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Attfield, R. 1998 Existence value and intrinsic value
Ecological Economics (24)
Attum, O.; Reff, M.; Al Awaji, M. 2021 Waterhole visitation patterns of two potential avian competitors, chukar _Alectoris chukar _and rock dove _Columba livia_, and a mammalian predator, the caracal _Caracal caracal_, in Jordan
Sandgrouse (43)
Atwood, T.C.; Gese, E.M.; Kunkel, K.E. 2007 Comparative patterns of predation by cougars and recolonizing wolves in Montana's Madison range
Journal of Wildlife Management (71)
Atwood, T.C.; Gese, E.M.; Kunkel, K.E. 2009 Spatial Partitioning of Predation Risk in a Multiple Predator-Multiple Prey System
The Journal of Wildlife Management (73)
Au, W.C.; Dures, S.G.; Ishida, Y.; Green, C.E.; Zhao, K.; Ogden, R.; Roca, A.L. 2023 Lion localizer: A software tool for inferring the provenance of lions (_Panthera leo_) based on their mitochondrial DNA
Journal of Heredity
Aubry, K.B.; Koehler, G.M.; Squires, J.R. 2000 Ecology of Canada lynx in southern boreal forests
Book Chapter
Aubry, K.B.; Ruggiero, L.F.; Squires, J.R.; McKelvey, K.S.; Koehler, G.M.; Buskirk, S.W.; Krebs, C.J. 2000 Conservation of lynx in the United States: a systematic approach to closing critical knowledge gaps
Book Chapter
Augugliaro, C.; Havmoeller, R.W.; Monti, I.E.; Havmoeller, L.W.; Janchivlamdan, C.; Badamjav, L. 2020 Non-volant mammal inventory of western Mongolian-Manchurian Grassland Ecoregion: a biogeographic crossroad worth preserving
Check List (16)
Augustine, B.C.; Royle, J.A.; Kelly, M.J.; Satter, C.B.; Alonso, R.S.; Boydston, E.E.; Crooks, K.R. 2017 Spatial capture-recapture with partial identity: an application to camera traps
Augustine, J.; Miquelle, D.; Korkisko, V.G. Preliminary results of the far eastern leopard ecology project: Implications for conservation and management
Full Book
Augustsson, E. 2016 Activity patterns of large carnivores in a fenced conservation area in Laikipia District, Kenya
Full Book
Aulagnier, S. 1990 Zoogeography and status of carnivores in Morocco
Vie Milieu (40)
Aulagnier, S.; Thevenot, M. 1986 Catalog of wild mammals of Morocco
Full Book
Aung, S.S.; Shwe, N.M.; Frechette, J.; Grindley, M. 2017 Surveys in southern Myanmar indicate global importance for tigers and biodiversity
Oryx (51)
Aung, T. Status of biodiversity conservation in Myanmar
Full Book
Austin, S.C.; Tewes, M.E. 1999 Ecology of the clouded leopard in Khao Yai National Park, Thailand 
Austin, S.C.; Tewes, M.E.; Grassman Jr., L.I.; Silvy, N.J. 2007 Ecology and conservation of the leopard cat _Prionailurus bengalensis _and clouded leopard _Neofelis nebulosa_ in Khao Yai National Park, Thailand
Acta Zoologica Sinica (53)
Austin, S.C.; Tewes, M.E.; Grassman Jr., L.I.; Silvy, N.J. 2007 Road ecology of the leopard cat _Prionialurs bengalensis_ in Khao National Park, Thailand
Acta Zoologica Sinica (53)
Auzel, P.; Bakarr, M.I.; Bowman, K.; Cannon, J.; Caspary, H.U.; Eves, H.E.; Hardin, R.; Kormos, C.; Milner-Gulland, E.J.; Rose, A.L.; Wilkie, D.S. 2001 Hunting and bushmeat utilization in the African rain forest
Full Book
Avenant, N.L. 1997 Mammals recorded in the QwaQwa National Park (1994-1995)
Koedoe (40)
Avenant, N.L.; de Waal, H.O. 2007 Incorporating Caracal Feeding and Ranging Behaviour in the Management of this Damage-Causing Carnivore
Conference Proceeding
Avenant, N.L.; Drouilly, M.; Power, R.J.; Thorn, M.; Martins, Q.; Neils, A.; du Plessis, J.; Do Linh San, E. 2016 A conservation assessment of _Caracal caracal_
Book Chapter
Avenant, N.L.; du Plessis, J.J. 2008 Sustainable small stock farming and ecosystem conservation in southern Africa: a role for small mammals?
