IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


            311 items matching your query were found in the database.  

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Niphadkar, S.M.; Narsapur, V.S.; Deshpande, V.S. 1982 Note on the autopsy and causes of death of a Panther
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (79)
Nirascou, G. 1999 Le retour des bˆtes sauvages
Nishimura, Y.; Goto, Y.; Yoneda, K.; Endo, Y.; Mizuno, T.; Hamachi, M.; Maruyama, H.; Kinoshita, H.; Koga, S.; Komori, M.; Fushuku, S.; Ushinohama, K.; Akuzawa, M.; Watari, T.; Hasegawa, A.; Tsujimoto, H. 1999 Interspecies Transmission of Feline Immunodeficiency Virus from the Domestic Cat to the Tsushima Cat (_Felis bengalensis euptilura_) in the Wild
Journal of Virology (73)
Nistreanu, V.; Larion, A.; Caldari, V.; Dibolscaia, N. 2021 Mammal fauna from the Landscape Reserve "La Castel", Republic of Moldova
Buletinul Academiei de Stiinte a Moldovei Stiintele vietii (2)
Niwas, D. 1987 Sighting of a rusty-spotted cat (Felis rubiginosa)
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (84)
Niwas, D. 1995 Occurence of the rusty spotted cat (Felis rubiginosa) in Madhya Pradesh
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (92)
Nixon, S.C.; Lusenge, T. 2008 Conservation status of okapi in Virunga National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo
Full Book
Noam, Z. 2007 Eco-authoritarian conservation and ethnic conflict in Burma
Policy Matters (15)
Noble, D.M. 1990 Donna Noble - The Waasis Cougar - My Story
Panther Prints - Newsletter of The Friends of The Eastern Panther (1)
Noblet, M. 1979 Projet de reintroduction du lynx dans les Alpes fran‡aises Reintroduction project of the Lynx in the French Alps Projekt der Reintroduktion des Luchses in die franz”sischen Alpen
Conference Proceeding
Noga, S.R.; Kolawole, O.D.; Thakadu, O.T.; Masunga, G.S. 2018 'Wildlife officials only care about animals': Farmers' perceptions of a Ministry-based extension delivery system in mitigating human-wildlife conflicts in the Okavango Delta, Botswana
Journal of Rural Studies (61)
Nogales, M.; Medina, F.M. 2009 Trophic ecology of feral cats _(Felis silvestris_ f. _catus_) in the main environments of an oceanic archipelago (Canary Islands): An updated approach
Mammalian Biology (74)
Nogales-Ascarrunz, P.; Aliaga-Rossel, E.; Ossio, V.; Villalba, L. 2022 Death by car, a new threat to the endangered Andean cat
Cat News (76)
Nogeire, T.M.; Davis, F.W.; Duggan, J.M.; Crooks, K.R.; Boydston, E.E. 2013 Carnivore use of avocado orchards across an agriculturel-wildland gradient
PLoS ONE (8)
Nolte-Wilson, B. 1990 Sovereign of a manaced realm
Snow Line - International Snow Leopard Trust (8)
Noonan, M.J.; Newman, C.; Buesching, C.D.; MacDonald, D.W. 2015 Evolution and function of fossoriality in the Carnivora: implications for group-living
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (3)
Noor, A. 2019 Status and spatio-temporal ranging behaviour of leopard (_Panthera pardus_) in Dachigam National Park, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir
Full Book
Noor, A.; Bushra, A.; Sharma, R.K.; Sultan,; De, R.; Goyal, S.P.; Habib, B. 2021 Jungle cat activity in a human-dominated agricultural landscape, India
Cat News (73)
Nora, F.P.d.M. 2022 _Panthera onca_ conservation in Brazil: science and social conflicts
Full Book
Norbu, P. 2012 Camera traps confirm presence of Pallas cat
Full Book
Norbu, U. (ed) 2002 Conserving tigers in the wild - A WWF framework and strategy for action 2002-2010
Full Book
Norbu, U.P.; Tobgay, S. Phibsoo Wildlife Sanctuary - Conservation Management Plan, 2012-2017
Full Book
Norbury, G. 2000 Predation risk to native fauna following outbreaks of rabbit haemorrhagic disease in New Zealand
Mammal Review (30)
Nordbo, I.; Turdumambetov, B.; Gulcan, B. 2017 Local opinions on trophy hunting in Kyrgyzstan
Journal of Sustainable Tourism
