IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Russell, R.E.; Royle, J.A.; DeSimone, R.; Schwartz, M.K.; Edwards, V.L.; Pilgrim, K.P.; McKelvey, K.S. 2012 Estimating abundance of mountain lions from unstructured spatial sampling
The Journal of Wildlife Management (76)
Russello, M.A.; Gladyshev, E.; Miquelle, D.; Caccone, A. 2004 Potential genetic consequences of a recent bottleneck in the Amur tiger of the Russian far east
Conservation Genetics (5)
Rust, N. 2015 Understanding the human dimensions of coexistence between carnivores and people: a case study in Namibia
Full Book
Rust, N.A.; Marker, L.L. 2013 Attitudes toward predators and conservancies among Namibian Farmers
Human Dimensions of Wildlife (18)
Rust, N.A.; Nghikembua, M.T.; Kasser, J.J.W.; Marker, L.L. 2015 Environmental factors affect swing gates as a barrier to large carnivores entering game farms
African Journal of Ecology (53)
Rust, N.A.; Tzanopoulos, J.; Humle, T.; MacMillan, D.C. 2016 Why has human-carnivore conflict not been resolved in Namibia?
Society & Natural Resources
Rust, N.A.; Whitehouse-Tedd, K.M.; MacMillan, D.C. 2013 Predator-friendly farming: perceived efficacy of livestock guarding dogs in South Africa
Conference Proceeding
Rust, N.A.; Whitehouse-Tedd, K.M.; MacMillan, D.C. 2015 Perceived efficacy of livestock-guarding dogs in South Africa: implications for cheetah conservation
Wildlife Society Bulletin (37)
Rustam,; Hearn, A.J.; Ross, J.; Alfred, R.; Samejima, H.; Heydon, M.; Cheyne, S.M.; Brodie, J.F.; Giordano, A.J.; Bernard, H.; Boonratana, R.; Loken, B.; Mohamed, A.; Jayasilan, M.-A.; Augeri, D.M.; Eaton, J.; Hon, J.; Marshall, A.J.; Mathai, J.; Semiadi, G.; Macondald, D.W.; Breitenmoser-Wrsten, C.; Kramer-Schadt, S.; Wilting, A. 2016 Predicted distribution of the marbled cat _Pardofelis marmorata_ (Mammalia: Carnivora: Felidae) on Borneo
Raffles bulletin of Zoology (33)
Rustam,; Yasuda, M.; Tsuyuki, S. 2012 Comparison of mammalian communitites in a human-disturbed tropical landscape in East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Mammal Study (37)
Rustamov, A.K.; Sopyev, O. Mammals (27 species)
Book Chapter
Rustiadi, A.; Prihatini, W. 2015 Macan tutul Jawa (_Panthera pardus melas_ Cuvier, 1809) dan mangsa potensialnya di Bodogol, Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango
Conference Proceeding
Rusz, P.J. 2001 The cougar in Michigan: Sightings and related information
Full Book
Rusz, P.J. 2001 The cougar in Michigan: Sightings and related information - Pictures
Full Book
Ruth, D.W.; Holt, D.V.jr. 1996 Mountain lion incident policy and procedure Abstracts Fifth Mountain Lion Workshop 27.02.-01.03., 1996 Bahia Hotel, San Diego, California
Conference Proceeding
Ruth, T.K. 1994 Evaluating mountain lion translocation in New Mexico
Conference Proceeding
Ruth, T.K.; Haroldson, M.A.; Murphy, K.M.; Buotte, P.C.; Hornocker, M.G.; Quigley, H.B. 2011 Cougar Survival and Source-Sink Structure on Greater Yellowstone's Northern Range
The Journal of Wildlife Management (75)
Ruth, T.K.; Hornocker, M.G. 1996 Interactions between cougars and wolves (and a bear or two) in the north fork of the Flathead River, Montana Abstracts Fifth Mountain Lion Workshop 27.02.-01.03., 1996 Bahia Hotel, San Diego, California
Conference Proceeding
Ruth, T.K.; Logan, K.A.; Sweanor, L.L.; Hornocker, M.G.; Temple, L.J. 1996 Orientation, movements, and survival of translocated cougars in New Mexico Abstracts Fifth Mountain Lion Workshop 27.02.-01.03., 1996 Bahia Hotel, San Diego, California
Conference Proceeding
Ruth, T.K.; Logan, K.A.; Sweanor, L.L.; Hornocker, M.G.; Temple, L.J. 1998 Evaluating cougar translocation in New Mexico
Journal of Wildlife Management
Ruth, T.K.; Smith, D.W.; Haroldson, M.A.; Buotte, P.C.; Schwartz, C.C.; Quigley, H.B.; Cherry, S.; Murphy, K.M.; Tyers, D.; Frey, K. 2003 Large-carnivore response to recreational big-game hunting along the Yellowstone National Park and Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness boundary
Wildlife Society Bulletin (31)
Rutina, L. 2000 Lions and livestock in northern Botswana
