IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Parry-Jones, R.; Vincent, A. 1998 Can we tame wild medicine?
New Scientist
Parsons, S.; Smith, S.G.D.; Martins, Q.; Horsnell, W.G.C.; Gous, T.A.; Streicher, E.M.; Warren, R.M.; van Helden, P.D.; van Pittius, N.C.G. 2008 Pulmonary infection due to the dassie bacillus (_Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex sp._) in a free-living dassie (_rock hyrax-Procavia capensis_) from South Africa
Tuberculosis (88)
Partasasmita, R.; Shanida, S.S.; Iskandar, J.; Megantara, E.N.; Husodo, T.; Parikesit,; Malone, N. 2016 Human-leopard conflict in Girimukti Village, Sukabumi, Indonesia
Biodiversitas (17)
Pas, A.; Dubey, J.P. 2008 Seroprevalence of Antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii in Gordon's Wildcat (_Felis silvestris gordoni_) in the Middle East
Journal of Parasitology (94)
Pas, D.V.M.; Dubey, J.P. 2008 Fatal toxoplasmosis in sand cats (_Felis margarita_)
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine (39)
Pasanen Mortensen, M. 2013 Anthropogenic impact on predator guilds and ecosystem processes: apex predator extinctions, land use and climate change
Full Book
Pasanen-Mortensen, M.; Elmhagen, B. 2015 Land cover effects on mesopredator abundance in the presence and absence of apex predators
Acta Oecologica (67)
Pasanen-Mortensen, M.; Elmhagen, B.; Linden, H.; Bergstrom, R.; Wallgren, M.; van der Velde, Y.; Cousins, S.A.O. 2017 The changing contribution of top-down and bottom-up limitation of mesopredators during 220 years of land use and climate change
Journal of Animal Ecology (86)
Pasanen-Mortensen, M.; Pyykoenen, M.; Elmhagen, B. 2013 Where lynx prevail, foxes will fail - limitation of a mesopredator in Eurasia
Global Ecology and Biogeography
Paschoal, A.M.d.O. 2016 Domestic dog as invasive species in Atlantic Forest
Full Book
Paschooal, A.M.O.; Massara, R.L.; Santos, J.L.; Chiarello, A.G. 2012 Is the domestic dog becoming an abundant species in the Atlantic forest? A study case in southeastern Brazil
Mammalia (76)
Pasha, M.K.S.; Qureshi, Q.; Sankar, K.; Areendran, G. 2000 Predation by Tiger _panthera tigris_ Linn on Gaur _bos. gaurus_ H. Smith in Pench Tiger Reserve Madhya Pradesh
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (98)
Pastor, J.; Bach-Raich, E.; Mesalles, M.; Garcˇa, I.; Martˇnez, F.; Vargas, A.; Cuenca, R.; Lavˇn, S. 2009 Haematological reference values for the Iberian lynx (Valores de referencia hematol˘gicos para el lince ib‚rico)
Book Chapter
Patel, K. 2006 Observations of Rusty-spotted Cat in Eastern Gujarat, India
Cat News (45)
Patel, K. 2010 New distribution data for rusty-spotted cat from Central India
Cat News (53)
Patel, K. 2011 Preliminary survey of small cats in Eastern Gujarat, India
Cat News (54)
Patel, K.; Jackson, P. 2004 Rusty-spotted Cat in India: New Distribution Data
Cat News (42)
Patel, N.G.; Rorres, C.; Joly, D.O.; Brownstein, J.S.; Boston, R.; Levy, M.Z.; Smith, G. 2015 Qualitative methods of identifying the key nodes in the illegal wildlife trade network
Pnas (112)
Patel, R.P. 2017 "Generalists" & "Specialists": closely related felidae species exhibit diverse evolutionary histories
Full Book
Patel, R.P.; F”rster, D.W.; Kitchener, A.C.; Rayan, M.D.; Mohamed, S.W.; Werner, L.; Lenz, D.; Pfestorf, H.; Kramer-Schadt, S.; Radchuk, V.; Fickel, J.; Wilting, A. 2016 Two species of southeast Asian cats in the genus _Catopuma_ with diverging histories: an island endemic forest specialist and a widespread habitat generalist
Royal Society Open Science (3)
Patel, R.P.; Wutke, S.; Lenz, D.; Mukherjee, S.; Ramakrishnan, U.; Veron, G.; Fickel, J.; Wilting, A.; F”rster, D.W. 2017 Genetic structure and phylogeography of the leopard cat (_Prionailurus bengalensis_) inferred from mitochondrial genomes
Journal of Heredity (108)
Pateman, B. 1983 The leopard ... to hunt or not to hunt?