Nordin, M. 1990 Developments and approaches in the management of protected areas and widlife in Peninsular Malaysia - past and present
The Journal of Wildlife and Parks (9)
Nordstroem, J. 2010 Temporal and spatial variation in predation on roe deer fawns
Full Book
Norris, H.T. 1984 Indigenous peoples of the Sahara
Book Chapter
Norris, K.M. 2005 Born to be wild: tiger persecution and advocacy from 1800 to the present
Full Book
North Dakota Game and Fish Department, 2006 Status of Mountain Lions (_Puma concolor_) in North Dakota - A report to the legislative council
Full Book
North, M.A.; Lane, E.P.; Marnewick, K.; Caldwell, P.; Carlisle, G.; Hoffman, L.C. 2015 Suspected lead poisoning in two captive cheetahs in South Africa, in 2008 and 2013
Journal of the South African Veterinary Association (86)
Norton, P. 1990 How many leopards? A criticism of Martin and de Meulenaer's population estimates for Africa
South African Journal of Science (86)
Norton, P.M. 1986 Conservation plan for Cape mountain leopard population
Full Book
Norton, P.M. 1986 Historical Changes in the distribution of leopards in the Cape Province, South Africa
Bontebok (5)
Norton, P.M.; Henley, S.R. 1987 Home range and movements of male leopards in the Cedarberg Wilderness Area, Cape Province
South African Journal of Wildlife Research (17)
Norton, P.M.; Lawson, A.B. 1985 Radio tracking of leopards and caracals in the Stellenbosch area, Cape Province
South African Journal of Wildlife Research (15)
Norton, P.M.; Lawson, A.B.; Henley, S.R.; Avery, G. 1986 Prey of leopards in four mountainous areas of the south-western Cape Province
South African Journal of Wildlife Research (16)
Norton-Griffiths, M. 1978 Counting Animals
Full Book
Norum, J.K.; Lone, K.; Linnell, J.D.C.; Odden, J.; Loe, L.E.; Mysterud, A. 2015 Landscape of risk to roe deer imposed by lynx and different human hunting tactics
European Journal of Wildlife Research (61)
Norval, M. 2015 Camdeboo-Mountain Zebra National Park Corridor: Opportunities for Conservation and Socio-Economic Development
Conference Proceeding
Noss, A.; Maffei, L.; Polisar, J.; Garcia, R.; Silver, S. 2013 Evaluating jaguar densities with camera traps
Full Book
Noss, A.J. 1999 Cable snares and bushmeat markets in a central African forest
Environmental Conservation (25)
Noss, A.J.; Garnder, B.; Maffei, L.; Cuellar, E.; Montano, R.; Romero-Munoz, A.; Sollmann, R.; O'Connell, A.F. 2012 Comparison of density estimation methods for mammal populations with camera traps in the Kaa-Iya del Gran Chaco landscape
Animal Conservation (15)
Noss, R.F. 1996 Ecosystems as conservation targets
Science (11)
Noss, R.F.; Quigley, H.B.; Hornocker, M.G.; Merrill, T.; Paquet, P.C. 1996 Conservation biology and carnivore conservation in the Rocky Mountains
Conservation Biology (10)
Nova Scotia Lynx Recovery Team, 2007 Recovery plan for the Canada Lynx (_Lynx canadensis_) in Nova Scotia
Full Book
Novack, A.J. 2003 Impacts of subsistence hunting on the foraging ecology of jaguar and puma in the Maya Biosphere Reserve, Guatemala
Full Book
Novack, A.J.; Main, M.B.; Sunquist, M.E.; Labisky, R.F. 2005 Foraging ecology of jaguar (_Panthera onca_) and puma (_Puma concolor_) in hunted and non-hunted sites within the Maya Biosphere Reserve, Guatemala
Journal of Zoology (London) (267)
Novakova, E. 1979 R“le de l'information et de l'animation dans la r‚introduction du lynx The role of information and animation with regard to the reintroduction of the Lynx Die Rolle der Information und der Animation in der Reintroduktion des luchses
Conference Proceeding
Novaro, A.; Walker, S.; Palacios, R.; Di Martino, S.; Monteverde, M.; Canadell, S.; Rivas, L.; Cossios, D. 2010 Endangered Andean cat distribution beyond the Andes in Patagonia
Cat News (53)
Novaro, A.J.; Funes, M.C.; Walker, R.S. 2000 Ecological extinction of native prey of a carnivore assemblage in Argentine Patagonia
Biological Conservation (92)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)