IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Pisdamkham, C.; Prayurasiddhi, T.; Kanchanasaka, B.; Maneesai, R.; Simcharoen, S.; Pattanavibool, A.; Duangchantrasiri, S.; Simcharoen, A.; Pattanavibool, R.; Maneerat, S.; Prayoon, U.; Cutter, P.; Smith, J.L.D. 2010 Thailand tiger action plan 2010-2022
Full Book
Pita, R.; Mira, A.; Moreira, F.; Morgado, R.; Beja, P. 2009 Influence of landscape characteristics on carnivore diversity and abundance in Mediterranean farmland
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment (132)
Pitchenin, L.C.; Maruyama, F.H.; Morgado de Oliveira, T.; Dutra, V.; Nakazato, L. 2019 Occurrence of hemoplasmas in free-ranging and captive wild felines
Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases (23)
Pitcher, J. 2001 Iberian Lynx: Conservation threats and management solutions
Full Book
Pitman, C.R.S. 1951 High altitude leopards
Uganda Journal (15)
Pitman, R. 2015 Long live the leopard
Farmer's Weekly
Pitman, R.L.; Bertin, T.; Gimenes, V.M.; Mendoza, A.; Sencia, E.N.; Jongeneel, A. 2019 Feeding on giants: consumption on anacondas by jaguars
Cat News (70)
Pitman, R.L.; Mazzolli, M. 2007 Jaguar Persistence in Fragments of the Atlantic Coastal Forest, Southeastern Brazil
Conference Proceeding
Pitman, R.L.; Williams, R.; Cleaveland, S. 2007 Highway and Diseases Threatening the Conservation of Felids in the Pristine Forests of the Anden-Amazon Region of Southeastern Peru
Conference Proceeding
Pitman, R.T. 2012 The conservation biology and ecology of the African leopard Panthera pardus pardus
The Plymouth Student Scientist (5)
Pitman, R.T.; Fattebert, J.; Williams, S.T.; Williams, K.S.; Hill, R.A.; Hunter, L.T.B.; Robinson, H.; Power, J.; Swanepoel, L.; Slotow, R.; Balme, G.A. 2017 Cats, connectivity and conservation: incorporating data sets and integrating scales for wildlife management
Journal of Applied Ecology (54)
Pitman, R.T.; Kilian, P.J.; Ramsay, P.M.; Swanepoel, L.H. 2013 Foraging and habitat specialization by female leopards (_Panthera pardus_) in the Waterberg Mountains of South Africa
South African Journal of Wildlife Research (43)
Pitman, R.T.; Mulvaney, J.; Ramsay, P.M.; Jooste, E.; Swanepoel, L.H. 2013 Global Positioning System - located kills and faecal samples: a comparison of leopard dietary estimates
Journal of Zoology (292)
Pitman, R.T.; Swanepoel, L.H.; Hunter, L.; Slotow, R.; Balme, G.A. 2015 The importance of refugia, ecological traps and scale for large carnivore management
Biodiversity Conservation (24)
Pitman, R.T.; Swanepoel, L.H.; Ramsay, P.M. 2012 Predictive modelling of leopard predation using contextual Global Positioning System cluster analysis
Journal of Zoology (288)
Pitsko, L.E. 2003 Wild Tigers in Captivity: A Study of the Effects of the Captive Environment on Tiger Behavior
Full Book
Pitteri, S. 1996 Conclusions from the Atlas lion questionnaire
Pittet, M. 2011 Camera-trap Assessment of the Hawf Protected Area, Yemen
Full Book
Pittet, M. 2011 Legends of the Arabian leopard in the Hawf Protected Area, southern Yemen
Wildlife Middle East (5)
Pittet, M. 2011 Legends of the Arabian leopard in the Hawf Protected Area, southern Yemen
Wildlife Middle East (5)
Pittman, M.T.; Guzman, G.J.; McKinney, B.P. 1999 Ecology of the mountain lion on Big Bend Ranch State Park in Trans-Pecos Texas Final Report - Wildlife Division Research Study Project Number 86
Full Book
Pittman, M.T.; McKinney, B.P.; Guzman, G.J. 1996 Ecology of the mountain lion on big bend ranch state park in Trans-Pecos Texas Abstracts Fifth Mountain Lion Workshop 27.02.-01.03., 1996 Bahia Hotel, San Diego, California
Conference Proceeding
Pi¤eiro, A.; Barja, I. 2011 Trophic strategy of the wildcat _Felis silvestris_ in relation to seasonal variation in the availability and vulnerability to capture of _Apodemus_ mice
Mammalian Biology (76)
