IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


            820 items matching your query were found in the database.  

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Ak‡akaya, H.R. 2000 Viability analyses with habitat-based metapopulation models
Population Ecology (42)
Ak‡akaya, H.R.; Arditi, R.; Ginzburg, L.R. 1995 Ratio-dependent predation: An abstraction that works
Ecology (76)
Ak‡akaya, H.R.; Sj”gren-Gulve, P. 2000 Population viability analyses in conservation planning: an overview
Population Ecology (42)
Al Doais, M.; Dunais, N.; Stanton, D. 2015 Saving the Arabian leopard in Yemen: harnessing the power of mobile telephony for conservation
Wildlife Middle East (7)
Al Doais, M.; Dunais, N.; Stanton, D. 2015 Saving the Arabian leopard in Yemen: harnessing the power of mobile telephony for conservation
Wildlife Middle East (7)
Al Hikmani, A.; Al Hikmani, K. 2012 Arabian leopard in lowland region on the south face of Jebel Samhan, Oman
Cat News (57)
Al Hikmani, H.; Al Hikmani, K. 2024 First camera-trap record of caracal twin kittens in Saudi Arabia
Oryx (58)
Al Hikmani, H.; Al Hikmani, K.; Zaabanoot, S.; Al Shahari, T. 2016 First camera trap record of caracal kittens in Oman
Cat News (66)
Al Hikmani, H.; Jadad, M.; Zaabanoot, R.; Al Rasbi, A.; Al Hikmani, K.; Spalton, A. 2022 First records of sand cat in Dhofar Governorate, Oman
Cat News (76)
al Hikmani, H.M. 2012 Regional collaboration on Arabian leopard conservation
Cat News (57)
al Hikmani, H.M.; Al Hikmani, K. 2014 First photographic record of twin Arabian leopards in the wild
Cat News (60)
al Hikmani, H.M.; Zaabanoot, N.; Zaabanoot, A. 2015 Camera trapping of Arabian leopard in the Nejd region of Dhofar Mountains
Cat News (62)
Al Jumaily, M.; Mallon, D.P.; Nasher, A.K.; Thowabeh, N. 2006 Status report on Arabian leopard in Yemen
Cat News (Special Issue 1)
Al Kiyumi, A.A. 1995 Species status report on the Arabian leopard in Oman (Panthera pardus nimr)
Full Book
Al Sheikhly, O.F. 2012 The hunting of endangered mammals in Iraq
Wildlife Middle East (6)
Al Sheikhly, O.F. 2012 The hunting of endangered mammals in Iraq
Wildlife Middle East (6)
Al Zaabi, R.; Gubiani, R.; Soorae, P. 2019 Current distribution of Arabian sand cat _Felis margarita harrisoni_ in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, via camera trapping
Tribulus (27)
Al-Johany, A.M.H. 2007 Distribution and conservation of the Arabian Leopard _Panthera pardus nimr _in Saudi Arabia
Journal of Arid Environments (68)
Al-Jumaily, M.M. 1998 Review of the mammals of the Republic of Yemen
Fauna of Arabia (17)
Al-Safadi, M.M.; Nader, I.A. 1990 First Record of the Wild Cat, Felis silvestris Schreber, 1777 from Yemen Arab Republic (Carnivora: Felidae)
Mammalia (54)
Al-Sayed, M.; Al-langawi, A. 2003 Biological resources conservation through ecotourism development
Journal of Arid Environments (54)
Al-Sheikhly, O.F.; Haba, M.K. 2017 Additional records of the Arabian sand cat _Felis margarita harrisoni_ (Hemmer, Grubb & Groves, 1976) (Carnivora: Felidae) in Iraq
Bonn Zoological Bulletin (66)
Alasaad, S.; Soriguer, R.C.; Chelomina, G.; Sushitsky, Y.P.; Fickel, J. 2011 Siberian tiger's recent population bottleneck in the Russian Far East revealed by microsatellite markers
Mammalian Biology (76)
Albanesi, S.A.; Alberti, P.; Jayat, J.P.; Brown, A.D. 2019 Medium- and large-sized mammals in forest corridors of the Pedemonte of the Yungas in northeastern Argnetina
Mastozoolog¡a Neotropical (26)
Albanesi, S.A.; Jayat, J.P.; Brown, A.D. 2016 Activity patterns of medium and large sized mammals in piedmont forests of the Yungas of northwestern Argentina
