IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Novaro, A.J.; Gonz lez, A.; Pailacura, O.; Bolgeri, M.J.; Hertel, M.F.; Funes, M.C.; Walker, R.S. 2017 Management of the conflict between carnivores and livestock in Patagonia using mixed-breed guarding dogs
Mastozoolog¡a Neotropical (24)
Novaro, A.J.; Redford, K.H.; Bodmer, R.E. 2000 Effect of Hunting in Source-Sink Systems in the Neotropics
Conservation Biology (14)
Novikov, V.; Safarov, N. 2003 Biodiversity - state and trends
Full Book
Novkov, E.; Hanzl, R. 1968 Contribution to the knowledge of the role played by the lynx in forestry communities
Schweizerische Zeitschrift fr Forstwesen (119)
Nowak, M.C.; Taylor, T.E.; Witmer, G.W. 2000 Prolonged scavenging by a female mountain lion in northeastern Oregon
Northwestern Naturalist (81)
Nowak, R. 1111 Jaguars in the United States
Endangered Species Technical Bulletin (19)
Nowak, S.; Kasprzak, A.; Myslajek, R.W.; Tomczak, P. 2014 Records of the Eurasian lynx _Lynx lynx_ in the Notecka forest
Przeglad Przyrodniczy (14)
Nowell, K. 1990 Formosa and the Clouded Leopard
Nowell, K. 2000 Far from a cure: The tiger trade revisited
Full Book
Nowell, K. 2007 Asian big cat conservation and trade control in selected range States: evaluating implementation and effectiveness of CITES Recommendations
Full Book
Nowell, K. 1996 Namibian Cheetah Conservation Strategy
Full Book
Nowell, K. 2009 Cats on the 2009 Red List of Threatened Species
Cat News (51)
Nowell, K. 2010 Tiger farms and pharmacies: the central importance of China's trade policy for tiger conservation
Book Chapter
Nowell, K. 2014 An assessment of conservation impacts of legal and illegal trade in cheetahs _Acinonyx jubatus_
Full Book
Nowell, K.; Bauer, H. 2004 Classification of the lion, _Panthera leo_, on the IUCN Red List of threatened species
Full Book
Nowell, K.; Bauer, H.; Breitenmoser, U. 2007 Cats at CITES CoP 14
Cat News (47)
Nowell, K.; Hean, S.; Weiler, H.; Smith, J.L.D. 1999 National status survey for tigers in Cambodia
Nowell, K.; Hunter, L.; Bauer, H. 2006 African Lion Conservation Strategies
Cat News (44)
Nowell, K.; Jackson, P. 1995 Clouded Leopard -Taiwan: Status of clouded leopard and role in aboriginal traditions on Taiwan
Full Book
Nowell, K.; Jackson, P. 1995 Clouded Leopard -Taiwan: Status and Literature
Full Book
Nowell, K.; Li, J.; Paltsyn, M.; Sharma, R.K. 2016 An ounce of prevention: snow leopard crime revisited
Full Book
Nowell, K.; Scheepers, L.; Brain, C. History of a man-eating lioness
Full Book
Nowell, K.; Schipper, J.; Hoffmann, M. 2007 Re-evaluation of the Felidae for the 2008 IUCN Red List
Cat News (47)
Nowell, K.; Weiler, H.; Omallis, K.; Kimsan, O.; Masphal, K.; Polin, S.; Seiha, U.; Smith, J.L.D. 2001 Community-based monitoring and conservation of tigers in Cambodia's most important tiger conservation unit
Full Book
Nowell, K.; Xu, L. 2007 Taming the tiger trade: China's markets for wild and captive tiger products since the 1993 domestic trade ban
Full Book
Nowell, K.; Xu, L. 2007 Lifting China's tiger trade ban would be a catastrophe for conservation
Cat News (46)
Nowicki, P. 1997 Food habit and diet of the lynx (Lynx lynx) in Europe
Journal of Wildlife Research (2)
Nsabimana, E. 2010 The extent of community involvement in tourism development and conservation activities in eastern Rwanda
Full Book
Nu¤ez, A.M.; Aliaga-Rossel, E. 2017 Jaguar fangs trafficking by Chinese in Bolivia
