IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


            460 items matching your query were found in the database.  

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Fox, J.L. 1989 A review of the status and ecology of the snow leopard (Panthera uncia)
Fox, J.L. 1989 An annotated bibliography of literature on the snow leopard (Panthera uncia)
Fox, J.L. 1994 Snow leopard conservation in the wild - A comprehensive perspective on a low density and highly fragmented population
Conference Proceeding
Fox, J.L. Snow leopard distribution
Fox, J.L. 1991 Status of the snow leopard Panthera uncia in Northwest India
Biological Conservation (55)
Fox, J.L.; Chundawat, R.S. 1988 Observations of snow leopard stalking, killing, and feeding behavior
Mammalia (52)
Fox, J.L.; Dorji, T. 2007 High elevation record for occurrence of manul or Pallas cat on the northwestern Tibetan Plateau, China
Cat News (46)
Fox, J.L.; Freeman, H. 1984 An internationally cooperative field study of the snow leopard in northern India
Book Chapter
Fox, J.L.; Jackson, R.M. 2002 Blue sheep and snow leopards in Bhutan and trans-himalayan Nepal: Recent status evaluations and their application to research and conservation
Conference Proceeding
Fox, J.L.; Nurbu, C. 1990 Hemis, a national park for snow leopard in India's trans-himalaya
Int.Ped.Book of Snow leopards (6)
Fox, J.L.; Nurbu, C.; Bhatt, S.; Chandola, A. 1994 Wildlife conservation and land-use changes in the transhimalayan region of Ladakh, India
Mountain Research and Development (14)
Fox, J.L.; Sinha, S.P.; Chundawat, R.S.; Das, P.K. 1986 A survey of Snow leopard and associated species in the Himalaya of Northwestern India
Full Book
Fox-Rosales, L.; de Oliveira, T.G. 2022 Habitat use patterns and conservation of small carnivores in a human-dominated landscape of the semiarid Caatinga in Barzil
Mammalian Biology
Fpaly, 2011 FPALY Newsletter, Update No. 15
Fragoso, C.E.; Rampim, L.E.; Simioni, S.S.; Araujo, V.C.; Haberfeld, M.; Junior, J.A.M. 2021 Intraguild predation between two large carnivores in the Brazilian Pantanal
Cat News (72)
Fragoso, J.M.V.; Levi, T.; Oliveira, L.F.B.; Luzar, J.B.; Overman, H.; Read, J.M.; Silvius, K.M. 2016 Line transect surveys underdetect terrestrial mammals: implications for the sustainability of subsistence hunting
PLoS ONE (11)
Frair, J.L.; Fieberg, J.; Hebblewhite, M.; Cagnacci, F.; Decesare, N.J.; Pedrotti, L. 2010 Resolving issues of imprecise and habitat-biased locations in ecological analyses using GPS telemetry data
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (365)
Frakes, R.A.; Beiden, R.C.; Wood, B.E.; James, F.E. 2015 Landscape analysis of adult Florida panther habitat
PLoS ONE (10)
Frame, G.W. 1984 How cheetah cubs lear to hunt
Frame, G.W. 1984 Cheetah
Book Chapter
Frame, G.W. 1980 Cheetah social organization in the Serengeti ecosystem, Tanzania
Conference Proceeding
Frame, G.W. 1976 Cheetah Ecology and Behaviour
Full Book
Frame, G.W.; Herbison Frame, L. 1993 Serengeti cheetahs
Swara (16)
Frame, G.W.; Herbison Frame, L. 1980 Cheetahs: In a race for survival
National Geographic
Frame, G.W.; Herbison Frame, L. 1977 Serengeti Cheetah
AWLF News (12)
Frame, G.W.; Herbison Frame, L. 1984 Cheetah male cooperation: test of a mutualism model
Conference Proceeding
Frame, G.W.; Herbison Frame, L. 1976 Population study of cheetahs and wild dogs
Frampton, G.T.; Beattie, M. 1995 Fish and wildlife service implementation strategy for educational component of tiger/rhino plan
Full Book
Franchini, M.; Fazzi, P.; Lucchesi, M.; Mori, E. 2017 Diet of adult and juvenile wildcats in Southern Tuscany (Central Italy)
Folia Zoologica (66)
Frangini, L.; Franchini, M.; Pesaro, S.; Stravisi, A.; Filacorda, S. 2021 Cortisol and camera-trapping as useful tools to explore ecological aspects of the European wildcat (_Felis silvestris silvestris_)
Atti del Museo di Storia Naturale della Maremma (25)
Frank, B.; Maurseth, P.B. 2006 The spatial econometrics of elephant population change A note
Ecological Economics (60)
Frank, L. 2001 Trapping methods (Appendix I) Lion conservation research Workshop 1: Survey Techniques
Conference Proceeding
Frank, L. 2007 Living with Lions on African Rangelands: One Successful Model, One Work in Progress
Conference Proceeding
Frank, L. 2004 Taking stock - Lions of Laikipia
Africa Geographic (June 2004)
Frank, L.; Cotterill, A.; Dolrenry, S.; Ekwanga, S.; Hazzah, L.; Howard, A.; Maclennan, S. 2006 Living with lions - Laikipia predator project and Kilimanjaro lion conservation project annual report
Full Book
Frank, L.; Cotterill, A.; Dolrenry, S.; Ekwanga, S.; Hazzah, L.; Howard, A.; Maclennan, S. 2007 Living with lions - Annual Report 2006-2007
Full Book
Frank, L.; Hemson, G.; Kushnir, H.; Packer, C.; Maclennan, S. 2008 Lions, conflict and conservation
Conference Proceeding
Frank, L.; Maclennan, S.; Hazzah, L.; Bonham, R.; Hill, T. 2006 Lion killing in the Amboseli-Tsavo ecosystem, 2001-2006, and its implications for Kenya's lion population
Full Book
Frank, L.; Packer, C. 2003 Life without lions
New Scientist
Frank, L.; Simpson, D.; Woodroffe, R. 2003 Foot snares: an effective method for capturing African lions
Wildlife Society Bulletin (31)
Frank, L.G. 1998 Effects of control programs on social and genetic structure of carnivores
Conference Proceeding
Frankel, T.L.; Rivers, J.P.W. 1978 The nutritional and metabolic impact of gamma-linolenic acid (18:3 omega 6) on cats deprived of animal lipid
British Journal of Nutrition (39)
Frankham, R. 2008 Genetic adaptation to captivity in species conservation programs
Molecular Ecology (17)
Frankham, R.; Franklin, I.R. 1998 Response to Lynch and Lande
Animal Conservation (1)
Frankham, R.; Ralls, K. 1998 Inbreeding leads to extinction
Nature (392)
Franklin, I.R.; Frankham, R. 1998 How large must populations be to retain evolutionary potential?
Animal Conservation (1)
Franklin, N. 2005 A Supplemental High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) Assessment on the Sumatran Tiger _(Panthera tigris sumatrae)_ in the Serapung Forest Management Unit - Riau, Indonesia
Full Book
Franklin, N. 2002 Conservation biology of the Sumatran tiger in Way Kambas National Park, Sumatra, Indonesia
Full Book
Franklin, N.; Bastoni,; Sriyanto,; Siswomartono, D.; Manansang, J.; Tilson, R. 1999 Last of the Indonesian tigers: a cause for optimism
Book Chapter
Franklin, N.; Hasiholan, W. 2004 Sumatran Tiger Conservation Programme

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)