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Paviolo, A.; De Angelo, C.; Di Blanco, Y.E.; Di Bitetti, M.S. 2009 Jaguar _Panthera onca_ population decline in the Upper Paran  Atlantic Forest of Argentina and Brazil
Oryx (42)
Paviolo, A.; De Angelo, C.; Di Blanco, Y.E.; Ferrari, C.; Di Bitetti, M.; Benhur Kasper, C.; Mazim, F.; Soares, J.B.G.; de Oliveira, T.G. 2006 The Need of Transboundary Efforts to Preserve the Southernmost Jaguar Population in the World
Cat News (45)
Paviolo, A.; De Angelo, C.; Ferraz, K.M.P.M.B.; Morato, R.G.; Pardo, J.M.; Srbek-Araujo, A.C.; Beisiegel, B.; Lima, F.; Sana, D.; Da Silva, M.X.; Velazquez, M.; Cullen Jr., L.; Crawshaw Jr., P.G.; Jorge, M.L.S.P.; Galetti, P.M.; Bitetti, M.S.; de Paula, R.C.; Eizirik, E.; Aide, T.M.; Cruz, P.; Perilli, M.L.L.; Souza, A.S.M.C.; Quiroga, V.; Nakano, E.; Pinto, F.R.; Fernandez, S.; Costa, S.; Moraes, E.A.; Azevedo, F.C.C. 2016 A biodiversity hotspot losing its top predator: The challenge of jaguar conservation in the Atlantic Forest of South America
Scientific Reports (6)
Paviolo, A.; De Angelo, C.D.; Di Blanco, Y.E.; Di Bitetti, M.S. 2008 Jaguar _Panthera onca_ population decline in the Upper Paran  Atlantic Forest of Argentina and Brazil
Oryx (42)
Paviolo, A.; Di Blanco, Y.E.; De Angelo, C.D.; Di Bitetti, M.S. 2009 Protection affects the abundance and activity patterns of Pumas in the Atlantic forest
Journal of Mammalogy (90)
Paviolo, A.J. 2010 Jaguar (_Panthera onca_) density in the Paranaense rainforest: its relationship with prey availability, hunting pressure and coexistence with the puma (Puma concolor)
Full Book
Pavlacky Jr, D.C.; Blakesley, J.A.; White, G.C.; Hanni, D.J.; Lukacs, P.M. 2012 Hierarchical Multi-Scale Occupancy Estimation for Monitoring Wildlife Populations
The Journal of Wildlife Management (76)
Pavlenko, N.K. 2006 On the problem of social behavior of tigers
Conference Proceeding
Pavlova, E.V.; Alekseeva, G.S.; Erofeeva, M.N.; Vasilieva, N.A.; Tchabovsky, A.V.; Naidenko, S.V. 2018 The method matters: The effect of handling time on cortisol level and blood parameters in wild cats
Journal of Experimental Zoology (329)
Pavlova, E.V.; Ivanov, E.A.; Kirluk, V.E.; Rozhnov, V.V.; Naidenko, S.V. 2015 Assessment of physiological status of felids as an indicator of their welfare in the wild
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae (13)
Pavlova, E.V.; Kirilyuk, E.V.; Naidenko, C.V. 2016 Occurrence Pattern of Influenza A Virus, _Coxiella burnetii_, _Toxoplasma gondii_, and _Trichinella _sp. in the Pallas Cat and Domestic Cat and Their Potential Prey Under Arid Climate Conditions
Arid Ecosystems (6)
Pavlova, E.V.; Kirilyuk, V.E.; Naidenko, S.V. 2015 Patterns of seroprevalence of feline viruses among domestic cats (_Felis catus_) and Pallas's cats (_Otocolobus manul_) in Daursky Reserve, Russia
Canadian Journal of Zoology (93)
Pavlova, E.V.; Kirilyuk, V.E.; Naidenko, S.V. 2015 Patterns of seroprevalence of feline viruses among domestic cats and Pallas' cats in Daurskii Reserve, Russia
Canadian Journal of Zoology (93)
