IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


            1375 items matching your query were found in the database.  

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M., W.B. 1888 Mauled by a panther
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (3)
Ma Ming, 2006 Camera trapping on snow leopards in the Muzat Valley, Tumor Feng Nature Reserve, Xinjiang, P.R. China (October-December 2005)
Full Book
Ma, D.; Sun, Z.; Hu, D.; An, B.; Chen, L.; Zhang, D.; Dong, K.; Zhang, L. 2021 Camera-trapping survey of the mammal diversity in the Qilian Mountains National Nature Reserve, Gansu Province
Acta Theriologica Sinica (41)
Ma, M.; Munkhtsog, B.; Xu, F.; Turghan, M.; Yin, S.J.; Wei, S.D. 2005 Markings as Indicator of Snow Leopard in Field Survey, in Xinjiang
Chinese Journal of Zoology (40)
Ma, M.; Xu, F.; Chundawat, R.S.; Jumabay, K.; Wu, Y.Q.; Aizezi,; Zhu, M.H. 2006 Camera trapping of snow leopards for the photo capture rate and population size in the Muzat Valley of Tianshan Mountains
Acta Zoologica Sinica (52)
Ma, Y. 1980 World's biggest tiger
China Reconstructs
Ma, Y. 2001 Changes in numbers and distribution of the Amur tiger in northeast China in the past 100 years - a summary report
Conference Proceeding
Ma, Y.; Li, X.; Sheng, H. The status and conservation of tigers in China
Maack, D.; Boer, M.; Brandt, H.P.; Liess, B. 2000 Morbillivirus infections in German Zoos: Prevalence in carnivores and vaccination trials in Pantherid cats
Conference Proceeding
Maan, M.A.; Chaudhry, A.A. 2000 Common leopard (Panthera pardus) - our endangered heritage needs special conservation
Tiger Paper (27)
Maas, M. 2013 Tuberculosis in African lions
Full Book
Maas, M.; Keet, D.F.; Nielen, M. 2013 Hematologic and serum chemistry reference intervals for free-ranging lions
Research in Veterinary Science (95)
Maas, M.; Keet, D.F.; Rutten, V.P.M.G.; Heesterbeek, J.A.P.; Nielen, M. 2012 Assessing the impact of feline immunodeficiency virus and bovine tuberculosis co-infection in African lions
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. (279)
Maberly, C.T.A. 1950 The extinct Cape lion
African Wild Life (4)
Mabille, G.; Stien, A.; Tveraa, T.; Mysterud, A.; Broseth, H.; Linnell, J.D.C. 2015 Mortality and lamb body mass growth in free-ranging domestic sheep - environmental impacts including lethal and non-lethal impacts of predators
Ecography (38)
MacCarthy, J. 2018 Effects of hunting and human disturbance on wildlife near villages in northeastern Gabon
Full Book
Maccio, J.C.R. 2015 Report on the tetrapod fauna of the Reboledo Establishment (Informe sobre fauna tetr poda del Establecimiento Reboledo)
Full Book
MacDonald, D.W. 1991 The pride of the farmyard
BBC Wildlife
MacDonald, D.W. 1996 Dangerous liaisons and disease
Nature (379)
MacDonald, D.W. 2007 Felid Societies
Conference Proceeding
MacDonald, D.W. 2016 Report on lion conservation with particular respect to the issue of trophy hunting
Full Book
MacDonald, D.W. 2019 Brushes with the Law: A Conservation Scientists's Perspective on Legal Solutions and Impediments from Scottish Wildcats to African Lions
Journal of International Wildlife Law & Policy (22)
MacDonald, D.W.; Bothwell, H.M.; Hearn, A.J.; Cheyne, S.M.; Haidir, I.; Hunter, L.T.B.; Kaszta, Z.; Linkie, M.; Macdonald, E.A.; Cushman, S.A. 2018 Multi-scale habitat selection modeling identifies threats and conservation opportunities for the Sunda clouded leopard (_Neofelis diardi_)
Biological Conservation (227)
MacDonald, D.W.; Bothwell, H.M.; Kaszta, Z.; Ash, E.; Bolongon, G.; Burnham, D.; Can, O.E.; Campos-Arceiz, A.; Channa, P.; Clements, G.R.; Hearn, A.J.; Hedges, L.; Htun, S.; Kamler, J.F.; Kawanishi, K.; Macdonald, E.A.; Mohamad, S.W.; Moore, J.; Naing, H.; Onuma, M.; Penjor, U.; Rasphone, A.; Rayan, D.M.; Ross, J.; Singh, P.; Wei Tan, C.K.; Wadey, J.; Yadav, B.P.; Cushman, S.A. 2019 Multi-scale habitat modelling identifies spatial conservation priorities for mainland clouded leopards (_Neofelis nebulosa_)
Diversity and Distributions (25)
MacDonald, D.W.; Chiaverini, L.; Bothwell, H.M.; Kaszta, Z.; Ash, E.; Bolongon, G.; Can, O.E.; Campos-Arceiz, A.; Channa, P.; Clements, G.R.; Hearn, A.J.; Hedges, L.; Htun, S.; Kamler, J.F.; Macdonald, E.A.; Moore, J.; Naing, H.; Onuma, M.; Rasphone, A.; Rayan, D.M.; Ross, J.; Singh, P.; Tan, C.K.W.; Wadey, J.; Yadav, B.P.; Cushman, S.A. 2020 Predicting biodiversity richness in rapidly changing landscapes: climate, low human pressure or protection as salvation?
