IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


            722 items matching your query were found in the database.  

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Priatna, D.; Santosa, Y.; Prasetyo, L.B.; Kartono, A.P. 2012 Home Range and Movements of Male Translocated Problem Tigers in Sumatra
Asian Journal of Conservation Biology (1)
Priatna, D.; Santosa, Y.; Prasetyo, L.B.; Kartono, A.P. 2012 Habitat selection and activity pattern of GPS collared Sumateran tigers
Jmht (3)
Pribbenow, S.; Wachter, B.; Ludwig, C.; Weigold, A.; Dehnhard, M. 2016 Validation of an enzyme-immunoassay for the non-invasive monitoring of faecal testosterone metabolites in male cheetahs
General and Comparative Endocrinology (228)
Pridatko, N.V. 1990 Observations of snow leopard activity in the Alma-Ata Zoo
Book Chapter
Prieme, A.; Oksnebjerg, B. 1992 Field study in Shey-Phoksundo National Park
Full Book
Prihirunkit, K.; Salakij, C.; Apibal, S.; Narkkong, N.-A. 2007 Hematology, cytochemistry and ultrastructure of blood cells in fishing cat (_Felis viverrina_)
Journal of Veterinary Science (8)
Primm, A.A.; Clark, T.W. 1996 Making sense of the policy process of carnivore conservation
Conservation Biology (10)
Prins, H.H.T.; Iason, G.R. 1989 Dangerous lions and nonchalant buffalo
Prinsloo, S.; Plumptre, A.J.; Ayebare, S.; Kityo, R.; Behangana, M.; Akite, P.; Mugabe, H.; Kirunda, B.; Clausnitzer, V. 2016 Nationally Threatened Species for Uganda
Full Book
Priscott, R. 1985 The death of David Hunt in Corbett National Park, India
Full Book
Priyadarshini, K.V.R. 2005 Interactions between forage, recruitment and activity patterns of the Indian blackbuck (_Antilope cervicapra_)
Full Book
Profauna, S.A. 1997 Solicitud de cupo para exportacion de trofeos de Yaguar (Panthera onca) en Venezuela
Full Book
Proffitt, K.M.; Goldberg, J.F.; Hebblewhite, M.; Russell, R.; Jimenez, B.S.; Robinson, H.S.; Pilgrim, K.; Schwartz, M.K. 2015 Integrating resource selection into spatial capture-recapture models for large carnivores
Ecosphere (6)
Proffitt, K.M.; Hebblewhite, M.; Goldberg, J.; Thompson, M.; Jimenez, B.; Russell, R. 2014 Integrating resource selection and harvest into spatial capture-recapture models for estimating mountain lion abundance
Conference Proceeding
Project Tiger, 1992 Preservation of tiger in other areas
Full Book
Project Tiger, 1994 An analysis of the census results provided to the steering committee members
Full Book
Proorocu, M.; Avram, C.-M.; Tupita, M. 2020 The inventory of large carnivores and conflict avoidance measures from Natura 2000 Cold Somes
Bulletin UASVM series Agriculture (77)
Proulx, G. 1991 Humane Trapping Program - Annual Report 1990/91
Full Book
Proulx, G.; Dickson, H.L. 2013 Photographic record of cougar (_Puma concolor_) in Ukalta Dunes Natural Area, East-central Alberta, Canada
Canadian Wildlife Biology & Management (2)
Prugh, L.R.; Ritland, C.E. 2005 Molecular testing of observer identification of carnivore feces in the field
Wildlife Society Bulletin (33)
Prugh, L.R.; Stoner, C.J.; Epps, C.W.; Bean, W.T.; Ripple, W.J.; Laliberte, A.S.; Brashares, J.S. 2009 The rise of the mesopredator
BioScience (59)
Prusty, B.C.; Singh, L.A.K. 1996 Melanistic tiger (Panthera tigris tigris) from Simipal Tiger Reserve
Tiger Paper (23)
Prusty, B.C.; Singh, L.A.K. 1996 Biological Implications of Melanism
Tiger Paper (23)
Prusty, B.C.; Singh, L.A.K. 1996 Colour variation in tiger (Panthera tigris tigris)
Zoo's Print (11)
Prusty, B.C.; Singh, L.A.K. 2001 Black on white or white on black..
