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Olivieri, G. 1995 Les chats, une menace pour la faune? Toute dramatisation serait abusive
Olivieri, G. 1996 Histoire d'un lynx "assoiff‚ de sang" et de l'usage fait de certains r‚cits
Olivieri, G. 1999 Un nouveau loup r“de en Valais, les chiens l'attendent de croc ferme
Olivieri, G. 1995 AprŠs vingt-cinq ans d'efforts, l'avenir du lynx … la crois‚e des chemins
Olivieri, G. 2001 Pas si m‚chants que ca, les lynx
Olivieri, G.; Chollet, E.; Imsand, C. 2000 Le carnage de trop; La griffe du lynx; Mort au lynx tueur!; Les pr‚dations du lynx; Un lynx abattu
Olivieri, G.; Feuz, C.; Lederrey, P. 1999 Le lynx agite les esprits; Le lynx bernois abattu avait la gale;Il aimait trop les brebis; Les atouts de Tito; Le lynx, coupable d‚sign‚ … Epalinges
Olivieri, G.; Lack, L. 1998 Pr‚dation du lynx, l'exemple francais; Ongul‚s menac‚s; Brebis attaqu‚es … l'embouchure de la Venoge: le bilan est lourd
Olliff, E.R.R.; Cline, C.W.; Bruen, D.C.; Yarmchuk, E.J.; Pickles, R.S.A.; Hunter, L. 2014 The Panthercam - a camera-trap optimized for monitoring wild felids
Wild Felid Monitor
Olmos Yat Sing, M.H.; Gonzalez-Fernandez, A.J. 2015 Refugio Privado de jaguares silvestres de El Ba£l, Estado Cojedes, Venezuela - dise¤o f¡sico y descripci¢n de h bitats
Full Book
Olmsted, R.A.; Langley, R.; Roelke, M.E.; Goeken, R.M.; Adger-Johnson, D.; Goff, J.P.; Albert, J.P.; Packer, C.; Laurenson, M.K.; Caro, T.M.; Scheepers, L.; Wildt, D.E.; Bush, M.; Martenson, J.S.; O'Brien, S.J. 1992 Worldwide Prevalence of Lentivirus Infection in Wild Feline Species: Epidemiologic and Phylogenetic Aspects
Journal of Virology (66)
Olson, D.M.; Dinerstein, E. 1998 The Global 200: A Representation Approach to Conserving the Earth's Most Biologically Valuable Ecoregions
Conservation Biology (12)
Olson, D.M.; Dinerstein, E.; Powell, G.V.N.; Wikramanayake, E.D. 2002 Conservation Biology for the Biodiversity Crisis
Conservation Biology (16)
Olson, E.R.; Saborio R, G.; Carazo-Salazar, J. 2019 Age of the jaguar: A novel approach to evaluating the lifespan of a rare carnivore 
Cat News (70)
Olson, L.E.; Squires, J.R.; Decesare, N.J.; Kolbe, J.A. 2011 Den use and activity patterns in female Canada lynx (_Lynx canadensis_) in the Northern Rocky Mountains
Northwest Science (85)
Olson, R.E.; Matzinger, P.J.; Sabor¡o, G.R.; Carazo-Salazar, J. 2019 Macho Uno: a sign of hope for the jaguars of Corcovado National Park, Costa Rica
Cat News (69)
Olsoy, P.J.; Zeller, K.A.; Hicke, J.A.; Quigley, H.B.; Rabinowitz, A.R.; Thornton, D.H. 2016 Quantifying the effects of deforestation and fragmentation on a range-wide conservation plan for jaguars
Biological Conservation (203)
Olszanska, A.; Breitenmoser, U. 2004 II International Seminar and Workshop on the Conservation of the Iberian Lynx, 15-17 Dec 2004, C˘rdoba, Spain
Cat News (42)
Olupot, W.; McNeilage, A.J.; Plumptre, A.J. 2009 An analysis of socioeconomics of bushmeat hunting at major hunting sites in Uganda
Full Book
Olviana, E.K. 2011 Pendugaan Populasi Harimau Sumatera _Panthera tigris sumatera_, Pocock 1929 Menggunakan Metode Kamera Jebakan Di Taman Nasional Berbak
Full Book
Omar, K. 1986 Gift of Snow leopard cub: concern among conservationists
Omidi, M.; Kaboli, M.; Karami, M.; Salman Mahini, A.; Hasan Zadeh Kiabi, B. 2010 Modelling of the Persian leopard habitat suitability in Kolah-Ghazi National Park using ENFA
Science and Environmental Technology (12)
Ommundsen, P.D. 1991 Morphological differences between lynx and bobcat skulls
Northwest Science (65)
Omondi, P.; Musyoki, C.; Chege, M. (eds) 2022 Conservation and management for lion and spotted hyaena
Full Book
Omoya, E.O.; Mudumba, T.; Buckland, S.T.; Mulondo, P. 2014 Estimating population sizes of lions_ Panthera leo_ and spotted hyaenas _Crocuta crocuta_ in Uganda's savannah parks, using lure count methods
Oryx (48)
Ondoua, G.O.; Moundjim, E.B.; Marindo, J.C.M.; Jiagho, R.Ă.‡; Usongo, L.; Williamson, L. 2017 An Assessment of Poaching and Wildlife Trafficking in the Garamba-Bili-Chinko Transboundary Landscape
Full Book
Oneita Davis, E.; Willemsen, M.; Dang, V.; O'Connor, D.; Glikman, J.A. 2020 An updated analysis of the consumption of tiger products in urban Vietnam
Global Ecology and Conservation (22)
Onorato, D. 2008 Genetic introgression in the Florida panther population 
Conference Proceeding
Onorato, D.; DeSimone, R.; White, C.; Waits, L.P. 2011 Genetic assessment of paternity and relatedness in a managed population of cougars