ZW Wildlife (34)
Pathak, B.J. 1990 Rusty spotted cat Felis rubiginosa Geoffroy: A new record for Gir Wildlife Sanctuary and National Park
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (87)
Pati, B.P. 2000 Homosexuality in Asiatic lion: a case study from Gir National Park and Sanctuary
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (98)
Patnaik, S.K.; Acharjyo, L.N. Breeding of white tiger (Panthera tigris) at Nandankanan Biological Park, Orissa
Patnaik, S.K.; Acharjyo, L.N. 1990 White tigers in India - its past and present
Tiger Paper
Patraik, S.K. 1984 Cat Notes - Lesser Cats
Conference Proceeding
Pattanavibool, A.; Dearden, P. 2002 Fragmentation and wildlife in montane evergreen forests, northern Thaliand
Biological Conservation (107)
Patterson, B.D. 2004 Maneless and misunderstood
Earthwatch Journal
Patterson, B.D. 2005 Living with Lions - The notorious Tsavo lions
Travel news & lifestyle
Patterson, B.D. 2007 On the nature and significance of variability in lions (_Panthera leo_)
Evolutionary Biology (34)
Patterson, B.D. 2002 On the continuing need for scientific collecting of mammals
Journal of Neotropical Mammalogy (9)
Patterson, B.D.; Kasiki, S.M.; Selempo, E.; Kays, R.W. 2004 Livestock predation by lions (_Panthera leo_) and other carnivores on ranches neighboring Tsavo National Parks Kenya
Biological Conservation (119)
Patterson, B.D.; Kays, R.W.; Kasiki, S.M.; Sebestyen, V.M. 2006 Developmental effects of climate on the lion's mane (_Panthera leo_)
Journal of Mammalogy (87)
Patterson, B.D.; Neiburger, E.J. 2001 Lion with a sore tooth
Nature Australia (26)
Patterson, B.D.; Neiburger, E.J.; Kasiki, S.M. 2003 Tooth breakage and dental disease as causes of carnivore-human conflicts
Journal of Mammalogy (84)
Patterson, B.D.; Stotz, D.F.; Solari, S. 2006 Mammals and Birds of the Manu Biosphere Reserve, Peru
Other Document
Patterson, B.D.; Yamaguchi, N.; Dubach, J.M.; York, D. 2005 Molecualr Genetics and Morphological Variation of Lions_ (Panthera leo)_
African Lion News - The newsletter of the AFRICAN lion working group (6)
Patterson, G. 1990 What happened to Adamson's lions?
Zimbabwe Wildlife
Patterson, G. 1993 Lions
Patterson, G. 1991 The freedom continues A new home for George Adamson's lion cubs
African Wildlife (45)
Patterson, J.H. 1921 The man-eaters of Tsavo and other East African Adventures
Full Book
Patterson, L.; Meadows, M.; Hoffman, T.; Martins, Q. 2008 A spatio-temporal analysis of the habitat use of leopards (_Panthera pardus_) in the Karoo Biome of the Cederberg Mountains, South Africa
Full Book
Patterson, T.A.; Thomas, L.; Wilcox, C.; Ovaskainen, O.; Matthiopoulos, J. 2008 State-space models of individual animal movement
Trends in Ecology & Evolution (23)
Patton, S.; Rabinowitz, A.R. 1994 Parasites of wild felidae in Thailand: a coprological survey
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (30)
Patton, S.; Rabinowitz, A.R.; Randolph, S.; Strawbridge-Johnson, S. 1986 A coprological survey of parasites of wild neotropical Felidae
Journal of Parasitology (4)
Paul, S. 1988 Born free?
Paul, T.A.; Casey, J.W.; Avery, R.J.; Sutton, C.A. 2007 Expression of feline immunodeficiency virus Vif is associated with reduced viral mutation rates without restoration of replication of _vif_ mutant viruses
Virology (361)
Paulson, M. 1999 Pride in place: reintroduction of Asiatic lions in Gir Forest, India
Restoration and Reclamation Review (4)
Paunovic, M.; Milenkovic, M.; Ivanovic-Vlahovic, C. 2001 The lynx populations in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Full Book

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)