IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Velli, E.; Bologna, M.A.; Silvia, C.; Ragni, B.; Randi, E. 2015 Non-invasive monitoring of the European wildcat (Felis silvestris silvestris Schreber, 1777): comparative analysis of three different monitoring techniques and evaluation of their integration
European Journal of Wildlife Research (61)
Venkatachalam, L. 2004 The contingent valuation method: a review
Environmental Impact Assessment Review (24)
Venkataraman, A.B.; Saandeep, R.; Baskaran, N.; Roy, M.; Madhivanan, A.; Sukumar, R. 2005 Using satellite telemetry to mitigate elephant-human conflict: An experiment in northern West Bengal, India
Current Science (88)
Venkataraman, M.; Johnson, P.J.; Zimmermann, A.; Montgomery, R.A.; MacDonald, D.W. 2021 Evaluation of human attitudes and factors conducive to promoting human-lion coexistence in the Greater Gir landscape, India
Oryx (55)
Venkataramanan, R.; Sreekumar, C.; Kalaivanan, N. 2008 Malicious carbofuran poisoning of a leopard (_Panthera pardus_) in Sandynallah Reserve Forest, India
Journal of Wildlife Rehabilitation (29)
Veprintsev, B.N.; Rott, N.N. 1978 Preprint: Conserving genetic ressources - Can we revive the vanishing animals from their genoms coserved
Full Book
Vercillo, F.; Grelli, D.; Boscagli, G.; Agostini, N.; Ragni, B. 2016 Fotoappolamento nel Parco Nazionale Foreste Casentinesi Monte Falterona Campigna: progetto su Carnivori di interesse conservazionistico
Conference Proceeding
Verdade, L.M.; Palomares, F.; do Couto, H.T.Z.; Polizel, J.L. 2015 Recent land-use changes and the expansion of an exotic potential prey: a possible redemption for Atlantic forest jaguars?
Animal Conservation
Verdade, L.M.; Pia, C.I.; Lyra-Jorge, M.C. 2007 The "Lion" versus the Puma..
Conference Proceeding
Verescagin, N.K. 1968 History of the lynx area
Acta scientiarum naturalium Academiae scientiarum bohemoslovacae - Brno (4)
Vereshchagin, N.K. 1959 Family Felidae
Book Chapter
Vereshchagin, N.K.; Baryshnikov, G.F. 1992 The ecological structure of the "Mammoth Fauna" in Eurasia
Annales Zoologici Fennici (28)
Verghese Mathai, M. 1999 Habitat Occupancy by Tiger Prey Species Across Anthropogenic Disturbance Regimes in Panna National Park, Madhya Pradesh, India
Full Book
Verheij, P.; Foley, K.-E.; Engel, K. 2010 An analysis of tiger seizures from 11 tiger range countries (2000-2010)
Full Book
Verlinden, A. 1997 Human settlements and wildlife distribution in the southern Kalahari of Botswana
Biological Conservation (82)
Verma, K.S.; Pathak, S. 2016 Animal drugs used by the tribals of India: a review
Asian Journal of Advanced Basic Sciences (4)
Verma, M.; Negandhi, D.; Khanna, C.; Edgaonkar, A.; David, A.; Kadekodi, G.; Costanza, R.; Gopal, R.; Bonal, B.S.; Yadav, S.P.; Kumar, S. 2017 Making the hidden visible: economic valuation of tiger reserves in India
Ecosystem Services (26)
Verma, R. 2013 Using, assisted reproductive technologies for the conservation of endangered wild cats
Full Book
Verma, S.K.; Calero-Bernal, R.; Lovallo, M.J.; Sweeny, A.R.; Grigg, M.E.; Dubey, J.P. 2015 Detection of _Sarcocystis_ spp. infection in bobcats
Veterinary Parasitology (212)
Verma, S.K.; Goswami, G.K. 2014 DNA evidence: current perspective and future challenges in India
Forensic Science International (241)
Verma, S.K.; Minicucci, L.; Murphy, D.; Carstensen, M.; Humpal, C.; Wolf, P.; Calero-Bernal, R.; Cerqueira-Cezar, C.K.; Kwok, O.C.H.; Su, C.; Hill, D.; Dubey, J.P. 2016 Antibody detection and molecular characterization of _Toxoplasma gondii_ from bobcats, domestic cats, and wildlife from Minnesota, USA
Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiol (63)
Vermunt, D.A.; Nijsen, M.; Immerzeel, D.J.; Silveira, L.; Verweij, P.A. 2019 Biodiversity in a fragmented sugarcane landscape
Vernay, A.S. 1929 Decoying tiger by sound
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (33)
Vernay, A.S. 1929 Vitality of a panther
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (33)
Vernes, K. 2008 Tigers above 4,000 m in Bhutan
Oryx (42)
Vernes, K.; Sangay, T.; Rajaratnam, R.; Singye, R. 2015 Social interaction and co-occurrence of colour morphs of the Asiatic golden cat, Bhutan
Cat News (62)
Veronesi, F.; Ravagnan, S.; Cerquetella, M.; Carli, E.; Olivieri, E.; Santoro, A.; Pesaro, S.; Berardi, S.; Rossi, G.; Ragni, B.; Beraldo, P.; Capelli, G. 2016 First detection of _Cytauxzoon _spp. infection in European wildcats (_Felis silvestris silvestris_) of Italy
Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases (7)
Veronesi, F.; Traversa, D.; Lepri, E.; Morganti, G.; Vecillo, F.; Grelli, D.; Cassini, R.; Marangi, M.; Lorio, R.; Ragni, B.; Di Cesare A., 2016 Occurrence of lungworms in European wildcats (_Felis silvestris silvestris_) of central Italy
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (52)
Verschueren, S.; Briers-Louw, W.D.; Torres-Uribe, C.; Siyaya, A.; Marker, L. 2020 Assessing human conflicts with carnivores in Namibia's eastern communal conservancies
Human Dimensions of Wildlife (25)
Versteege, L. 2009 Studbook management of captive Eurasian lynx (_Lynx lynx_)
Book Chapter
Vervaecke, H.; Janssens, S.; Buys, N.; Van Impe, I. 2016 Hybrid cats in Flanders
Full Book
Viana, L.R.; da Fonseca, G.A.B. 2007 Estimating Jaguar (_Panthera onca_) Density Using Camera-Trapping and Capture-Recapture Methods in the Parque Estadual do Rio Doce (PERD), the Largest Atlantic Forest Fragment in Minas Gerais, Southeastern Brazil
Conference Proceeding
Viana, M.; Cleaveland, S.; Matthiopoulos, J.; Halliday, J.; Packer, C.; Craft, M.E.; Hampson, K.; Czupryna, A.; Dobson, A.P.; Dubovi, E.J.; Ernest, E.; Fyumagwa, R.; Hoare, R.; Hopcraft, J.G.C.; Horton, D.L.; Kaare, M.T.; Kanellos, T.; Lankester, F.; Mentzel, C.; Mlengeya, T.; Mzimbiri, I.; Takahashi, E.; Willett, B.; Haydon, D.T. 2015 Dynamics of a morbillivirus at the domestic-wildlife interface: canine distemper virus in domestic dogs and lions
Pnas (112)
Viau, P. 2003 Estudo da fun‡Æo ovariana em fˆmeas de on‡a-pintada mantidas em cativeiro, por meio da extra‡Æo e quantifica‡Æo de ester¢ides fecais
Full Book
Vickers, T.W.; Sanchez, J.N.; Johnson, C.K.; Botta, R.; Huber, P.R.; Morrison, S.A.; Cohen, B.; Boyxe, W.M. 2014 Conservation of pumas (_Puma concolor_) in a rapidly urbanizing landscape; research informing the need for more action
Conference Proceeding
Vickers, T.W.; Sanchez, J.N.; Johnson, C.K.; Morrison, S.A.; Botta, R.; Smith, T.; Cohen, B.S.; Huber, P.R.; Ernest, H.B.; Boyce, W.B. 2015 Survival and mortality of pumas (_Puma concolor_) in a fragmented, urbanizing landscape
Vidal, E.L.; Guerisoli, M.; Caruso, N.; Lucherini, M. 2018 Updating the distribution and population status of Jaguarundi, _Puma yagouaroundi_ (. Geoffroy, 1803) (Mammalia: Carnivora: Felidae), in the southernmost part of its distribution range
Check List (13)
Vidal, F.; Sanderson, J. 2012 Pumas in central-south Chile
Cat News (56)
Viere, P. 2014 Puma activity and mesocarnivores
Conference Proceeding
Vigne, J.-D.; Evin, A.; Cucchi, T.; Dai, L.; Yu, C.; Hu, S.; Soulages, N.; Wang, W.; Sun, Z.; Gao, J.; Dobney, K.; Yuan, J. 2016 Earliest "domestic" cats in China identified as leopard cat
PLoS ONE (11)
Vigne, J.-D.; Guilaine, J.; Debue, K.; Haye, L.; Grard, P. 2004 Early taming of the cat in Cyprus
Science (304)
Vigne, J.-D.; Guilaine, J.; Debue, K.; Haye, L.; Grard, P. 2004 Early taming of the cat in Cyprus - supporting online material
Science (304)
Vijayan, S.; Pati, B.P. 2002 Impact of changing cropping patterns on man-animal conflicts around Gir Protected Area with specific reference to Talala sub-district, Gujarat, India
Population and Environment (23)
Vik, J.O.; Brinch, C.N.; Boutin, S.; Stenseth, N.C. 2008 Interlinking hare and lynx dynamics using a century's worth of annual data
Population Ecology (50)
Viljoen, I.M.; van Helden, P.D.; Millar, R.P. 2015 _Mycobacterium bovis_ infection in the lion (_Panthera leo_): current knowledge, conundrums and research challenges
Veterinary Microbiology (177 )
Viljoen, P.C.; Starfield, A.M.; Whitman, K.L. 2002 A simulation model for managing free-ranging lioon populations
Conference Proceeding
Viljoen, S. 2017 Wildlife health in human-modified landscapes: epidemiology of tick-borne pathogens affecting black-backed jackals and caracals
Full Book
Viljoen, S.; Davis, D.H.S. 1973 Notes on stomach contents analyses of various carnivores in southern Africa (Mammalia: Carnivora)
Annals of the Transvaal Museum (28)
Villalba M., L.; Bernal H., N. 2002 Geographical distribution of the Andean mountain cat and pampas cat in the Bolivian Andes
Conference Proceeding
Villalba, L. 2010 The Andean cat (_Leopardus jacobita_), the most endangered cat of the Americas
Full Book

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)