Biodiversity and Conservation (29)
MacDonald, D.W.; Daniels, M.J.; Driscoll, C.; Kitchener, A.; Yamaguchi, N. 2009 The scottish wildcat; analyses for conservation and an action plan
Full Book
MacDonald, D.W.; Loveridge, A.J.; Dickman, A.; Johnson, P.J.; Jacobsen, K.S.; du Preez, B. 2017 Lions, trophy hunting and beyond: knowledge gaps and why they matter
Mammal Review (47)
MacDonald, D.W.; Mace, G.M.; Barretto, G.R. 1999 The effects of predators on fragmented prey populations: a case study for the conservation of endangered prey
Journal of Zoology (247)
MacDonald, D.W.; Sillero-Zubiri, C. 2002 Large carnivores and conflict: Lion conservation in context
Conference Proceeding
MacDonald, D.W.; Thom, M. 1998 The impact of non-native species
Conference Proceeding
MacDonald, D.W.; Yamaguchi, N.; Driscoll, C.; Daniels, M.; Kitchener, A. 2007 On the Way to Cryptic Extinction through Hybridisation: Past History, Present Problem, and Future Conservation of the Scottish Wildcat
Conference Proceeding
MacDonald, D.W.; Yamaguchi, N.; Kitchener, A.C.; Daniels, M.; Kilshaw, K.; Driscoll, C. 2010 Reserving cryptic extinction: the history, present, and future of the Scottish wildcat
Book Chapter
Macdonald, E.A.; Cushman, S.A.; Landguth, E.L.; Hearn, A.J.; Malhi, Y.; MacDonald, D.W. 2018 Simulating impacts of rapid forest loss on pouplation size, connectivity and genetic diversity of Sunda clouded leopards (_Neofelis diardi_) in Borneo
PLoS ONE (13(9))
MacDonald, K.I. 2003 Community-Based Conservation: A Reflection on History
Full Book
Mace, G.M.; Hudson, E.J. 1999 Attitude toward sustainability and extinction
Conservation Biology (13)
Mace, R.D.; Minta, S.C.; Manley, T.L.; Aune, K.E. 1994 Estimating grizzly bear population size using camera sightings
Wildlife Society Bulletin (22 )
Macedo, J.S. 2015 Threat or threatened? The relationship between big cats (_Panthera onca _and _Puma concolor _) and residents of the Sustainable Development Reserves Mamirau  e AmanÆ, in the Amazon
Full Book
MacFarlane, K. 2014 The ecology and management of Kalahari lions in a conflict area in Central Botswana
Full Book
Machaca, H.A.L. 2016 Diet, habitat selection of the puma (_Puma concolor_) and livestock conflict in the national reserve Salinas y Aguada Blanca (Dieta, selecci¢n de h bitat del puma (_Puma concolor_) y su conflicto con la ganader¡a en la reserva nacional Salinas y Aguada Blanca)
Full Book
Machado, A. 1997 Guidelines for Action Plans for animal species: Planning recovery
Full Book
Machado, I.O. 2022 Activity and habitat occupancy patterns of carnivores in Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park
Full Book
Machalaba, C.; Uhart, M.; Kock, R.; Diaz, F.; Karesh, W.B. 2020 Urgent needs for global wildlife health
Full Book
MacIennan, S.D.; Groom, R.J.; MacDonald, D.W.; Frank, L.G. 2009 Evaluation of a compensation scheme to bring about pastoralist tolerance of lions
Biological Conservation (142)
Mackay, C. 1987 Open season on snow leopard and HK could catch the flak
MacKenzie, D. 1996 Hunters set their sights on Norway's lynx
New Scientist
MacKenzie, D.I. 2005 Was it there? Dealing with imperfect detection for species presence/absence data
Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics (47)
MacKenzie, D.I. 2005 What are the issues with presence-absence data for wildlife managers?
Journal of Wildlife Management (69)
MacKenzie, D.I.; Bailey, L.L.; Nichols, J.D. 2004 Investigating species co-occurrence patterns when species are detected imperfectly
Journal of Animal Ecology (73)
MacKenzie, D.I.; Kendall, W.L. 2002 How should detection probability be incorporated into estimates of relative abundance?
Ecology (83)
MacKenzie, D.I.; Nichols, J.D.; Hines, J.E.; Knutson, M.G.; Franklin, A.B. 2003 Estimating site occupancy, colonization, and local extinction when a species is detected imperfectly
Ecology (84)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)