IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Vagholikar, N. Hazaribagh Sanctuary Threatened
Vaidyanathan, S.; Krishnaswamy, J.; Kumar, N.S.; Dhanwatey, H.; Dhanwatey, P.; Karanth, K.U. 2010 Patterns of tropical forest dynamics and human impacts: Views from above and below the canopy
Biological Conservation (143)
Vaisman, A. 1999 Wildlife trade in the Russian far east: an overview
Conference Proceeding
Vaisman, A. 1999 Trade status of wild oriental ginseng Panax ginseng in the Russian Federation
Conference Proceeding
Vaisman, A. 1999 Trade in marine species in the Russian far east
Conference Proceeding
Vaisman, A. 1999 The trade in plants in the Russian far east
Conference Proceeding
Vaisman, A. 2012 It is not my tiger! - Legislation problems of wildlife conservation: analytical overview of current legislation with proposals for its improvement
Full Book
Vajrinkar, Z.; Rather, T.A.; Ramgaokar, J.S.; Gore, K. 2019 First photographic record of rusty-spotted cat from Thane Forest Division, India
Cat News (69)
Val, A.; Porraz, G.; Texier, P.-J.; Fisher, J.W.; Parkington, J. 2020 Human exploitation of nocturnal felines at Diepkloof Rock Shelter provides further evidence for symbolic behaviours during teh Middle Stone Age
Scientific Reports (10)
ValadÆo, R.M.; Bastos, L.F.; de Castro, C.P. 2018 Roadkills of wild vertebrates on four highways in the Cerrado, Mato Grosso, Brazil
Multi-Science Journal (1)
Valderrama-Vasquez, C.A. 2013 Density and relative abundance of ocelot and margay using camera trapping in the Colombian Andes mountain chain (Densidad de ocelote y abundancias relativas de ocelote y margay, usando datos de c maras trampa en la cordillera oriental de los Andes colombianos)
Book Chapter
Valderrama-Vasquez, C.A.; Moreno-Escobar, W.F.; Isaacs-Cubides, P.J.; Cepeda-Beltran, M.A.; Taylor-Rodriquez, D. 2016 Depredaci¢n de ganado por pumas (_Puma concolor_) en los Andes colombianos
Book Chapter
Valdez, F.P. 2010 Gen‚tica de popula‡äes de on‡a-pintada (_Panthera onca_) em biomas brasileiros
Full Book
Valdez, F.P.; Haag, T.; Azevedo, F.C.C.; Silveira, L.; Cavalcanti, S.M.C.; Salzano, F.M.; Eizirik, E. 2015 Population genetics of jaguars _(Panthera onca_) in the Brazilian Pantanal: molecular evidence for demographic connectivity on a regional scale
Journal of Heredity (106)
Valdez-Jimenez, D.; Garcia-Balderas, C.M.; Quintero-Diaz, G.E. 2013 Presencia del ocelote en la "Sierra del Laurel", Municipio de Calvillo, Aguascalientes, M‚xico
Acta Zoologica Mexicana (29)
Valdmann, H. 2002 Lynx (_Lynx lynx_) in Estonia: Genetic differentiation, diet, habitats and diseases
Conference Proceeding
Valdmann, H. 2001 Current situation of the large carnivores in Estonia
Conference Proceeding
Valdmann, H. 2006 Lynx and wolf in the Baltic region: diets, helminth parasites and genetic variation
Full Book
Valdmann, H.; Andersone-Lilley, Z.; Koppa, O.; Ozolins, J.; Bagrade, G. 2005 Winter diets of wolf _Canis lupus_ and lynx _Lynx lynx_ in Estonia and Latvia
Acta Theriologica (50)
Valdmann, H.; Moks, E.; Talvik, H. 2004 Helminth Fauna of Eurasian lynx (_Lynx lynx_) in Estonia
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (40)
Vale, M.M.; Lorini, M.L.; Cerqueira, R. 2015 Neotropical wild cats susceptibility to climate change
Oecologia Australis (19)
Valeix, M.; Chamaill-Jammes, S.; Loveridge, A.J.; Davidson, Z.; Hunt, J.E.; Madzikanda, H.; MacDonald, D.W. 2011 Understanding Patch Departure Rules for Large Carnivores: Lion Movements Support a Patch-Disturbance Hypothesis
The American Naturalist (178)
Valeix, M.; Fritz, H.; Loveridge, A.J.; Davidson, Z.; Hunt, J.E.; Murindagomo, F.; MacDonald, D.W. 2010 Does the risk of encountering lions influence African herbivore behaviour at waterholes?
