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Oh, D.H.; Nakanishi, N.; Moteki, S.; Izawa, M. 2014 Notes on the effect of an artificial landscape change on the home range of a female Tsushima leopard cat, _Prionailurus bengalensis euptilurus_ in the Tsushima Islands, Japan
Mammal Study (39)
Ohrens, O. 2015 Can participatory research and action reduce puma-human conflict in the high Andes of Chile?
Wild Felid Monitor
Ohrens, O.; Treves, A.; Bonacic, C. 2014 The relationship of rural depopulation to puma-human conflict in the Altiplano region of Tarapac , Chile
Conference Proceeding
Ohrens, O.; Treves, A.; Bonacic, C. 2015 Relationship between rural depopulation and puma-human conflict in the high Andes of Chile
Environmental Conservation (43)
Oindo, B.O.; Skidmore, A.K.; De Salvo, P. 2003 Mapping habitat and biological diversity in the Maasai Mara ecosystem
International Journal of Remote Sensing (24)
Ojasti, J. 1986 Wildlife management in neotropical moist forest overviews and prospects - International Symposium "Conservation status of the Jaguar"
Conference Proceeding
Ojasti, J.; Lopez Pizarro, E.; Clers, B. 1986 Conclusions on wildlife management in neotropical moist forest - International Symposium "Conservation status of the Jaguar"
Conference Proceeding
Ojasti, J.; Lopez Pizarro, E.; des Clers, B. 1986 Conclusion sur "Gestion de la faune sauvage en foret neotropicale humide" Conclusion on wildlife management in neotropical moist forest
Conference Proceeding
Ojeda, R.A.; Chillo, V.; Isenrath, G.B.D. 2012 Libro rojo de mam¡feros amenazados de la Argentina
Full Book
Okamura, M.; Doi, T.; Sakaguchi, N.; Izawa, M. 2000 Annual reproductive cycle of the Iriomote cat Felis iriomotensis
Mammal Study (25)
Okamura, M.; Sakaguchi, N.; Izawa, M.; Doi, T. 1995 A record on a breeding site of the Iriomote cat, Felis iriomotensis
Island Studies in Okinawa (13)
Okarma, H. 1996 Re-Introduction of lynx to Kampinos National Park - A comment
Re-Introduction News
Okarma, H. 1984 The physical condition of red deer falling a prey to the wolf and lynx and harvested in the Carpathian mountains Poland
Acta Theriologica (29)
Okarma, H.; Jedrzejewska, B.; Jedrzejewski, W.; Krasinski, Z.A.; Milkowski, L. 1995 The roles of predation, snow cover, acorn crop, and man-related factors on ungulate mortality in Bialowieza Primeval Forest, Poland
Acta Theriologica (40)
Okarma, H.; Jedrzejewski, W.; Schmidt, K.; Kowalczyk, R.; Jedrzejewska, B. 1997 Predation of Eurasian lynx on roe deer and red deer in Bialowieza Primeval Forest, Poland
Acta Theriologica (42)
Okarma, H.; Sniezko, S.; Olszanska, A. 2002 The occurrence of wildcat in the Polish Carpathian mountains
Acta Theriologica (47)
Okello, M.M.; Bonham, R.; Hill, T. 2014 The pattern and cost of carnivore predation on livestock in maasai homesteads of Amboseli ecosystem, Kenya: insights from a carnivore compensation programme
International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation (6)
Okello, M.M.; Kiringe, J.W.; Warinwa, F. 2014 Human-carnivore conflicts in private conservancy lands of Elerai and Oltiyiani in Amboseli Area, Kenya
Natural Resources (5)
Okello, M.M.; Manka, S.G.; D'Amour, D.E. 2008 The relative importance of large mammal species for tourism in Amboseli National Park, Kenya
Tourism Management (29)
Okemwa, B.; Gichuki, N.; Virani, M.; Kanya, J.; Kinyamario, J.; Santangeli, A. 2018 Effectiveness of LED lights on bomas in protecting livestock from predation in southern Kenya
Conservation Evidence (15)
Okie, S. 1990 Molecular biology shakes the tree of life down to its roots
Okie, S. 1993 A Gene Safari: Tracking Kenya's wildife for its DNA
African Wildlife Update
Okot Omoya, E.; Mudumba, T.; Buckland, S.T.; Mulondo, P.; Plumptre, A.J. 2013 Estimating population sizes of lions _Panthera leo_ and spotted hyaenas _Crocuta crocuta_ in Uganda's savannah parks, using lure count methods
Oryx (48)
Olarte-Gonzalez, G.; Escovar-Fadul, T.; Balaguera-Reina, S.A. 2015 First record of _Puma concolor_ Linneus, 1771 (Carnivora: Felidae) preying _Odocoileus virginianus_ (Zimmermann, 1780) on a palm-oil plantation in the Meta department, Colombia
Mammalogy Notes (2)
