IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Saavedra, M.; Rau, J.R.; Zuleta, C.; Mu¤oz-Pedreros, A.; Campos, F. 2011 Confirmaci¢n de la presencia del gato de Geoffroy en la zona del Alto Biob¡o, centro sur de Chile
Mastozoologia Neotropical (18)
Sabapara, R.; Chugh, S.; Jethva, B.; Pukazhenthi, B.; Wildt, D.E.; Roth, T.L. 1994 A note on reproduction research
Zoo's Print (9)
Saberwal, V.K. 1998 The problem Seminar 466 - Reconciling the needs of man and wildlife in India
Conference Proceeding
Saberwal, V.K. 1997 Saving the Tiger:More Money or Less Power?
Conservation Biology (11)
Saberwal, V.K. 1996 Pastoral Politics: gaddi grazing, degradation, and biodiversity conservation in Himachal Pradesh, India
Conservation Biology (10)
Saberwal, V.K.; Chellam, R.; Johnsingh, A.J.T.; Rodgers, W.A. 1990 Lion-human conflicts in Gir forest and adjoining areas
Full Book
Saberwal, V.K.; Gibbs, J.P.; Chellam, R.; Johnsingh, A.J.T. 1994 Lion-human conflict in the Gir Forest, India
Conservation Biology (8)
Sachdev, M. 2003 Study of MHC polymorphism in Asiatic lions through molecular tools
Full Book
Sachs, R.; Schaller, G.B.; Schindler, R. 1971 Untersuchungen ber das Vorkommen von Trypanosomen bei Wildkarnivoren des Serengeti-Nationalparks in Tanzania
Acta Tropica (4)
Sacristan, I.; Cevidanes, A.; Acuna, F.; Aguilar, E.; Garcia, S.; Lopez, M.J.; Millan, J.; Napolitano, C. 2018 Contrasting human perceptions of and attitudes towards two threatened small carnivores, Lycalopex fulvipes and Leopardus guignas, in rural communities adjacent to protected areas in Chile
Journal of Threatened Taxa (10)
Sadath, M.N.; Islam, A. 2015 A study on attitude of local community on human-tiger conflict in Sundarbans, Bangladesh
Conference Proceeding
Sadhu, A.; Jayam, P.P.C.; Qureshi, Q.; Shekhawat, R.S.; Sharma, S.; Jhala, Y.V. 2017 Demography of a small, isolated tiger (_Panthera tigris tigris_) population in a semi-arid region of western India
BMC Zoology (2 )
Sadhu, A.; Patra, M.K.; Bhattacharya, Y.; Ojha, P.; Jain, D.; Thakar, R.; Ghade, R.; Saha, S.; Petwal, A.; Ahmed, S.O.A.; Jhala, Y.V. 2022 Recolonisation of tigers recorded from camera trap survey in Suhelwa WLS in India
Cat News (75)
Sadhu, A.; Reddy, G.V. 2013 First evidence of fishing cat in the Ranthambhore Tiger Reserve, Rajasthan, India
Cat News (58)
Sadik, A.S.; Akash, M. 2024 A treetop diner: camera trapping reveals novel arboreal foraging by fishing cats on colonial nesting birds in Bangladesh
Mammalia (88)
Sadleir, R.M.F.S. 1966 Notes on reproduction in the larger Felidae
International Zoo Yearbook (6)
Sadler, R.; Schumacher, J.; Ramsay, E.; McCleery, B.; Baine, K.; Thomas, W.; Nobrega-Lee, M.; Henry, G.A.; Newman, S.J. 2016 Progressive syringohydromyelia and degenerative axonopathy in a bobcat (_Lynx rufus_) following surgical correction of a chiari-like malformation
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine (47)
Sadler, R.A.; Craig, L.E.; Ramsay, E.C.; Helmick, K.; Collins, D.; Garner, M.M. 2016 Clinicopathologic features of mammary masses in captive lions (_Panthera leo_)
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine (47)
Sadler, R.A.; Ramsay, E.; McAloose, D.; Rush, R.; Wilkes, R.P. 2016 Evaluation of two canine distemper virus vaccines in captive tigers (_Panthera tigris_)
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine (47)