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (63)
Valeix, M.; Hemson, G.; Loveridge, A.J.; Mills, G.; MacDonald, D.W. 2012 Behavioural adjustments of a large carnivore to access secondary prey in a human-dominated landscape
Journal of Applied Ecology (49)
Valeix, M.; Loveridge, A.J.; Chamaill-Jammes, S.; Davidson, Z.; Murindagomo, F.; Fritz, H.; MacDonald, D.W. 2009 Behavioral adjustments of African herbivores to predation risk by lions: Spatiotemporal variations influence habitat use
Ecology (90)
Valeix, M.; Loveridge, A.J.; Davidson, Z.; Madzikanda, H.; Fritz, H.; MacDonald, D.W. 2010 How key habitat features influence large terrestrial carnivore movements: waterholes and African lions in a semi-arid savanna of north-western Zimbabwe
Landscape Ecology (25)
Valeix, M.; Loveridge, A.J.; MacDonald, D.W. 2012 Influence of prey dispersion on territory and group size of African lions: a test of the resource dispersion hypothesis
Ecology (93)
Valentin, A.; Kuntze, A.; Tackmann, K.; Lutz, H. 1997 Fhrt FIV-Infektion bei Tigern _(Panthera tigris)_ zu einem erh”hten Krankheitsrisiko?
Verhandlungsbericht des.Internationalen Symposiums ber die Erkrankungen der Zoo- und Wildtiere (38)
Valentincic, S. 1974 Predators in Yugoslavia
Die Pirsch (8)
Valenzuela, D.; Vazquez, L.B. 2008 Prioritizing areas for conservation of Mexican carnivores considering natural protected areas and human population density
Animal Conservation (11)
Valenzuela-Galvan, D.; de Leon-Ibarra, A.; Lavalle-Sanchez, A.; Orozco-Lugo, L.; Chavez, C. 2013 The margay _Leopardus wiedii_ and bobcat _Lynx rufus_ from the dry forests of southern Morelos, Mexico
The Southwestern Naturalist (58)
Valenzuela-Galvan, D.; Servin, J. 2015 First contemporary record of jaguar in Morelos State and the Sierra de Huautla Biosphere Reserve, Mexico
Western North American Naturalist (75)
Valkanas, M.M. 2020 Conservation geneticist uses scat to gain insight on the elusive snow leopard
D.U.Quark (4)
Valle, Y.B.M. 2007 Vaqueiros do S¡tio do Meio (Lagoa Grande/PE) e mam¡feros nativos das Caatingas Pernambucanas: percep‡äes e intera‡äes
Full Book
Valverde, J.A. 1957 Ecological notes on the Spanish lynx_ Felis lynx pardina_ Temminck
Revue d'Histoire Naturelle
Valverde, J.A. 1963 Information about the Spanish lynx
Full Book
van Aarde, R.J.; Jackson, T.P. 2007 Megaparks for metapopulations: Adressing the causes of locally high elephant numbers in southern Africa
Biological Conservation (134)
van Aarde, R.J.; Skinner, J.D. 1986 Patterns of space use by relocated servals Felis serval
African Journal of Ecology (24)
van Berkel, T.; Sumbane, E.; El Jones, S.; Jocque, M. 2019 A mammal survey of the Serra Jeci Mountain Range, Mozambique, with a review of records from northern Mozambique's inselbergs
African Zoology (54)
van Beukering, P.J.H.; Cesar, H.S.J.; Janssen, M.A. 2003 Economic valuation of the Leuser National Park on Sumatra, Indonesia
Ecological Economics (44)
van Bommel, L.; bij de Vaate, M. 2003 A lion population research in Waza National Park, Cameroon
Full Book
van Bommel, L.; Bij de Vaate, M.D.; De Boer, W.F.; De longh, H.H. 2007 Factors affecting livestock predation by lions in Cameroon
African Journal of Ecology (45)
van Boxsel, M.H.; Klaver, P.S.J.; Palomes, I. 1998 The use of Ivermectin in zoo mammals
Conference Proceeding
van Bree, P.J.H.; Clason, A.T. 1971 On the skull of a lynx, Lynx lynx (Linnaeus, 1758), found in the Roman castellum at Valkenburg, Porvince of Zuid-Holland, the Netherlands
Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde (41)
van Bree, P.J.H.; Khan, M.K.b.M. 1992 On a fishing cat, Felis (Prionailurus) viverrina Bennett, 1833, from continental Malaysia
Zeitschrift fr Sugetierkunde (57)
van de Kerk, M.; de Kroon, H.; Conde, D.A.; Jongejans, E. 2013 Carnivora population dynamics are as slow and as fast as those of other mammals: implications for their conservation
PLoS ONE (8)
van de Kerk, M.; Onorato, D.P.; Criffield, M.A.; Bolker, B.M.; Augustine, B.C.; McKinley, S.; Oli, M.K. 2015 Hidden semi-Marcov models reveal multiphasic movement of the endangered Florida panther
Journal of Animal Ecology (84)
Van den Brink, M.F.H. 1971 The Iberian lynx in France
Bulletin de la Societ d'Etude des Sciences Naturelles de Nimes
van den Hoek Ostende, L.W.; Morlo, M.; Nagel, D. 2006 Fossils explained 52: Majestic killers: the sabre-toothed cats
Geology today (22)
van den Hoek, L.W.; Nagel, D. 2004 The lion without a mane
Cranium (21 )

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)