IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Villalba, L.; Bernal, N. Distribucion y estado actual del gato andino (Oreailurus jacobita) en Bolivia
Full Book
Villalba, L.; Bernal, N. 1999 Distribuci¢n y Estado de Conservaci¢n del Gato Andino (Oreailurus jacobita) en Bolivia
Conference Proceeding
Villalba, L.; Bernal, N.C. 1998 Distribution and present status of the Andean cat (_Oreailurus jacobita_) in Bolivia
Full Book
Villalba, L.; Delgado, E. 2005 Pampas Cat Photographed in High Southwest Bolivia
Cat News (42)
Villalba, L.; Lucherini, M.; Walker, S.; Cossios, D.; Iriarte, A.; Sanderson, J.; Gallardo, G.; Alfaro, F.; Napolitano, C.; Sillero-Zubiri, C. 2004 The Andean cat: Conservation action plan
Full Book
Villalba, M.L.; Beltran-Saavedra, L.F.; Ledezma, G.; Flores, E.; Reppucci, J.; Pacheco, L.F.; Ayala, G.; Ticona, H.; Palacios, R.; Morales, A. 2021 Pre-release care, translocation, and radio tracking of a rescued Andean cat in Bolivia
Book Chapter
Villalba, M.L.; Bernal, N.; Nowell, K.; MacDonald, D.W. 2012 Distribution of two Andean small cats (Leopardus jacobita and Leopardus colocolo) in Bolivia and the potential impacts of traditional beliefs on their conservation
Endangered Species Research (16)
Villalba, M.L.; Eliseo, D.; Mauricio, B. 2009 Activity patterns and home range of an Andean cat and Pampas cat in southern Bolivia
Full Book
Villalba, M.L.; Palacios, R. 2012 VII International workshop for Andean cat conservation
Cat News (57)
Villalobos, R.; Moreira-Arce, D.; HernĀ ndez, F.; Castro-Pastene, C. 2022 Using the precautionary principle to halt mining and save the Endangered Andean cat in Chile
Oryx (56)
Villalobos, R.; Sanderson, J.; Vergara, N. 2023 Largest known cat geoglyph in Chile identified as the Endangered Andean cat
Oryx (57)
Villareal Espino-Barros, O.A.; Guevara Viera, R.; Resendiz Martinez, R.; Hernandez Zepeda, J.S.; Castillo Correo, J.C.; Tome Torres, F.J. 2005 DiversificaciĀ¢n productiva en el campo experimental _Las Margaritas_, Puabla, Mā€šxico
Archivos de Zootecnia (54)
Villepique, J.T.; Pierce, B.M.; Bleich, V.C.; Andic, A.; Bowyer, R.T. 2014 Range abandonment by ungulates: Predator avoidance or response to habitat changes induced by drought?
Conference Proceeding
Villepique, J.T.; Pirece, B.M.; Bleich, V.C.; Boyer, R.T. 2011 Diet of cougars (_Puma concolor_) following a decline in a population of mule deer (_Odocoileus hemionus_): Lack of evidence for switching prey
The Southwestern Naturalist (56)
Villordo-Galvan, J.A.; Rosas-Rosas, O.C.; Clemente-Sanchez, F.; Martinez-Montoya, J.F.; Tarango-Arambula, L.A.; Mendoza-Martinez, G.; Sanchez-Hermosillo, M.D.; Bender, L.C. 2010 The jaguar (_Panthera onca_) in San Luis PotosĀ”, Mexico
The Southwestern Naturalist (55)
Vinks, M.A.; Creel, S.; Rosenblatt, E.; Becker, M.S.; Schuette, P.; Goodheart, B.; Sanguinetti, C.; Banda, K.; Chifunte, C.; Simukonda, C. 2022 Leopard _Panthera pardus_ density and survival in an ecosystem with depressed abundance of prey and dominant competitors
Oryx (56)
Vinokurova, M. 2009 Leopards arrive from Turkmenistan to Russian Caucasus
Full Book
Viranta, S.; Lommi, H.; Holmala, K.; Laakkonen, J. 2016 Muscoskeletal anatomy of the Eurasian lynx forelimb: adaptations to capture large prey?
