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O'Donoghue, M. 1997 Responses of coyotes and lynx to the snowshoe hare cycle
Full Book
O'Donoghue, M.; Boutin, S.; Krebs, C.J.; Hofer, E.J. 1997 Numerical Responses of coyotes and lynx to the snowshoe hare cycle
Oikos (80)
O'Donoghue, M.; Boutin, S.; Krebs, C.J.; Zuleta, G.; Murray, D.L.; Hofer, E.J. 1998 Functional responses of coyotes and lynx to the snowshoe hare cycle
Ecology (79)
O'Donoghue, M.; Hofer, E.; Doyle, F.I. 1995 Predator versus predator - In the Yukon, when the going gets tough, the tough get eaten
Natural History
O'Donoghue, M.; Slough, B.G.; Poole, K.; Boutin, S.; Hofer, E.J.; Mowat, G.; Murray, D.; Krebs, C.J. 2023 Snow track counts for density estimation of mammalian predators in the boreal forest
Wildlife Research (50)
O'Donoghue, M.; Slough, B.G.; Poole, K.G.; Boutin, S.; Hofer, E.J.; Mowat, G.; Krebs, C.J. 2007 Canada Lynx: Behaviour and Population Dynamics in Northern Canada
Conference Proceeding
O'Grady, J.J.; Brook, B.W.; Reed, D.H.; Ballou, J.D.; Tonkyn, D.W.; Frankham, R. 2006 Realistic levels of inbreeding depression strongly affect extinction risk in wild populations
Biological Conservation (133)
O'Grady, J.J.; Burgman, M.A.; Keith, D.A.; Master, L.L.; Andelman, S.J.; Brook, B.W.; Hammerson, G.A.; Regan, T.; Frankham, R. 2004 Correlations among extinction risks assessed by different systems of threatened species categorization
Conservation Biology (18)
O'Grady, R. 1988 Clouded leopards (_Neofelis nebulosa_) in the British isles
Full Book
O'Kelly, H.J.; Evans, T.D.; Stokes, E.J.; Clements, T.J.; Dara, A.; Gately, M.; Menghor, N.; Pollard, E.H.B.; Soriyun, M.; Walston, J. 2012 Identifying conservation successes, failures and future opportunities; assessing recovery potential of wild ungulates and tigers in Eastern Cambodia
PLoS ONE (7)
O'Malley, C.; Elbroch, L.M.; Kusler, A.; Peziol, M.; Quigley, H. 2018 Aligning mountain lion hunting seasons to mitigate orphaning dependent kittens
Wildlife Society Bulletin (42)
O'Neil, S.T.; Rahn, K.C.; Bump, J.K. 2014 Habitat capacity for cougar recolonization in the Upper Great Lakes Region
PLoS ONE (9)
O'Neill, E. 2008 Tigers: Worth More Dead than Alive. It's time to choose whether we will memorialize wild tigers, or save them
World Watch (21)
O'Neill, E. 2008 Save the Tiger Fund's Campaign against Tiger Trafficking - and evaluation of impact for the performance period of September, 2005 - February, 2008
Full Book
O'Regan, H.; Turner, A. 2004 Biostratigraphic and palaeoecological implications of new fossil felid material from the Plio-Pleistocene site of Tegelen, the Netherlands
Palaeontology (47)
O'Regan, H.J. 2002 Defining cheetahs, a multivariante analysis of skull shape in big cats
Mammal Review (32)
O'Regan, H.J.; Kitchener, A.C. 2005 The effects of captivity on the morphology of captive, domesticated and feral mammals
Mammal Review (35)
O'Regan, H.J.; Turner, A.; Wilkinson, D.M. 2002 European Quaternary refugia: a factor in large carnivore extinction?
