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Casares-Hildago, C.; Perz-Ramos, A.; Forner-Gumbau, M.; Pastor, F.J.; Figueirido, B. 2019 Taking a look into the orbit of mammalian carnivorans
Journal of Anatomy (234)
Casas-Marce, M.; Marmesat, E.; Soriano, L.; Martinez-Cruz, B.; Lucena-Perez, M.; Nocete, F.; Rodriguez-Hidalgo, A.; Canals, A.; Nadal, J.; Detry, C.; Bernaldez-Sanchez, E.; Fernandez-Rodriguez, C.; Perez-Ripoll, M.; Stiller, M.; Hofreiter, M.; Rodriguez, A.; Revilla, E.; Delibes, M.; Godoy, J.A. 2017 Spatiotemporal dynamics of genetic variation in the Iberian lynx along its path to extinction reconstructed with ancient DNA
Molecular Biology and Evolution (34)
Casas-Marce, M.; Revilla, E.; Godoy, J.A. 2010 Searching for DNA in museum specimens: a comparison of sources in a mammal species
Molecular Ecology Resources (10)
Casas-Marce, M.; Soriano, I.; LĀ¢pez-Bao, J.V.; Godoy, J.A. 2013 Genetics at the verge of extinction: insights from the Iberian lynx
Molecular Ecology (22)
Cascelli de Azevedo, F.C. 2008 Food Habits and Livestock Depredation of Sympatric Jaguars and Pumas in the Igua‡u National Park Area, South Brazil
Biotropica (40)
Cascelli de Azevedo, F.C.; Murray, D.L. 2007 Spatial organization and food habits of jaguars (_Panthera onca_) in a floodplain forest
Biological Conservation (137)
Cascelli de Azevedo, F.C.; Murray, D.L. 2007 Evaluation of Potential Factors Predisposing Livestock to Predation by Jaguars
Journal of Wildlife Management (71)
Caso, A. Los jaguars "problema" mito o realidad - problem jaguars myth or reality
Caso, A. 1993 Los felinos silvestres del NE en Mexico - Wildlife cats of northeast Mexico
Dumac (15)
Caso, A. 1993 Investigacion sobre el jaguarundi en el noreste de Mexico
Mexico desconocido (18)
Caso, A. 1993 Investigation del ocelote en el noreste de Mexico
Mexico desconocido (17)
Caso, A. 2011 Status of Jaguars in the State of Tamaulipas
Book Chapter
Caso, A. 2013 Spatial differences and local avoidance of ocelot (_Leopardus pardalis_) and jaguarundi (_Puma yagouaroundi_) in northeast Mexico
Full Book
Caso, A.; de Oliveira, T.; Carvajal, S.V. 2015 _Herpailurus yagouaroundi_
Full Book
Caso, A.; Dominguez, E.F. 2018 Confirmed presence of jaguar, ocelot and jaguarundi in the Sierra of San Carlos, Mexico
Cat News (68)
Caso, A.; Tewes, M.E. 2007 Habitat Use, Spatial and Activity Patterns of the Jaguarundi in Northeast Mexico
Conference Proceeding
Caso, M.S.A. 2002 Leopard pilot population study at Rungwa/Piti ecosystem, Tanzania, East Africa: Final Report
Full Book
Cassaigne, I.; Medellin, R.A.; Thompson, R.W.; Culver, M.; Ochoa, A.; Vergas, K.; Childs, J.L.; Sanderson, J.; List, R.; Torres-Gomez, A. 2016 Diet of puma (_Puma concolor_) in Sonora, Mexico, as determined by GPS kill sites and molecular identified scat, with comments on jaguar (_Panthera onca_) diet
The Southwestern Naturalist (61)
Cassaigne, I.; Thompson, R.W.; Medellin, R.A.; Culver, M.; Ochoa, A.; Vargas, K.; Childs, J.L.; Galaz, M.; Sanderson, J. 2020 Augmentation of natural prey reduces cattle predation by puma (Puma concolor) and jaguar (Panthera onca) on a ranch in Sonora, Mexico
The Southwestern Naturalist (65)
Cassano, C.R.; de Almeida-Rocha, J.M.; Alvarez, M.R.; Steiner Sao Bernardo, C.; Bianconi, G.V.; Campiolo, S.; Bueno de Campos, C.; Danilewicz, D.; de Carvallo Falcao, F.; Garcia, F.V.; Gine, G.A.F.; Guidorizzi, C.E.; Jerusalinski, L.; Pendu, Y.L.; Marcondes, M.C.C.; Melo, V.L.; Mendes, F.R.; Miretzki, M.; Neves, L.G.; Oliveira, L.C.; Pereira, A.R.; da Silva, K.F.M.; Reis, M.d.S.; De Vleschouwer, K.M.; Vieira, E.M.; Ximenes, G.E.I. 2017 First evaluation of mammals conservation status in Bahia, Brazil
Oecologia Australis (21)
CastaĀ¤eda, F.E.; McCann, N.P.; Āµvila-Palma, H. 2023 Confirmed presence of a puma in the binational MerendĀ¢n Mountain Range
Cat News (77)
Castaneda, F.E.; Herrera, L.A.; Pereira, S.C. 2013 Behaviour of two male jaguars scavenging on a marine dolphin in Honduras
Cat News (58)
Castano Salazar, J.H. 2012 MamĀ”feros de Caldas: un anĀ lisis de vacĀ”os de informaciĀ¢n
Boletin Cientifico Centro de Museos (16)
Castano, J.H.; Corrales, J.D. 2010 MamĀ”feros de la cuenca del rĀ”o La Miel (Caldas): diversidad y uso cultural
Boletin Cientifico Centro de Museos (14)
Castano-Uribe, C. 2013 The management of regional environmental authorities in the accompaniment of the Colombian Caribbean feline conservation plan in the last five years (La gestiĀ¢n de las autoridades ambientales regionales en el acompaĀ¤amiento del plan de conservaciĀ¢n de felinos del caribe colombiano en los Ā£ltimos cino aĀ¤os)
