IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Nabi, D.; Tak, S.; Kangoo, K.; Halwai, M. 2009 Comparison of injury pattern in victims of bear (_Ursus thibetanus_) and leopard (_Panthera pardus_) attacks. A study from a tertiary care center in Kashmir
European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery (35)
Nabte, M.J.; Saba, S.L.; Monjeau, A. 2009 Mam¡feros terrestres de la pen¡nsula Vald‚s: lista sistem tica comentada
Mastozoologia Neotropical (16)
Nabu, 2001 Snow leopard conservation: a NABU project in Kyrgyzstan
Oryx (35)
Nacres, 2005 Annual Report 2005
Full Book
Nacres, 2006 Annual Report 2006
Full Book
Nacres, 2007 Annual Report 2007
Full Book
Nadeau, T. 1994 Trackers shoot cougar they thingk killed jogger - Cat's dental pattern closely matched wounds on victim's neck
Nader, I.A. 1989 Rare and endangered mammals of Saudi Arabia Proceedings of the First Symposium Wildlife Conservation and Development in Saudi Arabia
Conference Proceeding
Nader, I.A. The status of the Arabian leopard, Panthera pardus nimr in Saudi Arabia
Full Book
Nader, I.A. 1984 A second record of the caracal lynx _Caracal caracal schmitzi_ (Matschie, 1912) for Saudi Arabia (Mammalia: Carnivora)
Naderi, M.; Farashi, A.; Erdi, M.A. 2018 Persian leopard's (_Panthera pardus saxicolor_) unnatural mortality factors analysis in Iran
PLoS ONE (13)
Naegelen, L. 1990 La r‚introduction du lynx se poursuit - Jacynthe lach‚e en foret de Ribeauvill‚
Naegelen, L. 1990 Le lynx et les chasseurs - Marc Jurd ne fait pas de fleur … Jacynthe
Naegelen, L. 1987 Elisa abattue dans les Vosges; Le programme lynx: "des r‚sultats positifs"; Lynx: Elisa abattue
Nagata, J.; Aramilev, V.V.; Belozor, A.; Sugimoto, T.; McCullough, D.R. 2005 Fecal genetic analysis using PCR-RFLP of cytochrome b to identify sympatric carnivores, the tiger _Panthera tigris_ and the leopard _Panthera pardus_, in far eastern Russia
Conservation Genetics (6)
Nagel, D.; Hilsberg, S.; Benesch, A.; Scholz, J. 2003 Functional morphology and fur patterns in recent and fossil _Panthera_ species
Scripta Geologica (126)
Nagy-Reis, M.B.; Nichols, J.D.; Chiarello, A.G.; Ribeiro, M.C.; Setz, E.Z.F. 2017 Landscape use and co-occurrence patterns of neotropical spotted cats
PLoS ONE (12)
Naha, D. 2015 Human-tiger conflict, ranging pattern and habitat use by tiger in Sundarban Tiger Reserve, India
Full Book
Naha, D.; Jhala, Y.V.; Qureshi, Q.; Roy, M.; Sankar, K. 2014 Socio-economic status and perception of fishermen towards resolving human-tiger conflict around Sundarban Tiger Reserve, India
Scientific Transactions in Environment and Technovation (8)
Naha, D.; Jhala, Y.V.; Qureshi, Q.; Roy, M.; Sankar, K.; Gopal, R. 2016 Ranging, activity and habitat use by tigers in the Mangrove Forests of the Sundarban
PLoS ONE (11)
Naidenko, S.; Antonevich, A.L. 2009 Sibling aggression in Eurasian lynx (_Lynx lynx_)
Book Chapter
Naidenko, S.V. 2001 Aggression in lynx adult-cub relations: can it be a reason for the dissolution of litters?
Ethology Ecology & Evolution (13 )
Naidenko, S.V. 2006 Body mass dynamic in Eurasian lynx _Lynx lynx_ kittens during lactation
Acta Theriologica (51)
Naidenko, S.V.; Pavlova, E.V.; Kirilyuk, V.E. 2014 Detection of seasonal weight loss and a serologic survey of potential pathogens in wild Pallas's cats (_Felis (Otocolobus) manul_) of the Daurian steppe, Russia
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (50)
Naidenko, S.V.; Serbenyuk, M.A. 1995 Urine marking in the European lynx (Felis lynx L.)