Cat News (65)
Nu¤o, E.S.; Collell, M.R. 2020 Study of anthropogenic influence on carnivorous mammal populations in Osona
Full Book
Nugraha, R.T. 2005 Handling human-tiger conflicts as a measure to support Sumatran tiger conservation effort in Indonesia
Full Book
Nugraha, R.T.; Sugardjito, J. 2009 Assessment and management options of human-tiger conflicts in Kerinci Seblat National Park, Sumatra, Indonesia
Mammal Study (34)
Nugroho, J. 2013 Analisis Pola Penggunaan Ruang dan Parameter Deografi Macan Tutul Jawa Di Taman Nasional Gunung Ciremai
Full Book
Nunes, B.d.A. 2022 Impacts of a large wildfire in the medium and large mammals community in a Cerrado area in central Brazil
Full Book
Nussberger, B. 2012 Detecting introgression is important for wildcat conservation
S„ugetierkundliche Informationen (45)
Nussberger, B. 2013 Assessing introgression between European wildcats (_Felis silvestris silvestris_) and domestic cats (_Felis silvestris catus_)
Full Book
Nussberger, B.; Currat, M.; Quilodran, C.S.; Ponta, N.; Keller, L.F. 2018 Range expansion as an explanation for introgression in European wildcats
Biological Conservation (218)
Nussberger, B.; Greminger, M.P.; Grosse, C.; Keller, L.F.; Wandeler, P. 2013 Development of SNP markers identifying European wildcats, domestic cats, and their admixed progeny
Molecular Ecology Resources (13)
Nussberger, B.; Roth, T. 2021 Wildcat monitoring Switzerland: Distribution, density and hybridisation of the wildcat in Switzerland
Full Book
Nussberger, B.; Wandeler, P.; Camenisch, G. 2014 A SNP chip to detect introgression in wildcats allows accurate genotyping of single hairs
European Journal of Wildlife Research (60)
Nussberger, B.; Wandeler, P.; Weber, D.; Keller, L.F. 2014 Monitoring introgression in European wildcats in the Swiss Jura
Conservation Genetics (15)
Nussberger, B.; Weber, D. 2007 The Reliability of Pelage Characters for the Diagnosis of the European Wildcat (_Felis silvestris silvestris_)
Conference Proceeding
Nussberger, B.; Weber, D.; Hefti-Gautschi, B.; Lps, P. 2009 Update on the detection and distribution of the forest cat (Felis silvestris) in Switzerland
Mitteilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Bern (64)
Nuttall-Smith, C. 2002 Symbol of Asian pride extinct: report
Nyakatura, K.; Bininda-Edmonds, O.R.P. 2012 Updating the evolutionary history of carnivora (Mammalia): a new species-level supertree complete with divergence time estimates
Journal of Biology (10)
Nyanganji, G.; Saidu, Y.; Henschel, P.; Dunn, A. 2012 2011 Survey of lion (_Panthera leo_) in Yankari Game Reserve and Kainji Lake National Park, Nigeria
Full Book
Nybakk, K.; Kjelvik, O.; Kvam, T.; Overskaug, K.; Sunde, P. 2002 Mortality of semi-domestic reindeer _Rangifer tarandus_ in central Norway
Wildlife Biology (8)
Nyhus, P.; Fischer, H.; Madden, F.; Osofsky, S. 2003 Taking the Bite out of Wildlife Damage - The Challenges of Wildlife Compensation Schemes
Conservation In Practice (4)
Nyhus, P.; Tilson, R. 2004 Agroforestry, elephants, and tigers: balancing conservation theory and practice in human-dominated landscapes of Southeast Asia
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment (104)
Nyhus, P.J.; Osofsky, S.A.; Ferraro, P.; Madden, F.; Fischer, H. 2003 Bearing the costs of human-wildlife conflict: The challenges of compensation schemes
Full Book

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)