IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Kamler, J.F.; Stenkewitz, U.; Sliwa, A.; Wilson, B.; Lamberski, N.; Herrick, J.R.; MacDonald, D.W. 2015 Ecological relationships of black-footed cats (Felis nigripes) and sympatric canids in South Africa
Mammalian Biology (80)
Kanagaraj, R.; Wiegand, T.; Goyal, S.P.; Kramer-Schadt, S.; Johnsingh, A.J.T.; Ramesh, K.; Qureshi, Q.; Anwar, M.; David, A. 2007 Assessing Habitat Suitability for Tiger (_Panthera tigris_) and its Prey Species in the Indian Part of Terai Arc Landscape
Conference Proceeding
Kanagaraj, R.; Wiegand, T.; Kramer-Schadt, S.; Anwar, M.; Goyal, S.P. 2011 Assessing habitat suitability for tiger in the fragmented Terai Arc Landscape of India and Nepal
Ecography (34)
Kanagaraj, R.; Wiegand, T.; Kramer-Schadt, S.; Goyal, S.P. 2013 Using individual-based movement models to assess inter-patch connectivity for large carnivores in fragmented landscapes
Biological Conservation (167)
Kanagaraj, R.; Wiegand, T.; Mohamed, A.; Kramer-Schadt, S. 2013 Modelling species distributions to map the road towards carnivore conservation in the tropics
The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology (28)
Kanda, C.Z. 2015 Movement ecology and spatial-temporal dynamics of jaguar (_Panthera onca_) in the southern Pantanal wetlands of Brazil
Full Book
Kandel, R.C. 2012 Wildlife use of Bharandabhar forest corridor: between Chitwan National Park and Mahabharat foothills, Central Tarai, Nepal
Journal of Ecology and the Natural Environment (4)
Kane, M.D. 2014 Estimating population size, density, and occupancy of lions (_Panthera leo_), leopards (_P. pardus_), and servals (_Leptailurus serval_) using camera traps in the Niokolo Koba National Park in Senegal, West Africa
Full Book
Kane, M.D.; Morin, D.J.; Kelly, M.J. 2015 Potential for camera-traps and spatial mark-resight models to improve monitoring of the critically endangered West African lion (_Panthera leo_)
Biodiversity Conservation (24)
Kang, A.; Xie, Y.; Tang, J.; Sanderson, E.W.; Ginsberg, J.R.; Zhang, E. 2010 Historic distribution and recent loss of tigers in China
Integrative Zoology (5)
Kannan, R. 199 Two close encounters with the Tiger (_Panthera tigris_) in the Karian Shola National Park of the Anaimalai Hills, Western Tamil Nadu
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (91)
Kanou, Y.; Fukui, D.; Yamamoto, S.; Shibahara, T.; Ishikawa, Y.; Kadota, K. 2005 Gastroinvasive _Helicobacter_ infection in an ocelot
Journal of Comparative Pathology (133)
Kanta, J. 2008 South Dakota Mountain Lion Status Report
Full Book
Kantimahanti, M. 2018 Conservation of fishing cat and rusty-spotted cat in the northern Eastern Ghats of Andhra Pradesh, India
Conference Proceeding
Kantimahanti, M.; Thyadi, A.; Chintalapudi, A.; Rathod, V.; Yerramseti, P. 2019 Camera trap record of inland Fishing cat from east coastal plains of South India
Cat News (70)
Kantimahanti, M.; Thyadi, A.; Thyadi, O. 2022 Feeding behaviour of a fishing cat inland from the wetlands in the east coast of India
Cat News (75)
Kanwar, G.; Lomis, K.K. 2020 First record of rusty-spotted cat in Punjab, India
Cat News (71)
Kaoud, H.A. 2017 Heart Conditions in Felidae
Book Chapter
Kapfer, P.M. 2012 Bobcat (_Lynx rufus_) spatial ecology and harvest in Minnesota
Full Book
Kapfer, P.M. 2014 Winter home range and core area size and overlap of sibling adult female bobcats in East-central Minnesota
American Midland Naturalist (171)
Kapfer, P.M.; Potts, K.B. 2012 Socioeconomic and ecological correlates of bobcat harvest in Minnesota
The Journal of Wildlife Management (76)
Kapfer, P.M.; Streby, H.M.; Gurung, B.; Simcharoen, A.; McDougal, C.C.; Smith, J.L.D. 2011 Fine-scale spatio-temporal variation in tiger _Panthera tigris_ diet: effect of study duration and extent on estimates of tiger diet in Chitwan National Park, Nepal
Wildlife Biology (17)
Kaphegyi, T.A.M.; Kaphegyi, U.; Mller, U. 2006 Status of the Eurasian lynx (_Lynx lynx)_ in the Black Forest region, South Western Germany
Mammalian Biology (71)