Mastozoologia Neotropical (23)
Albayrak, T.; Giannatos, G.; Kabasakal, B. 2012 Carnivore and ungulate populations in the Beydaglari mountains (Antalya, Turkey): border region between Asia and Europe
Polish Journal of Ecology (60)
Albela, G. 1998 Driven to become a man-eating tiger
Albela, G.; Yahim, A.H. 1998 Killer tiger felled by two rangers
Alberts, C.C.; Saranholi, B.H.; Frei, F.; Galetti, P.M.J. 2017 Comparing hair-morphology and molecular methods to identify fecal samples from Neotropical felids
PLoS ONE (12)
Alcaide, M.; Messina, E.; Richter, M.; Bargiela, R.; Peplies, J.; Huws, S.A.; Newbold, C.J.; Golyshin, P.N.; Simon, M.A.; Lopez, G.; Yakimov, M.M.; Ferrer, M. 2012 Gene sets for utilization of primary and secondary nutrition supplies in the distal gut of endangered Iberian lynx
PLoS ONE (7)
Alchin, V. 1994 Application of social and market research techniques to wildlife medicinal trade investigations
Full Book
Alda, F.; Inog‚s, J.; Alcaraz, L.; Oria, J.; Aranda, A.; Doadrio, I. 2008 Looking for the Iberian lynx in central Spain: a needle in a haystack?
Animal Conservation (11)
Aldama, J.J.; Beltran, J.F.; Delibes, M. 1991 Energy expenditure and prey requirements of free-ranging Iberian lynx in Southwestern Spain
Journal of Wildlife Management (55)
Aldama, J.J.; Delibes, M. 1991 Observations of feeding groups in the Spanish lynx (Felis pardina) in the Donana National Park, SW Spain
Mammalia (55 )
Aldama, J.J.; Delibes, M. 1991 Field observations of Spanish lynxes (Felis pardina) playing with prey in Donana, south-west Spain
Journal of Zoology (225)
Aldama, J.J.; Delibes, M. 1990 Some preliniary results on rabbit energy utilization by the Spanish lynx
Acta Vertebrata Do¤ana (17)
Alderson, A. 1995 Beast of Bodmin is just a pussy cat
Ale, S.B. 1998 Religion and the snow leopard in Nepal
Snow Leopard News (16)
Ale, S.B.; Boesi, R. 2005 Snow Leopard Sightings on the Top of the World
Cat News (43)
Ale, S.B.; Brown, J.S. 2009 Prey behavior leads to predator: a case study of the himalayan tahr and the snow leopard in Sagarmatha (Mt. Everst) National Park, Nepal
Israel Journal of Ecology & Evolution (55)
Ale, S.B.; Howe, H.F. 2010 What Do Ecological Paradigms Offer to Conservation?
International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences (2010)
Ale, S.B.; Karky, B.S. 2002 Observations on conservation of snow leopards in Nepal
Conference Proceeding
Ale, S.B.; Shrestha, B.; Jackson, R. 2014 On the status of snow leopard _Panthera uncia_ (Schreber, 1775) in Annapurna, Nepal
Journal of Threatened Taxa (6)
Ale, S.B.; Thapa, K.; Jackson, R.; Smith, J.L.D. 2010 The fate of snow leopards in and around Mt. Everest
Cat News (53)
Ale, S.B.; Whelan, C.J. 2008 Reappraisal of the role of big, fierce predators
Biodivers Conserv (17)
Ale, S.B.; Yonzon, P.; Thapa, K. 2007 Recovery of snow leopard _Uncia uncia_ in Sagarmatha (Mount Everest) National Park, Nepal
Oryx (41)
Alekseicheva, I.A. 2009 Activity of captive Pallas' cats and its dependance of season, time of day, sex and phisiological state
Research in Zoological Parks (25)
Alekseicheva, I.A. 2008 The use of portable construction kits in off-exhibit holding of Pallas' cats
Conference Proceeding
Alert, 2013 Lions (_Panthera leo_) in Central African Republic (CAR)
Full Book
Alexander, J.S.; Chen, P.; Damerell, P.; Youkui, W.; Hughes, J.; Shi K., 2015 Human wildlife conflict involving large carnivores in Qilianshan, China and the minimal paw-print of snow leopards
Biological Conservation (187)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)