IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


            790 items matching your query were found in the database.  

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Houji, L.; Helin, S. 1982 The status and fluctuation of the leopard cat in China
Full Book
Houji, L.; Helin, S. 1986 Distribution and status of the Chinese Tiger
Book Chapter
Houpline, C. 2010 Lion d'Afrique de l'Ouest: statut de conservation en Guin‚e
Houser, A.; Gusset, M.; Bragg, C.J.; Boast, L.K.; Somers, M.J. 2011 Pre-release hunting training and post-release monitoring are key components in the rehabilitation of orphaned large felids
South African Journal of Wildlife Research (41)
Houser, A.M.; Somers, M.J.; Boast, L.K. 2009 Spoor density as a measure of true density of a known population of free-ranging wild cheetah in Botswana
Journal of Zoology (278)
Houssaye, F.; Budd, J. 2009 EAZA Husbandry Guidelines for the Leopard
Full Book
Hoving, C.L. 2001 Historical occurrence and habitat ecology of Canada lynx (_Lynx canadensis_) in eastern North America
Full Book
Hoving, C.L.; Harrison, D.J.; Krohn, W.B.; Jakubas, W.J.; McCollough, M.A. 2004 Canada lynx _Lynx canadensis_ habitat and forest succession in northern Maine, USA
Wildlife Biology (10)
Hoving, C.L.; Harrison, D.J.; Krohn, W.B.; Joseph, R.A.; O'Brien, M. 2005 Broad-scale predictors of Canada lynx occurrence in eastern North America
Journal of Wildlife Management (69)
Hoving, C.L.; Joseph, R.A.; Krohn, W.B. 2003 Recent and historical distribution of Canada Lynx in Maine and the Northeast
Northeastern Naturalist (10)
Howard, A. 2014 Arizona Game and Fish Report
Conference Proceeding
Howard, J.G.; Donoghue, A.M.; Barone, M.A.; Goodrowe, K.L.; Blumer, E.S.; Snodgrass, K.; Starnes, D.; Tucker, M.; Bush, M.; Wildt, D.E. 1992 Successful induction of ovarian activity and laparoscopic intrauterine artificial insemination in the cheetah (_Acinonyx jubatus_)
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine (23)
Howard, J.G.; Munson, L.; McAloose, D.; Kriete, M.; Bush, M.E.; Wildt, D.E. 1993 Comparative evaluation of seminal, vaginal, and rectal bacterial flora in the cheetah and domestic cat
Zoo Biology (12)
Howard, J.G.; Wildt, D.E. 2007 Physiological Reproduction in Felids and Contributions to Conservation
Conference Proceeding
Howard, J.G.; Wildt, D.E. 2009 Approaches and efficacy of artificial insemination in felids and mustelids
Theriogenology (71)
Howard-McCombe, J.; Banfield, L.; Kitchener, A.C.; Al Qahtani, H.; Toosy, A.; Al Qarqas, M.; Craig, M.; Abramov, A.V.; Vernon, G.; Brito, J.C.; Asisi, S.; Ghazali, M.; Breton, G.; Sliwa, A.; Kaltwasser, K.; Hochkirch, A.; Senn, H. 2020 A Mitochondrial Phylogeny of the Sand Cat (_Felis margarita_ Loche, 1858)
Journal of Mammalian Evolution (27)
Howard-McCombe, J.; Jamieson, A.; Carmagnini, A.; Russo, I.R.; Ghazali, M.; Campbell, R.; Driscoll, C.; Murphy, W.J.; Nowak, C.; O'Connor, T.; Tomsett, L.; Lyons, L.A.; Mu¤oz-Fuentes, V.; Bruford, M.W.; Kitchener, A.C.; Larson, G.; Frantz, L.; Senn, H.; Lawson, D.J.; Beaumont, M.A. 2023 Genetic swamping of the critically endangered Scottish wildcat was recent and accelerated by disease
Current Biology (33)
Howard-McCombe, J.; Ward, D.; Kitchener, A.C.; Lawson, D.; Senn, H.V.; Beaumont, M. 2021 On the use of genome-wide data to model and date the time of anthropogenic hybridisation: An example from the Scottish wildcat
Molecular Ecology (30)
Howell, F.C. 1980 Zonation of late miocene and early pliocene circum-mediterranean faunas
Gobios (13)
Hristovski, M. 2001 On the status of the Balkan lynx in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Full Book
Hsu, T.C.; Rearden, H.H.; Luquette, G.F. 1963 Karyological studies of nine species of Felidae
The American Naturalist (97)
Hu, Y.; Hu, S.; Wang, W.; Wu, X.; Marshall, F.B.; Chen, X.; Hou, L.; Wang, C. 2013 Earliest evidence for commensal processes of cat domestication
Pnas (111)
Huang, G.T.; Rosowski, J.J.; Peake, W.T. 2000 Relating middle-ear acoustic performance to body size in the cat family: measurements and models
Journal of Comparative Physiology A (186)
Huang, G.T.; Rosowski, J.J.; Ravicz, M.E.; Peake, W.T. 2002 Mammalian ear specializations in arid habitats: structural and functional evidence from sand cat (_Felis margarita)_
Journal of Comparative Physiology A (188)
Huang, L. 2009 One last Stand
Newsweek (November)
Huang, X.; Hu, D.; Liu, W.; Muntifering, J. 2003 Field survey on South China tigers and their habitat evaluation in Yihuang Provincial Reserve in Jiangxi Province
Journal of Beijing Forestry University (25)
Huang, X.; Hu, D.; Tang, X.; Wang, Z.; Liu, W. 2004 Field survey of South China tigers and their habitat evaluation in Hupingshan National Reserve
Journal of Zhejiang Forestry College (21)
Huaranca, J.C.; Pacheco, L.F.; Villalba, M.L.; Torrez, A.R. 2014 Ciudad de Piedra, an important site for the conservation of Andean cats in Bolivia
Cat News (58)
Huaranca, J.C.; Villalba, M.L.; Negroes, N.; Jimenez, J.E.; MacDonald, D.W.; Pacheco, L.F. 2019 Density and activity patterns of Andean cat and Pampas cat _(Leopardus jacobita_ and _L. colocolo_) in the Bolivian Altiplano
Wildlife Research (47)
Hubbard, A.L.; McOrist, S.; Jones, T.W.; Boid, R.; Scott, R.; Easterbee, N. 1992 Is survival of European wildcats Felis silvestris in Britain threatened by interbreeding with domestic cats?