Kapos, V.; Balmford, A.; Aveling, R.; Bubb, P.; Carey, P.; Entwistle, A.; Hopkins, J.; Mulliken, T.; Safford, R.; Stattersfield, A.; Walpole, M.; Manica, A. 2009 Outcomes, not implementation, predict conservation success
Oryx (43)
Kar, S.; Sarangi, S. 2010 Advances in sensor network for wildlife research
Karakin, V.P. 2001 Problems of deer farms in Southwest Primorye Session 4. Management of Deer Farms
Conference Proceeding
Karami, M. 1992 Cheetah distribution in Khorasan Province, Iran
Karami, M.; Hutterer, R.; Benda, P.; Siahsarvie, R.; Krystufek, B. 2008 Annotated check-list of the mammals of Iran
Lynx (Praha) (39)
Karandikar, H.; Serota, M.W.; Sherman, W.C.; Green, J.R.; Verta, G.; Kremen, C.; Middleton, A.D. 2022 Dietary patterns of a versatile large carnivore, the puma (_Puma concolor_)
Ecology and Evolution (12)
Karanth, K.; Srivathsa, A. 2014 Top Photos: 20 Years Camera-trapping India's Elusive Carnivores
Karanth, K.; Surendra, A. 2018 Species and sites matter: Understanding human-wildlife interactions from 5,000 surveys in India
Book Chapter
Karanth, K.D. 2003 Forest use and human-wildlife conflicts in Bhadra Wildlife Sanctuary, Karnataka, India
Tropical Resource Bulletin (22)
Karanth, K.K. 2005 Addressing Relocation and Livelihood Concerns
Economic and Political Weekly (12)
Karanth, K.K. 2011 Patterns of mammal species richness in India
Current Science (100)
Karanth, K.K. 2007 Making resettlement work: The case of India's Bhadra Widllife Sanktuary
Biological Conservation (139)
Karanth, K.K.; Curran, L.M.; Reuning-Scherer, J.D. 2006 Village size and forest disturbance in Bhadra Wildlife Sanctuary, Western Ghats, India
Biological Conservation (128)
Karanth, K.K.; DeFries, R. 2010 Conservation and management in human-dominated landscapes: Case studies from India
Biological Conservation (143)
Karanth, K.K.; DeFries, R. 2011 Nature-based tourism in Indian protected areas: New challenges for park management
Conservation Letters (4)
Karanth, K.K.; DeFries, R.; Srivathsa, A.; Sankaraman, V. 2012 Wildlife tourists in India's emerging economy: potential for a conservation constituency?
Oryx (46)
Karanth, K.K.; Gopalaswamy, A.M.; DeFries, R.; Ballal, N. 2012 Assessing Patterns of Human-Wildlife Conflicts and Compensation around a Central Indian Protected Area
PLoS ONE (7)
Karanth, K.K.; Gopalaswamy, A.M.; Prasad, P.K.; Dasgupta, S. 2013 Patterns of human-wildlife conflicts and compensation: Insights from Western Ghats protected areas
Biological Conservation (166)
Karanth, K.K.; Jain, S.; Weinthal, E. 2017 Human-wildlife interactions and attitudes towards wildlife and wildlife reserves in Rajasthan, India
Oryx (53)
Karanth, K.K.; Kramer, R.A.; Qian, S.S.; Christensen Jr., N.L. 2008 Examining conservation attitiudes, perspectives and challenges in India
Biological Conservation (141)
Karanth, K.K.; Kudalkar, S. 2017 History, location, and species matter: insights for human-wildlife conflict mitigation from India
Human Dimensions of Wildlife (22)
Karanth, K.K.; Naughton-Treves, L.; DeFries, R.; Gopalaswamy, A.M. 2013 Living with Wildlife and Mitigating Conflicts Around Three Indian Protected Areas
Environmental Management
Karanth, K.K.; Nepal, S.K. 2012 Local Residents Perception of Benefits and Losses From Protected Areas in India and Nepal
Environmental Management (49)
Karanth, K.K.; Nichols, J.D.; Hines, J.E.; Karanth, K.U.; Christensen, N.L. 2009 Patterns and determinants of mammal species occurrence in India
Journal of Applied Ecology (46)
Karanth, K.K.; Nichols, J.D.; Karanth, K.U.; Hines, J.E.; ChristensenJr., N.L. 2010 The shrinking ark: patterns of large mammal extinctions in India
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. (277)
Karanth, K.K.; Nichols, J.D.; Sauer, J.R.; Hines, J.E.; Yackulic, C.B. 2013 Latitudinal gradients in North American avian species richness, turnover rates and extinction probabilities
Ecography (37)
Karanth, K.U. 1996 Project: Ecological Status and Conservation of Tigers in India - Annual Report (Feb 1995 to Jan 1996)
Full Book

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)