Journal of Quaternary Science (17)
Oates, J.F.; Bergl, R.A.; Linder, J.M. 2004 Africa's Gulf of Guinea forests: biodiversity patterns and conservation priorities
Full Book
Oates, L.; Rees, P.A. 2013 The historical ecology of the large mammal populations of Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania, east Africa
Mammal Review (43)
Obara, H. 1983 Conservation Issues in Japan - The Nansei Shoto Region
Obua, J.; Harding, D.M. 1996 Visitor characteristics and attitudes towards Kibale National Park, Uganda
Tourism Management (17)
Odden, J.; Herfindal, I.; Linnell, J.D.C.; Andersen, R. 2008 Vulnerability of Domestic Sheep to Lynx Depredation in Relation to Roe Deer Density
Journal of Wildlife Management (72)
Odden, J.; Linnell, J.D.C.; Andersen, R. 2006 Diet of Eurasian lynx in the boreal forest of southeastern Norway: the relative importance of livestock and hares at low roe deer density
European Journal of Wildlife Research (52)
Odden, J.; Linnell, J.D.C.; Herfindal, I.; Andersen, R. 2007 The Ecology of Eurasian Lynx Depredation on Domestic Sheep in Norway: Are Sheep Prey, or Just Something That Gets in the Way?
Conference Proceeding
Odden, J.; Linnell, J.D.C.; Moa, P.F.; Herfindal, I.; Kvam, T.; Andersen, R. 2002 Lynx depredation on domestic sheep in Norway
Journal of Wildlife Management (66)
Odden, J.; Mattisson, J.; Andr‚n, H.; Linnell, J.D.C.; Persson, J.; Flagstad, O.; Nilsen, E.B.; Amemo, J.M.; Sk”ld, K.; Segerstr”m, P.; Samelius, G.; Rauset, G.R.; Danell, A.; Liberg, O. 2009 Scandlynx. Framdriftsrapport for det skandinaviske forskningsprosjektet pa gaupe 2008-2009. [Scandlynx. Progress report 2008-09 for the Scandinavian Lynx Research Projects.]
Full Book
Odden, J.; Nilsen, E.B.; Linell, J.D.C. 2013 Density of wild prey modulates lynx kill rates on free-ranging domestic sheep
PLoS ONE (8)
Odden, M.; Athreva, V.R.; Ratten, S.; Linnell, J.D.C. 2014 Adaptable Neighbours: Movement Patterns of GPS-Collared Leopards in Human Dominated Landscapes in India
PLoS ONE (9)
Odden, M.; Wegge, P. 2005 Spacing and activity patterns of leopards _Panthera pardus_ in the Royal Bardia National Park, Nepal
Wildlife Biology (11)
Odden, M.; Wegge, P. 2009 Kill rates and food consumption of leopards in Bardia National Park, Nepal
Acta Theriologica (54)
Odden, M.; Wegge, P.; Fredriksen, T. 2010 Do tigers displace leopards? If so, why?
