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Pallas, P. 1831 Zoographia Rosso-Asiatica
Full Book
Pallemaerts, L.; Adul,; Kulu, I.P.; Jeffers, K.A.; MacDonald, D.W.; Cheyne, S.M. 2019 Bornean clouded leopard minimum home range analysis, Indonesian Borneo 
Cat News (70)
Pallett, J.; Thomson, G. (eds) 2022 Conservation Status and Red List of the Terrestrial Carnivores of Namibia
Full Book
Palma, L.; Beja, P.; Rodrigues, M. 1999 The use of sighting data to analyse Iberian lynx habitat and distribution
Journal of Applied Ecology (36)
Palmeira, F.B.L. 2015 Co-occurrence, trophic interactions and potential distribution of jaguar (_Panthera onca_) in the Amazon biome
Full Book
Palmeira, F.B.L.; Barrella, W. 2007 Conflitos causados pela preda‡Æo de rebanhos dom‚sticos por grandes felinos em comunidades quilombolas na Mata Atlƒntica
Biota Neotropica (7 )
Palmeira, F.B.L.; Crawshaw Jr., P.G.; Haddad, C.M.; Ferraz, K.M.P.M.B.; Verdade, L.M. 2008 Cattle depredation by puma (_Puma concolor_) and jaguar (_Panthera onca_) in central-western Brazil
Conservation Biology (141)
Palmeira, F.B.L.; Trinca, C.T. 2012 Jaguar poisoning in southern Brazilian Amazonia
Cat News (57)
Palmeira, F.B.L.; Trinca, C.T.; Haddad, C.M. 2015 Livestock predation by puma in the Highlands of a Southeastern Brazilian Atlantic Forest
Environmental Management (56)
Palmeirim, A.F.; Gibson, L. 2021 Impact of hydropower on the habitat of jaguars and tigers
Communications Biology (4:1358)
Palmer Fry, B.; Agarwala, M.; Atkinson, G.; Clements, T.; Homewood, K.; Mourato, S.; Rowcliffe, J.M.; Wallace, G.; Milner-Gulland, E.J. 2016 Monitoring local well-being in environmental interventions: a consideration of practical trade-offs
Palmer, E.M. 1950 The extinct Cape lion
African Wild Life (4)
Palmer, G. 2008 Simulating range shifts of African mammals under predicted climate change: potential conservation and economic consequences
Full Book
Palmer, M.J. 1994 Mountain lions: education, not hunting, is the answer - Environmentalists support A.B. 2110 (Cortese)
Palmer, M.S.; Swanson, A.; Kosmala, M.; Arnold, T.; Packer, C. 2018 Evaluating relative abundance indices for terrestrial herbivores from large-scale camera trap surveys
African Journal of Ecology (56)
Palmer, R.S. The cats - Family Felidae
Book Chapter
Palmero, S.; Belotti, E.; Bufka, L.; Gahbauer, M.; Heibl, C.; Premier, J.; Weingarth-Dachs, K.; Heurich, M. 2021 Demography of a Eurasian lynx (_Lynx lynx_) population within a striclty protected area in Central Europe
Scientific Reports (11)
Palmqvist, P. 2002 On the presence of Megantereon whitei at the south turkwel hominid site, northern Kenya
Journal of Paleontology (76)
Palmqvist, P.; Gr”cke, D.R.; Arribas, A.; Fari¤a, R.A. 2003 Paleoecological reconstruction of a lower Pleistocene large mammal community using biogeochemical and ecomorphological approaches
Paleobiology (29)
Palmqvist, P.; Mart¡nez-Navarro, B.; Arribas, A. 1996 Prey selection by terrestrial carnivores in a lower Pleistocene paleocommunity
Paleobiology (22)
Palmqvist, P.; Torregrosa, V.; P‚rez-Claros, J.A.; Mart¡nez-Navarro, B.; Turner, A. 2007 A re-evaluation of the diversity of _Megantereon_ (Mammalia, Carnivora, Machairodontinae) and the problem of species identification in extinct carnivores
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology (27)
Palomares, F. 2001 Vegetation structure and prey abundance requirements of the Iberian lynx: implications for the design of reserves and corridors
Journal of Applied Ecology (38)
Palomares, F. 1994 The presence of the Iberian lynx may increase rabbit abundance
Deporte y naturaleza (3)
Palomares, F. 2009 Considerations for planning Iberian lynx translocations into Do¤ana National Park
Book Chapter
Palomares, F. 2009 Life history and ecology of the Iberian lynx
Book Chapter
Palomares, F. 2004 Integrating scientific knowledge in the conservation plans
Conference Proceeding
Palomares, F. 2011 Coexistence between jaguar an pumas
Cat News (54)
Palomares, F.; Adrados, B.; Zanin, M.; Silveira, L.; Keller, C. 2017 A non-invasive faecal survey for the study of spatial ecology and kinship of solitary felids in the Viru  National Park, Amazon Basin
Mammal Research (62)
Palomares, F.; Caro, T.M. 1999 Interspecific Killing among Mammalian Carnivores
