IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Morrison, J.C.; Sechrest, W.; Dinerstein, E.; Wilcove, D.S.; Lamoreux, J.F. 2007 Persistence of large mammal faunas as indicators of global human impacts
Journal of Mammalogy (88)
Morrison, S.A.; Boyce, W.M. 2008 Conserving Connectivity: Some Lessons from Mountain Lions in Southern California
Conservation Biology (23)
Morrison-Scott, T.C.S. 1951 Cheetah in Arabia
Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London (121)
Morsbach, D. 1986 The Behaviour, Ecology and Movements of Cheetah on the Farm Areas of SWA/Namibia
Morse, S.C. 1996 Begging the Question: What is Mountain Lion Management?
Conference Proceeding
Morzillo, A.T.; de Beurs, K.M.; Martin-Mikle, C.J. 2016 A conceptual framework to evaluate human-wildlife interactions within coupled human and natural systems
Ecology and Society (19)
Moss, P.de V. 1983 The use of a helicopter to drive large wild animals
Black Lechwe
Moss, W.E.; Alldredge, M.W.; Logan, K.A.; Pauli, J.N. 2017 Human expansion precipitates niche expansion for an opportunistic apex predator (_Puma concolor_)
Scientific Reports (6)
Moss, W.E.; Alldredge, M.W.; Paul, J.N. 2015 Quantifying risk and resource use for a large carnivore in an expanding urban-wildland interface
Journal of Applied Ecology (53)
Mossaz, A.; Buckley, R.C.; Castley, J.G. 2015 Ecotourism contributions to conservation of African big cats
Journal for Nature Conservation (28)
Mosse, A.H. 1957 The Lion of the Gir
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (54)
Mosse, A.H. 1904 Some panther notes
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (15)
Mosser, A.; Fryxell, J.M.; Eberly, L.; Packer, C. 2009 Serengeti real estate: density vs. fitness-based indicators of lion habitat quality
Ecology Letters (12)
Mosser, A.; Kosmala, M.; Packer, C. 2007 Group Territoriality of the African Lion
Conference Proceeding
Mosser, A.; Packer, C. 2009 Group territoriality and the benefits of sociality in the African lion, _Panthera leo_
Animal Behaviour (78)
Mosser, A.A. 2008 Group territoriality of the African lion: behavioral adaptation in a heterogeneous landscape
Full Book
Mouafo, A.D.T.; Binda, V.A.; Il, T.A.; Simo, F.T.; Ngwayi, I.C.N.; Ongond, E.D.A.; Ingram, D.J. 2021 Confirmed presence of African golden cat in Mbam et Djerem National Park, Cameroon
Cat News (73)
Moudgil, A.D.; Das Singla, L.; Pallavi, 2015 Parasitosis in wild felids of India: an overview
Journal of Threatened Taxa (7)
Mouillot, D.; Bellwood, D.R.; Baraloto, C.; Chave, J.; Galzin, R.; Harmelin-Vivien, M.; Kulbicki, M.; Lavergne, S.; Lavorel, S.; Mouquet, N.; Paine, C.E.T.; Renaud, J.; Thuiller, W. 2013 Rare Species Support Vulnerable Functions in High-Diversity Ecosystems
PLOS Biology (11)
Mountfort, G. 1973 A multi-national effort to save the tiger
Mountfort, G. 1970 The Bengal tiger goes in the "Red Book"
Mountfort, G. 1972 Operation Tiger - Reports on India Bangladesh and Nepal
Full Book
Mountfort, G. Saving the Tiger
Mountfort, G. The white tigers of Rewa
Mountfort, G. 1974 International efforts to the save the tiger from extinction
Biological Conservation (6)
Mousavi, M.; Moqanaki, E.M.; Farhadinia, M.S.; Adibi, M.A.; Rabiee, K.; Khosravi, S. 2016 The largest lesser cat in Iran - current status of the Eurasian lynx
Cat News Special Issue (10)
