IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Hunter, L.T.B.; Skinner, J.D. 2003 Do male cheetahs _Acinonyx jubatus_ commit infanticide?
Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa (56)
Hunter, L.T.B.; White, P.; Henschel, P.; Burton, L.F.C.; Loveridge, A.; Balme, G.; Breitenmoser, C.; Breitenmoser, U. 2012 Walking with lions: why there is no role for captive-origin lions _Panthera leo_ in species restoration
Hunter, L.T.B.; White, P.; Henschel, P.; Frank, L.; Burton, C.; Loveridge, A.; Balme, G.; Breitenmoser, C.; Breitenmoser, U. 2013 No science, no success and still no need for captive-origin lion reintroduction: a reply to Abell & Youldon
Oryx (47)
Hunter, M. 2004 The Great and Lesser Wild Cats of Egypt
Huntington, S. 2000 Cheetahs always win! If animals competed in the Sydney Olympics, Humans would be sad because -
Hunziker, M.; Egli, E.; Wallner, A. 1998 Return of predators: Reasons for existence or lack of pulic acceptance Workshop on human dimension in large carnivore conservation
Conference Proceeding
Hunziker, M.; Hoffmann, C.W.; Wild-Eck, S. 2001 The acceptance of wolf, lynx and "urban fox" - results of a nationwide representative survey
For.Snow Landsc.Res. (76)
Hupe, K. 2007 Investigation of the occurrence of the wildcat (_Felis silvestris silvestris_) in forests and wooded ridges between Solling and Hainberg with regard to a possible networking of the Harz and Solling populations
Informationsdienst Naturschutz Niedersachsen (27)
Hurley, M.A.; Unsworth, J.W.; Zager, P.; Hebblewhite, M.; Garton, E.O.; Montgomery, D.B.; Skalski, J.R.; Maycock, C.L. 2014 Demographic response of mule deer to experimental reduction of coyotes and mountain lions
Conference Proceeding
Hurstel, A.; Laurent, A. 2016 First evidence of lynx dispersion from the Jura to the Vosges (PremiŠre preuve de dispersion du lynx d'Eurasie (_Lynx lynx_) du Jura vers Les Vosges)
Ciconia (40)
Hurstel, A.; Laurent, A. 2016 Rapport de monitoring lynx bor‚al (_Lynx lynx_), loup gris (_Canis lupus_), chat forestier (_Felis silvestris_)
Full Book
Hurtado, C.M.; Garc¡a-Olaechea, A.; G lvez, N.; de Oliveira, T.G.; Palacios, G.; Ram¡rez-Fern ndez, J.D.; Tirelli, F.P.; Weston, M.; Sanderson, J. 2022 Small wild cat working groups of the Neottropics: results of the first group leaders meeting
Cat News (76)
Hurtado, C.M.; Pacheco, V.; Fajardo, U.; Uturunco, A. 2017 An updated analysis of the distribution of CITES-listed Peruvian carnivores for conservation priorities
Mastozoolog¡a Neotropical (23)
Husain, T. The price of a tiger
Husain, T. 2001 Survey for the Asiatic cheetah, Acinonyx jubatus, in Balochistan province, Pakistan
Full Book
Hushangabadkar, P.; Jena, J.; Borah, J.; Dey, S.; Reddy, M.S. 2018 Photographic record of rusty-spotted cats in Tipeshwar Wildlife Sanctuary, India
Cat News (67)
Hussain, I.; Child, T.; Akter, R.; Ahmed, N.; Greenwood, C.J. 2010 Developing a conservation education and community outreach strategy for tiger conservation in Bangladesh
Full Book
Hussain, S. 2002 Nature and human nature: conservation, values and snow leopard - Prepared for Snow leopard survival strategy workshop
Conference Proceeding
Hussain, S. 2002 Nature and human nature: conservation, values and snow leopard
Conference Proceeding
Hussain, S. 2003 The status of the snow leopard in Pakistan and its conflict with local farmers
Oryx (37)
Hussain, T.; Babar, M.E.; Ziaullah,; Khan, W.A. 2016 Hematological and blood chemistry values in snow leopard from Khunjerab National Park, Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan
The Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences (26)
Husseman, J.S.; Murray, D.L.; Power, G.; Mack, C.; Wenger, C.R.; Quigley, H. 2004 Assessing differential prey selection patterns between two sympatric large carnivores
Oikos (101)
Hutajulu, B.; Sunarto,; Klenzendorf, S.; Supriatna, J.; Budiman, A.; Yahya, A. 2007 Study on the Ecological Characteristics of Clouded Leopard in Riau, Sumatra
Conference Proceeding
Hutcherson, A. 1996 "Wild Heritage" (and other articles)
TICA Trend - The Official Magazine of The International Cat Association
Hutchins, M.; Wiese, R.J.; Willis, K. 1997 Captive Breeding and Conservation
Conservation Biology (11)
Hutlet, J. 2005 The Cougar in Manitoba
Full Book
Hutton, J.M.; Leader-Williams, N. 2003 Sustainable use and incentive-driven conservation: realigning human and conservation interests
Oryx (37)
Hyatt, J.-P.K.; Roy, R.R.; Rugg, S.; Talmadge, R.J. 2010 Myosin heavy chain composition of tiger and cheetah hindlimb muscles
Journal of Experimental Zoology (313)
Hykle, D.J.; Masse-Proulx, R. 1987 Convention on international trade in endangered species of wild fauna and flora (Third Sesseion 15th July) Sixth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties, Ottawa
Conference Proceeding
Httner, M.; Nakao, M.; Wassermann, T.; Siefert, L.; Boomker, D.F.; Dinkel, A.; Sako, Y.; Mackenstedt, U.; Romig, T.; Ito, A. 2008 Genetic characterization and phylogenetic position of _Echinococcus felidis_ Ortlepp, 1937 (_Cestoda: Taeniidae_) from the African lion
International Journal for Parasitology (38)
Hhn, E.O. 1973 Lynxes
Animals (15(16))
Hner, O.P.; Wachter, B.; East, M.L.; Runyoro, V.A.; Hofer, H. 2005 The effect of prey abundance and foraging tactics on the population dynamics of social, territorial carnivore, the spotted hyena
Oikos (108)
Htte, M. 2002 Amur leopard conservation 2002
Full Book
Htte, M. 2002 Amur Leopard Conservation 2002 (PowerPoint Presentation)
Full Book
Htte, M. 1998 Amur leopard Protection - progress report
Full Book
Htte, M. 1999 Amur leopard Protection - progress report June 1999
Full Book
Htte, M. 2000 Amur leopard Protection - Annual progress report August 2000
Full Book
Htte, M. 2001 International Co-operation Session 6. International Cooperation
Conference Proceeding
Htte, M. 2000 Amur leopard conservation Annual progress report
Htzel, M.; Klar, N.; Schrder, S.; Steffen, C.; Thiel, C. 2007 The wildcat in the Eifel, habitats, resources, foraging areas
Full Book

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)