Pawar, D.; Chanchani, P.; Kanwar, A.; Sylvia, C.; Salaria, S.; Gopal, R.; Kapoor, M.; Solankil, R.; Bopanina, I.; Singh A.K.,; Anirudh, N.B.; Bakshi, S.; Jasrotia, T. 2020 Photographic evidence of tiger from Kedarnath Musk Deer Sanctuary, India
Cat News (71)
Pawar, D.; Pawar, U.R.; Phalke, S.; Pallava, A.; Umariya, S. 2022 Photographic evidence of leopard from Gwalior Forest Division, Madhya Pradesh, India
Cat News (75)
Pawar, D.; Umariya, S.; Bakshi, S.; Antil, J.; Salaria, S.; Singh, V.; Singh, A.K.; Bopanna, I.P. 2021 Breeding record of rusty-spotted cat, Lansdowne Forest Division, Uttarakhand, India
Cat News (72)
Pawar, D.; Umariya, S.; Chanchani, P.; Dhiman, R.; Tripathi, N.M.; Singh, A.K.; Bopanna, I.P. 2023 Evidence of tigers in the lower Himalayan habitats of Dehradun Forest Division, India
Cat News (77)
Pawar, D.; Umariya, S.; Shafi, S.; Jain, V.; Singh, A.K.; Bopanna, I.P. 2021 Evidence of rusty-spotted cat in Shivalik Forest Division, Uttar Pradesh, India
Cat News (73)
Pawar, R.M.; Poornachandar, A.; Srinivas, P.; Rao, K.R.; Lakshmikantan, U.; Shivaji, S. 2012 Molecular characterization of _Hepatozoon_ spp. infection in endangered Indian wild felids and canids
Veterinary Parasitology (186)
Payan Garrido, E.; Gonzales-Maya, J.F. 2013 Distribucion geografica de la oncilla (_Leopardus tigrinus_) en Colombia e implicaciones para su conservacion
Latin American Journal of Conservation (2)
Payan Garrido, E.; Soto, C.; Ruiz-Garcia, M.; Nijhawan, S.; Gonzalez-Maya, J.F.; Valderrama Vasquez, C.; Castano-Uribe, C. 2016 Unidades de conservaciĀ¢n, conectividad y calidad de hĀ bitat de jaguar en Colombia
Book Chapter
Payan, E.; Carbone, C.; Homewood, K.; Paemelaere, E.; Quigley, H.; Durant, S.M. 2013 Where will jaguars roam? The importance of survival in unprotected lands
Book Chapter
Payan, E.; Durant, S.; Homewood, K.; Carbone, C. 2007 Jaguar Depredation in the Llanos: an Ecological and Socio-Cultural Approach to Coexistence
Conference Proceeding
Payan, E.; Homewood, K.; Durant, S.; Carbone, C. 2007 The Role of Human Attitudes to Big Cat Conservation: Colombia as a Tropical Example
Conference Proceeding
PayĀ n, Q.; Salom-Pā€šrez, R. 2022 Howard B. Quigley, 1952-2022
Cat News (76)
Payne, J.; Francis, C.M. 1985 Family Felidae
Book Chapter
Pay n Garrido, C.E. 2009 Hunting sustainability, species richness and carnivore conservation in Colombian Amazonia 
Full Book
Pay n, E.; Trujillo, L.A. 2006 The Tigrilladas in Colombia
Cat News (44)
Paz y Mino, G. 1988 Notas sovre la caceria y la conservation de los felidos en la amazonia ecuatoriana
Boletin Cientifico Fundacion "Simon Bolivar" (2)
Pā€šrez-Irineo, G.; Santos-Moreno, A.; HernĀ ndez-SĀ nchez, A. 2017 Density and activity pattern of_ Leopardus wiedii_ and_ Leopardus pardalis_ at Sierra Norte of Oaxaca, Mexico
Therya (8)
Pe'er, G.; Kramer-Schadt, S. 2008 Incorporating the perceptual range of animals into connectivity models
Ecological Modelling (213)
Peal, A. 1993 Action plan for the renewal of nature conservation programs in Liberia, West Africa
Full Book
Pearce, F. 2010 Agribusiness Boom Threatens Key African Wildlife Migration
