IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


            128 items matching your query were found in the database.  

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Yasuma, S. 1994 Bay Cat - Felis badia: Distribution map
Book Chapter
Yasuma, S. 1994 Leopard Cat: Distribution map
Book Chapter
Yasuma, S. 1981 Feeding behaviour of Iriomote Cat (Prionailurus iriomotensis Imaizumi 1967)
Bulletin of the Tokyo Forests (70)
Yasuma, S. 1976 Biology of Iriomote wild cat (Mayailurus iriomotensis) 1. Present distribution, "Nihon zaru (Japanese Macaqwue)"
Japan Wildlife Research Center
Yasuma, S. 1982 Distribution map of Iriomote cat and Feral cat
Book Chapter
Yasuma, S. 1994 Clouded leopard: Distribution map
Book Chapter
Yasuma, S. 1994 Marbled Cat: Distribution map
Book Chapter
Yasuma, S. 1994 Flat-headed cat: Distribution map
Book Chapter
Yasuma, S. 1984 Iriomote Cat
Conference Proceeding
Yasuma, S.; Alikodra, H.S. 1990 Family Felidae - Cats
Book Chapter
Yasuoka, H. 2014 Snare hunting among Baka hunter-gatherers: implications for sustainable wildlife management
African Study Monographs (49)
Yates, B.C. 2005 Distinguishing real vs fake tiger penises
Full Book
Ye, X.; Yu, X.; Yu, C.; Tayibazhaer, A.; Xu, F.; Skidmore, A.K.; Wang, T. 2018 Impacts of future climate and land cover changes on threatened mammals in the semi-arid Chinese Altai Mountains
Science of the Total Environment (612)
Yeakel, J.D.; Patterson, B.D.; Fox-Dobbs, K.; Okumura, M.M.; Cerling, T.E.; Moore, J.W.; Koch, P.L.; Dominy, N.J. 2009 Cooperation and individuality among man-eating lions
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (106)
Yeates, J.W. 1994 Does one death justify renewing lion hunts?
Yensen, E.; Seymour, K.L. 2000 Oreailurus jacobita
Mammalian Species
Yerga, J.; Calzada, J.; Manteca, X.; Herrera, I.; Vargas, A.; Rivas, A. 2016 Lactation and suckling behavior in the Iberian lynx
Zoo Biology (35)
Yerga, J.; Calzada, J.; Manteca, X.; Vargas, A.; Perez, M.J.; Palomares, F.; Rivas, A. 2015 Ontogeny of daily activity and circadian rhythm in the Iberian lynx
Applied Animal Behaviour Science (169)
Yi, Z.; Zheng, Y. 1990 Fewer tigers in Guangdong
Yimer, D.; Yirga, S. 2013 Mammals of the Mazie National Park, Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regional State, Ethiopia
Ethiopian Journal of Science (36)
Yin, T. 1976 A tiger incident
Yin, T. 1973 Status of the Tiger in Burma
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (69)
Yin, U.T. Wild mammals of Myanmar
Book Chapter
Yin, U.T. 1967 Felidae
Book Chapter
Yirga, G.; Amare, S.; Gebresenbet, F.; de Iong, H.H.; Vos, M.; Sillero-Zubiri, C.; Bauer, H. 2021 Lion (_Panthera leo_) ecology and survival in protected areas of Ethiopia
Mammalian Biology (101)
Yirga, G.; Gebresenbet, F.; Deckers, J.; Bauer, H. 2014 Status of Lion (_Panthera leo_) and Spotted Hyena (_Crocuta crocuta_) in Nechisar National Park, Ethiopia
Momona Ethiopian Journal of Science (MEJS) (6)
Yirga, G.; Imam, E.; de Iongh, H.H.; Leirs, H.; Kiros, S.; Yohannes, T.G.; Teferi, M.; Bauer, H. 2014 Local spotted hyena abundance and community tolerance of depredation in human-dominated landscapes in Northern Ethiopia
Mammalian Biology (79)
Yirga, G.; Leirs, H.; de Iongh, H.H.; Asmelash, T.; Gebrehiwot, K.; Deckers, J.; Bauer, H. 2015 Spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta) concentrate around urban waste dumps across Tigray, northern Ethiopia
