IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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U.S Fish & Wildlife Service, 2000 Lynx primary areas of occurrence (primary habitat) in the contiguous United States
U.S Fish & Wildlife Service, 2017 Species Status Assessment for the Canada Lynx (_Lynx canadensis_) - contiguous United States distinct population segment. Version 1.0
Full Book
U.S.Fish & Wildlife Service, 2013 Gulf coast jaguarundi recover plan (_Puma yagouaroundi cacomitli_) First Revision
Full Book
U.S.Fish & Wildlife Service, 2016 Recovery plan for the ocelot (_Leopardus pardalis_) first revision
Full Book
U.S.Fish & Wildlife Service, 2016 Jaguar draft recovery plan
Full Book
Ud Din, J. 2010 Cat Conservation Course 2010
Cat News (52)
Ud Din, J.; Ali, H.; Ali, A.; Younus, M.; Mehmood, T.; Norma-Rashid, Y.; Nawaz, M.A. 2017 Pastoralist-predator interaction at the roof of the world: conflict dynamics and implications for conservation
Ecology and Society (22)
Udaya Sekhar, N. 2003 Local people's attitudes towards conservation and wildlife tourism around Sariska Tiger Reserve, India
Journal of Environmental Management (69)
Uddin, N.; Alam, M.M.; Talukder, S. 2014 Bangladesh Sundarbans Tiger Human Conflict Report - January-June 2014
Full Book
Uddin, N.; Enoch, S.; Harihar, A.; Pickles, R.S.A.; Hughes, A.C. 2023 Tigers at a crossroads: Shedding light on the role of Bangladesh in the illegal trade of this iconic big cat
Conservation Science and Practice (5)
Uddin, N.; Islam, A.; Akhter, T.; Ara, T.; Hossain, D.; Fullstone, C.; Enoch, S.; Hughes, A.C. 2022 Exploring market-based wildlife trade dynamics in Bangladesh
Oryx (58)
Udrizar Sauthier, D.E.; D'Agostino, R. 2017 Holocene mammals
Book Chapter
Uduman, A. 2019 Towards human-leopard coexistence in Sri Lanka: Social and ecological dimensions
Full Book
Uduman, A.; Hagerman, S.; Kroc, E.; Watson, A.; Kittle, A.; Burton, A.C. 2022 Attitudes towards the Sri Lankan leopard _Panthera pardus kotiya_ in two rural communities
Oryx (56)
Uebl, C.; M”lich, T. 2018 Wildkatzenforschung im Nationalpark Thayatal
Wissenschaftliche Mitteilungen Nieder”sterreichisches Landesmuseum (21)
Ueptner, W.G. 1970 Die turkestanische Sicheldnenkatze (Barchankatze), Felis margarita thinobia Ogn, 1926
Der Zoologische Garten (39)
Uestay, A.H. 1990 Turkey's extinct and scarce big game
Book Chapter
Uganda Wildlife Agency, 2012 Strategic Action Plan for Large Carnivore Conservation in Uganda
Full Book
Uhart, M.M.; Rago, M.V.; Marull, C.A.; Del Valle Ferreyra, H.; Pereira, J.A. 2012 Exposure to selected pathogens in Geoffroy's cats and domestic carnivores from central Argentina
Journal of Wildlife Disease (48)
Uidl, K. 2021 Wildcat (_Felis silvestris_ Schr.) as a part of the forest zoocenosis in Croatia
Full Book
Ul-Islam, M.Z.; Al Qahtani, H.; Aldosari, M. 2018 Arabian sand cats in ïUruq bani Ma'arid reserve, Empty Quarter of Saudi Arabia
Cat News (67)
Ullmann, L.S.; da Silva, R.C.; de Moraes, W.; Cubas, Z.S.; dos Santos, L.C.; Hoffmann, J.L.; Moreira, N.; Guimaraes, A.M.S.; Montano, P.; Langoni, H.; Biondo, A.W. 2010 Serological survey of _Toxoplasma gondii_ in captive Neotropical felids from Southern Brazil
Veterinary Parasitology (172)
Ullrich, B.; Riffel, M. 1993 New evidence for the occurrence of the Anatolian Leopard, Panthera pardus tulliana (Valenciennes, 1856), in Western Turkey
Mammalia (57)
Ulrich, W. 1991 Thailand's big cats in desperate plight
Umariya, S.; Sylvia, C.; Chanchani, P.; Lachenpa, P.; Lachungpa, D.; Shrestha, P.; Ghose, D.; Gopal, R.; Kapoor, M.; Solanki, R. 2021 Increasing evidence of tiger in North Sikkim, India
Cat News (74)