Journal of Morphology (277)
Virchow, D.; Hogeland, D. 1994 Bobcats
Book Chapter
Virchow, H. 1926 Mechanik der Tigerzehen
Zeitschrift fĀr Sā€žugetierkunde (1)
Virg¢s, E.; Travaini, A. 2005 Relationship between small-game hunting and carnivore diversity in central Spain
Biodiversity and Conservation (14)
Viscarra, M.E.; Ayala, G.; Wallace, R.; Nallar, R. 2011 The use of commercial perfumes for studying jaguars
Cat News (54)
Visconti, P.; Di Marco, M.; Alvarez-Romero, J.G.; Januchowski-Hartley, S.R.; Pressey, R.L.; Weeks, R.; Rondini, C. 2013 Effects of errors and gaps in spatial data sets on assessment of conservation progress
Conservation Biology (27)
Visser, J. 1977 The small cats
African Wildlife (31)
Visser, J. 1976 Status and conservation of the smaller cats of southern Africa
Conference Proceeding
Vissier, F.; Drouilly, M.; Moodley, Y.; Michaux, J.R.; Somers, M.J. 2022 Mismatch between conservation needs and actual representation of lions form West and Central Africa in situ and ex situ conservation
Conservation Letters (16)
Vitaliano, S.N. 2012 Isolamento e caracterizaā€”Ɔo biolĀ¢gica e genotĀ”pica de _Toxoplasma gondii_ em animais selvagens do Brasil
Full Book
Vitaliano, S.N.; Soares, H.S.; Minervino, A.H.H.; Santos, A.L.Q.; Erther, K.; Marvulo, M.F.V.; Siqueira, D.B.; Pena, H.F.J.; Soares, R.M.; Su, C.; Gennari, S.M. 2014 Genetic characterization of _Toxoplasma gondii_ from Brazilian wildlife revealed abundant new genotypes
International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife (3)
Vitaud, C.; Flach, E.J.; Thornton, S.M.; Cappello, R. 1998 Clinical observations in four cases of feline spongiform encephalopathy in cheetahs _(Acinonyx jubatus)_
Conference Proceeding
Vitense, K.; Wirsing, A.J.; Tyson, R.C.; Anderson, J.J. 2016 Theoretical impacts of habitat loss and generalist predation on predator-prey cycles
Ecological Modelling (327)
Vitkalova, A.V.; Feng, L.; Rybin, A.N.; Gerber, B.D.; Miquelle, D.G.; Wang, T.; Yang, H.; Shevtsova, E.I.; Aramilev, V.V.; Ge, J. 2018 Transboundary cooperation improves endangered species monitoring and conservation actions: a case study of the global population of Amur leopards
Conservation Letters
Vitkalova, A.V.; Shevtosva, E.I. 2016 A complex approach to study the Amur leopard using camera traps in protected areas in the southwest of Primorsky Krai (Russian Far East)
Nature Conservation Research (1)
Viviers, M.Z. 2006 Die chemiese karakterisering van die reukmerkvloeistof van die bengaalse tier
Full Book
Vogel, B.; Mā€lich, T. 2013 Best practices for implementing biotope networks in highly fragmented landscapes: the safety net for the European wildcat
Conference Proceeding
Vogt, C.; Specht, F. 1887 The Natural History of Animals - Vol. I Mammalia
Full Book
Vogt, K. 2015 Olfactory communication and hunting behaviour of Eurasian lynx _Lynx lynx_ in the Northwestern Swiss Alps
Full Book
Vogt, K.; Boos, S.; Breitenmoser, U.; Kā€lliker, M. 2016 Chemical composition of Eurasian lynx urine conveys information on reproductive state, individual identity, and urine age
Chemoecology (26)
Vogt, K.; Hofer, E.; Ryser, A.; Kā€lliker, M.; Breitenmoser, U. 2016 Is there a trade-off between scent marking and hunting behaviour in a stalking predator, the Eurasian lynx, _Lynx lynx_
Animal Behaviour (117)
Vogt, K.; Zimmermann, F.; Kā€lliker, M.; Breitenmoser, U. 2014 Scent-marking behaviour and social dynamics in a wild population of Eurasian lynx _Lynx lynx _
Behavioural Processes (106)
Voigt, C.C.; Krofel, M.; Menges, V.; Wachter, B.; Melzheimer, J. 2018 Sex-specific dietary specialization in a terrestrial apex predator, the leopard, revealed by stable isotope analysis
Journal of Zoology (306)
Voigt, C.C.; Thalwitzer, S.; Melzheimer, J.; Blanc, A.-S.; Jago, M.; Wachter, B. 2014 The conflict between cheetahs and humans on Namibian Farmland elucidated by stable isotope diet analysis
PLoS ONE (9)
Volet, V. 1987 F‚lins dans la mire
Vollmerhaus, B.; Roos, H. 2000 Die Kralle der Hauskatze (Felis catus) - eine Formenanalyse
Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia (29)
Volmer, R.; Hā€lzchen, E.; Wurster, A.; Ferreras, M.R.; Hertler, C. 2017 Did _Panthera pardus _(Linnaeus, 1758) become extinct in Sumatra because of competition for prey? Modeling interspecific competition within the Late Pleistocene carnivore guild of the Padang Highlands, Sumatra
Palaeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaecology (487)
Volmer, R.; Hertler, C.; van der Geer, A. 2016 Niche overlap and competition potential among tigers (_Panthera tigris_), sabertoothed cats (_Homotherium ultimum_, _Hemimachairodus zwierzyckii_) and Merriam's Dog (_Megacyon merriami_) in the Pleistocene of Java
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology (441)
Volodina, E.V.; Volodin, I.A. Bioacustical features of self-esteem in the cheetah
von Arx, M.; Breitenmoser, U. 2004 Reintroduced lynx in Europe: their distribution and problems
Ecos (25)
von Arx, M.; Breitenmoser-WĀrsten, C.; Kaegi, U.; Klee, J.J.; Breitenmoser, U. 2004 The Iberian Lynx Conservation Compendium
Conference Proceeding
von Arx, M.; Breitenmoser-WĀrsten, C.; Zimmermann, F.; Kunz, F.; Vogt, K.; Ryser, A.; Struch, M.; Breitenmoser, U. 2018 Der Luchs im Jura: unter besonderer BerĀcksichtigung des Solothurner Juras
Mitteilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft des Kantons Solothurn (43)
von Arx, M.; Breitenmoser-Wrsten, C.; Breitenmoser, U. 2009 Lessons from the reintroduction of the Eurasian lynx in Central and West Europe (Lecciones aprendidas a partir de la reintroducci¢n del lince boreal en Europa Central y Occidental)
Book Chapter

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)