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Lorica, R.P.; Oliver, W.L.R. 2007 Philippines Biodiversity Conservation Programme - Terminal Report - Phase One July 2005-December 2006
Full Book
Losirirattanakul, S.; Sawangchang, P. 1998 Tigers close to extinction, activists warn 
Loss, S.R.; Terwilliger, L.A.; Peterson, A.C. 2011 Assisted colonization: Integrating conservation strategies in the face of climate change
Biological Conservation (144)
Lotter, W.; Clark, K. 2014 Community involvement and joint operations aid effective anti-poaching in Tanzania
Parks (20)
Lotz, M.; Land, D. 2007 Florida panther roadkills
Wild Cat News (3)
Lotz, M.; Land, D.; Shindle, D.; Jansen, D.K.; Osborne, J.; Alvarado, M.; Ettaji, K.A.-M. 1999 Florida panther genetic restoration progress report, October, November, December 1999
Full Book
Lotz, M.; Land, D.; Shindle, D.; Jansen, D.K.; Osborne, J.; Alvarado, M.; Ettaji, K.A.-M. 1999 Florida panther genetic restoration progress report, July, August, September 1999
Full Book
Lotz, M.; Meeks, K. 2014 Techniques used to raise orphaned Florida panthers for release to the wild
Conference Proceeding
Lotz, M.A. 2008 Florida Mountain Lion Status Report
Full Book
Loucks, C.; Barber-Meyer, S.; Hossain, M.A.A.; Barlow, A.; Chowdhury, R.M. 2010 Sea level rise and tigers: predicted impacts to Bangladesh's Sundarbans mangroves
Climatic Change (98)
Louw, J.; Funston, P.; Greeff, A.; Kloppers, H. 2012 The applicability of lion prey selection models to smaller game reserves in South Africa
South African Journal of Wildlife Research (42)
Louys, J. 2007 Limited effect of the Quaternary's largest super-eruption (Toba) on land mammals from Southeast Asia
Quaternary Science Review (26)
Lovallo, M.J. 1999 Status and managment of bobcat (Lynx rufus) in Pennsylvania Cover, Contents, References and Appendices
Full Book
Lovallo, M.J. 1999 Status and managment of bobcat (Lynx rufus) in Pennsylvania Section I: Introduction
Full Book
Lovallo, M.J. 1999 Status and managment of bobcat (Lynx rufus) in Pennsylvania Section II: Bobcat Behavior
Full Book
Lovallo, M.J. 1999 Status and managment of bobcat (Lynx rufus) in Pennsylvania Section III: Bobcat demographics
Full Book
Lovallo, M.J. 1999 Status and managment of bobcat (Lynx rufus) in Pennsylvania Section IV: Bobcat Management
Full Book
Lovallo, M.J. 1999 Status and managment of bobcat (Lynx rufus) in Pennsylvania Section V: Recreational significance
Full Book
Lovallo, M.J. Bobcat management in Pennsylvania (2013-2022)
Full Book
Lovallo, M.J.; Anderson, E.M. 1996 Bobcat movements and home ranges relative to roads in Wisconsin
Wildlife Society Bulletin (24)
Lovallo, M.J.; Anderson, E.M. 1995 Range shift by a female bobcat after removal of neighboring female
The American Midland Naturalist (134)
Lovallo, M.J.; Anderson, E.M. 1996 Bobcat home range size and habitat use in Northwest Wisconsin
American Midland Naturalist (135)
Lovari, S.; Boesi, R.; Minder, I.; Mucci, N.; Randi, E.; Dematteis, A.; Ale, S.B. 2009 Restoring a keystone predator may endanger a prey species in a human-altered ecosystem: the return of the snow leopard to Sagarmatha National Park
Animal Conservation (12)
Lovari, S.; Minder, I.; Ferretti, F.; Mucci, N.; Randi, E.; Pellizzi, B. 2013 Common and snow leopards share prey, but not habitats: competition avoidance by large predators?
Journal of Zoology (291)
Lovari, S.; Pokheral, C.P.; Jnawali, S.R.; Fusani, L.; Ferreti, F. 2014 Coexistence of the tiger and the common leopard in a prey-rich area: the role of prey partitioning
Journal of Zoology (295)
Lovari, S.; Ventimiglia, M.; Minder I., 2013 Food habits of two leopard species, competition, climate change and upper treeline: a way to the decrease of an endangered species?
