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van der Hoek, Y.; Binyinyi, E.; Ngobobo, U.; Stoinski, T.S.; Caillaud, D. 2023 Diversity and diel activity patterns of terrestrial mammals in the Nkuba Conservation Area, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Oryx (57)
van der Hoeven, C.A.; De Boer, W.F.; Prins, H.H.T. 2004 Pooling local expert opinions for estimating mammal densities in tropical rainforests
Journal for Nature Conservation (12)
van der Meer, E. 2018 Carnivore conservation under land use change: the status of Zimbabwe's cheetah population after land reform
Biodiversity and Conservation (27)
van der Meer, E. 2016 The cheetahs of Zimbabwe - Distribution and population status 2015
Full Book
van der Meer, E.; Botman, S.; Eckhardt, S. 2019 I thought I saw a pussy cat: Portrayal of wild cats in friendly interactions with humans distorts perceptions and encourages interactions with wild cat species
PLoS ONE (14)
van der Meer, E.; Hennessy, C.; Mpofu, J.; Bunston, P. 2019 African wild dogs kleptoparasitizing cheetahs in Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe
Cat News (70)
van der Meer, E.; Moyo, M.; Rasmussen, G.S.A.; Fritz, H. 2011 An empirical and experimental test of risk and costs of kleptoparasitism for African wild dogs (_Lycaon pictus_) inside and outside a protected area
Behavioral Ecology (22)
van der Meer, E.; Sousa, L.L.; Loveridge, A.J. 2020 Reassessment of an introduced cheetah _Acinonyx jubatus_ population in Matusadona National Park, Zimbabwe
Oryx (55)
van der Merwe, P.; Saayman, M.; Els, J.; Saayman, A. 2017 The economic significance of lion breeding operations in the South African Wildlife Industry
International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation (9)
van der Merwe, V.; Marnewick, K.; Bissett, C.; Groom, R.; Mills, M.G.L.; Durant, S.M. 2016 A conservation assessment of _Acinonyx jubatus_
Book Chapter
van der Weyde, L.K.; Tobler, M.W.; Gielen, M.C.; Cozzi, G.; Weise, F.J.; Adams, T.; Bauer, D.; Bennitt, E.; Bowles, M.; Brassine, A.; Broekhuis, F.; Chase, M.; Collins, K.; Finerty, G.E.; Golabek, K.; Hartley, R.; Henley, S.; Isden, J.; Keeping, D.; Kesch, K.; Klein, R.; Kokole, M.; Kotze, R.; LeFlore, E.; Maude, G.; McFarlane, K.; McNutt, J.W.; Mills, G.; Morapedi, M.; Morgan, S.; Ngaka, K.; Proust, N.; Rich, L.; Roodbal, M.; Selebatso, M.; Winterbach, C.; Flyman, M.V. 2021 Collaboration for conservation: Assessing countrywide carnivore occupancy dynamics from sparse data
Diversity and Distributions (28)
van der Zon, A.P.M. 1979 Family Felidae
Book Chapter
van Dyke, F.G.; Brocke, R.H.; Shaw, H.G.; Ackerman, B.B.; Hemker, T.P.; Lindzey, F.G. 1986 Reactions of mountain lions to logging and human activity
Journal of Wildlife Management (50)
van Gelderen, J. 2013 Trip report India: Ladakh, Gujarat, Madja Pradesh & Assam
Full Book
van Heel, B.F.; Boerboom, A.M.; Fliervoet, J.M.; Lenders, H.J.R.; van den Born, R.J.G. 2017 Analysing stakeholders' perceptions of wolf, lynx and fox in a Dutch riverine area
Biodiversity Conservation (26)
van Heezik, Y.M.; Seddon, P.J. 1998 Range size and habitat use of an adult male caracal in northern Saudi Arabia
Journal of Arid Environments (40)
van Helvoort, B.E. 1984 Kangean Revisited of The return of the Pantaleikan
Full Book
van Helvoort, B.E.; de Iongh, H.H.; van Bree, P.J.H. 1985 A leopard-skin and -skull (Panthera pardus L.) from Kangean Island, Indonesia
Zeitschrift fr S„ugetierkunde (51)
van Ingen, E.; Van Ingen, 1948 Interesting Shikar Trophies: Hunting Cheetah Acinonyx jubatus (Schreber)
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (47)
van Jaarsveld, A.S.; Freitag, S.; Chown, S.L.; Muller, C.; Koch, S.; Hull, H.; Bellamy, C.; Krger, M.; Endr”dy-Younga, S.; Mansell, M.W.; Scholtz, C.H. 1998 Biodiversity Assessment and Conservation Strategies
Science (279)
Van Krunkelsven, E.; Bila-Isia, I.; Draulans, D. 2000 A survey of bonobos and other large mammals in the Salonga National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo
Oryx (34)