Ecological Research (25)
Odontsetseg, N.; Uuganbayar, D.; Tserendorj, S.; Adiyasuren, Z. 2009 Animal and human rabies in Mongolia
Revue scientifique et technique (International Office of Epizootics) (28)
Oeser, J.; Heurich, M.; Kramer-Schadt, S.; Mattisson, J.; Krofel, M.; Krojerov -Prokesov , J.; Zimmermann, F.; Anders, O.; Andr‚n, H.; Bagrade, G.; Belotti, E.; Breitenmoser-Wrsten, C.; Bufka, L.; Cerne, R.; Drouet-Hoguet, N.; Dula, M.; Fuxj„ger, C.; Gomercic, T.; Jedrzejewski, W.; Kont, R.; Koubek, P.; Kowalczyk, R.'; Kusak, J.; Kubala, J.; Kutal, M.; Linnell, J.D.C.; Molinari-Jobin, A.; M„nnil, P.; Middelhoff, T.L.; Odden, J.; Okarma, H.; Oliveira, T.; Pagon, N.; Persson, J.; Remm, J.; Schmidt, K.; Signer, S.; T m, B.; Vogt, K.; Kuemmerle, T. 2023 Integrating animal tracking datasets at a continental scale for mapping Eurasian lynx habitat
Diversity and Distributions (29)
Oestreichen, G. 1993 Les lynx sont revenus sur les Cotes de Moselle
Oevermann, A.; Vitaud, C.; Robert, N. 2004 Presumed levamisole intoxication in four cheetah cubs _(Acinonyx jubatus)_
Conference Proceeding
Ogada, D.; Botha, A.; Shaw, P. 2016 Ivory poachers and poison: drivers of Africa's declining vulture populations
Ogada, M.O.; Woodroffe, R.; Oguge, N.O.; Frank, L.G. 2003 Limiting depredation by African carnivores: the role of livestock husbandry
Conservation Biology (17)
Ognev, S.I. 1962 Mammals of USSR and adjacent countries - Carnivora (Fissipedia and Pinnipedia)
Full Book
Ogra, M. 2009 Attitudes toward resolution of human-wildlife conflict among forest-dependent agriculturalists near Rajaji National Park, India
Human Ecology (37)
Ogra, M.; Badola, R. 2008 Compensating human-wildlife conflict in Protected Area communities: ground-level perspectives from Uttarakhand, India
Human Ecology (36)
Ogurlu, I.; Gundogdu, E.; Yildirim, I.C. 2010 Population status of jungle cat (Felis chaus) in Egirdir lake, Turkey
Journal of Environmental Biology (31)
Ogutu, J.O.; Bhola, N.; Reid, R. 2005 The effects of pastoralism and protection on the density and distribution of carnivores and their prey in the Mara ecosystem of Kenya
Journal of Zoology (London) (265)
Ogutu, J.O.; Dublin, H.T. 1998 The response of lions and spotted hyaenas to sound playbacks as a technique for estimation population size
African Journal of Ecology (36)
Ogutu, J.O.; Dublin, H.T. 2002 Demography of lions in relation to prey and habitat in the Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya
African Journal of Ecology (40)
Ogutu, J.O.; Dublin, H.T. 2004 Spatial dynamics of lions and their prey along an environmental gradient
African Journal of Ecology (42)
Ogutu, J.O.; Norman, O.-S. 2003 ENSO, rainfall and temperature influences on extreme population declines among African savanna ungulates
Ecology Letters (6)
Ogutu, J.O.; Owen-Smith, N.; Piepho, H.-P.; Said, M.Y. 2011 Continuing wildlife population declines and range contraction in the Mara region of Kenya during 1977-2009
Journal of Zoology (285)
Ogutu, J.O.; Piepho, H.-P.; Dublin, H.T.; Reid, R.S.; Bhola, N. 2006 Application of mark-recapture methods to lions: satisfying assumptions by using covariates to explain heterogeneity
Journal of Zoology (269)
Oh, A.; Pearce, J.W.; Gandolfi, B.; Creighton, E.K.; Suedmeyer, W.K.; Selig, M.; Bosiack, A.P.; Castaner, L.J.; Whiting, R.E.H.; Belknap, E.B.; Lyons, L.A.; Aderdein, D.; Alves, P.C.; Barsh, G.S.; Beale, H.C.; Boyko, A.R.; Castelhano, M.G.; Chan, P.; Ellinwood, N.M.; Garrick, D.J.; Helps, C.R.; Kaelin, C.B.; Leeb, T.; Lohi, H.; Longeri, M.; Malik, R.; Montague, M.J.; Munday, J.S.; Murphy, W.J.; Pedersen, N.C.; Rothschild, M.F.; Swanson, W.F.; Terio, K.A.; Todhunter, R.J.; Warren, W.C. 2017 Early-Onset Progressive Retinal Atrophy Associated with an IQCB1 Variant in African Black-Footed Cats (_Felis nigripes_)
Scientific Reports (7)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)