Naidu, A. 2009 Genetic analysis of mountain lion (_Puma concolor_) feces from Kofa National Wildlife Refuge, Arizona
Full Book
Naidu, A. 2015 Where Mountain Lions Traverse: Insights from Landscape Genetics in Southwestern United States and Northwestern Mexico
Full Book
Naidu, A.; Bhagavatula, J.; Siddiqui, I. 2007 Presence-Absence and Occupancy Study of the Bengal Tiger (_Panthera tigris tigris_) and the Indian Leopard (_Panthera pardus fusca_) using Faecal DNA Analysis
Conference Proceeding
Naidu, A.; Fitak, R.R.; Culver, M. 2014 Potential barriers restricting gene flow among mountain lions in Arizona
Conference Proceeding
Naidu, A.; Kantimahanti, M.; Kumar, N.P.; Thompson, K.; Sreedhar, S.S.; Rao, A. 2015 Recent records of fishing cat and its conservation in coastal South India
Cat News (62)
Naidu, A.; Smythe, L.A.; Thompson, R.W.; Culver, M. 2011 Genetic Analysis of Scats Reveals Minimum Number and Sex of Recently Documentd Mountain Lions
Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (2)
Naiman, T. 2002 Teachers for Tigers - An educator's tool kit for saving the world's greatest cat
Full Book
Naiman, T. 2002 Teachers for Tigers - An educator's tool kit for saving the world's greatest cat
Full Book
Naing, H.; Fuller, T.K.; Sievert, P.R.; Randhir, T.O.; Thao Po, S.H.; Maung, M.; Lynam, A.J.; Htun, S.; Thaw, W.N.; Myint, T. 2015 Assessing large mammal and bird richness from camera-trap records in the Hukaung Valley of Northern Myanmar
Raffles bulletin of Zoology (63)
Naing, H.; Htun, S.; Burnham, D.; MacDonald, D.W. 2016 Density estimate of tigers in Htamanthi Wildlife Sanctuary, northern Myanmar
Conference Proceeding
Naing, H.; Ross, J.; Burnham, D.; Htun, S.; MacDonald, D.W. 2017 Population density estimates and conservation concern for clouded leopards _Neofelis nebulosa_, marbled cats,_ Pardofelis marmorata_ and tigers_ Panthera tigris_ in Htamanthi Wildlife Sanctuary, Sagaing, Myanmar
Nair, R.; Yimkhiung, A.; Yimkhiung, H.; Yimkhiung, K.; Yimkhiung, Y.; Wungtung, T.; Basker, A.; Nijhawan, S. 2021 High elevation record of clouded leopard in community forests of Nagaland, India
Cat News (73)
Najera, F.; Bolongon, G.; Abram, N.K.; Goossens, B.; Ambu, L.N.; MacDonald, D.W.; Hearn, A.J. 2013 Observation of a road-killed Sunda clouded leopard in Malaysian Borneo
Cat News (58)
Najera, F.; Brown, J.; Wildt, D.E.; Virolle, L.; Kongprom, U.; Revuelta, L.; Goodrowe-Beck, K. 2015 Body mass dynamics in hand reared Clouded Leopard (_Neofelis nebulosa_) cubs from birth to weaning
Zoo Biology
Nakabayashi, M.; Nakashima, Y.; Hearn, A.J.; Ross, J.; Alfred, R.; Samejima, H.; Mohamed, A.; Heydon, M.; Rustam,; Bernard, H.; Semiadi, G.; Fredriksson, G.; Boonratana, K.:; Marshall, A.J.:; Lim, N.T.-L.; Augeri, D.M.; Hon, J.; Mathai, J.; van Berkel, T.; Brodie, J.; Giordano, A.; Hall, J.; Loken, B.; Persey, S.; MacDonald, D.W.; Belant, J.B.; Kramer-Schadt, S.; Wilting, A. 2016 Predicted distribution of the common palm civet Paradoxurus hermaphroditus (Mammalia: Carnivora; Viverridae) on Borneo
Raffles bulletin of Zoology (33)
Nakajima, Y.; Endo, H. 2013 Comparative humeral microanatomy of terrestrial, semiaquatic, and aquatic carnivorans using micro-focus CT scan
Mammal Study (38)
Nakanishi, N.; Ichinose, F.; Higa, G.; Izawa, M. 2009 Age determination of the Iriomote cat by using cementum annuli
Journal of Zoology (279 )
Nakanishi, N.; Izawa, M.; Okamura, M.; Sakaguchi, N.; Doi, T. 2007 Spacing Pattern and its Dynamics of the Iriomote Cat
Conference Proceeding
Nambiar, P. EE strategy for decision makers
Full Book
Nambiar, P. EE strategy for the media
Full Book
Nameer, P.O. 2015 A checklist of mammals of Kerala, India
Journal of Threatened Taxa (7)
Nameer, P.O.; Molur, S.; Walker, S. 2001 Mammals of Western Ghats: a simplistic overview
Zoo's Print (16)
Namgail, T. 2004 Interactions between argali and livestock, Gya-Miru Wildlife Sanctuary, Ladakh, India
Full Book
Namgail, T.; Fox, J.L.; Bhatnagar, Y.V. 2007 Carnivore-Caused Livestock Mortality in Trans-Himalaya
Environmental Management (39)
Namibian Professional Hunting Association, 1994 Compact for the management of Cheetah in Namibia

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)