A.L.W.G.News (1)
Ruxton, G.D.; Thomas, S.; Wright, J.W. 2002 Bells reduce predation of wildlife by domestic cats (_Felis catus_)
Journal of Zoology (London) (256)
Rwcp,; Iucn/Ssc, 2015 Regional conservation strategy for the cheetah and African wild dog in Southern Africa - revised and updated August 2015
Full Book
Ryan, J.M.; Attuquayefio, D. 2000 Mammal fauna of the Muni-Pomadze Ramsar site, Ghana
Biodiversity and Conservation (9)
Ryan, M. 1965 Bush pig v. leopard
African Wild Life (19)
Ryder, O.A. 2009 Forests of the Night: Refugia of Genetic Diversity in Wild Tigers
PLOS Genetics (5)
Ryser, A.; Breitenmoser, U. 2007 First experience with GPS-GSM telemetry with Eurasian lynx in the Swiss Alps and the Jura Mountains
Cat News (47)
Ryser, A.; Scholl, M.; Zwahlen, M.; Oetliker, M.; Ryser-Degiorgis, M.-P.; Breitenmoser, U. 2005 A remote-controlled teleinjection system for the low-stress capture of large mammals
Wildlife Society Bulletin (33)
Ryser, A.; von Wattenwyl, K.; Willisch, C.; Zimmermann, F.; Ryser-Degiorgis, M.-P.; Breitenmoser, U. 2008 Translocation and post-release monitoring in Eurasian lynx reintroduction 
Conference Proceeding
Ryser-Degiorgis, M.-P. 2001 Todesursachen und Krankheiten beim Luchs - eine Uebersicht
Full Book
Ryser-Degiorgis, M.-P. 2009 Planning of veterinary supervision for translocation programmes of wild felids
Book Chapter
Ryser-Degiorgis, M.-P. 2009 Causes of mortality and diseases of Eurasian lynx (_Lynx lynx_)
Book Chapter
Ryser-Degiorgis, M.-P. 2008 Veterinary aspects in lynx translocation and reintroduction
Conference Proceeding
Ryser-Degiorgis, M.-P.; Hofmann-Lehmann, R.; Leutenegger, C.M.; af Segerstad, C.H.; Mrner, T.; Mattsson, R.; Lutz, H. 2005 Epizootilogic investigations of selected infectious disease agents in free-ranging Eurasian lynx from Sweden
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (41)
Ryser-Degiorgis, M.-P.; Jakubek, E.-B.; af Segerstad, C.H.; Br”jer, C.; M”rner, T.; Jansson, D.S.; Lundren, A.; Uggla, A. 2006 Serological survey of _Toxoplasma gondii_ infection in free-ranging Eurasian lynx (_Lynx lynx_) from Sweden
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (42)
Ryser-Degiorgis, M.-P.; Lutz, H.; Bauer, K.; Sager, H.; Ryser, A.; Zimmermann, F.; Breitenmoser-Wrsten, C.; Breitenmoser, U. 2002 Veterinary supervision of lynx translocation within the Swiss Alps
Conference Proceeding
Ryser-Degiorgis, M.-P.; Marti, I.; Pisano, S.R.R.; Pewsner, M.; Wehrle, M.; Breitenmoser-Wrsten, C.; Origgi, F.C.; Kbber-Heiss, A.; Knauer, F.; Posautz, A.; Ebersp„cher-Schweda, M.; Huder, J.B.; B”ni, J.; Kubacki, J.; Bachofen, C.; Riond, B.; Hofmann-Lehmann, R.; Meli, M.L. 2021 Management of Suspected Cases of Feline Immunodeficiency Virus Infection in Eurasian Lynx (_Lynx lynx_) During an International Translocation Program
Frontiers in Veterinary Science (8)
Ryser-Degiorgis, M.-P.; Ryser, A.; Bacciarini, L.N.; Angst, C.; Gottstein, B.; Janovsky, M.; Breitenmoser, U. 2002 Notoedric and sarcoptic mange in free-ranging lynx from Switzerland
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (38)
Ryser-Degiorgis, M.-P.; Ryser, A.; Obexer-Ruf, G.; Breitenmoser-Wrsten, C.; Breitenmoser, U.; Lang, J. 2004 Emergence of congenital malformations in free-ranging Lynx (_Lynx lynx_) from Switzerland: first evidence of inbreeding depression?
Conference Proceeding
Rdisser, J. 2002 Assessment of western Austria as potential habitat for the lynx _(Lynx lynx_)
Conference Proceeding
Rdisser, J. 2001 The lynx (_Lynx lynx_) in western Austria?
Full Book
Rdisser, J.; Martys, M. 2002 Spatial analysis of potential Lynx _(Lynx lynx_) distribution in Western Austria considering ecological and anthropological conflicts
Book Chapter
Rhe, F.; Ksinsik, M.; Kiffner, C. 2008 Conversion factors in carnivore scat analysis: sources of bias
Wildlife Biology (14)
Rskaft, E.; Bjerke, T.; Kaltenborn, B.; Linnell, J.D.C.; Andersen, R. 2003 Patterns of self-reported fear towards large carnivores among the Norwegian public
Evolution and Human Behavior (24 )

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)