divergent habitat use of Pallas's cat in the Eurasian cold steppes
Ecology and Evolution (12)
LorfŠvre, F. 2009 Plio-Pleistocene Lynx: A critical review of their phylogeny
Full Book
Lorica, M.R.P.; Oliver, W.L.R. 2006 Distribution and habitat utilization of the Visayan leopard cat _Prionailurus bengatrensis rabori_
Banwa (3)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)