van Maanen, E. 2008 Guide for distinguishing leopard signs from those of other co-existing large carnivores for Asia Minor and the Caucasus
Full Book
van Maanen, E. 2011 Investigation into the survival of the Anatolian leopard in Turkey
Full Book
van Maanen, E.; Cuyten, K. 2012 In search of carnivores at the "end of the world"
Full Book
van Maanen, E.; Cuyten, K.; Ghoddousi, A.; Ghadirian, T. 2012 Conservation survey of the Asiatic black bear and Persian leopard in southeastern Iran
Full Book
van Mensch, P.J.A.; van Bree, P.J.H. 1969 On the African golden cat, Profelis aurata (Temminck, 1827)
Biologia Gabonica (5)
Van Pelt, W.E. 2007 Potential Jaguar Habitat in Arizona
Wild Cat News
van Schalkwyk, D.L.; Hoffman, L.C. 2010 Guidelines for the harvesting of game for meat export 2010
Full Book
van Sickle, W.D.; Lindzey, F.G. 1991 Evaluation of a cougar population estimator based on probability sampling
Journal of Wildlife Management (55)
van Sickle, W.D.; Lindzey, F.G. 1992 Evaluation of road track surveys for cougars (_Felis concolor_)
Great Basin Naturalist (52)
van Sprundel, E.; Anderson, S. 2009 Pratiques pastorales en relation aves l'espace de la reserve naturelle national de Termit - Tin Toumma (Pastorlism practice in the Termit Tin Toumma region Niger)
Full Book
van Syckle, S.J. 1995 The cheetah in W National Park, Niger, West Africa
Full Book
van Valen, L.M.; O'Brien, S.J.; Nash, W.G.; Benveniste, R.E.; Wildt, D.E.; Bush, M.E. 1986 Palaeontological and molecular views of panda phylogeny
Nature (319)
van Valkenburgh, B. 1999 Major patterns in the history of carnivorous mammals
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences (27)
van Valkenburgh, B. 1996 Feeding behavior in free-ranging, large African carnivores
Journal of Mammalogy (77)
van Valkenburgh, B. 2007 D‚j… vu: the evolution of feeding morphologies in the Carnivora
Integrative and Comparative Biology (47)
van Valkenburgh, B.; Grady, F.; Kurt‚n, B. 1990 The plio-pleistocene cheetah-like cat _Miracinonyx inexpectatus_ of North America
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology (10)
van Valkenburgh, B.; Hertel, F. 1993 Tough Times at La Brea: Tooth Breakage in Large Carnivores of the Late Pleistocene
Science (261)
van Valkenburgh, B.; Jenkins, I. 2002 Evolutionary patterns in the history of Permo-Triassic and Cenozoic synapsid perdators
Paleontological Society Papers (8)
van Valkenburgh, B.; Theodor, J.; Friscia, A.; Pollack, A.; Rowe, T. 2004 Respiratory turbinates of canids and felids: a quantitative comparison
Journal of Zoology (London) (264)
van Valkenburgh, B.; White, P.A. 2021 Naturally-occurring tooth wear, tooth fracture, and cranial injuries in large carnivores from Zambia
PeerJ (9:e11313)
Van Vuuren, J.H.; Herrmann, E.; Funston, P.J. 2005 Lions in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park: modelling the effect of human-caused mortality
International Transaction in Operational Research (12)
van Wie, D.; Berwick, S.; Reed, K.L. GIR3: A forest ecosystem model of the Gir Forest, India
Van Zyll de Jong, C.G. 1966 Food habits of the lynx in Alberta and the Mackenzie District, N.W.T
Canadian Field-Naturalist (80)
Van Zyll de Jong, C.G. 1975 Differentiation of the Canada lynx, Felis (Lynx) canadensis subsolana, in Newfoundland
Canadian Journal of Zoology (53)
Van Zyll de Jong, C.G. 1966 Parasites of the Canada lynx, Felis (Lynx) canadensis
Canadian Journal of Zoology (44)
van Zyll, G.G.; van Ingen, E. 1978 Status report on Eastern cougar Felis concolor cougar in Canada
Full Book
Vanak, A.T.; Fortin, D.; Thaker, M.; Ogden, M.; Owen, C.; Greatwood, S.; Slotow, R. 2013 Moving to stay in place: behavioral mechanisms for coexistence of African large carnivores
Ecology (94)
Vanbianchi, C.; Gaines, W.L.; Murphy, M.A.; Pither, J.; Hodges, K.E. 2017 Habitat selection by Canada lynx: making do in heavily fragmented landscapes
Biodiversity Conservation (26)
Vandel, J.-M.; Stahl, P. 1998 Colonisation du massif Jurassien par le lynx (Lynx lynx) et impact sur les ongul‚s domestiques
Gibier Faune Sauvage - Game and Wildlife (15)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)