IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


            722 items matching your query were found in the database.  

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Poss, M.; Ross, H.A.; Painter, S.L.; Holley, D.C.; TerWee, J.A.; VandeWoude, S.; Rodrigo, A. 2006 Feline lentivirus evolution in cross-species infection reveals extensive G-to-A mutation and selection on key residues in the viral polymerase
Journal of Virology (80)
Possingham, H.P.; Andelman, S.J.; Burgman, M.A.; Medellin, R.A.; Master, L.L.; Keith, D.A. 2002 Limits to the use of threatened species lists
Trends in Ecology & Evolution (17)
Possingham, H.P.; Davis, I. 1995 Alex: A model for the viability analysis of spatially structured populations
Biological Conservation (73)
Post, G.; Pandav, B. 2013 Comparative evaluation of tiger reserves in India
Biodiversity Conservation (22)
Potgieter, G.C.; Marker, L.L.; Avenant, N.L.; Kerley, G.I.H. 2013 Why Namibian farmers are satisfied with the performance of their livestock guarding dogs
Human Dimensions of Wildlife (18)
Potgieter, K.R.; Davies-Mostert, H.T. 2012 A simple visual estimation of food consumption in carnivores
PLoS ONE (7)
Potocnik, H.:; Skrbinsek, T.; Kos, I. 2009 The reintroduced Dinaric lynx population dynamics in PVA simulation, The 30 years retrospection and the future viability
Acta Biologica Slovenica (52)
Potocnik, H.; Kljun, F.; Racnik, J.; Skrbinsek, T.; Adamic, M.; Kos, I. 2002 Experience obtained from box trapping and handling wildcats in Slovenia
Acta Theriologica (47)
Potocnik, H.; Skrbinsek, T.; Kljun, F.; Kos, I. 2007 Modelling Spatial Interference between Wildcts (_Felis s. silvestris_) and Domestic Cats (_Felis s. catus_) in Slovenia
Conference Proceeding
Poudel, S.; Lamichane, B.R.; Bhattarai, S.; Adhikari, D.; Pokheral, C.P.; Bhatt, T.R.; Giri, S.R.; Lamichhane, S.; Sadaula, A.; Gurung, A.; Poudyal, L.P.; Regmi, U.R.; Subedi, N. 2019 First Photographic evidence of Fishing Cat _Prionailurus viverrinus_ Bennet, 1833 and Clouded Leopard _Neofelis Nebulosa_ Griffith, 1821 (Carnivora: Felidae) in Parsa National Park, Nepal
Journal of Threatened Taxa (11)
Povey, K. 2009 Clouded Leopard and Small Felid Summit
Cat News (50)
Povey, K.; Howard, J.G.; Priatna, D.; Ngoprasert, D.; Reed, D.; Wilting, A.; Lynam, A.; Haidai, I.; Long, B.; Johnson, A.; Cheyne, S.; Breitenmoser, C.; Holzer, K.; Byers, O. 2009 Clouded Leopard and Small Felid Conservation Summit
Full Book
Povilitis, T. 2002 The jaguar in the Southwest: borderland or borderline conservation
Endangered Species UPDATE (19)
Povilitis, T. 2015 Recovering the jaguar_ Panthera onca_ in peripheral range: a challenge to conservation policy
Oryx (49)
Powell, C.; Iqbal, M. 2022 First records of the flat-headed cat _Prionailurus planiceps_ on the Kampar Peninsula, Sumatra, Indonesia
Oryx (56)
Power, R.J. 2003 Evaluating how many lions a small reserve can sustain
South African Journal of Wildlife Research (33)
Power, R.J. 2002 Prey selection of lions _Panthera leo_ in a small, enclosed reserve
Koedoe (45)
Power, R.J.; Botha, M.V.; Strydom, N.; Mseleku, S.; Venter, L.; Bartels, P. 2021 A decade of snaring of leopards in a South African province
Cat News (73)
Power, R.J.; Compion, R.X.S. 2009 Lion predation on elephants in the Savuti, Chobe National Park, Botswana
African Zoology (44)
Power, R.J.; Page-Nicholson, S.; van der Merwe, V.; Botha, M.-V.; Dell, S.; Nel, H.P. 2018 Successful establishment of a "hard released" cheetah on a South African reserve
Cat News (68)
Power, R.J.; Venter, L.; Botha, M.V.; Bartels, P. 2021 Repatriating leopards into novel landscapes of a South African province
Ecological Solutions and Evidence (2)
Poyarkov, A.D. 2002 Some aspects of snow leopard research methodology
Conference Proceeding
Poyarkov, A.D.; Samoylova, G.S.; Subbotin, A.E. 2002 Evaluation of potential habitats of snow leopard (Uncia uncia, Schreb.) in Altay-Khangay-Sayan region and in the territory of Russian federation: GIS approach
Conference Proceeding
Poyarkov, A.D.; Subbotin, A.E. 2002 The snow leopard status in Russia
Conference Proceeding
Poyarkov, A.D.; Subbotin, A.E. 2002 Strategic priorities and the system of measures for snwo leopard conservation in Russia
