IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Robinson, I.H.; Delibes, M. 1988 The distribution of faeces by the Spanish lynx (Felis pardina)
Journal of Zoology (London) (216)
Robinson, J.G. 1993 The Limits to caring: Sustainable living and the loss of biodiversity
Conservation Biology (7)
Robinson, J.G.; Bennett, E.L. 2002 Will alleviating poverty solve the bushmeat crisis?
Oryx (36)
Robinson, J.G.; Redford, K.H. 1989 Body size, diet, and population variation on neotropical forest mammal species: predictors of local extinction?
Advances in Neotropical Mammalogy (1989)
Robinson, R. 1976 Homologous genetic variation in the Felidae
Genetica (46)
Robinson, R. 1978 Homologous coat color variation in Felis
Carnivore (1)
Robinson, R. 1982 Evolution of the Domestic Cat
Carnivore (5)
Robinson, R. 1970 The breeding of Spotted and Black Leopards
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (66)
Robinson, R. 1970 Inheritance of the black form of the leopard Panthera pardus
Genetica (41)
Robinson, R. 1969 The white tigers of Rewa and gene homology in the Felidae
Genetica (40)
Rocha, E.C.; Dalponte, J.C. 2006 Composi‡Æo e caracteriza‡Æo da fauna de mam¡feros de m‚dio e grande porte em uma pequena reserva de cerrado em Mato Grosso, Brasil
Revista Arvore (30)
Rocha, E.C.; Silva, E.; Martins, S.V.; Cardoso Barreto, F.C. 2006 Evaluaci¢n estacional de la riqueza y abundancia de especies de mam¡feros en la Reserva Biol¢gica Municipal "Mario Viana", Mato Grosso, Brasil
Revista de Biologia Tropical (54)
Rocha, F.L. 2013 A rede tr¢fica e o papel dos carn¡voros silvestres nos ciclos de transmissÆo de _Trypanosoma cruzi_
Full Book
Rocha, F.L.; Rodrigues Roque, A.L.; de Lima, J.S.; Cheida, C.C.; Lemos, F.G.; de Azevedo, F.C.; Arrais, R.C.; Bilac, D.; Herrera, H.M.; Mourao, G.; Jansen, A.M. 2013 _Trypanosoma cruzi_ infection in neotropical wild carnivores: at the top of the _T. cruzi_ transmission chain
PLoS ONE (8)
Rocha-Mendes, F.; Bianconi, G.V. 2009 Opportunistic predatory behavior of margay, _Leopardus wiedii_ (Schinz, 1821), in Brazil
Mammalia (73)
Rocha-Mendes, F.; Mikich, S.B.; Bianconi, G.V.; Pedro, W.A. 2005 Mam¡feros do munic¡pio de Fˆnix, Paran , Brasil: etnozoologia e conserva‡Æo
Revista Brasileira de Zoologia (22)
Rocha-Mendes, F.; Mikich, S.B.; Quadros, J.; Pedro, W.A. 2010 Feeding ecology of carnivores in Atlantic Forest remnants, Southern Brazil
Biota Neotropica (10)
Rochat, M. 1988 Tirez pas sur "Pirmin"; Les lynx ind‚sirables
Rockhill, A.P.; Chinnadurai, S.K.; Powell, R.; DePerno, C. 2011 A comparison of two filed chemical immobilization techniques for bobcats (_Lynx rufus_)
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine (42)
Rockhill, A.P.; DePerno, C.S.; Powell, R.A. 2013 The effect of illumination and time of day on movements of bobcats
PLoS ONE (8)
Rode, J.; Gomez-Baggethun, E.; Krause, T. 2015 Motivation crowding by economic incentives in conservation policy: A review of the empirical evidence
Ecological Economics (117)
Rodgers, P.D.; Pienaar, E.F. 2017 Amenity or Nuisance? Understanding and managing human-panther conflicts in exurban southwest Florida
Human Dimensions of Wildlife (22)
Rodgers, T.W.; Giacalone, J.; Heske, E.J.; Janecka, J.E.; Jansen, P.A.; Phillips, C.A.; Schooley, R.L. 2015 Socio-spatial organization and kin structure in ocelots from integration of camera trapping and noninvasive genetics
Journal of Mammalogy (96)
Rodgers, T.W.; Giacalone, J.; Heske, E.J.; Pawlikowski, N.C.; Schooley, R.L. 2015 Communal latrines act as potentially important communication centers in ocelots
