IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Rangarajan, M. 1998 The role of administration in extermination: fresh evidence on the cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) in India
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (95)
Rangarajan, M. 2006 Battles for Nature: Contesting Wildlife Conservation in Twentieth-Century India
Book Chapter
Ranjitsinh, M.K. 1986 Sighting of an unknown species of cat
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (83)
Ranjitsinh, M.K. 1996 Why the Tiger?
Book Chapter
Ranjitsinh, M.K.; Jhala, Y.V. 2010 Assessing the Potential for Reintroducing the Cheetah in India
Full Book
Ranjitsinh, M.K.; Seth, C.M.; Ahmad, R.; Bhatnagar, Y.V.; Kyarong, S.S. 2005 Goats on the border
Full Book
Ranta, E.; Kaitala, V. 2005 A leap for Lion populations
Science (307)
Ranta, E.; Kaitala, V.; Lundberg, P. 1997 The Spatial Dimension in Population Fluctuations
Science (278)
Rao, K. 1996 Habitat Conservation through Protected Areas
Book Chapter
Rao, K.S.; Maikhuri, R.K.; Nautiyal, S.; Saxena, K.G. 2002 Crop damage and livestock depredation by wildlife: a case study from Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve, India
Journal of Environmental Management (66)
Rao, M.; Myint, T.; Zaw, T.; Htun, S. 2005 Hunting patterns in tropical forests adjoining the Hkakaborazi National Park, north Myanmar
Oryx (39)
Rao, M.; Rabinowitz, A.R.; Khaing, S.T. 2002 Status review of the protected-area system in Myanmar, with recommendations for conservation planning
Conservation Biology (16)
Rasheed, S.; Gardner, M.B. 1981 Isolation of feline leukemia virus from a leopard cat cell line and search for retrovirus in Felidae
Jnci (67)
Rashid, M.A. The tiger in Gujarat - A status report
Conference Proceeding
Rashid, M.A. Wildlife and its conservation in Gujarat state
Rashid, M.A. 1994 Earth - A beleaguered planet
Journal of the Environment Protection Society, Darjeeling
Rashid, M.A. 1993 Conservation of the Asiatic lion - Future strategy International Workshop on the Asiatic Lion, Baroda
Conference Proceeding
Rashid, M.A. The Asiatic lion - A perspective
Full Book
Rashid, M.A. 1984 Note on Conservation of Asiatic Lion (_Panthera leo persica_)
Conference Proceeding
Rashid, M.A. 1984 Cat Notes - Information on the recent occurrence of Rusty Spotted Cat (_Felis rutiginosa_)
Conference Proceeding
Rashid, M.A. 1989 The Gir (Asiatic) Lion (_Panthera leo persica_ Meyer)
Book Chapter
Rashid, M.A.; David, R. 1992 The Asiatic lion
Full Book
Rashid, M.A.; David, R. 1992 Lion Censuses
Book Chapter
Rashid, S.M.A.; Anizuzzaman, K.; Khan, A.; Ali Reza Khan, M. 1990 Mammals of Cox's Bazar forest division (south) Bangladesh, with notes on their status and distribution
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (87)
Rashid, W.; Shi, J.; Rahim, I.; Sultan, H.; Dong, S.; Ahmed, L. 2020 Research trends and management options in human-snow leopard conflict
Biological Conservation (242)
Rasker, R.; Hackman, A. 1996 Ecolomic development and the conservation of large carnivores
Conservation Biology (10)
Rasphone, A.; Bousa, A.; Vongkhamheng, C.; Kamler, J.F.; Johnson, A.; MacDonald, D.W. 2022 Diet and prey selection of clouded leopards and tigers in Laos
Ecology and Evolution (12)
Rastogi, A.; Hickey, G.M.; Badola, R.; Hussain, S.A. 2013 Diverging viewpoints on tiger conservation: A Q-method study and survey of conservation professionals in India
Biological Conservation (161)
Ratanakorn, P. 1988 Captive Breeding of Clouded Leopard (Neofelis nebulosa) in Thailand 5th World Conference on Breeding Endangered Species in Captivity
Conference Proceeding