Wildlife Research (42)
Yiu, S.-W.; Keith, M.; Karczmarski, L.; Parrini, F. 2015 Early post-release movement of reintroduced lions (_Panthera leo_) in Dinokeng Game Reserve, Gauteng, South Africa
European Journal of Wildlife Research (61)
Ylh„isi, J. 2003 Forest privatisation and the role of community in forests and nature protection in Tanzania
Environmental Science & Policy (6)
Yoccoz, N.G.; Nichols, J.D.; Boulinier, T. 2001 Monitoring of biological diversity in space and time
Trends in Ecology & Evolution (16)
Yoder, A.D.; Burns, M.M.; Zehr, S.; Delefosse, T.; Veron, G.; Goodman, S.M.; Flynn, J.J. 2003 Single origin of Malagasy Carnivora from African ancestor
Nature (421)
Yoganand, K. 1998 The desert cat Felis lybica in Panna National Park
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (96)
Yoganand, K. An Appraisal of Scientific Merit of the Tiger Monitoring Scheme Proposed by Project Tiger Directorate and WII Biologists
Personal Communication
Yom-Tov, Y.; Kjellander, P.; Yom-Tov, S.; Mortensen, P.; Andr‚n, H. 2010 Body size in the Eurasian lynx in Sweden: dependence on prey availability
Polar Biology (33)
Yom-Tov, Y.; Kvam, T.; Wiig, O. 2011 Lynx Body Size in Norway is Related to its Main Prey (Roe Deer) Density, Climate, and Latitude
Ambio (40)
Yom-Tov, Y.; Yom-Tov, S.; Macdonald, D.; Yom-Tov, E. 2007 Population cycles and changes in body size of the lynx in Alaska
Yong Ding, L. 2006 Preliminary List of Larger Vertebrates in the Panti Forest Reserve, South Johore (2002-2006)
Full Book
Yongzu, Z. 1997 Distribution of mammalian species in China
Full Book
Yonzon, P.B. 1979 Human tiger interaction in Chitawan
Conference Proceeding
York, E.C.; Moruzzi, T.L.; Fuller, T.K.; Organ, J.F.; Sauvajot, R.M.; DeGraaf, R.M. 2001 Description and evaluation of a remote camera and triggering system to monitor carnivores
Wildlife Society Bulletin (29)
Yoshimura, H.; Hayakawa, T.; Kikuchi, D.M.; Zhumabai Uulu, K.; Qi, H.; Sugimoto, T.; Sharma, K.; Kinoshita, K. 2024 Metabarcoding analysis provides insight into the link between prey and plant intake in a large alpine cat carnivore, the snow leopard
Royal Society Open Science (11)
Yoshimura, H.; Hirata, S.; Kinoshita, K. 2021 Plant-eating carnivores: Multispecies analysis on factors influencing the frequency of plant occurrence in obligate carnivores
Ecology and Evolution (11)
Young, J. 2008 Texas Mountain Lion Status Report
Full Book
Young, J.H.; Tewes, M.E.; Haines, A.M.; Guzman, G.; Demaso, S.J. 2010 Survival and mortality of cougars in the Trans-Pecos region
The Southwestern Naturalist (55)
Young, J.K.; Golla, J.; Draper, J.P.; Broman, D.; Blankenship, T.; Heilbrun, R. 2019 Space Use and Movement of Urban Bobcats
Animals (9)
Young, J.K.; Mahoney, P.J. 2014 Cougar space use on a landscape with high levels of anthropogenic disturbance in southcentral Utah
Conference Proceeding
Young, L. 1986 The reintroduction of pheasants in India
Indian Forester (112 - Special Issue on Wildlife Management)
Young, M. 1904 The boldness of panthers
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (15)
Young, S.; Rode-Margono, J.; Amin, R. 2018 Software to facilitate and streamline camera trap data management: A review
Ecology and Evolution (8)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)