Full Book
Pearce, J.L.; Boyce, M.S. 2005 Modelling distribution and abundance with presence-only data
Journal of Applied Ecology (43)
Pearks Wilkerson, A.J.; Teeling, E.C.; Troyer, J.L.; Kahila Bar-Gal, G.; Roelke, M.; Marker, L.; Pecon-Slattery, J.; O'Brien, S.J. 2003 Coronavirus outbreak in cheetahs: Lessons for SARS
Current Biology (14)
Pearre, S.jr.; Maass, R. 1998 Trends in the prey-size based trophic niches of feral and house cats Felis catus L
Mammal Review (28)
Pearson, O.P. 1983 Characteristics of mammalian fauna from forests in Patagonia, southern Argentina
Journal of Mammalogy (64)
Peart, D.C. 2015 Continuous or Pulse? Simulating speciation and extinction from east and south African fauna at Plio-Pleistocene fossil sites
Full Book
PeĀ¤a Vela, H.A. 2016 Diversity of mammals in the forest of Canchaque District, Huancabamba-Piura
Full Book
PeĀ¤a, L.; Garcia, P.; Jimenez, M.A.; Benito, A.; Perez Alenza, M.D.; Sanchez, B. 2006 Histopathological and immunohistochemical findings in lymphoid tissues of the endangered Iberian lynx
Comparative Immunology, Microbiology & Infectious Disases (29 )
PeĀ¤a-MondragĀ¢n, J.L.; Castillo, A.; Hoogesteijn, A.; Martinez-Meyer, E. 2017 Livestock predation by jaguars_ Panthera onca_ in south-eastern Mexico: the role of local peoples' practices
Oryx (51)
PeĀ¤a-MondragĀ¢n, J.L.; de la Pena-Cuellar, E. 2017 First confirmed record of margay in Nuevo LeĀ¢n, north-east Mexico
Cat News (65)
Pecho, A.E.P. 2019 Characterization of the hairs of the potential prey of the puma (_Puma concolor_) in the Sauce Grande sector of the El Angola hunting reserve, Piura, Peru
Full Book
Peck, D.R.; Faulquier, L.; Pinet, P.; Jaquemet, S.; Le Corre, M. 2008 Feral cat diet and impact on sooty terns at Juan de Nova Island, Mozambique Channel
Animal Conservation (11)
Pecon-Slattery, J.; Johnson, W.E.; O'Brien, S.J. 1994 Phylogenetic reconstruction of South American Felids defined by protein electrophoresis
Journal of Molecular Evolution (39)
Pecon-Slattery, J.; McCracken, C.L.; Troyer, J.L.; VandeWoude, S.; Roelke, M.; Sondgeroth, K.; Winterbach, C.; Winterbach, H.; O'Brien, S.J. 2008 Genomic organization, sequence divergence, and recombination of feline immunodeficiency virus from lions in the wild
BMC Genomics (9)
Pecon-Slattery, J.; O'Brien, S.J. 1998 Patterns of Y and X chromosome DNA sequence divergence during the felidae radiation
Genetics (148)
Pecon-Slattery, J.; Pearks Wilkerson, A.J.; Murphy, W.J.; O'Brien, S.J. 2004 Phylogenetic assessment of introns and SINEs within the Y chromosome using the cat family Felidae as a species tree
Molecular Biology and Evolution (21)
Pecon-Slattery, J.; Sanner-Wachter, L.; O'Brien, S.J. 2000 Novel gene conversion between X-Y homologues located in the nonrecombining region of the Y chromosome in Felidae
Pnas (97)
Pedersen, V.A.; Linnell, J.D.C.; Andersen, R.; Andr‚n, H.; Lind‚n, M.; Segerstr”m, P. 1999 Winter lynx _Lynx lynx_ predation on semi-domestic reindeer _Rangifer tarandus_ in northern Sweden
Wildlife Biology (5)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)