Ethology Ecology & Evolution (25)
Lovejoy, T. 2006 Protected areas: a prism for a changing world
Trends in Ecology & Evolution (21)
Loveless, A.M.; Reding, D.M.; Kapfer, P.M.; Papes, M. 2016 Combining ecological niche modelling and morphology to assess the range-wide population genetic structure of bobcats
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society (117)
Lovely, K.R. 2009 Issues of captivity and conservation surrounding pantherine cats with a focus on the lion (_Panthera leo_) and the tiger (_Panthera tigris_)
Full Book
Loveridge, A.; Canney, S.; Hemson, G.; Sillero-Zubiri, C. 2007 Modelling the Distribution of African Lion Populations Using a GIS Meta-Analysis
Conference Proceeding
Loveridge, A.J. 2007 Wild Felids and People
Conference Proceeding
Loveridge, A.J.; Canney, S. 2009 African Lion Distribution Modelling Project
Full Book
Loveridge, A.J.; Canney, S. 2009 Report on the Lion Distribution and Conservation Modeling Project
Full Book
Loveridge, A.J.; Chikerema-Mandisodza, R.L.; Musto, P. Ecological sustainability of leopard trophy hunting in Zimbabwe
Full Book
Loveridge, A.J.; Hunt, J.E.; Murindagomo, F.; MacDonald, D.W. 2006 Influence of drought on predation of elephant (_Loxodonta africana_) calves by lions (_Panthera leo_) in an African wooded savannah
Journal of Zoology (270)
Loveridge, A.J.; Kuiper, T.; Parry, R.H.; Sibanda, L.; Hunt, J.H.; Stapelkamp, B.; Sebele, L.; MacDonald, D.W. 2017 Bells, bomas and beefsteak: complex patterns of human-predator conflict at the wildlife-agropastoral interface in Zimbabwe
Loveridge, A.J.; Lynam, T.; MacDonald, D.W.; Jackson, P. 2001 Acknowledgements, Foreword, Preface, Contents Lion conservation research Workshop 1: Survey Techniques
Conference Proceeding
Loveridge, A.J.; Packer, C.; Dutton, A. 2009 Science and the recreational hunting of lions
Book Chapter
Loveridge, A.J.; Reynolds, J.C.; Milner-Gulland, E.J. 2006 Does sport hunting benefit conservation?
Key Topics in Conservation Biology
Loveridge, A.J.; Searle, A.W.; Murindagomo, F.; MacDonald, D.W. 2007 The impact of sport-hunting on the population dyamics of an African lion population in a protected area
Biological Conservation (134)
Loveridge, A.J.; Seymour-Smith, J.L.; Kotze, R.; Sibanda, A.L.; Collins, K. 2021 Evidence of predation on aquatic vertebrates by serval in the Okavango Delta, Bostwana
African Journal of Ecology (59)
Loveridge, A.J.; Sousa, L.L.; Cushman, S.; Kaszta, Z. 2022 Where have all the lions gone? Establishing realistic baselines to assess decline and recovery of African lions
Diversity and Distributions (28)
Loveridge, A.J.; Valeix, M.; Davidson, Z.; Fritz, H.; MacDonald, D.W. 2007 Ecological Correlates of Lion Home Range Size in a Dystrophic Savanna Ecosystem
Conference Proceeding
Loveridge, A.J.; Valeix, M.; Davidson, Z.; Murindagomo, F.; Fritz, H.; Mac Donald, D.W. 2009 Changes in home range size of African lions in relation to pride size and prey biomass in a semi-arid savanna
Ecography (32)
Loveridge, A.J.; Valeix, M.; Elliot, N.B.; MacDonald, D.W. 2017 The landscape of anthropogenic mortality: how African lions respond to spatial variation in risk
Journal of Applied Ecology (54)
Loveridge, R.; Cusack, J.J.; Eames, J.C.; Samnang, E.; Willcox, D. 2018 Mammal records and conservation threats in Siem Pang Wildlife Sanctuary and Siem Pang Khang Lech Wildlife Sanctuary, Cambodia
Cambodian Journal of Natural History (2)
Lowe, S.E.; Bradshaw, J.W.S. 2001 Ontogeny of individuality in the domestic cat in the home environment
Animal Behaviour (61)
Lowrie, P.; Wells, S. 1991 Genetic fingerprinting 
New Scientist (52)
Lowry, A. 1975 Cheetah Research Project Etosha National park
Full Book
Loxterman, J.L. 2011 Fine scale population genetic structure of pumas in the Intermountain West
Conservation Genetics (12)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)