Mammalian Biology (80)
Rodgers, T.W.; Janecka, J.E. 2013 Applications and techniques for non-invasive faecal genetics research in felid conservation
European Journal of Wildlife Research (59)
Rodgers, W.A. Policy issues in wildlife conservation
Ijpa (35)
Rodgers, W.A. 1986 The role of fire in the management of wildlife habitats: A review
Indian Forester (112 - Special Issue on Wildlife Management)
Rodgers, W.A. 1974 The lion (_Panthera leo_, Linn.) population of the eastern Selous Game Reserve
East African Wildlife Journal (12)
Rodgers, W.A. 1984 Tanzania
Conference Proceeding
Rodgers, W.A. 1984 Research and Monitoring of Wild Cat Species in India
Conference Proceeding
Rodgers, W.A.; Panwar, H.S. 1988 Planning a wildlife protected area network in India volume I - THE REPORT (Extract: Lesser cats and tiger)
Full Book
Rodini, D.C. 2008 Perfil anal¡tico das progestinas fecais nas fases de puberdade e ciclicidade ovariana em On‡a Pintada; gesta‡Æo e lacta‡Æo em Gato Mourisco
Full Book
Rodr¡guez, A.; Urra, F.; Jubete, F.; Rom n, J.; Revilla, E.; Palomares, F. 2020 Spatial Segregation between Red Foxes (_Vulpes vulpes_), European Wildcats (_Felis silvestris_) and Domestic Cats (_Felis catus_) in Pastures in a Livestock Area of Northern Spain
Diversity (12)
Rodr¡guez-Castro, K.G.; Saranholi, B.H.; Bataglia, L.; Blanck, V.; Galetti, P.M. 2020 Molecular species identification of scat samples of South American felids and canids
Conservation Genetics Resources (12)
Rodr¡guez-Rodr¡guez, E.J.; Salcedo, J.; Matutano, J. 2020 Carnivores of Seville province, Spain: a distribution atlas
Small carnivore conservation (58)
Rodrigues dos Santos, F.; de Almeida Jacomo, A.T.; Silveira, L. 2008 Humans and jaguars in five Brazilian biomes: same country, different perceptions
Cat News (Special Issue 4)
Rodrigues, A.S.L.; Pilgrim, J.D.; Lamoreux, J.F.; Hoffmann, M.; Brooks, T.M. 2005 The value of the IUCN Red List for conservation
Trends in Ecology & Evolution (21)
Rodriguez, A. 1995 First steps in captive breeding and reintroduction of Iberian lynx in Spain
Re-Introduction News
Rodriguez, A. 2002 The Iberian lynx needs networks of large reserves
ecologia mediterranea (28)
Rodriguez, A. 2002 _Lynx pardinus_ (Temminck, 1827), iberian lynx
Book Chapter
Rodriguez, A. 2004 Iberian lynx - _Lynx pardinus_, Temminck 1827
Electronic Citation
Rodriguez, A.; Barrios, L.; Delibes, M. 1995 Experimental release of an Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus)
Biodiversity and Conservation (4)
Rodriguez, A.; Calzada, J. 2015 _Lynx pardinus_, Iberian lynx
Full Book
Rodriguez, A.; Calzada, J.; Revilla, E.; L¢pez-Bao, J.V.; Palomares, F. 2012 Bringing science back to the conservation of the Iberian Lynx
Conservation Biology (26)
Rodriguez, A.; Carbonell, E. 1998 Gastrointestinal parasites of the Iberian lynx and other wild carnivores from central Spain
Acta Parasitologica (43)
Rodriguez, A.; Delibes, M. 1992 Current range and status of the Iberian lynx Felis pardina Temminck, 1824 in Spain
Biological Conservation (61)
Rodriguez, A.; Delibes, M. 2002 Internal structure and patterns of contraction in the geographic range of the Iberian lynx
Ecography (25)
Rodriguez, A.; Vargas, A.; Delibes, M. 2001 Elements for elaborating a strategy for the conservation of the Iberian lynx
Book Chapter
Rodriguez, F.E.; Paz, G.; Mino, C. 1989 Felidae collections found in major Ecuadorian museums
Full Book
Rodriguez, J.P. 2016 The difference conservation can make: integrating knowledge to reduce extinction risk
Oryx (51)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)