Place, J.; Flocken, J.; Travers, W.; Telecky, T.; Kennedy, C.; Goyenechea, A.; Waterland, S.: 2011 Before the secretary of the interior petition to list the African lion (_Panthera leo leo_) as endangered pursuant to the U.S. endangered species act
Full Book
Plakhov, K.N.; Rachkovskaya, E.I.; Rysakova, N.E.; Bragina, T.M.; Bragin, E.A.; Grachov, Y.A.; Koval, I.A.; Vasilchishen, P.N.; Kotukhov, Y.A.; Ivaschenko, A.A.; Baidauletov, R.Z.; Berezovikov, N.N.; Sadvokasov, R.E.; Sultanova, B.; Ogar, N.P.; Dieterich, T.; Beryozovikov, N.N.; Sklyarenko, S.L.; Urazgaliyev, M.N. Econet of Kazakhstan
Full Book
Plasse, D.; Fossi, H.; Hoogesteijn, R. 1998 Mortality in Venezuelan beef cattle 
Full Book
Platt, S.G.; Duckworth, J.W. 2019 Claw imprints in leopard cat tracks - implications for footprint-based fishing cat claims
Cat News (69)
Platz, S.; Hertwig, S.T.; Jetschke, G.; Krger, M.; Fischer, M.S. 2011 Comparative morphometric study of the Slovakian wildcat population (_Felis silvestris silvestris_): Evidence for a low rate of introgression?
Mammalian Biology (76)
Plotkin, J.B.; Potts, M.D.; Yu, D.W.; Bunyavejchewin, S.; Condit, R.; Foster, R.; Hubbell, S.; LaFrankie, J.; Manokaran, N.; Seng, L.H.; Sukumar, R.; Nowak, M.A.; Ashton, P.S. 2000 Predicting species diversity in tropical forests
Pnas (97)
Plotz, R.D. 2014 The interspecific relationships of black rhinoceros (_Diceros bicornis_) in Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park
Full Book
Plowden, C.; Bowles, D. 1997 The illegal market in tiger parts in northern Sumatra, Indonesia
Oryx (31)
Plowman, B.W.; Conner, L.M.; Chamberlain, M.J.; Leopold, B.D.; Burger jr, L.W. 2006 Annual dynamics of bobcat home range and core use areas in Mississippi
The American Midland Naturalist (156)
Plowright, W. 1988 Research on wildlife diseases: is a reappraisal necessary?
Revue scientifique et technique (International Office of Epizootics) (7)
Po, W.K.Y.; Wah, K.Y.P. 1992 Endangered rarity - 60 Felis tigris altaica are reared in Xiao Hingan Ling
Pocock, R.I. 1929 Tigers
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (33)
Pocock, R.I. 1929 Black Panthers - an inquiry
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (33)
Pocock, R.I. 1939 Family Felidae
Book Chapter
Pocock, R.I. 1939 The races of Jaguar (Panthera onca)
Novitates Zoologicae (Xli)
Pocock, R.I. 1930 The Lions of Asia
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (34)
Pocock, R.I. 1930 The panthers and ounces of Asia
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (34)
Pocock, R.I. 1930 The panthers and ounces of Asia - Part II
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (34)
Pocock, R.I. 1941 The races of the ocelot and the margay
Zoological Series (27)
Pocock, R.I. 1951 Catalogue of the genus Felis
Full Book
Poddar-Sarkar, M. 1996 The fixative lipid of tiger pheromone
Journal of Lipid Mediators and Cell Signalling (15)
Poddar-Sarkar, M.; Brahmachary, R.L. 2004 Putatice chemical signals of leopard
Animal Biology (54)
Podgorski, T. 2006 Selection and characteristics of resting and kill sites of Eurasian lynx (_Lynx lynx_) in Bialowieza primeval forest
Full Book
Podg¢rski, T.; Schmidt, K.; Kowalczyk, R. 2008 Microhabitat selection by Eurasian lynx and its implications for species conservation
Acta Theriologica (53)
Podolski, I.; Belotti, E.; Bufka, L.; Reulen, H.; Heurich, M. 2013 Seasonal and daily activity patterns of free-living Eurasian lynx _Lynx lynx_ in relaiton to availability of kills
Wildlife Biology (19)
Poessel, S.A.; Burdett, C.L.; Boydston, E.E.; Lyren, L.M.; Alonso, R.S.; Fisher, R.N.; Crook, K.R. 2014 Roads influence movement and home ranges of a fragmentation - sensitive carnivore, the bobcat, in an urban landscape
Biological Conservation (180)
Poiret, P. 1989 Degats de lynx: Le WWF bouc emissaire

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)