Umhang, G.; Forin-Wiart, M.-A.; Hormaz, V.; Caillot, C.; Boucher, J.-M.; Poulle, M.-L.; Boue, F. 2015 _Echinococcus multilocularis_ detection in the intestines and feces of free-ranging domestic cats (_Felis s. catus_) and European wildcats (_Felis s. silvestris_) from northeastern France
Veterinary Parasitology (214)
Unep, 2008 Biodiversity Profile of Afghanistan. An output of the National capacity needs self-assessment for Global Environment Management (NCSA) for Afghanistan
Full Book
Unep, Kahuzi-Bi‚ga National Park, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Full Book
Unep, 2007 Wildlife and Protected Area Management
Book Chapter
Unep-Wcmc, 2013 Assessing potential impacts of trade in trophies imported for hunting purposes to the EU-27 on conservation status of Annex B species - Part 2: Discussion and Case studies
Full Book
Unep-Wcmc, 2013 CITES Trade - A global analysis of trade in Appendix I-listed species
Full Book
Unodc, 2013 The illegal wildlife trade in East Asia and the Pacific
Book Chapter
Unodc, 2012 Wildlife and Forest Crime Analytic Toolkit
Full Book
Unodc, 2015 Global Programme for Combating Wildlife and Forest Crime
Full Book
Upadhyay, H.S.; Behera, S.; Dutta, S.K.; Sahu, H.K.; Sethy, J. 2019 A viable tiger population in Similipal Tiger Reserve, India? Calculating if the ungulate prey base is limiting
Wildlife Biology (2019)
Upadhyaya, S.K.; Musters, C.J.M.; Lamichhane, B.R.; De Snoo, G.R.; Dhakal, M.; de Iong, H.H. 2020 Determining the risk of predator attacks around protected areas: the case of Bardia National Park, Nepal
Oryx (54)
Upadhyaya, S.K.; Musters, C.J.M.; Lamichhane, B.R.; De Snoo, G.R.; Thapa, P.; Dhakal, M.; Karmacharya, D.; Shrestha, P.M.; de Iongh, H.H. 2018 An Insight Into the Diet and Prey Preference of Tigers in Bardia National Park, Nepal
Tropical Conservation Science (11)
Updike, D. 1996 Public reports of mountain lions incidents in California Abstracts Fifth Mountain Lion Workshop 27.02.-01.03., 1996 Bahia Hotel, San Diego, California
Conference Proceeding
Updike, D. 2008 California Mountain Lion Status Report
Full Book
Uphoff, N.; Langholz, J. 1998 Incentives for avoiding the Tragedy of the Commons
Environmental Conservation (25)
Uphyrkina, O.; Johnson, W.E.; Quigley, H.B.; Miquelle, D.G.; Marker, L.L.; Bush, M.E.; O'Brien, S.J. 2001 Phylogenetics, genome diversity and origin of modern leopard, Panthera pardus
Molecular Ecology (10)
Uphyrkina, O.; Miquelle, D.G.; Quigley, H.B.; Driscoll, C.; O'Brien, S.J. 2002 Conservation genetics of the far eastern leopard (Panthera pardus orientalis)
Journal of Heredity (93)
Urbano, F.; Cagnacci, F.; Calenge, C.; Dettki, H.; Cameron, A.; Neteler, M. 2010 Wildlife tracking data management: a new vision
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (365 )
Urfi, A.J. EE strategy for naturalists and researchers
Full Book
Url, A.; Krutak, V.; Kbber-Heiss, A.; Chvala-Mannsberger, S.; Robert, N.; Dinhopl, N.; Schmidt, P.; Walzer, C. 2016 Nephropathies in the European captive cheetah (_Acinonyx jubatus_) population
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine (47)
Urrea-Galeno, L.A.; Rojas-Lopez, M.; Sanchez-Sanchez, L.; Ibarra-Manriquez, G. 2016 Record of _Puma yagouaroundi_ from Zicuir n-Infiernillo Biosphere Reserve, Michoac n
Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad (87)
Urzi, F.; Sprem, N.; Potocnik, H.; Sindicic, M.; Konjevic, D.; Cirovic, D.; Rezic, A.; Dunis, L.; Melovski, D.; Buzan, E. 2021 Population genetic structure of European wildcats inhabiting the area between the Dinaric Alps and the Scardo-Pindic mountains
Scientific Reports (11)
US Fish & Wildlife Service, 2003 Scientists confirm hybridization of Canada lynx with bobcats in Minnesota
Usa, 1981 Amendment to Appendix II of the CITES proposal from the United Stated of America
Full Book
Usaid, 2014 Nepal Tiger Genome Project
Full Book

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)