Book Chapter
Castano-Uribe, C. 2013 Some cultural contexts of the jaguar in the Colombian Caribbean
Book Chapter
Castano-Uribe, C.; Gonzalez-Maya, J.F.; Zarrate-Charry, D.; Ange-Jaramillo, C.; Vela-Vargas, I.M. 2013 Conservation plan of Felids in the Colombian Caribbean: the felids and their role in the regional planification for key species (Plan de ConservaciĀ¢n de Felinos del Caribe colombiano: los felinos y su papel en la planificaciĀ¢n regional integral basada en especies clave)
Full Book
Castano-Uribe, C.; Lasso, C.A.; Hoogesteijn, R.; Diaz-Pulido, A.; Payan, E. 2016 II. Conflictos entre felinos y humanos en Amā€šrica Latina
Full Book
Castilho, C.S.; Marins-Sa, L.G.; Benedet, R.C.; Freitas, T.R.O. 2012 Genetic structure and conservation of mountain lions in the South-Brazilian Atlantic Rain Forest
Genetics and Molecular Biology (35)
Castilla, M.C.; Bertucci, T.; Cuyckens, G.A.E.; Diaz, M.M. 2017 Two new records of_ Leopardus geoffroyi _and _Puma yagouaroundi_ (Mammalia: Carnivora: Felidae) in the west of Argentina
NĀ¢tulas FaunĀ”sticas (229 )
Castillo, D.F.; Luengos Vidal, E.M.; Lucherini, M.; Casanave, E.B. 2008 First Report on the Geoffroy's Cat in a Highly Modified Rural Area of the Argentine Pampas
Cat News (49)
Castillo, D.F.; Vidal, E.M.L.; Caruso, N.C.; Manfredi, C.; Lucherini, M.; Casanave, E.B. 2019 Spatial organization and habitat selection of Geoffroy's cat in the Espinal of central Argentina
Mammalian Biology (94)
Castillo, L.; Ladio, A. 2017 Mammals and birds as ethno-indicators of change: their importance to livestock farmers in Arid Patagonia (Argentina)
Environment, Development and Sustainability (20)
Castley, J.G.; Knight, M.H.; Mills, M.G.L.; Thouless, C. 2002 Estimation of the lion (_Panthera leo_) population in the southwestern Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park using a capture-recapture survey
African Zoology (37)
Castro, D.; Monterroso, P.; Moreira, P.; Alves, P.C. 2007 Does Scat Morphological Misidentification Influence Ecological Studies? A Case Study with the European Wildcat (_Felis silvestris_) in Portugal
Conference Proceeding
Castro, L. 1994 Ecology and conservation of the Iberian lynx in the Malcata mountain range in Portugal
Castro, L.P.; Amaral, F.K. 1993 The recovery plan for the Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) population of Serra da Malcata Nature REserve (east Portugal)
Full Book
Castro, L.R.; Palma, L. 1996 The current status, distribution and conservation of Iberian lynx in Portugal
Journal of Wildlife Research (2)
Castro, W.J.P. 2023 Probability of occupation of forest patches by medium and large mammals in the Nhecolʒndia sub-region, Pantanal, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil
Full Book
Castro-Arellano, I.; Madrid-Luna, C.; Lacher Jr, T.E.; Leon-Paniagua, L. 2008 Hair-Trap Efficacy for Detecting Mammalian Carnivores in the Tropics
Journal of Wildlife Management (72)
Castro-Prieto, A.; Wachter, B.; Melzheimer, J.; Thalwitzer, S.; Hofer, H.; Sommer, S. 2012 Immunogenetic variation and differential pathogen exposure in free-ranging cheetahs across Namibian farmlands
PLoS ONE (7)
Castro-Prieto, A.; Wachter, B.; Melzheimer, J.; Thalwitzer, S.; Sommer, S. 2011 Diversity and Evolutionary Patterns of Immune Genes in Free-Ranging Namibian Leopard (_Panthera pardus pardus_)
Journal of Heredity (102)
Castro-Prieto, A.; Watcher, B.; Sommer, S. 2011 Cheetah Paradigm Revisited: MHC Diversity in the World's Largest Free-Ranging Population
Molecular Biology and Evolution
Cater, B. 1987 Lion King
BBC Wildlife
Caton Jones, F.W. 1908 A bear attacking a tiger
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (18)
Cattau, M. 2010 Using the ecosystem service value of habitat areas for wildlife conservation: Implications of carbon-rich peatswamp forests for the Bornean Orang-Utan, Pongo pymaeus
Full Book
Caucasus Leopard Working Group, 2011 Monitoring for the conservation of the leopard in the Caucasus Ecoregion - Findings and recommendations from the workshop on conservation monitoring of leopards, co-predators and prey in the Caucasus Ecoregion
Full Book
Caucasus Leopard Working Group, 2017 Strategy for the Conservation of the leopard in the Caucasus Ecoregion - Revised Version 2017
Full Book
Caudill, G.; Onorato, D.P.; Cunningham, M.W.; Caudill, D.; Leone, E.H.; Smith, L.M.; Jansen, D. 2019 Temporal trends in Florida panther food habits
Human-Wildlife Interactions (13)
Caughley, G. 1994 Directions in conservation biology
Journal of Animal Ecology (63)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)