Mousavi, M.; Rezaei, H.R.; Naderi, S. 2019 Phylogeographic analysis of Iranian wildcats (_Felis lybica_ / _Felis silvestris_) as revealed by mitochondrial cytochrome b gene
Zoology in the Middle East (65)
Moustapha, M. 2010 Inventaire des ressources forestieres et developpement d'un plan d'amenagement ecosystematique de la zone d'ETIC, Parc National d'Odzala-Kokoua, Congo
Full Book
Moutou, F. 1997 Dog vaccination around the Serengeti
Oryx (31)
Mowat, G.; Boutin, S.; Slough, B.G. 1996 Using placental scar counts to estimate litter size and pregnancy rate in lynx
Journal of Wildlife Management (60 )
Mowat, G.; Paetkau, D.; Proctor, M.; Strobeck, C. 1999 Using genetic tagging to estimate animal population parameters
Mowat, G.; Poole, K.G.; O'Donoghue, M. 2000 Ecology of lynx in northern Canada and Alaska
Book Chapter
Mowat, G.; Slough, B.C.; Rivard, R. 1994 A comparsion of three live capturing devices for lynx: capture efficiency and injuries
Wildlife Society Bulletin (22)
Mowat, G.; Slough, B.G. 2003 Habitat preference of Canada lynx through a cycle in snowshoe hare abundance
Canadian Journal of Zoology (81)
Mowat, G.; Slough, B.G. 1998 Some observations of the natural history and behaviour of the Canada lynx, _Lynx canadensis_
The Canadian Field-Naturalist (112 )
Mowat, G.; Slough, B.G.; Boutin, S. 1996 Lynx recruitment during a snowshoe hare population peak and a decline in southwest Yukon
Journal of Wildlife Management (60)
Mowlavi, G.; Marucci, G.; Mobedi, I.; Zahabiioon, F.; Mirjalali, H.; Pozio, E. 2009 _Trichinella britovi_ in a leopard in Iran
Veterinary Parasitology (164)
Moye, V.P. 2007 Habitat suitability analysis for mountain lions on the Southern Cumberland Plateau
Full Book
Moyle, B. 2009 The black market in China for tiger products
Global Crime (10)
Moyne, G. 2002 Experimental breeding of a young lynx
La Voie du Loup (10)
Mozafari, G.G.; Zeraatpishe, A.; Chahartaghi, N.R.; Ghoddousi, A. 2018 The first record of caracal in Bamu National Park, Iran
Cat News (68)
Mponzi, B.P.; Lepczyk, C.A.; Kissui, B.M. 2014 Characteristics and distribution of livestock losses caused by wild carnivores in Maasai Steppe of northern Tanzania
Human-Wildlife Interactions (8)
Mrosovsky, N. 2003 Predicting extinction: fundamental flaws in IUCN's Red List system, exemplyfied by the case of sea turtles
Full Book
Mrozinski, R.B. 2018 Estimating Mountain Lion Density Using Unmarked Bayesian Spatial Capture-recapture for the Davis Mountains, Texas
Full Book
Msuha, M.J. 2009 Human impacts on carnivore biodiversity inside and outside protected areas in Tanzania
Full Book
Msuha, M.J.; Carbone, C.; Pettorelli, N.; Durant, S.M. 2012 Conserving biodiversity in a changing world: land use change and species richness in northern Tanzania
Biodiversity and Conservation (21)
MuĀ¤oz, D.; Kapfer, J.; Olfenbuttel, C. 2014 Do available products to mask human scent influence camera trap survey results?
Wildlife Biology (20)
Muckenhirn, N.A.; Eisenberg, J.F. 1971 Home ranges and predation of the Ceylon leopard (Panthera pardus fusca)
Conference Proceeding
Mudumba, T.; Jingo, S. 2013 Murchison Falls National Park Lion Monitoring Project Report
Full Book
Mueller, D.L.; Hastings, B.C. 1977 A Clarification of 'Surplus Killing'
Animal Behaviour (24)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)