Mammalia (72)
Avenant, N.L.; Nel, J.A.J. 1998 Home-range use, activity, and density of caracal in relation to prey density
African Journal of Ecology (36)
Avenant, N.L.; Nel, J.A.J. 1997 Prey use by four syntopic carnivores in a strandveld ecosystem
South African Journal of Wildlife Research (27)
Avenant, N.L.; Nel, J.A.J. 2002 Among habitat variation in prey availability and use by caracal Felis caracal
Mammal Biology (67)
Avendano, R.; Barrueta, F.; Soto-Fournier, S.; Chavarria, M.; Monge, O.; Gutierrez-Espelata, G.A.; Chaves, A. 2016 Canine distemper virus in wild felids of Costa Rica
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (52)
Averbeck, C. 2002 Population ecology of impala (_Aepyceros melampus_) and community-based wildlife conservation in Uganda
Full Book
Averbeck, G.A.; Bjork, K.E.; Packer, C.; Herbst, L. 1990 Prevalence of Hematozoans in Lions (_Panthera leo_) and Cheetah (_Acinonyx jubatus_) in Serengeti National Park and Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (26)
Avery, D.M.; Rautenbach, I.L.; Randall, R.M. 1990 An annotated check list of the land mammal fauna of the West Coast National Park
Koedoe (33)
Avgan, B. 2009 Sighting of a jungle cat and the threats of its habitat in Turkey
Cat News (50)
Avgan, B.; Ismayilov, A.; Fatullayev, P.; Huseynali, T.T.; Askerov, E.; Breitenmoser, U. 2012 First hard evidence of leopard in Nakhchivan
Cat News (57)
Avgan, B.; Raza, H.; Barzani, M.; Breitenmoser, U. 2016 Do recent leopard _Panthera pardus_ records from northern Iraq and south-eastern Turkey reveal an unknown population nucleus in the region?
Zoology in the Middle East (62)
Avgan, B.; Zimmermann, F.; Gntert, M.; Arikan, F.; Breitenmoser, U. 2014 The first density estimation of an isolated Eurasian lynx population in southwest Asia
Wildlife Biology (20)
Avila-Najera, D.M.; Chavez, C.; Lazcano-Barrero, M.A.; Perez-Elizalde, S.; Alcantara-Carbajal, J.L. 2015 Estimaci¢n poblacional y conservaci¢n de felinos en el norte de Quintana Roo, M‚xico
Revista de Biologia Tropical (63)
Avila-Najera, D.M.; Lazcano-Barrero, M.A.; Chavez, C.; Perez-Elizalde, S.; Tigar, B.; Mendoza, G.D. 2019 Habitat use of jaguar (Panthera onca) in a tropical forest in northern Quintana Roo, Mexico
Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad (90)
Avila-Najera, D.M.; Naranjo, E.J.; Tigar, B.; Villarreal, O.; Mendoza, G.D. 2018 An evaluation of the contemporary uses and cultural significance of mammals in Mexico
Ethnobiology Letters (9)
Avila-Najera, D.M.; Palomares, F.; Chavez, C.; Tigar, B.; Mendoza, G.D. 2018 Jaguar (_Panthera onca_) and puma (_Puma concolor_) diets in Quintana Roo, Mexico
Animal Biodiversity and Conservation (41.2)
Aviruppola, A.J.M.K.; Rajapakse, R.P.V.J.; Rajakaruna, R.S. 2016 Coprological survey of gastrointestinal parasites of mammals in Dehiwala National Zoological Gardens, Sri Lanka
Ceylon Journal of Science (45)
Awais, M.; Mahmood, T.; Iftikhar-Uz-Zamman,; Waseem, M. 2017 First camera trap photos of leopard in the Galiat Forests of Abbottabad, Pakistan
Cat News (65)
Aximoff, I.; Cronemberger, C.; de Aguiar Pereira, F. 2015 Long term survey by camera traps of non-volant mammals in two national parks in Rio de Janeiro State
Oecologia Australis (19)
Aximoff, I.; Sales, D.; Painkow, E.; Barquero, G.; Rosa, C.; Caravaggi, A. 2021 Melanism in the Brazilian pampas cat and range extension in the Atlantic Forest, Brazil
Cat News (74)
Axn‚r, E.; Holm, D.; Gavier-Wid‚n, D.; S”derberg, A.; Bergqvist, A.S. 2015 Macroscopic and microscopic evaluation of Eurasian lynx female tubular reproductive organs in relation to ovarian structures
Theriogenology (84)
Axn‚r, E.; Payan-Cerreira, R.; Setterlind, P.; sbrink, J.; S”derberg, A. 2013 Collection of field reproductive data from carcasses of the female Eurasian lynx (_Lynx lynx_)
Theriogenology (80)
Axner, E.; Uhlhorn, H.; Agren, E.; M”rner, T. 2009 Reproductive maturation in the male Eurasian lynx: a study on 55 reproductive organs collected from carcasses during 2002-2005
Reproduction in Domestic Animals (44)
Ayechew, B.; Tolcha, A. 2020 Assessment of human-wildlife conflict in and around Weyngus Forest, Dega Damot Woreda, WEst Gojjam Zone, Amhara Region, Ethiopia
International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Science (4)
Ayers, A. 2019 The behavioural ecology and predator-prey interactions of leopards (_Panthera pardus_) and chacma baboons (_Papio ursinus_) in an Afromontane environment
Full Book
Aymerich, M. 1982 Etude comparative des rgimes alimentaires du lynx pardelle (Lynx pardina Temminck, 1824) et du chat sauvage (Felis silvestris Schreber, 1777) au centre de la pninsula Ibrique
Mammalia (46)
Aymerich, M. 2002 General framework for the conservation of Iberian lynx in Spain
Conference Proceeding
Azad, M.A.J.b.A.G. 2006 Mammal diversity and conservation in a secondary forest in Peninsular Malaysia
Biodiversity and Conservation (15)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)