IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Lawhead, D.N. 1984 Bobcat_ Lynx rufus_ home range density and habitat preference in south central Arizona USA
Southwestern Naturalist (29(1))
Lay, D.M. 1967 Felidae
Book Chapter
Lay, D.M. 1967 A study of the mammals of Iran resulting from the Street expedition of 1962-63
Fieldiana Zoology (54)
Lazarus, J. 1992 Predator monitoring in Thomson's gazelle
SWRC Serengeti Wildlife Research Centre Scientific Report
Laze, K. 2019 Insights on the role of forest cover and on the changes in forest cover on thirty-five endangered mammal species distributions
European Journal of Ecology (5)
Laze, K.; Gordon, A. 2016 Incorporating natural and human factors in habitat modelling and spatial prioritisation for the _Lynx lynx martinoi_
Web Ecology (16)
Lazzeri, L.; Bandinelli, A. 2016 The presence of the wildcat in Val di Cecina
Full Book
Lcht, M.; Stagegaard, J.; Conraths, F.J.; Schares, G. 2019 _Toxoplasma gondii_ in small exotic felids from zoos in Europe and the Middle East: serological prevalence and risk factors
Parasites & Vectors (12)
L¢pez, G.; del Rey-Wamba, T.; Willett, B.; Fern ndez-Pena, L.; L¢pez-Parra, M.; Le¢n, C.I.; Serra, R.C.; Zorrilla, I.; Hofmann-Lehmann, R.; Sim¢n, M.A.; Meli, M.L. 2019 Lack of contact with feline immunodeficiency virus in the Iberian lynx
European Journal of Wildlife Research (65)
L¢pez, J.M. 2018 Skeletal remains of micromammals recovered in archaeological sites of northern Mendoza for contexts corresponding to the late Holocene: a zooarchaeological, taphonomic and paleoenvironmental approach
Full Book
L¢pez-Bao, J.V.; Aronsson, M.; Linnell, J.D.C.; Odden, J.; Persson, J.; Andr‚n, H. 2019 Eurasian lynx fitness shows little variation across Scandinavian human-dominated landscapes
Scientific Reports (9:8903)
L¢pez-Bao, J.V.; Kaczensky, P.; Linnell, J.D.C.; Boitani, L.; Chapron, G. 2015 Carnivore coexistence: Wilderness not required
Science (348)
L¢pez-Bao, J.V.; Mattisson, J.; Persson, J.; Aronsson, M.; Andr‚n, H. 2016 Tracking neighbours promotes the coexistence of large carnivores
Scientific Reports (6)
L¢pez-Bao, J.V.; Palomares, F.; Rodriguez, A.; Ferreras, P. 2011 Intraspecific interference influences the use of prey hotspots
Oikos (120)
L¢pez-Bao, J.V.; Rodriguez, A.; Delibes, M.; Fedriani, J.M.; Calzada, J.; Ferreras, P.; Palomares, F. 2014 Revisiting food-based models of territoriality in solitary predators
Journal of Animal Ecology (83)
L¢pez-Bao, J.V.; Rodriguez, A.; Palomares, F. 2007 First Iberian lynx tracked with GPS-GSM collars
Cat News (47)
LCIE Core group, 2002 Large Carnivore Initiative for Europe core group position statement on the use of hunting, and lethal control, as means of managing large carnivore populations
Full Book
Le Berre, M. 1991 The role of Tassili N'Ajjer (Algeria) in the conservation of the great mammalian fauna in central Sahara
Book Chapter
Le Grange, C. 1983 Leopards shot "in horrifying numbers" in SA - conservationist's dream comes true
Le Nuz, E. 1999 Identification de la prsence du Lynx boral (Lynx lynx L.) dans les Vosges du Nord par la mthode des piges trace
Annales Scientifiques de la Reserve de la Biosphere des Vosges du Nord (7 )
Le Roux, J.J.; Llewellyn, C.F.; Herbst, M.; MacFadyen, S. 2014 Genetic analysis shows low levels of hybridization between African wildcats (_Felis silvestris lybica_) and domestic cats (_F. s. catus_) in South Africa
Ecology and Evolution (5)
Le Roux, P.G.; Skinner, J.D. 1989 A note on the ecology of the leopard (_Panthera pardus_ Linnaeus) in the Londolozi Game Reserve, South Africa
African Journal of Ecology (27)
Leader-Williams, N. 2009 Conservation and hunting: friends or foes?
