IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Campbell, R.D. Spatial ecology of the Scottish wildcat
Full Book
Campbell, V.; Strobeck, C. 2006 Fine-scale genetic structure and dispersal in Canada lynx (_Lynx canadensis_) within Alberta Canada
Canadian Journal of Zoology (84)
Campos, C.B.; Esteves, C.F.; Ferraz, K.M.P.M.B.; Crawshaw Jr., P.G.; Verdade, L.M. 2007 Diet of free-ranging cats and dogs in a suburban and rural environment, south-eastern Brazil
Journal of Zoology (273)
Campos, C.M.; Velez, S.; Miguel, M.F.; Pap£, S.; Cona, M.I. 2018 Studying the quantity component of seed dispersal effectiveness from exclosure treatments and camera trapping
Ecology and Evolution (8)
Campos, V.E.; Maldonado, V.F.; Balmaceda, P.; Giannoni, S. 2017 Richness of plants, birds and mammals under the canopy of_ Ramorinoa girolae_, an endemic and vulnerable desert tree species
Bosque (38 )
Can, O.E. 2008 Camera Trapping Large Mammals in Yen¡ce Forest Habitats: A Feasibility Study for Camera Trapping Large Mammals in Yen¡ce Forests, Turkey
Full Book
Can, O.E. 2004 Status, Conservation and Management of Large Carnivores in Turkey
Full Book
Can, O.E.; Yadav, B.P.; Johnson, P.J.; Ross, J.; D'Cruze, N.; MacDonald, D.W. 2020 Factors affecting the occurrence and activity of clouded leopards, common leopards and leopard cats in the Himalayas
Biodiversity and Conservation (29)
Can, ™.E.; Kandemir, I.; Togan, I. 2011 The wildcat _Felis silvestris_ in northern Turkey: assessment of status using camera trapping
Oryx (45)
Can, ™.E.; Togan, I. 2010 Camera trapping of large mammas in Yenice Forest, Turkey: local information versus camera traps
Oryx (43)
Candela, M.G.; Pardavila, X.; Ortega, N.; Lamosa, A.; Mangas, J.G.; Mart¡nez-Carrasco, C. 2019 Canine distemper virus may affect European wild cat populations in Central Spain
Mammalian Biology (97)
Canepuccia, A.D.; Farias, A.A.; Escalante, A.H.; Iribarne, O.; Novaro, A.; Isacch, J.P. 2008 Differential responses of marsh predators to rainfall-induced habitat loss and subsequent variations in prey availability
Canadian Journal of Zoology (86)
Canon-Franco, W.A. 2013 Detec‡Æo molecular de cocc¡dios da familia Sarcocystidae em amostras teciduais de pequenos felideos neotropicais do Rio Grande do Sul
Full Book
Canon-Franco, W.A.; Araujo, F.A.P.; Gennari, S.M. 2013 Toxoplasma gondii in small neotropical wild felids
Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science (50)
Canon-Franco, W.A.; Lopez-Orozco, N.; Christoff, A.U.; de Castilho, C.S.; de Araujo, F.A.P.; Verma, S.K.; Dubey, J.P.; Soares, R.M.; Gennari, S.M. 2016 Molecular and morphologic characterization of _Sarcocystis felis_ in South American wild felids from Brazil
Veterinary Parasitology (217)
Canters, K.J.; Thissen, J.B.M.; Diepenbeek, M.A.J.; Jansman, H.A.H.; Goutbeek, K. 2005 The wildcat (_Felix silvestris_) finally recorded in the Netherlands
Lutra (48)
Canwari, M.; Puglise, M.; Marchetti, B. 1983 The Jaguar (El yaguarete)
Fauna argentina
Cao, L.N.; Gray, R.J.; Pham, T.V.; Trinh, M.T.; Nguyen, T.V.; Nguyen, H.T.T.; Willcox, D.; Cuong, T.X.; Tuan, V.C.A.; Dung, L.V.; Nguyen, T.V. 2022 Confirmed evidence of marbled cat in Pu Mat National Park, Vietnam
Cat News (75)
Capllonch, P.; Autino, A.; D¡az, M.; Barquez, R.M.; Goytia, M. 1997 Mammals of the Sierra de San Javier Biological Park, Tucum n, Argentina: Observations on their systematics and distribution
Mastozoologia Neotropical (4)
Capt, S. 2007 Monitoring and distribution of the lynx _Lynx lynx_ in the Swiss Jura Mountains
Wildlife Biology (13)
Capt, S.; Bernhart, F.; Breitenmoser, U.; Breitenmoser-Wrsten, C.; Haller, H.; Liberek, M.; Vandel, J.-M.; Herrenschmidt, V. 1993 Predation of lynx (_Lynx lynx_) on wild and domestic ungulates
Book Chapter
Caputo, P. 2002 Maneless in Tsavo
National Geographic (April 2002)
Caraco, T.; Wolf, L.L. 1975 Ecological determinants of group sizes of foraging lions
American Naturalist (109)
Caragiulo, A.; Kang, Y.; Rabinowitz, S.; Dias-Freedman, I.; Loss, S.; Zhou, X.-W.; Bao, W.-D.; Amato, G. 2015 Presence of the endangered Amur tiger Panthera tigris altaica in Jilin Province, China, detected using non-invasive genetic techniques
Caravaggi, A.; Banks, P.B.; Burton, A.C.; Finlay, C.M.V.; Haswell, P.M.; Hayward, M.W.; Rowcliffe, M.J.; Wood, M.D. 2017 A review of camera trapping for conservation behaviour research
Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation (3)
Carbone, C. 2007 Size Matters in Carnivore Ecology and Conservation
Conference Proceeding
Carbone, C.; Christie, S.; Conforti, K.; Coulson, T.; Franklin, N.; Ginsberg, J.R.; Griffiths, M.; Holden, J.; Kawanishi, K.; Kinnaird, M.F.; Laidlaw, R.; Lynam, A.; MacDonald, D.W.; Martyr, D.J.; McDougal, C.W.; Nath, L.; O'Brien, T.G.; Seidensticker, J.; Smith, D.J.L.; Sunquist, M.E.; Tilson, R.; Wan Shahruddin, W.N. 2001 The use of photographic rates to estimate densities of tigers and other cryptic mammals
Animal Conservation (4)
Carbone, C.; Christie, S.; Conforti, K.; Coulson, T.; Franklin, N.; Ginsberg, J.R.; Griffiths, M.; Holden, J.; Kinnaird, M.; Laidlaw, R.; Lynam, A.; MacDonald, D.W.; Martyr, D.J.; McDougal, C.W.; Nath, L.; O'Brien, T.G.; Seidensticker, J.; Smith, J.L.D.; Tilson, R.L.; Wan Shahruddin, W.N. 2002 The use of photographic rates to estimate densities of cryptic mammals: response to Jennelle et al
Animal Conservation (5)
Carbone, C.; Cowlishaw, G.; Isaac, N.J.B.; Rowcliffe, J.M. 2005 How Far Do Animals Go? Determinants of Day Range in Mammals
The American Naturalist (165)
Carbone, C.; Durant, S.; MacDonald, D.W.; Mace, G.M. 1998 Population viability and social structure
Conference Proceeding
Carbone, C.; Gittleman, J.L. 2002 A common rule for the scaling of carnivore density
Science (295)
Carbone, C.; Mace, G.M.; Roberts, S.C.; MacDonald, D.W. 1999 Energetic constraints on the diet of terrestrial carnivores
Nature (402)
Carbone, C.; Maddox, T.; Funston, P.J.; Mills, M.G.L.; Grether, G.F.; van Valkenburgh, B. 2009 Parallels between playback and Pleistocene tar seeps suggest sociality in an extinct sabretooth cat, _Smilodon_
Biology Letters (5)
Carbone, C.; Pettorelli, N.; Stephens, P.A. 2011 The bigger they come, the harder they fall: body size and prey abundance influence predator-prey ratios
Biology Letters (7)
Carbone, C.; Teacher, A.; Rowcliffe, J.M. 2007 The costs of carnivory
PLOS Biology (5)
Carbyn, L.N.; Patriquin, D. 1983 Observations on home range sizes, movements and social organization of lynx,_ Lynx canadensis_, in Riding Mountain national park, Manitoba
Canadian Field-Naturalist (97(3))
Cardenas, J.; Moraga, R.; Montt, M.; Elbroch, L.M. 2021 Novel foraging by pumas on rhea eggs observed during predator tourism
Cat News (72)
Cardillo, M. 2003 Biological determinants of extinction risk: why are smaller species less vulnerable?
Animal Conservation (6)
Cardillo, M.; Mace, G.M.; Gittleman, J.L.; Purvis, A. 2006 Latent extinction risk and the future battlegrounds of mammal conservation
Pnas (103)
Cardillo, M.; Purvis, A.; Sechrest, W.; Gittleman, J.L.; Bielby, J.; Mace, G.M. 2004 Human Population Density and Extinction Risk in the World's Carnivores
PLOS Biology (2)
Cardoso, H.M.; Morato, R.G.; Miyazaki, S.S.; Pereira, T.D.C.; Ribeiro de Ara£jo, G.; Kantek, D.L.Z. 2020 Effectiveness of protected areas for jaguars: the case of the Taiam  Ecological Station in Brazil
Pap‚is Avulsos de Zoologia (60, e20206048)
Cargnelutti, B.; Coulon, A.; Hewison, A.J.; Goulard, M.; Angibault, J.-M.; Morellet, N. 2007 Testing Global Positioning System performance for wildlife monitoring using mobile collars and known reference points
Journal of Wildlife Management (71)
Carignano Torres, P.; Morsello, C.; Parry, L. 2022 Rural-urban mobility influences wildmeat access and consumption in the Brazilian Amazon
Oryx (56)
Carloni, E.; Accorsi, P.A.; Viggiani, R. 2007 Non-Invasive Monitoring of Steroids in Hair: the Domestic Cat as a Model
Conference Proceeding
Carlsson, L. 2009 Activity and enclosure use of a sand cat in Parken Zoo, Eskilstuna
Full Book
Carlstead, K.; Brown, J.L.; Seidensticker, J. 1993 Behavioral and adrenocortical responses to environmental changes in leopard cats (Felis bengalensis)
Zoo Biology (12 )
Carmichael, L.E.; Clark, W.; Strobeck, C. 2000 Development and characterization of microsatellite loci from lynx (_Lynx canadensis_), and their use in other felids
Molecular Ecology (9)
Caro, T. 1996 An elegant enigma - The cheetah is socially and genetically unique among all the cats
Wildlife Conservation
Caro, T. 1999 The behaviour-conservation interface
Tree (14)
Caro, T.; Laurenson, K. The Serengeti Cheetah Project

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)