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Bunnell, K.D.; Flinders, J.T.; Wolfe, M.L. 2006 Potential impacts of coyotes and snowmobiles on lynx conservation in the intermountain west
Wildlife Society Bulletin (34)
Burda, H.; Ulehlova, L.; Branis, M. 1984 Morphology of the middle and inner ear in two Panthera species - P. tigris and P. onca
Vestnik Ceskoslovenske spolecnosti zoologicke (48)
Burdett, C.L. 2008 Hierarchical structure of Canada lynx space use and habitat selection in northeastern Minnesota
Full Book
Burdett, C.L.; Crooks, K.R.; Theobald, D.M.; Wilson, K.R.; Boydston, E.E.; Lyren, L.M.; Fisher, R.N.; Winston Vickers, T.; Morrison, S.A.; Boyce, W.M. 2010 Interfacing models of wildlife habitat and human development to predict the future distribution of puma habitat
Ecosphere (1)
Burdett, C.L.; Moen, R.A.; Niemi, G.J.; Mech, L.D. 2007 Defining space use and movements of Canada lynx with Global Positioning System telemetry
Journal of Mammalogy (88)
Burgas, A.; Amit, R.; Lopez, B.C. 2014 Do attacks by jaguars and pumas on livestock correlate with species richness and relative abundance of wild prey?
Revista de Biologia Tropical (62)
Burgener, N.; Gusset, M.; Schmid, H. 2008 Frustrated Appetitive Foraging Behavior, Stereotypic Pacing, and Fecal Glucocorticoid Levels in Snow Leopards (_Uncia uncia_) in the Zurich Zoo
Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science (11)
Burger, B.V.; Visser, R.; Moses, A.; le Roux, M. 2006 Elemental Sulfur Identified in Urine of Cheetah, _Acinonyx jubatus_
Journal of Chemical Ecology (32)
Burger, B.V.; Viviers, M.Z.; Bekker, J.P.I.; le Roux, M.; Fish, N.; Fourie, W.B.; Weibchen, G. 2008 Chemical Characterization of Territorial Marking Fluid of Male Bengal Tiger, _Panthera tigris_
Journal of Chemical Ecology (34)
Burger, J. 2000 Landscapes, tourism, and conservation
The Science of the Total Environment (249)
Burger, J.; Hemmer, H. 2006 Urgent call for further breeding of the relic zoo population of the critically endangered Barbary lion (_Panthera leo leo_ Linnaeus 1758)
European Journal of Wildlife Research (52)
Burger, J.; Rosendahl, W.; Loreille, O.; Hemmer, H.; Eriksson, T.; G”therstr”m, A.; Hiller, J.; Collins, M.J.; Wess, T.; Alt, K.W. 2004 Molecular phylogeny of the extinct cave lion_ Panthera leo spelaea_
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution (30)
Burger, J.; Safina, C.; Gochfeld, M. 2000 Factors affecting vigilance in springbok: importance of vegetative cover, location in herd, and herd size
Acta Ethologica (2)
Burgess, N.D.; Rahbek, C.; Larsen, F.W.; Wiliams, P.; Balmford, A. 2002 How much of the vertebrate diversity of sub-Saharan Africa is catered for by recent conservation proposals?
Biological Conservation (107)
Burgman, M.A.; Fox, J.C. 2003 Bias in species range estimates from minimum convex polygons: implication for conservation and options for improved planning
Animal Conservation (6)
Burke, R.C. 1910 A fight between a hyaena and a panther
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (19)
Burke, T.J. 1975 Feline reproduction
Feline Practice
Burkey, T.V. 1995 Faunal collapse in east African game reserves revisited
Biological Conservation (71)
Burkey, T.V.; Reed, D.H. 2006 The effects of habitat fragmentation on extinction risk: Mechanisms and synthesis
Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology (28)
Burness, G.P.; Diamond, J.; Flannery, T. 2001 Dinosaurs, dragons, and dwarfs: The evolution of maximal body size
Pnas (98)
Burney, D. 1991 Man and the Mara cheetahs
Wildlife News (16)
Burney, D.A. 1982 Life on the Cheetah Circuit
Natural History
Burns, R.J.; Connolly, G.E. 1985 A Comment on "Coyote Control and Taste Aversion"
Appetite (6)
Burnside, R.J.; Koshkin, M.; Dolman, P.M. 2014 Breeding population of sand cat in the Southern Kyzylkum Desert, Uzbekistan
Cat News (60)
Burrage, K.; Burrage, P.; Davis, J.; Bednarz, T.; Kim, J.; Vercelloni, J.; Peterson, E.E.; Mengersen, K. 2020 A stochastic model of jaguar abundance in the Peruvian Amazon under climate variation scenarios
Ecology and Evolution (10)
Burrows, R. 1994 Handle with care
New Scientist
Bursthaler, C.M.; Roth, J.D.; Gau, R.J.; Murray, D.L. 2016 Demographic differences in diet breadth of Canada lynx during a fluctuation in prey availability
Ecology and Evolution (6)
Burt, W.H.; Stirton, R.A. 1961 Family Felidae (Cats)
Book Chapter
Burton, A. 2019 Do dholes kill tigers?