Olbricht, G.; Sliwa, A. 1995 Analyse der Jugendentwicklung von Schwarzfusskatzen (Felis nigripes) im Zoologischen Garten Wuppertal im Vergleich zur Literatur
Der Zoologische Garten (65)
Olbricht, G.; Sliwa, A. 1995 Comparative development of juvenile Black-footed cats at Wuppertal Zoo and elsewhere
Der Zoologische Garten (65)
Olbricht, G.; Sliwa, A. 1996 In situ and ex situ observations and management of Black-Footed Cats
International Zoo Yearbook (35)
Oldfield, M.L. 1988 Threatened Mammals Affected by Human Exploitation of the Female-Offspring Bond
Conservation Biology (2)
Oli, M. 1994 Ghost in the snow
BBC Wildlife
Oli, M.K. 1993 A key for the identification of the hair of mammals of a snow leopard (Panthea uncia) habitat in Nepal
Journal of Zoology (231)
Oli, M.K. 1997 Winter home range of snow leopards in N‚pal
Mammalia (61)
Oli, M.K. 1996 Seasonal patterns in habitat use of blue sheep Pseudois nayaur (Artiodactyla, Bovidae) in Nepal
Mammalia (60)
Oli, M.K. 1995 Snow leopards and a local human population in a protected area: A case study from the Nepalese Himalaya
Conference Proceeding
Oli, M.K. 1991 Ecology and conservation of snow leopard project - Progress Report # 2
Full Book
Oli, M.K. 1995 The snow leopard dilemma. will they persist 1995 AZA Regional Conference Proceedings
Conference Proceeding
Oli, M.K. 1994 Snow leopards and blue sheep in Nepal: Densities and predator:prey ratio
Journal of Mammalogy (75)
Oli, M.K. 1991 The ecology and conservation of the Snow leopard (Panthera uncia) in the Annapurna Conservation Area, Nepal
Full Book
Oli, M.K.; Taylor, I.R.; Rogers, M.E. 1993 Diet of the snow leopard (Panthera uncia) in the Annapurna Conservation Area, Nepal
Journal of Zoology (231)
Olive, F. 2006 Evolution of Plio Plesitocene larger Carnivores in Africa and Western Europe
L'anthropologie (110)
Oliveira, C.B.; Soares, J.F.; da Silva, A.S.; da Silva, M.K.; Salomao, E.L.; Monteiro, S.G. 2008 Ocorrˆncia de _Giardia_ sp. e _Cryptosporidium_ sp. em _Leopardus wiedii_ de vida livre
Ciencia Rural, Santa Maria (38)
Oliveira, R.; Godinho, R.; Randi, E.; Alves, P.C. 2008 Hybridization versus conservation: are domestic cats threatening the genetic integrity of wildcats (_Felis silvestris silvestris_) in Iberian Peninsula?
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B (363)
Oliveira, R.; Godinho, R.; Randi, E.; Alves, P.C. 2007 The Promise of SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms) for Wildcat Conservation: Detecting Hybridisation with Domestic Cats
Conference Proceeding
Oliveira, R.; Godinho, R.; Randi, E.; Ferrand, N.; Celio Alves, P. 2007 Molecular analysis of hybridisation between wild and domestic cats (_Felis silvestris_) in Portugal: implications for conservation
Conservation Genetics
Oliveira, R.; Randi, E.; Mattucci, F.; Kurushima, J.D.; Lyons, L.A.; Alves, P.C. 2015 Toward a genome-wide approach for detecting hybrids: informative SNPs to detect introgression between domestic cats and European wildcats (_Felis silvestris_)
Oliveira, T.; Urra, F.; Lopez-Martin, J.M.; Ballesteros-Duper¢n, E.; Barea-Azcon, J.M.; Moleon, M.; Gil-Sanchez, J.M.; Alves, P.C.; Dias-Ruiz, F.; Ferreras, P.; Monterroso, P. 2018 Females know better: Sex-biased habitat selection by the European wildcat
Ecology and Evolution (8)
Oliveira, V.B.; Camara, E.M.V.C.; Oliveira, L.C. 2009 Composi‡Æo e caracteriza‡Æo da mastofauna de m‚dio e grande porte do Parque Nacional de Serra do Cip¢, Minas Gerais, Brasil
Mastozoologia Neotropical (16)
Oliveira-Santos, L.G.R.; Graipel, M.E.; Tortato, M.A.; Zucco, C.A.; Caceres, N.C.; Goulart, F.V.B. 2012 Abundance changes and activity flexibility of the oncilla, _Leopardus tigrinus_ (Canrivora: Felidae), appear to reflect avoidance of conflict
Zoologia (29)
Oliver, L.J.; Morgan, B.J.T.; Durant, S.M.; Pettorelli, N. 2011 Individual heterogeneity in recapture probability and survival estimates in cheetah
Ecological Modelling (222)
Olivier, H.D. 1929 Sense of smell in the lion
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (33)
Oliviera, M.J.R. 2018 Spatial and temporal co-occurrence of Cerrado mammals
Full Book

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)