Saengsakul, P. 1989 Leopards (Panthera pardus) in Thailand
Book Chapter
Saenz-Bolanos, C.; Montalvo, V.; Fuller, T.K.; Carrillo, E. 2015 Records of black jaguars at Parque Nacional Barbilla, Costa Rica
Cat News (62)
Saenz-de-Santa-Maria, A.; Telleria, J.L. 2015 Wildlife-vehicle collisions in Spain
European Journal of Wildlife Research (61)
Saether, B.-E.; Engen, S.; Odden, J.; Linnell, J.D.C.; Grtan, V.; Andrn, H. 2010 Sustainable harvest strategies for age-structured Eurasian lynx populations: The use of reproductive value
Biological Conservation (143)
Safaei, M.; Kahrom, E.; Mohammad, M. 2012 Study on the causes of wildlife mortality on the Asian road in Golestan National Park in Iran
Wildlife Middle East (6)
Safaei, M.; Kahrom, E.; Mohammad, M. 2012 Study on the causes of wildlife mortality on the Asian road in Golestan National Park in Iran
Wildlife Middle East (6)
Safarov, N.; Novikov, V. 2000 List of rare and endangered species of animals, included into the Red Data Book of Tadjikistan
Full Book
Safarov, N.M.; Shermatov, K.R.; Sattorov, R.B.; Saidov, A.S.; Ustjan, N.P. Econet of Tajikistan
Full Book
Sagar, S.R.; Singh, L.A.K. 1989 Letter to the editor
Indian Forester (115)
Saha, D. 1987 A study of the Sundarbans Tiger Reserve, West Bengal, India
Environment & Ecology (5)
Saharia, V.B. The Dudhwa Case
Book Chapter
Saharia, V.B. 1984 Comments on Cat Conservation
Conference Proceeding
Sahgal, B. 1994 Sanctuaries have lost their special status - Review
Sahgal, B. 2000 Can the market save endangeres species?
Sahgal, B. 1999 Fixing the onus of maintaining peace
Sahgal, B. 1999 Caught in the crossfire
Sahgal, B. 2000 Tigers beat the Bank
Sahgal, B. 2000 World Bank vs. Indian tiger
Sahgal, B. 2007 Meet Dr. Ullas Karanth
Sanctuary Asia
Sahgal, B.; Scarlott, J. 2001 Stranded
Amicus Journal
Sahgal, B.; Scarlott, J. 2010 This heaven and this earth: will India keep its promise to _Panthera tigris_?
Book Chapter
Sahlen, E. 2016 Indirect effects of predation in human-modified lanscapes
Full Book
Sahoo, S.; Puyravaud, J.-P.; Davidar, P. 2013 Local knowledge suggests significant wildlife decline and forest loss in insurgent affected Similipal Tiger Reserve, India
Tropical Conservation Science (6)
Sahu, Y.K.; Bhattacharjee, S.; Kidwai, Z.; Sharma, S.; Shaktawat, D.S.; Khandal, D. 2017 Report of melanistic jungle cats from Ranthambhore Tiger Reserve, Rajasthan, India
Cat News (65)
Said, A. 2005 Photographing the Snow Leopard in Chitral, Pakistan
Cat News (42)
Saif, S. 2016 Investigating tiger poaching in the Bangladesh Sundarbans
Full Book
Saif, S.; Rahman, H.M.T.; MacMillan, D.C. 2016 Who is killing the tiger Panthera tigris and why?
Saif, S.; Russell, A.M.; Nodie, S.I.; Inskip, C.; Lahann, P.; Barlow, A.; Barlow, C.G.; Islam, M.A.; MacMillan, D.C. 2016 Local usage of tiger parts and its role in tiger killing in the Bangladesh Sundarbans
Human Dimensions of Wildlife (21)
Saint Girons, M.C. 1968 Rapport sur la disparition du Lynx en France
Acta scientiarum naturalium Academiae scientiarum bohemoslovacae - Brno (4)
Saint-Marc Vittori, I. 2002 Assurer la survie du gupard (Acinonyx jubatus) en Namibie: l'action du Cheetah Conservation Fund
Conference Proceeding
Sajeev, T.K.; Srivastava, S.K.; Raphael, M.G.; Dutt, S.; Ramachandran, N.K.; Tyagi, P.C. 2002 Volume III - Anaimalai Conservation Area
Full Book

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)