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment (17)
Burton, A.C.; Buedi, E.B.; Balangtaa, C.; Kpelle, D.G.; Sam, M.K.; Brashares, J.S. 2011 The decline of lions in Ghana's Mole National Park
African Journal of Ecology (49)
Burton, A.C.; Neilson, E.; Moreira, D.; Ladle, A.; Steenweg, R.; Fisher, J.T.; Bayne, E.; Boutin, S. 2015 Wildlife camera trapping: a review and recommendations for linking surveys to ecological processes
Journal of Applied Ecology (52)
Burton, A.C.; Sam, M.K.; Kpelle, D.G.; Balangtaa, C.; Buedi, E.B.; Brashares, J.S. 2011 Evaluating persistence and its predictors in a West African carnivore community
Biological Conservation (144)
Burton, A.M.; Navarro Perez, S.; Chavez Tovar, C. 2003 Bobcat ranging behavior in relation to small mammal abundance on Colima Volcano, Mexico
Anales del Instituto de Biologˇa, Universidad Nacional Auton˘ma de M‚xico, Serie Zoologˇa (74)
Burton, C. 2009 Ghana Carnivore Project: a conservation assessment of lions and other wild carnivores in priority areas of Ghana, West Africa
Full Book
Burton, C.; Balangtaa, C.; Sam, M.; Brashares, J. 2007 Conservation Status of Felids in Mole National Park, Ghana
Conference Proceeding
Burton, J.; al Shaqsi, S.; al Wahaibi, B.; al Higgi, K.; al Hikmani, H.M.; Ross, S.; Al Jahdhami, M.; McGregor, T.; Roe, A.; Al Hikmani, K.; Dickinson, P.; Dutton, R. 2013 An increasing focus on field research, environmental education, and conservation in the sultanate of Oman
Wildlife Middle East (6)
Burton, J.; al Shaqsi, S.; al Wahaibi, B.; al Higgi, K.; al Hikmani, H.M.; Ross, S.; Al Jahdhami, M.; McGregor, T.; Roe, A.; Al Hikmani, K.; Dickinson, P.; Dutton, R. 2013 An increasing focus on field research, environmental education, and conservation in the sultanate of Oman
Wildlife Middle East (6)
Burton, R.G. 1920 Tigers in trees
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (27)
Burton, R.G. 1989 Black Tigers
Book Chapter
Burton, R.G. 1933 The Lion in India
Book Chapter
Burton, R.G. 1900 Bull terrier and tiger
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (12)
Burton, R.G. 1910 Some nature notes
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (19)
Burton, R.G. 1921 Panthers
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (26)
Burton, R.W. 1929 Panther Climbing up to a Machan
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (33)
Burton, R.W. 2004 The Tiger's method of making a kill
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (33)
Burton, R.W. 1918 Notes from the Oriental Sporting Magazine, New Series, 1869 to 1879
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (25)
Burton, R.W.; Bannerman, W.B. 1917 Notes from the Oirental Sporting Magazine, new series, 1869 to 1879 / Capturing tigers with Bird-Lime
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (25)
Busby, G.B.J.; Gottelli, D.; Durant, S.; Wacher, T.; Marker, L.L.; Belbachir, F.; de Smet, K.; Belbachir-Bazi, A.; Fellous, A.; Belghoul, M. 2006 A Report from the Sahelo Saharan Interest Group - Parc National de l'Ahaggar Survey, Algeria (March 2005), Part 5: Using Molecular Genetics to study the Presence of Endangered Carnivores (Nov. 2006)
Full Book
Busby, G.B.J.; Gottelli, D.; Wacher, T.; Marker, L.; Belbachir, F.; de Smet, K.; Belbachir-Bazi, A.; Fellous, A.; Belghoul, M.; Durant, S.M. 2009 Genetic analysis of scat reveals leopard _Panthera pardus_ and cheetah _Acinonyx jubatus _in southern Algeria
Oryx (43)
Busch, M.; Burroni, N.E. 2015 Foraging activity of commensal Mus musculus in semicaptivity conditions. Effect of predator odours, previous experience and moonlight
Pest Management Science (71)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)