IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Roques, S.; Sollman, R.; Jacomo, A.; Torres, N.; Silveira, L.; Chavez, C.; Keller, C.; do Prado, D.M.; Torres, C.; dos Santos, C.J.; da Luz, X.B.G.; Magnusson, W.E.; Godoy, J.A.; Ceballos, G.; Palomares, F. 2015 Effects of habitat deterioration on the population genetics and conservation of the jaguar
Conservation Genetics (17)
Rosalind, L.; Nareshwar, M. EE through interpretation
Full Book
Rosandher, A. 2009 Olfactory enrichment for captive snow leopards
Full Book
Rosas, O.C.R.; Valdez, R.; Bender, L.C. 2011 Conservation of jaguars and pumas in northeastern Sonora
Book Chapter
Rosas-Rosas, O.C.; Bender, L.C. 2012 Population status of jaguars and pumas in northeastern Sonora, Mexico
Acta Zoologica Mexicana (28)
Rosas-Rosas, O.C.; Bender, L.C.; Valdez, R. 2008 Jaguar and Puma Predation on Cattle Calves in Northeastern Sonora, Mexico
Rangeland Ecology and Management (61)
Rosas-Rosas, O.C.; Bender, L.C.; Valdez, R. 2010 Habitat correlates of jaguar kill-sites of cattle in northeastern Sonora, Mexico
Human-Wildlife Interactions (4)
Rosas-Rosas, O.C.; Valdez, R. 2010 The Role of Landowners in Jaguar Conservation in Sonora, Mexico
Conservation Biology (24)
Rosatte, R. 2011 Evidence confirms the presence of cougars (_Puma concolor_) in Ontario, Canada
Canadian Field-Naturalist (125)
Rose, C.; Prange, I.S.; Landry, S.M. 2020 Extirpated, immigrated, genetically stratified-first demographic assessment of a recovering bobcat (_Lynx rufus_) population after a century of extinction
Mammal Research (65)
Rose, M. 2014 Non-detriment findings in CITES (NDFs)
Full Book
Rose, S.J. 2014 Vocalisations of captive Sumatran tigers
Full Book
Rosen, T.; Hussain, S.; Mohammad, G.; Jackson, R.; Janecka, J.E.; Michel, S. 2012 Reconciling sustainable development of mountain communities with large carnivore conservation
Mountain Research and Development (32)
Rosenblatt, E.; Becker, M.S.; Creel, S.; Droge, E.; Mweetwa, T.; Schuette, P.A.; Watson, F.; Merkle, J.; Mwape, H. 2014 Detecting declines of apex carnivores and evaluating their causes: An example with Zambian lions
Biological Conservation (180)
Rosenblatt, E.; Creel, S.; Becker, M.S.; Merkle, J.; Mwape, H.; Schuette, P.; Simpamba, T. 2016 Effects of a protection gradient on carnivore density and survival: an example with leopards in the Luangwa valley, Zamiba
Ecology and Evolution
Rosendahl, E. 2011 Jaguar activity on the beach of Tortuguero National Park, Costa Rica
Full Book
Rosenzweig, M.L.; Macarthur, R.H. 1963 Graphical representation and stability conditions of predator-prey interactions
The American Naturalist (895)
Rosevear, D.R. 1974 The carnivores of West Africa
Full Book
Roshani, A. 2004 Vendetta in the steppe
Das Magazin (19)
Ross, I. 1994 Lions in winter
Natural History
Ross, J.; Hearn, A.; MacDonald, D.W.; Semiadi, G.; Alfred, R.; Mohamed, A.; Brodie, J.F.; Giordano, A.; Heydon, M.; Hon, J.; Mathai, J.; Fredriksson, G.; Boonratana, R.; Loken, B.; Marshall, A.J.; van Berkel, T.; Lim, N.T.-L.; Cheyne, S.M.; Belant, J.L.; Kramer-Schadt, S.; Wilting, A. 2016 Predicted distribution of the banded civet _Hemigalus derbyanus _(Mammalia: Carnivora; Viverridae) on Borneo
Raffles bulletin of Zoology (33)
Ross, J.; Hearn, A.J.; Bernard, H.; Secoy, K.; MacDonald, D.W. 2010 The Bornean wild cats - A framework for a Wild Cat Action Plan for Sabah
Full Book
Ross, J.; Hearn, A.J.; Bernard, H.; Tuuga, A. 2010 Sabah Wildlife Department hosts inaugural workshop on Bornean wild cats
Cat News (52)
Ross, J.; Hearn, A.J.; Johnson, P.J.; MacDonald, D.W. 2013 Activity patterns and temporal avoidance by prey in response to Sunda clouded leopard predation risk
Journal of Zoology (290)
Ross, J.; Hearn, A.J.; MacDonald, D.W.; Alfred, R.; Cheyne, S.M.; Mohamed, A.; Boonratana, R.; Bernard, H.; Hon, J.; Rustam,; Brodie, J.F.; Giordano, A.; Heydon, M.; Semiadi, G.; Mathai, J.; Fredriksson, G.; Marshall, A.J.; Pilgrim, J.D.; van Berkel, T.; Belant, J.L.; Kramer-Schadt, S.; Wilting, A. 2016 Predicted distribution of the Malay cive_t Viverra tangalunga_ (Mammalia: Carnivora: Viverridae) on Borneo
