IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


            706 items matching your query were found in the database.  

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Land, D. 1994 Florida panther population dynamics in Southwest Florida
Conference Proceeding
Land, D.; Shindle, D.; Cunningham, M.; Lotz, M.; Ferree, B. 2004 Florida panther genetic restoration and management - annual report July 2003 - June 2004
Full Book
Land, E.D. 1994 Big Cypress deer/ panther relationships: Deer mortality
Conference Proceeding
Land, E.D. 1994 Panther use of the Southern Florida landscape
Conference Proceeding
Land, E.D.; Lacy, R.C. 2000 Introgression level achieved through Florida panther genetic restoration
Endangered Species UPDATE (17)
Land, E.D.; Shindle, D.; Lotz, M. 2001 A summary of Florida panther mortality caused by vehicular collisions
Full Book
Land, E.D.; Shindle, D.B.; Kawula, R.J.; Benson, J.F.; Lotz, M.A.; Onorato, D.P. 2008 Florida panther habitat selection analysis of concurrent GPS and VHF telemetry data
Journal of Wildlife Management (72)
Landaeta-Aqueveque, C.; Krivokapich, S.; Gatti, G.M.; Gonzalez Prous, C.; Rivera-Bueckle, V.; Martin, N.; Gonzalez-Acuna, D.; Sandoval, D. 2015 _Trichinella spiralis_ parasitizing _Puma concolor_: first record in wildlife in Chile
Helminthologia (52 )
Lande, R. 1988 Genetics and demography in biological conservation
Science (241)
Lande, U.S.; Linnell, J.D.C.; Herfindal, I.; Salvatori, V.; Broseth, H.; Andersen, R.; Odden, J.; Andr‚n, H.; Karlsson, J.; Willebrand, T.; Persson, J.; Landa, A.; May, R.; Dahle, B.; Swenson, J. 2003 Potensielle leveomr†der for store rovdyr i Skandinavia: GIS-analyser p† et ›koregionalt niv†
Full Book
Landguth, E.L.; Fedy, B.C.; Oyler-McCance, S.J.; Garey, A.L.; Emel, S.L.; Mumma, M.; Wagner, H.H.; Fortin, M.-J.; Cushman, S.A. 2012 Effects of sample size, number of markers, and allelic richness on the detection of spatial genetic pattern
Molecular Ecology Resources (12)
Landres, P.B.; Verner, J.; Thomas, J.W. 1988 Ecological Uses of Vertebrate Indicator Species: A Critique
Conservation Biology (2)
Landry, J.-M. 1997 La Bˆte du Val Ferret Rapport relatant les ‚v‚nements survenues dans les Vals Ferrets et d'Entremont (VS) entre octobre 1994 et mai 1996
Full Book
Landry, J.-M. 1999 The use of guard dogs in the Swiss Alps: A first analysis
Full Book
Landry, J.-M. 1998 Le chien de protection: une nouvelle m‚thode pour prot‚ger les troupeaux?
Forum Kleinwiederk„uer
Landry, S.; Anderson, J.; Rogers, R.; Welsh, A.; Ryan, C. 2016 Bobcat demography in West Virginia
Proceedings of the West Virginia Academy of Science (88)
Lane, C.D. 1970 Another Enemy in Vietnam
Military Medicine (135)
Lane, E.P.; Brettschneider, H.; Caldwell, P.; Oosthuizen, A.; Dalton, D.L.; du Plessis, L.; Steyl, J.; Kotze, A. 2016 Feline panleukopaenia virus in captive non-domestic felids in South Africa
Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research (83)
Lane, E.P.; Miller, S.; Lobetti, R.; Caldwell, R.; Bertschinger, H.J.; Burroughs, R.; Kotze, A.; Van Dyk, A. 2012 Effect of diet on the incidence of and mortality owing to gastritis and renal disease in captive cheetahs (_Acinonyx jubatus_) in South Africa
Zoo Biology (31)
Lane, W.H. 1904 Tiger versus bear
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (15)
Laneng, L.A.; Ilstedt, U.; Yasuyuki, T.; Vairappan, C.S. 2019 First record of five Bornean Felidae in INIKEA forest rehabilitation project area, Malaysia
Cat News (70)
Lang, L.D.; Tessier, N.; Gauthier, M.; Wissink, R.; Jolicoeur, H.; Lapointe, F.-J. 2013 Genetic confirmation of cougars in Eastern Canada
Northeastern Naturalist (20)
Langholz, J.A.; Lassoie, J.P.; Lee, D.; Chapman, D. 2000 Economic considerations of privately owned parks
Ecological Economics (33)
Langin, C.; Jacobson, S.K. 2012 Risk and residency influences on public support for Florida panther recovery
Wildlife Society Bulletin (36)