Book Chapter
Leader-Williams, N.; Baldus, R.D.; Smith, R.J. 2009 The influence of corruption on the conduct of recreational hunting
Book Chapter
Leader-Williams, N.; Kayera, J.A.; Overton, G.L. 1996 Tourist Hunting in Tanzania
Conference Proceeding
Leader-Williams, N.; Walton, D. 1989 The isle and the pussycat
New Scientist
Le¢n, C.I.; Garc¡a-Bocanegra, I.; McCain, E.; Rodr¡guez, E.; Zorrilla, I.; G¢mez, A.M.; Ruiz, C.; Molina, I.; G¢mez-Guillam¢n, F. 2017 Prevalence of selected pathogens in small carnivores in reintroduction areas of the Iberian lynx (_Lynx pardinus_)
Veterinary Record (180)
Lebon, A.J.S. 2008 Atlas radiographique du squelette du jaguar
Full Book
Lecis, R.; Pierpaoli, M.; Biro, Z.S.; Szemethy, L.; Ragni, B.; Vercillo, R.; Randi, E. 2006 Bayesian analyses of admixture in wild and domestic cats (_Felis silvestris_) using linked microsatellite loci
Molecular Ecology (15)
Ledesma, M.A.; Ledesma, C.O.; Schiaffino, K.; Rinas, M.A.; Gunski, R.J. 2004 An lisis citogen‚tico de _Panthera onca_ de la Provincia de Misiones, Argentina
Mastozoologia Neotropical (11)
Lee, A.R. 1992 Cheetah (_Acinonyx jubatus_)
Full Book
Lee, C.K.F.; Keith, D.A.; Nicholson, E.; Murray, N.J. 2019 Redlistr: tools for the IUCN Red Lists of ecosystems and threatened species in R
Ecography (42)
Lee, J.S.; Ruell, E.W.; Boydston, E.E.; Lyren, L.M.; Alonso, R.S.; Troyer, J.L.; Crooks, K.R.; VandeWoude, S. 2012 Gene flow and pathogen transmission among bobcats in a fragmented urban landscape
Molecular Ecology (21)
Lee, M.-Y.; Hyun, J.Y.; Lee, S.-J.; An, J.; Lee, E.; Min, M.-S.; Kimura, J.; Kawada, S.-i.; Kurihara, N.; Luo, S.-J.; O'Brien, S.J.; Johnson, W.E.; Lee, H. 2012 Subspecific Status of the Korean Tiger Inferred by Ancient DNA Analysis
Animal Systematics, Evolution and Diversity (28)
Lee, O.; Lee, S.; Nam, D.-H.; Lee, H.Y. 2014 Food habits of the leopard cat (_Prionailurus bengalensis euptilurus_) in Korea
Mammal Study (39)
Lee, R.J.; Gorog, A.J.; Dwiyahreni, A.; Siwu, S.; Riley, J.; Alexander, H.; Paoli, G.D.; Ramono, W. 2005 Wildlife trade and implications for law enforcement in Indonesia: a case study from North Sulawesi
Biological Conservation (123)
Lee, S.; Lee, S.; Song, W.; Lee, M.J. 2017 Habitat Potential Mapping of Marten (Martes flavigula) and Leopard Cat (Prionailurus bengalensis) in South Korea Using Artificial Neural Network Machine Learning
Applied Sciences (7)
Lee, T.E.; Black, S.A.; Fellous, A.; Yamaguchi, N.; Angelici, F.M.; al Hikmani, H.M.; Reed, J.M.; Elphick, C.S.; Roberts, D.L. 2015 Assessing uncertainty in sighting records: an example of the Barbary lion
PeerJ (3)
Lee-Thorp, J.; Thackeray, J.F.; van der Merwe, N. 2000 The hunters and the hunted revisited
Journal of Human Evolution (39)
Leech, H.; Jelinski, D.E.; DeGroot, L.; Kuzyk, G. 2017 The temporal niche and seasonal differences in predation risk to translocated and resident woodland caribou (_Rangifer trandus caribou_)
Canadian Journal of Zoology (95)
Leech, K. 2008 The way to save tigers is to farm tigers
Full Book
Leeds, A.; Stone, D.; Johnson, B.; Less, E.; Schoffner, T.; Dennis, P.; Lukas, K.; Wark, J. 2016 Managing repetitive locomotor behaviour and time spent off exhibit in a male black-footed cat (_Felis nigripes_) through exhibit and husbandry modifications
Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research (4)
Leemans, D. 2015 Diet of the cheetah and function of its digestive system
Full Book
Legay, J.-M.; Pontier, D. 1985 Age-fertility relationship in populations of domestic cats, _Felis catus_
Mammalia (49)
Legge, S. 1996 Cooperative lions excape the prisoner's dilemma
Tree (11)
Lehman, C.P.; Rota, C.T.; Rumble, M.A.; Millspaugh, J.J. 2017 Characteristics of successful puma kill sites of elk in the Black Hills, South Dakota
Wildlife Biology
Lehmann, L.; Stefen, C. 2020 Hairs of wild _Felis silvestris silvestris_ and domestic _Felis catus_ - are they distinctive after all? (Carnivora: Felidae)
Lynx (Praha) (51)
Lehmann, L.; Stefen, C. 2021 Study of non-metric characters of the skull to determine the epigenetic variability in populations of the European wildcat (_Felis silvestris silvestris_) and domestic cats (_Felis catus_)
Mammalian Biology (101)
Lehmann, M.B. 2007 The behavioural ecology of a solitary lion pride in Karongwe game reserve
Full Book
Lehmann, M.B.; Funston, P.J.; Owen, C.; Slotow, R. 2008 Reproductive biology of a pride of lions on Karongwe Game Reserve, South Africa
African Zoology (43)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)