Rather, T.A.; Kumar, S.; Kamat, A.; Gore, K. 2019 New record of Asiatic wildcat from Central Indian landscape
Cat News (70)
Rather, T.A.; Kumar, S.; Tajdar, S.; Kalika, R.; Srivastava,; Khan, J.A. 2017 First photographic record of Asiatic wildcat in Bandhavgarh TR, India
Cat News (65)
Rathore, C.S.; Dubey, Y.; Shrivastava, A.; Pathak, P.; Patil, V. 2012 Opportunities of habitat connectivity for tiger (Panthera tigris) between Kanha and Pench National Parks in Madhya Pradesh, India
PLoS ONE (7)
Rathore, F.S. 1984 Behavioural observations of Leopard and Jungle Cat in Ranthambhor National Park and Tiger Reserve, Rajasthan
Conference Proceeding
Rathore, F.S.; Sankar, K. 1992 Tiger kills
Tiger Paper (19)
Rathore, G.S. 1111 A summary of Community based internventions made by the Ranthambhore foundation to help save the tiger in Ranthambhore National Park
Full Book
Ratikainen, I.I. 2005 Winter habitat use of roe deer in the presence of lynx
Full Book
Ratikainen, I.I.; Panzacchi, M.; Mysterud, A.; Odden, J.; Linnell, J.; Andersen, R. 2007 Use of winter habitat by roe deer at a northern latitude where Eurasian lynx are present
Journal of Zoology (273)
Ratkiewicz, M.; Matosiuk, M.; Kowalczyk, R.; Konopinski, M.K.; Okarma, H.; Ozolins, J.; Maennil, P.; Ornicans, A.; Schmidt, K. 2012 High levels of population differentiation in Eurasian lynx at the edge of the species' western range in Europe revealed by mitochondrial DNA analyses
Animal Conservation
Ratkiewicz, M.; Matosiuk, M.; Saveljev, A.P.; Sidorovich, V.; Ozolins, J.; Maennil, P.; Balciauskas, L.; Kojola, I.; Okarma, H.; Kowalczyk, R.; Schmidt, K. 2014 Long-Range Gene Flow and the Effects of Climatic and Ecological Factors on Genetic Structuring in a Large, Solitary Carnivore: The Eurasian Lynx
PLoS ONE (9)
Ratnaweera, N. 2013 Potential habitats for wildcats between the lake of Zurich and the lake Lucerne: analysis of the connectivity and road mortality
Full Book
Ratnayaka, A. 2018 Jungle cat and rusty-spotted cat conservation in Sri Lanka
Conference Proceeding
Ratnayaka, A.A.W. 2021 First pictures of fishing cats in the hyper urban landscape of Colombo, Sri Lanka
Cat News (73)
Ratnayaka, A.A.W.; Serieys, L.E.K.; Prasad, T.; Leighton, G.R.M.; Sanderson, J.G.; Leung, L.K.-P. 2021 Urban habitat use and home ranges of fishing cats in Colombo, Sri Lanka
Mammalian Biology (102)
Rau, J.R.; Beltran, J.F.; Delibes, M. 1985 Can the increase of fox density explain the decrease in lynx numbers at Donana?
Revue d'‚cologie (La terre et al vie) (40)
Rau, J.R.; Jimenez, J.E. 2002 Diet of puma (_Puma concolor_, Carnivora: Felidae) in coastal and Andean ranges of southern Chile
Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment (37)
Rau, J.R.; Martinez, D.R.; Mu¤oz-Pedreros, A. 1995 Trophic ecology of pumas in southern South America
Full Book
Rau, J.R.; Martinez, D.R.; Wolfe, M.L.; Tilleria, M.S.; Reyes, C.S.; Mu¤oz-Pedreros, A.; Alea, J.A. 1992 Predation of pumas (_Felis concolor_) on pudu (_Pudu pudu_): Role of hares _(Lepus europaeus_) as alternative prey
Conference Proceeding
Rau, J.R.; Tilleria, M.S.; Martinez, D.R.; Mu¤oz, A.H. 1991 Diet of _Felis concolor _(Carnivora: Felidae) in protected wild areas of southern Chile
Revista Chilena de Historia Natural (64)
Rauber, P. 2002 The lion and the lamb - what happens when a protected predator eats an endangered species
Sierra magazine
Rauset, G.R.; Andr‚n, H.; Swenson, J.E.; Samelius, G.; Segerstr”m, P.; Zedrosser, A.; Persson, J. 2016 National Parks in Northern Sweden as refuges for illegal killing of large carnivores
Conservation Letters (9)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)