Zoo's Print (23)
Prynn, D. 1992 Threats to Russia's Wild East
Prynn, D. 1990 Tigers and Leopards in Russia's Far East
Oryx (15)
Prynn, D. Siberian tiger - once marked as an official pest in China, but now lauded as a national monument
Prynn, D. Siberian Tiger in the 21st Century
Marvell Zoo News
Puechagut, P.B.; Politi, N.; de los Llanos, E.R.; Lizarraga, L.; Bianchi, C.L.; Bellis, L.M.; Rivera, L.O. 2018 Association between livestock and native mammals in a conservation priority area in the Chaco of Argnetina
Mastozoologia Neotropical (25)
Pukazhenthi, B.; Laroe, D.; Crosier, A.; Bush, L.M.; Spindler, R.; Pelican, K.M.; Bush, M.; Howard, J.G.; Wildt, D.E. 2006 Challenges in cryopreservation of clouded leopard (_Neofelis nebulosa_) spermatozoa
Theriogenology (66)
Pulido, V. 1991 Especies en situaci¢n rara - Mam”feros
Book Chapter
Pulliainen, E. 1981 Winter diet of _Felis lynx_ L. in SE Finland as compared with the nutrition of other northern lynxes
Zeitschrift fr S„ugetierkunde (46(4))
Pulliainen, E.; Lindgren, E.; Tunkkari, P.S. 1995 Influence of food availability and reproductive status on the diet and body condition of the European lynx in Finland
Acta Theriologica (40)
Pulliam, H.R.; Danielson, B.J. 1991 Sources, sinks, and habitat selection: a landscape perspective on population dynamics
The American Naturalist (137)
Pulliam, J.W.; Brantly, R.M.; Baker, R.M.; Gardner, T. 1993 Final preliminary analysis of some potential Florida panther population reestablishment sites
Full Book
Pung, K.Y.; Jessy, K.S. 1998 Police to evacuate orang asli from tiger area
Punjabi, G.A.; Paranjape, A.; Shetgaonkar, A.A. 2014 Recent photographic records of the leopard cat from northern Western Ghats, India
Cat News (61)
Purchase, G. 2007 Mozambique: preliminary assessment of the status and distribution of cheetah
Cat News (Special Issue 3)
Purchase, G. 2007 Status and distribution of cheetah in Zambia: a preliminary assessment
Cat News (Special Issue 3)
Purchase, G.; Begg, C. 2007 Evaluation of the Success of a Wild to Wild Cheetah Translocation in Matusadona National Park, Zimbabwe
Conference Proceeding
Purchase, G.; Marker, L.L.; Marnewick, K.; Klein, R.; Williams, S. 2007 Regional assessment of the status, distribution and conservation needs of cheetahs in Southern Africa
Cat News (Special Issue 3)
Purchase, G.; Mateke, C.; Conga, O. 2007 Review of the Status of Carnivores in Protected Areas of the Zambezi Basin, Including an Assessment of Human-Carnivore Conflict
Conference Proceeding
Purchase, G.; Mateke, C.; Purchase, D. 2007 A review of the status and distribution of carnivores, and levels of human-carnivore conflict, in the protected areas and surrounds of the Zambezi Basin
Full Book
Purchase, G.; Purchase, D. 2007 The status of cheetah in Malawi
Cat News (Special Issue 3)
Purchase, G.; Vhurumuku, G.; Purchase, D. 2006 A Wild-to-Wild Translocation of Cheetahs from Private Farmland to a Protected Area in Zimbabwe (1994-2005)
Cat News (44)
Purchase, G.K. 1998 The Matusadona Cheetah Project: Lessons from a wild-to-wild translocation
Conference Proceeding
Purchase, G.K. 1998 An assessment of the success of a cheetah re-introduction project in Matusadona National Park
Full Book
Purchase, G.K.; Vhurumuku, G. 2005 Evaluation of a wild-wild translocation of cheetah (_Acinonyx jubatu_s) from private land to Matusadona National Park, Zimbabwe (1994-2005)
Full Book
Puri, G.; Poudel, S.; Tharu, I. 2021 Engaging fishing dependent communities in fishing cat conservation
Cat News (73)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)