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Anonymous, 2018 Latin America launches New Roadmap to save the jaguar
Full Book
Anrozi, R.; Siagian, A.; Restisha, A.S.; Maretta, A. 2019 Biodiversity Study on Segara Anakan Lagoon
Conference Proceeding
Ansari, A. 2020 Predicting distribution of Eurasian lynx (_Lynx lynx_) using an ensamble modelling approach: A case study: Saveh Zarndieh Kahaghan Area, Markazi Province
Iranian Journal of Applied Ecology (9)
Ansell, W.F.H. 1978 Family Felidae (Cats)
Book Chapter
Ansell, W.F.H. 1967 An aberrant leopard from Rhodesia
Ansell, W.F.H.; Dowsett, R.J. 1988 Family Felidae (Cats)
Book Chapter
Anstey, D.G.; Hall-Martin, A.J. 1977 Present day status and future of nature conservation in the Republic of Malawi
Anstey, S. 1991 Carnivores (Felidae)
Book Chapter
Anstey, S. 1991 Large mammal distribution in Liberia
Full Book
Ant¢n, M.; Siliceo, G.; Pastor, J.F.; Morales, J.; Salesa, M.J. 2020 The early evolution of the sabre-toothed felid killing bite: the significance of the cervical morphology of _Machairodus aphanistus_ (Carnivora: Felidae: Machairodontinae)
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society (188)
Anthony, H.E. 1941 Mammals collected by Vernay-cutting Burma expedition
Anthony, L.L.; Blumstein, D.T. 2000 Integrating behaviour into wildlife conservation: the multiple ways that behaviour can reduce _N_ e
Biological Conservation (95)
Antonevich, A.L.; Erofeeva, M.N.; Naidenko, C.V. 2012 Early sibling aggression of Eurasian lynx depends on the growth rate
Doklady Biological Sciences (447)
Antonevich, A.L.; Ivanov, E.A.; Pavlov, E.V.; Erofeeva, M.N.; Naidenko, S.V. 2014 Alternative paths of parental investment regulation in Eurasian lynx
Conference Proceeding
Antonevich, A.L.; Naidenko, S. 2013 A third species of lynx, the bobcat, found to experience early sibling aggression
Cat News (59)
Antonevich, A.L.; Naidenko, S.; Bergara, J.; V zquez, E.; V zquez, A.; L¢pez, J.; Pardo, A.; Rivas, A.; Mart¡nez, F.; Vargas, A. 2009 A comparative note on early sibling aggression in two related species: the Iberian and the Eurasian lynx
Book Chapter
Antonio, S.B.; Ceruti, R.D.; Scaglione, M.C.; Picione, G.; Refinetti, R. 2017 Daily rhythmicity of behavior of nine species of South American feral felids in captivity
Physiology and Behavior (180)
Antonio, S.B.; Cerutti, R.D.; Scaglione, M.C.; Piccione, G.; Refinetti, R. 2017 Daily rhythmicity of behavior of nine species of South American feral felids in captivity
Physiol Behaviour (180)
Antonovich, C.J.; Ivanovich, T.O. Econet of Uzbekistan
Full Book
Antonovics, J.; McKane, A.J.; Newman, T.J. 2006 Spatiotemporal Dynamics in Marginal Populations
The American Naturalist (167)
Antrop, M. 2006 Sustainable landscapes: contradiction, fiction or utopia?