Raffles bulletin of Zoology (33 )
Ross, P.I.; Jalkotzy, M.G. 1992 Characteristics of a hunted population of cougars in Southwestern Alberta
Journal of Wildlife Management (56)
Ross, P.I.; Jalkotzy, M.G. 1996 Cougar predation on moose in southwestern Alberta
Alces (32)
Ross, P.I.; Jalkotzy, M.G. 1995 Fates of translocated cougars, _Felis concolor_, in Alberta
Canadian Field-Naturalist (109)
Ross, P.I.; Jalkotzy, M.G.; Daoust, P.-Y. 1995 Fatal trauma sustained by cougars, _Felis concolor_, while attacking prey in southern Alberta
Canadian Field-Naturalist (109)
Ross, P.I.; Jalkotzy, M.G.; Festa-Bianchet, M. 1997 Cougar predation on bighorn sheep in southwestern Alberta during winter
Canadian Journal of Zoology (74)
Ross, P.I.; Jalkotzy, M.G.; Gunson, J.R. 1996 The quota system of cougar harvest management in Alberta
Conference Proceeding
Ross, P.I.; Jalkotzy, M.G.; Gunson, J.R. 1996 The quota system of cougar harvest management in Alberta
Wildlife Society Bulletin (24 )
Ross, S. 2009 Providing an ecological basis for the conservation of the Pallas's cat
Full Book
Ross, S.; Barashkova, Y.; Farhadinia, M.F.; Appel, A.; Riordan, P.; Sanderson, J.; Munkhtsog, B. 2015 _Otocolobus manul_, Pallas's Cat
Full Book
Ross, S.; Harris, S.; Munkhtsog, B. 2007 The Spatial Ecology and Conservation of Pallas Cat (_Otocolobus manul_) in Central Mongolia
Conference Proceeding
Ross, S.; Kamnitzer, R.; Munkhtsog, B.; Harris, S. 2010 Den-site selection is critical for Pallas's cats (_Otocolobus manul_)
Canadian Journal of Zoology (88)
Ross, S.; Munkhtsog, B.; Harris, S. 2010 Dietary composition, plasticity, and prey selection of Pallas's cats
Journal of Mammalogy (91)
Ross, S.; Munkhtsog, B.; Harris, S. 2012 Determinants of mesocarnivore range use: relative effects of prey and habitat properties on Pallas's cat home-range size
Journal of Mammalogy (93)
Rosser, A.; Haywood, M. 2002 Guidance for CITES Scientific Authorities - Checklist to assist in making non-detriment findings for Appendix II exports
Full Book
Rosser, A.M. 2009 Regulation and recreational hunting
Book Chapter
Rosser, N. 1988 Marksmen put on alert after tiger sightings
Rossettie, T.S. 2019 Monitoring Mountain Lions in the desert southwest: spatial density estimation and results of a novel hair sampling technique
Full Book
Rossi Junior, J.L. 2007 Avalia‡Æo do sistema estomatogn tico e de sincrƒnios de on‡a-pintada e puma capturados ou coletados em natureza
Full Book
Rossi Junior, J.L.; Gioso, M.A.; da Silva, J.C.R.; Marvulo, M.F.V. 2003 Prevalˆncia de maloclusÆo em _Panthera onca_ e _Puma concolor_ mantidas em cativeiro no Estado de SÆo Paulo
Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science (40)
Rossi Junior, J.L.; Gioso, M.A.; Teles, M.Q.; Domingues-Falqueiro, L.M. 2007 Acompanhamento do crescimento dental em _Puma concolor_ mantido em cativeiro
Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira (27)
Rossiter, P.B. 1995 Distemper in felids: has lightening struck twice or is it a common infection?
Veterinary Group Newsletter
Rostami, R.; Yazdi, H.S.; Nezhad Fard, R.M.; Esmaeili, H. 2006 Escherichia coli septicemia in a Felis chaus (Jungle cat)
Conference Proceeding
Rostein, D.S.; Taylor, S.T.; Harvey, J.W.; Bean, J. 1999 Hematologic effects of cytauxzoonosis in Florida panthers and Texas cougars in Florida
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (35)
Rostro-Garcia, S.; Kamler, J.F.; Ash, E.; Clements, G.R.; Gibson, L.; Lynam, A.J.; McEwing, R.; Naing, H.; Paglia, S. 2016 Endangered leopards: range collapse of the Indochinese leopard (_Panthera pardus delacouri_) in Southeast Asia
Biological Conservation (201)
Rostro-Garcia, S.; Kamler, J.F.; Ash, E.; Clements, G.R.; Luke, G.; Lynam, A.J.; McEwing, R.; Naing, H.; Paglia, S. 2016 Endangered leopards: range collapse of the Indochinese leopard (_Panthera pardus delacouri_) in Southeast Asia
Conference Proceeding

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)