Journal of Wildlife Management (75)
Onuma, S.S.M.; Melo, A.L.T.; Kantek, D.L.Z.; Crawshaw-Junior, P.G.; Morato, R.G.; May-Junior, J.A.; Pacheco, T.d.A.; de Aguiar, D.M.d. 2014 Exposure of free-living jaguars to _Toxoplasma gondii_, _Neospora caninum_ and _Sarcocystis neurona_ in the Brazilian Pantanal
Revista Brasileira de Parasitologia Veterinaria (23)
Oosthuizen, A.; Brettschneider, H.; Dalton, D.L.; du Plessis, E.C.; Jansen, R.; Kotze, A.; Mitchell, E.P. 2019 Canine parvovirus detected from a serval (_Leptailurus serval_) in South Africa
Journal of the South African Veterinary Association (90)
Orban, B.; Kabafouako, G.; Morley, R.; Vasicek Gaugris, C.; Melville, H.; Gaugris, J. 2018 Common mammal species inventory utilizing camera trapping in the forests of Kouilou D‚partement, Republic of Congo
African Journal of Ecology (56)
Orde¤ana, M.A.; Crooks, K.R.; Boydston, E.E.; Fisher, R.N.; Lyren, L.M.; Siudyla, S.; Haas, C.D.; Harris, S.; Hathaway, S.A.; Turschak, G.M.; Miles, A.K.; Van Vuren, D.H. 2010 Effects of urbanization on carnivore species distribution and richness
Journal of Mammalogy (91)
Oregon Departement of Fish and Wildlife, 2006 2006 Oregon Cougar Management Plan
Full Book
Orford, H.J.L.; Perrin, M.R.; Berry, H.H. 1988 Contraception, reproduction and demography of free-ranging Etosha lions (Panthera leo)
Journal of Zoology (216)
Organ, J.F.; Vashon, J.H.; McDonald Jr., J.E.; Vashon, A.D.; Crowley, S.M.; Jakubas, W.J.; Matula Jr, G.J.; Meehan, A.L. 2008 Within-stand selection of Canada lynx natal dens in northwest Maine, USA
Journal of Wildlife Management (72)
Oriani, A. 2000 Le linci del Caucaso e dell' Asia Occidentale
Atti della Societ… Italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano (141)
Oriani, A. 1993 Una lince (Lynx lynx L.) ed un lupo (Canis lupus L.), catturati sulle Alpi Lombarde nel secolo scorso
Atti della Societ… Italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano (133)
Origgi, F.C.; Plattet, P.; Sattler, U.; Robert, N.; Casaubon, J.; Mavrot, F.; Prewsner, M.; Wu, N.; Giovannini, S.; Oevermann, A.; Stoffel, M.H.; Gaschen, V.; Segner, H.; Ryser-Degiorgis, M.-P. 2012 Emergence of Canine Distemper Virus strains with modified molecular signature and enhanced neuronal tropism leading to high morality in wild carnivores
Veterinary Pathology (49)
Oriol-Cotterill, A.; MacDonald, D.W.; Valeix, M.; Ekwanga, S.; Frank, L.G. 2015 Spatiotemporal patterns of lion space use in a human-dominated landscape
Animal Behaviour (101)
Ormerod, S.J. 2002 Applied issues with predators and predation: editor's introduction
Journal of Applied Ecology (39)
Orrock, J.L.; Danielson, B.J. 2009 Temperature and Cloud Cover, but Not Predator Urine, Affect Winter Foraging of Mice
Ethology (115)
Ortega, R.; Mena, J.; Grecco, S.; P‚rez, R.; Panzera, Y.; Napolitano, C.; Zegpi, N.A.; Sandoval, A.; Sandoval, D.; Gonz lez-Acu¤a, D.; Cofr‚, S.; Neira, V.; Castillo-Aliaga, C. 2021 Domestic dog origin of _Carnivore Protoparvovirus 1_ infection in a rescued free-ranging gui¤a (_Leopardus guigna_) in Chile
Transboundary and Emerging Diseases (68)
Ortega-Huerta, M.A.; Medley, K.E. 1999 Landscape analysis of jaguar (_Panthera onca_) habitat using sighting records in the Sierra de Tamaulipas, Mexico
Environmental Conservation (26)
Ortolani, A. 1999 Spots, stripes, tail tips and dark eyes: predicting the function of carnivore colour patterns using the comparative method
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society (67)
Ortolani, A.; Caro, T.M. 1996 The adaptive significance of color patterns in carnivores: Phylogenetic tests of classic hypotheses
Book Chapter
Osaka, M.; Okamura, M. 2012 Spatiotemporal patterns of endangered species roadkill: Iriomote Cat-Vehicle Collisions
Bulletin of the Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University (61)
Osborn, D.J.; Helmy, I. 1980 The contemporary land mammals of Egypt (including Sinai)
Full Book
Osborn, F.V.; Parker, G.E. 2002 Living with Elephants II A manual for implementing an integrated programme to reduce crop loss to elephants and to improve livelihood security
Full Book
Osgood, W.H. 1943 _Felis concolor puma_, _Felis concolor patagonica_, _Felis colocolo araucanus_, _Felis pajeros colocolo_, _Felis guigna guigna_, _Felis guigna molinae_,_ Felis (Oreailurus) jacobita_
Book Chapter

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)