Conference Proceeding
Pozio, E.; De Meneghi, D.; Roelke-Parker, M.E.; La Rosa, G. 1997 Trichinella nelsoni in Carnivores from the Serengeti Ecosystem, Tanzania
Journal of Parasitology (83)
Prada, C.d.S. 2004 Atropelamento de vertebrados silvestres em uma regiÆo fragmentada do nordeste do estado de SÆo Paulo: quantifica‡Æo do impacto e an lise de fatores envolvidos
Full Book
Pradhan, S.; Sharma, D.; Subba, B.; Chettri, V. 2011 Preliminary investigation on the parasites of mammals at Padmaja Naidu Himalayan Zoological Park, Darjeeling
Zoo's Print (26)
Pradhan, S.B. 1998 Nepal Tiger
Full Book
Prajapati, R.K.; Triptathi, S.; Mishra, R.M. 2014 Habitat modeling for tiger using geo-spatial technology of Panna Tiger Reserve (M.P.) India
International Journal of Scientific Research in Environmental Sciences (2)
Prakash, A.S. 2022 Wildlife crime prevention measures undertaken in a protected area: a study among conservation stakeholders in the Mudumalai Tiger Reserve, western Ghats (India)
Full Book
Prakash, V.; Sebastian, S. 2000 Tiger in Keoladeo
TigerLink News (6)
Pranoto, U.; Surono, H.; Sinaga, S.M. 2011 Inventarisasi Potensi Keanekaragaman Jenis Mamalia di Resort Habaring Hurung, Taman Nasional Sebangau, Kalimantan Tengah
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Prasad, S.M.; Chundawat, R.S.; Hunter, D.O.; Panwar, H.S.; Rawat, G.S. 1991 Remote sensing snow leopard habitat in the Trans- Himalaya of India using spatial models and satellite imagery preliminary results
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Pratama, B.; Yoza, D.; Sulaeman, R. 2014 Pola Penggunaan Ruang Oleh Harimau Sumatera (_Panthera tigris sumatrae_) Pada Berbagai Umur Kelapa Sawit dan Akasia di Sekitar Taman Nasional Tesso Nilo Kecamatan Ukui Kabupaten Pelalawan Provinsi Riau
Full Book
Pratas-Santiago, L.P.; Goncalves, A.L.S.; de Maia Soares, A.M.V.; Spironello, W.R. 2016 The moon cycle effect on the activity patterns of ocelots and their prey
Journal of Zoology (299)
Prater, S.H. 1929 On the occurrence of tigers on the islands of Bombay and Salsette
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (33)
Prater, S.H. 1971 The Cats
Book Chapter
Prator, T.; Thomas, W.D.; Jones, M.; Dee, M. 1991 A twenty-year overview of selected rare carnivores in captivity
Full Book
Pray, L.A. 1999 Habitat Lost - Inbreeding depression and extinction
Wild Earth
Prazeres, R.F. 2014 Avalia‡Æo das afec‡äes odontol¢gicas em pequenos fel¡deos neotropicais mantidos em cativeiro
Full Book
Preisler, H.K.; Ager, A.A.; Wisdom, M.J. 2006 Statistical methods for analysing responses of wildlife to human disturbance
Journal of Applied Ecology (43)
Prentice, M.B.; Bowman, J.; Khidas, K.; Koen, E.L.; Row, J.R.; Murray, D.L.; Wilson, P.J. 2017 Selection and drift influence genetic differentiation of insular Canada lynx (_Lynx canadensis_) on Newfoundland and Cape Breton Island
Ecology and Evolution (7)
Prentice, M.B.; Bowman, J.; Murray, D.L.; Kltsch, C.F.C.; Khidas, K.; Wilson, P.J. 2019 Evaluating evolutionary history and adaptive differentiation to identify conservatio units of Canada lynx (_Lynx canadensis_)
Global Ecology and Conservation (20)
Prentice, M.B.; Bowman, J.; Wilson, P.J. 2015 A test of somatic mosaicism in the androgen receptor gene of Canada lynx
BMC Genetics (16)
Prerna, S.; Raj, B.; Sharma, V.; Seshamani, G.; Satayanarayan, K. 2016 First record of fishing cat in Sur Sarovar Bird Sanctuary, Agra, India
Cat News (63)
Pretorius, A.M.; Kuyl, J.M.; Isherwood, D.R.; Birtles, R.J. 2004 _Bartonella henselae_ in African lion, South Africa
Emerging Infectious Diseases (10)
Preuss, T.S.; Gehring, T.M. 2007 Landscape Analysis of Bobcat Habitat in the Northern Lower Peninsula of Michigan
Journal of Wildlife Management (71)
Prevosti, F.J.; Pereira, J.A. 2014 Community structure of South American Carnivores in the Past and Present
Journal of Mammal Evolution (21)
Priatna, D. 2012 Pola penggunaan ruang dan model kesesuaian habitat harimau sumatera (_Panthera tigris sumatrae_ Pocock, 1929) pasca translokasi berdasarkan pemantauan kalung GPS
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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)