Biological Conservation (61)
Hubel, T.Y.; Shotton, J.; Wilshin, S.D.; Horgan, J.; Klein, R.; McKenna, R.; Wilson, A.M. 2016 Cheetah reunion - the challenge of finding your friends again
PLoS ONE (11)
Huber, C.; Walzer, C.; Bachmayr, L.S. 1999 A potential method of stress reduction in cheetah _(Acinonyx jubatus)_ translocation using perphenazine enanthate and zuclopenthixol acetate
Verhandlungsbericht des.Internationalen Symposiums ber die Erkrankungen der Zoo- und Wildtiere (39)
Huber, C.; Walzer, C.; Slotta-Bachmayr, L. 2001 Evaluation of long-term sedation in cheetah (_Acinonyx jubatus_) with perphenazine enanthate and zuclopenthixol acetate
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine (32)
Huber, P.R.; Vickers, T.W.; Broyce, W.M. 2014 Road impacts on mountain lions in Orange County, California: using multiple data types to prioritize management actions
Conference Proceeding
Huber, T. 1992 Neues vom Luchs in Krnten (Teil 2) Luchsgruppe Krnten / Institut fr Wildbiologie und Jagdwirtschaft - Boku Wien
Krntner Jger
Huber, T.; Kaczensky, P. 1998 The situation of the lynx (_Lynx lynx_) in Austria
Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy (10)
Huber, T.; Laass, J.; Engleder, T. 2001 Present knowledge on the distribution of the lynx (_Lynx lynx_) in Austria
Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy (12)
Hucht-Ciorga, I. 2012 Monitoring in Lynx (_Lynx lynx_) in North Rhine-Westphalia - records from the years 1985 to 2011 (Luchsmonitoring (_Lynx lynx_) in Nordrhein-Westfalen- Hinweise aus den Jahren 1985 bis 2011)
S„ugetierkundliche Informationen (45)
Huck, M.; Fernandez-Duque, E. 2012 Survival of a wild puma missing a foot
Cat News (57)
Huck, M.; Jedrzejewski, W.; Borowik, T.; Milosz-Cielma, M.; Schmidt, K.; Jedrzejewska, B.; Nowak, S.; Myslajek, R.W. 2010 Habitat suitability, corridors and dispersal barriers for large carnivores in Poland
Acta Theriologica (55)
Huck, M.; Juarez, C.P.; Fernandez-Duque, E. 2017 Relationship between moonlight and nightly activity patterns of the ocelot and some of its prey species in Formosa, Northern Argentina
Mammalian Biology (82)
Huckschlag, D. 2004 Lynx Monitoring in the Palatinate Forest - Annual Report 2003
Full Book
Huckschlag, D. 2005 Lynx Monitoring in the Palatinate Forest - Annual Report 2004
Full Book
Huckschlag, D. 2006 Lynx Monitoring in the Palatinate Forest - Annual Report 2005
Full Book
Huckschlag, D. 2007 Monitoring and status of lynx in the Palatinate Forest - Analysis of evidence 1999 to 2006 and conception of a lure station deployment
Full Book
Huckschlag, D. 2010 11 years of lynx monitoring in the south of Rhineland-Palatinate - analysis of evidence from 1999 to 2009
Full Book
Hudson, P.E.; Corr, S.A.; Payne-Davis, R.C.; Clancy, S.N.; Lane, E.; Wilson, A.M. 2011 Functional anatomy of the cheetah (_Acinonyx jubatus_) forelimb
Journal of Anatomy (218)
Hudson, P.E.; Corr, S.A.; Payne-Davis, R.C.; Clancy, S.N.; Lane, E.; Wilson, A.M. 2011 Functional anatomy of the cheetah (_Acinonyx jubatus_) hindlimb
Journal of Anatomy (218)
Hudson, P.E.; Corr, S.A.; Wilson, A.M. 2012 High speed galloping in the cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) and the racing greyhound (Canis familiaris): spatio-temporal and kinetic characteristics
The Journal of Experimental Biology (215)
Hudson-Lamb, G.C.; Schoeman, J.P.; Hooijberg, E.H.; Heinrich, S.K.; Tordiffe, A.S.W. 2016 Reference intervals for selected serum biochemistry analytes in cheetahs
Journal of South African Veterinary Association (87)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)