Langle, P.R. 2019 _Prionailurus rubiginosus_ (Carnivora: Felidae)
Mammalian Species (51 )
Langley, J.; Lee, H. 1997 Plant substances as alternatives for animal products used in Traditional Chines Medicine
Full Book
Langley, J.R.P.; Yalden, D.E. 2018 The decline of the rarer carnivores in Great Britain during the nineteenth century
Mammal Review (7)
Langley, R.j.; Hirsch, V.M.; O'Brien, S.J.; Adger-Johnson, D.; Goeken, R.M.; Olmsted, R.A. 1994 Nucleotide sequence analysis of puma lentivirus (PLV-14): Genomic organization and relationship to other lentiviruses
Virology (202)
Langman, V.A.; Langman, S.L.; Ellifrit, N. 2015 Seasonal acclimatization determined by non-invasive measurements of coat insulation
Zoo Biology (34)
Langridge, K. 2017 Confirming presence/absence of wildcat
Full Book
Lansford, K.C.; Woolstenhulme, R. 2008 Nevada Mountain Lion Status Report
Full Book
Lantschner, M.V. 2005 Efecto de las forestaciones sobre el uso de h bitat y la disponibilidad de recursos de mam¥feros carn¥voros nativos en el NO Patag¢nico
Full Book
Lantschner, M.V.; Rusch, V.; Hayes, J.P. 2012 Habitat use by carnivores at different spatial scales in a plantation forest landscape in Patagonia, Argentina
Forest Ecology and Management (269)
Lapini, L. 1989 Il gatto selvatico nella regione Friuli-Venezia Giulia
Fauna (1)
Lapini, L. 2006 Current distribution of the wildcat Felis silvestris silvestris Schreber, 1775 in northeastern Italy (Mammalia: Felidae)
Bollettino del Museo civico di storia naturale di Venezia (57)
Lapini, L.; Molinari, P. 2007 After ten years, the wildcat (Felis s. silvestris SCHREBER 1775: Mammalia: Felidae) reappears in Carinthia
Personal Communication
Lapointe, E.; Conrad, K.; Mitra, B.; Jenkins, H. 2007 Tiger Conservation - It's time to think outside the box
Full Book
Laricchiuta, P.; Patania, T.; Torina, A.; Vitale, F.; Gruppillo, A.; Domina, F.; Pennisi, M.G. 2006 Arthropod-borne infections in lions _(Panthera leo)_ from the Fasano Safari Park
Conference Proceeding
Larison, B.; Smith, T.B.; Girman, D.; Stauffer, D.; Mila, B.; Drewes, R.C.; Grisworld, C.E.; Vindum, J.V.; Ubick, D.; O'Keefe, K.; Nguema, J.; Henwood, L. 1999 Biotic Surveys of Bioko and Rio Muni, Equatorial Guinea
Full Book
Lariviere, S.; Walton, L.R. 1997 Lynx rufus
Mammalian Species
Larrucea, E.S.; Serra, G.; Jaeger, M.M.; Barrett, R.H. 2007 Censusing bobcats using remote cameras
Western North American Naturalist (67)
Larsen, R.S.; Carpenter, J.W. 1999 Suspected vaccine- and /or dart - associated fibrosarcoma in a tiger _(Panthera tigris)_
Verhandlungsbericht des.Internationalen Symposiums ber die Erkrankungen der Zoo- und Wildtiere (39)
Larson, S.E. 1997 Taxonomic re-evaluation of the jaguar
Zoo Biology (16)
Larsson, F. 2009 Utfodring av „lg (_Alces alces_) och lodjur (_Lynx lynx_) i f†ngenskap
Full Book
Larsson, M.H.M.A.; Coelho, F.M.; Oliveira, V.M.C.; Yamaki, F.L.; Pereira, G.G.; Soares, E.C.; Fedullo, J.D.L.; Pereira, R.C.; Ito, F.H. 2008 Electrocardiographic parameters of captive lions and tigers immobilized with ketamine plus xylazine
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine (39)
Larsson, M.H.M.A.; do Espirito Santo, P.L.; Mirandola, R.M.S.; Fedullo, J.D.L.; Ito, F.H.; Itikawa, P.H.; Pessoa, R.B. 2015 Hematologic parameters of captive lions and Siberian tigers
Acta Scientiae Veterinariae (43)
LaRue, M.A. 2007 Predicting potential habitat and dispersal corridors for cougars in midwestern north America
Full Book
LaRue, M.A.; Nielsen, C.K. 2008 Modelling potential dispersal corridors for cougars in midwestern North America using least-cost path methods
Ecological Modelling (212)
LaRue, M.A.; Nielsen, C.K. 2011 Modelling potential habitat for cougars in midwestern North America
Ecological Modelling (222)
LaRue, M.A.; Nielsen, C.K. 2016 Population viability of recolonizing cougars in midwestern North America
Ecological Modelling (321)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)