The American Naturalist (153)
Palomares, F.; de Paula, T.A.R.; Srbek-Araujo, A.C. 2023 First Capture of a Jaguar Using a Minimally Invasive Capture System for GPS Tracking in an Isolated Patch of Atlantic Forest in Southern Brazil
Animals (13)
Palomares, F.; Delibes, M.; Ferreras, P.; Aldama, J.J.; Revilla, E.; Calzada, J.; Fern ndez, N. 2003 Estructura de la metapoblaci¢n de linces de Do¤ana
Book Chapter
Palomares, F.; Delibes, M.; Ferreras, P.; Fedriani, J.M.; Calzada, J.; Revilla, E. 2000 Iberian lynx in a fragmented landscape: Predispersal, dispersal, and postdispersal habitats
Conservation Biology (14)
Palomares, F.; Delibes, M.; Ferreras, P.; Gaona, P. 1996 Mesopredator Release and Prey Abundance: Reply to Litvaitis and Villafuerte
Conservation Biology (10)
Palomares, F.; Delibes, M.; Revilla, E.; Calzada, J.; Fedriani, J.M. 2001 Spatial ecology of Iberian lynx and abundance of European rabbits in southwestern Spain
Palomares, F.; Fern ndez, N.; Roques, S.; Chavez, C.; Silveira, L.; Keller, C.; Adrados, B. 2016 Fine-scale habitat segregation between two ecologically similar top predators
PLoS ONE (11)
Palomares, F.; Ferreras, P.; Fedriani, J.M.; Delibes, M. 1996 Spatial relationships between Iberian lynx and other carnivores in an area of south-western Spain
Journal of Applied Ecology (33)
Palomares, F.; Ferreras, P.; Travaini, A.; Delibes, M. 1998 Co-existence between Iberian lynx and Egyptian mongooses: Estimating interaction strength by structural equation modelling and testing by an observational study
Journal of Animal Ecology (67)
Palomares, F.; Gaona, P.; Ferreras, P.; Delibes, M. 1995 Positive Effects on Game Species of Top Predators by Controlling Smaller Predator Populations: An Example with Lynx, Mongooses, and Rabbits
Conservation Biology (9)
Palomares, F.; Godoy, J.A.; L¢pez-Bao, J.V.; Rodriguez, A.; Roques, S.; Casas-Marce, M.; Revilla, E.; Delibes, M. 2012 Possible extinction vortex for a population of Iberian lynx on the verge of extirpation
Conservation Biology (26)
Palomares, F.; Godoy, J.A.; Piriz, A.; O'Brien, S.J.; Johnson, W.E. 2002 Faecal genetic analysis to determine the presence and distribution of elusive carnivores: design and feasibility for the Iberian lynx
Molecular Ecology (11)
Palomares, F.; L¢pez-Bao, J.V.; Rodriguez, A. 2011 Feline leukaemia virus outbreak in the endangered Iberian lynx and the role of feeding stations: a cautionary tale
Animal Conservation (14)
Palomares, F.; Lucena-Perez, M.; L¢pez-Bao, J.V.; Godoy, J.A. 2017 Territoriality ensures paternity in a solitary carnivore mammal
Scientific Reports (7)
Palomares, F.; Revilla, E.; Calzada, J.; Fern ndez, N.; Delibes, M. 2005 Reproduction and pre-dispersal survival of Iberian lynx in a subpopulation of the Do¤ana National Park
Biological Conservation (122)
Palomares, F.; Rodriguez, A.; Laffitte, R.; Delibes, M. 1991 The Status and Distribution of the Iberian Lynx _Felis pardina_ (Temminck) in Coto Do¤ana Area, SW Spain
Biological Conservation (57)
Palomares, F.; Roques, S.; Chavez, C.; Silveira, L.; Keller, C.; Sollmann, R.; Mello do Prado, D.; Torres, P.C.; Adrados, B.; Godoy, A.; de Almeida Jacomo, A.T.; Torres, N.M.; Furtado, M.M.; L¢pez-Bao, J.V. 2012 High proportion of male faeces in jaguar populations
PLoS ONE (7)
Paltsyn, M.; Gibbs, J.P.; Iegorova, L.; Pereladova, O. 2015 Modeling of tiger and its prey populations in Balkhash Lake Region as the basis for adaptive management of the tiger reintroduction program in Kazakhstan
Full Book
Paltsyn, M.; Lukonina, E.; Spitsyn, S.; Kuksin, A.; Istomov, S.; Kozlova, S.; Rozhnov, V.V.; Poyarkov, A. National Snow Leopard Ecosystem Protection Priorities in the Russian Federation in 2013-2022
Full Book
Paltsyn, M.Y.; Spitsyn, S.V.; Kuksin, A.N.; Istomov, S.V. 2012 Snow Leopard Conservation in Russia - Data for Conservation Strategy for Snow Leopard in Russia 2012-2022
Full Book
Pamplin, F.A. 2013 Optimising the value of by-catch from _Lynx lynx_ camera trap surveys in the Swiss Jura Region
Full Book
Panachev, A.M. 1998 Carnivores - Amur tiger Brief outline on the Ecology of the Main Animal Species in the Samarga and Edinka River Watersheds
Book Chapter

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)