Landscape and Urban Planning (75)
Antunes, A.; Faria, R.; Johnson, W.E.; Guyomard, R.; Alexandrino, P. 2006 Life on the Edge: The Long-Term Persistence and Contrasting Spatial Genetic Structure of Distinct Brown Trout Life Histories at Their Ecological Limits
Journal of Heredity (97)
Antunes, A.; Pontius, J.; Ramos, M.J.; O'Brien, J.; Johnson, W.E. 2007 Mitochondrial Introgressions into the Nuclear Genome of the Domestic Cat
Journal of Heredity (98)
Antunes, A.; Troyer, J.L.; Roelke, M.E.; Pecon-Slattery, J.; Packer, C.; Winterbach, C.; Winterbach, H.; Hemson, G.; Frank, L.; Stander, P.; Siefert, L.; Driciru, M.; Funston, P.J.; Alexander, K.A.; Prager, K.C.; Mills, G.; Wildt, D.; Bush, M.; O'Brien, S.J.; Johnson, W.E. 2008 The evolutionary dynamics of the lion _Panthera leo_ revealed by host and viral population genomics
PLOS Genetics (4)
Antunes, A.C.; Baccaro, F.B.; Andrade, V.L.C.; Ferreira Ramos, J. 2019 Igap¢ seed patches: a potentially key resource for terrestrial vertebrates in a seasonally flooded forest of central Amazonia
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society (128)
Antunes, A.P.; Fewster, R.M.; Venticinque, E.M.; Peres, C.A.; Levi, T.; Rohe, F.; Shepard Jr, G.H. 2016 Empty forest or empty rivers? A century of commercial hunting in Amazonia
Science Advances (2)
Ant¢n, M.; Galobart, A.; Turner, A. 2005 Co-existence of scimitar-toothed cats, lions and hominins in the European Pleistocene. Implications of the post-cranial anatomy of _Homotherium latidens_ (Owen) for comparative palaeoecology
Quarternary Science Review (24)
Ant¢n, M.; Garc¡a-Perea, R. 1998 Reconstructed facial appearance of the sabretoothed felid _Smilodon_
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society (124)
Ant¢n, M.; Salesa, M.J.; Morales, J.; Turner, A. 2004 First known complete skulls of the scimintar-toothed cat _machairodus_ _aphanistus_ (felidae, carnivora) from the Spanish late miocene site of batallones-1
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology (24)
Ant¢n, M.; Salesa, M.J.; Pastor, J.F.; S nchez, I.M.; Fraile, S.; Morales, J. 2004 Implications of the mastoid anatomy of larger extant felids for the evolution and predatory behaviour of sabretoothed cats (Mammalia, Carnivora, Felidae)
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society (140)
Ant¢n, M.; Werdelin, L. 1998 Too well restored? The case of the _Megantereon_ skull from SenŠze
Lethaia (31)
Anwar, M. 2019 Status of tiger and its associated prey species in selected corridors and areas of Terai Arc Landscape
Full Book
Anwar, M.; Borah, J. 2020 Functional status of a wildlife corridor with reference to tiger in Terai Arc Landscape of India
Tropical Ecology (60)
Anwar, M.; Hasan, D.; Vattakavan, J. 2012 Rusty-spotted cat in Katerniaghat Widlife Sanctuary, Uttar Pradesh state, India
Cat News (56)
Anwar, M.; Kumar, H.; Vattakavan, J. 2010 Range extension of rusty-spotted cat to the Indian Terai
Cat News (53)
Anwar, M.B.; Jackson, R.; Nadeem, M.S.; Janecka, J.E.; Hussain, S.; Beg, M.A.; Muhammed, G.; Qayyum, M. 2011 Food habits of the snow leopard Panthera uncia Schreber, 1775) in Baltistan, Northern Pakistan
European Journal of Wildlife Research (57)
Anwar, S. Bengal Tiger
Full Book
Anyango-Van Zwieten, N.; van der Duim, R.; Visseren-Hamakers, I.J. 2015 Compensating for livestock killed by lions: payment for environmental services as a policy arrangement
Environmental Conservation (42)
Anyonge, W. 1996 Microwear on canines and killing behavior in large carnivores: saber function in_ Smilodon fatalis_
Journal of Mammalogy (77)
Aouraghe, H. 2000 Carnivor fossils from El Harhoura 1, Temara, Morocco
L'anthropologie (104)
Apelqvist, M. 2014 Behaviour in Amur leopard at two Swedish zoos
Full Book
Apker, J.A. 2008 Colorado Mountain Lion Status Report
Full Book
Apostolico, F.; Vercillo, F.; La Porta, G.; Ragni, B. 2016 Long-term changes in diet and trophic niche of the European wildcat (_Felis silvestris silvestris_) in Italy
Mammal Research (61)
Appachu, M.K.; Chinnappa, K.M.; Gopal, T.S.; Karanth, K.U.; Bhargav, P.; Gubbi, S. 2002 Community leadership for tiger conservation (CLTC) Nagarahole
Full Book
Appel, A. 2018 Fishing cat Conservation Strategy and challenges
Conference Proceeding
Appel, A.; Ghimirey, Y.; Acharya, R. 2012 Status assessment of wild felids with a special focus on clouded leopard and Asian golden cat in the Hugu-Kori forest, Annapurna Conservation Area, Nepal
Full Book
Appel, A.; Mukherjee, S.; Cheyne, S.M. 2018 First International Small Wild Cat Conservation Summit
Conference Proceeding
Appel, M.J.G.; Yates, R.A.; Foley, G.L.; Bernstein, J.J.; Santinelli, S.; Spelman, L.H.; Miller, L.D.; Arp, L.H.; Anderson, M.; Barr, M.C.; Pearce-Kelling, S.; Summers, B.A. 1994 Canine distemper epizotic in lions, tigers, and leopards in North America
Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation (6)
Applebome, P. 2011 Wild Cougar Traveled East 1,500 Miles, Test Find
Apps, C.D. 2000 Space-use, diet, demographics, and topographic associations of lynx in the southern Canadian Rocky Mountains: a study
Book Chapter

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)