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Brummit, N.; Nic Lughadha, E. 2003 Biodiversity: Where's hot and where's not
Conservation Biology (17 )
Bruner, A.G.; Gullison, R.E.; Rice, R.E.; da Fonseca, G.A.B. 2001 Effectiveness of Parks in Protecting Tropical Biodiversity
Science (291)
Bruning-Fann, C.S.; Schmitt, S.M.; Fitzgerald, S.D.; Fierke, J.S.; Friedrich, P.D.; Kaneene, J.B.; Clarke, K.A.; Butler, K.L.; Payeur, J.B.; Whipple, D.L.; Cooley, T.M.; Muzo, D.P. 2001 Bovine tuberculosis in free-ranging carnivores from Michigan
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (37)
Bryan, B.A.; Raymond, C.M.; Crossman, N.D.; King, D. 2011 Comparing Spatially Explicit Ecological and Social Values for Natural Areas to Identify Effective Conservation Strategies
Conservation Biology (25 )
Bryant, E. 1995 Saving panthers in Florida
Bryant, E.H.; Backus, V.L.; Clark, M.E.; Reed, D.H. 1999 Experimental test of captive breeding for endangered species
Conservation Biology (13)
Bryant, H.N.; Churcher, C.S. 1987 All sabertoothed carnivores aren't sharks
Nature (325)
Bryant, H.N.; Russell, A.P.; Laroiya, R.; Powell, G.L. 1996 Claw retraction and protraction in the Carnivora: skeletal microvaration in the phalanges of the Felidae
Journal of Morphology (229)
Bryant, R. 2001 All along the watchtower
Amicus Journal
Bu, H.; Wang, F.; McShea, W.J.; Lu, Z.; Wang, D.; Li, S. 2016 Spatial co-occurrence and activity patterns of mesocarnivores in the temperate forests of Southwest China
PLoS ONE (11)
Bucafusco, D.; Argibay, H.; Diaz, L.; Vega, C.; Minatel, L.; Postma, G.C.; Rinas, M.; Bratanich, A. 2019 First characterization of a canine parvovirus causing fatal disease in coatis (_Nasua nasua_)
Archives of Virology (164)
Buch, A.N.; Bhatt, E.R. 1980 The economic status of women firewood pickers from Mt. Girnar, Junagadh, Gujarat
Conference Proceeding
Buckland, C.T. 1889 A black tiger
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (4)
Buckley, R.C.; Morrison, C.; Castley, J.G. 2016 Net effects of ecotourism on threatened species survival
PLoS ONE (11)
Buckley-Beason, V.A.; Johnson, W.E.; Nash, W.G.; Stanyon, R.; Menninger, J.C.; Driscoll, C.A.; Howard, J.; Bush, M.; Page, J.E.; Roelke, M.E.; Stone, G.; Martelli, P.P.; Wen, C.; Ling, L.; Duraisingam, R.K.; Lam, P.V.; O'Brien, S.J. 2007 Molecular Evidence for Species-Level Distinction in Modern Clouded Leopards (_Neofelis nebulosa_)
Conference Proceeding
Buckley-Beason, V.A.; Johnson, W.E.; Nash, W.G.; Stanyon, R.; Menninger, J.C.; Driscoll, C.A.; Howard, J.G.; Bush, M.; Page, J.E.; Roelke, M.; Stone, G.; Martelli, P.P.; Wen, C.; Ling, L.; Duraisingam, R.K.; Lam, P.V.; O'Brien, S.J. 2006 Molecular evidence for species-level distinctions in clouded leopards
Current Biology (16)
Budd, J. 2011 International Studbook for the Arabian leopard
Full Book
Budd, J. 2011 European Regional Studbook for the Asiatic Caracal
Full Book
Budd, J.; Leus, K. Captive breeding program of the Arabian leopard (_Panthera pardus nimr)_ - an overview
Conference Proceeding
Budd, J.; Leus, K. 2011 The Arabian Leopard _Panthera pardus nimr_ conservation breeding programme
Zoology in the Middle East (3)
Budd, K. 2000 Arabian Leopards - New Hope is Born
Arabian Wildlife (Winter 2000/2001)
Buddhakosai, W.; Klinsawat, W.; Smith, O.; Sukmak, M.; Kaolim, N.; Duangchantrasiri, S.; Simcharoen, A.; Siriaroonrt, B.; Wajjwalku, W. 2016 Mitogenome analysis reveals a complex phylogeographic relationship within the wild tiger population of Thailand
Endangered Species Research (30)
Buddhakosai, W.; Sukmak, M.; Klinsawat, W.; Duangchantrasiri, S. 2014 Discrimination of tiger using a novel high resolution melting (HRM) and multiplex SNP-specific HRM (MSS-HRM) technique
Forensic Science International: Genetics (13)
Buderman, F.E.; Hooten, M.B.; Ivan, J.S.; Shenk, T.M. 2016 A functional model for characterizing long-distance movement behaviour
Methods in Ecology and Evolution (7)
Budhiana, R. 2009 Karakteristik Habitat dan Populasi Harimau Sumatera (_Panthera tigris sumatrae_, Pocock 1929) di Kawasan Hutan batang Hari, Solok Selatan, Sumatera Barat
Full Book
Budiono, N.G. 2012 Studi Kasus: Leiomioma pada Seekor Singa (_Panthera leo_)
Full Book
Budrys, R.R. 2001 Status of lynx and wolf in Lithuania
Conference Proceeding
Buenavista, S.; Palomares, F. 2018 The role of exotic mammals in the diet of native carnivores from South America
Mammal Review (48)
Buenavista, S.; Palomares, F. 2017 The role of exotic mammals in the diet of native carnivores from South America
Mammal Review (48)
Bueno-Cabrera, A.; Laundr‚, J.W.; Hern ndez, L.; Contreras-Hern ndez, A. 2007 Cougar (_Puma concolor_) Impacts on Livestock Ranches in the Santa Elena Canyon, Chihuahua, Mexico
Conference Proceeding
Buenrostro-Silva, A.; Antonio-Gutierrez, M.; Garcia-Grajales, J. 2012 Mamiferos del Parque Nacional Lagunas de Chacahua y La Tuza de Monroy, Oaxaca, Mexico
Acta Zoologica Mexicana (28)
Buenrostro-Silva, A.; Pinacho-Lopez, B.; Garcia-Grajales, J. 2017 Mammal diversity in a private reserve in the Sierra Sur of Oaxaca, Mexico
Ecosystemas y recursos agropecuarios (4)
Buffon, G.L.L. 1792 Buffon's Natural History abridged
Full Book
Buffon, G.L.L. 1799 Histoire naturelle par Buffon - quadrupĆ des tome troisiĆ me
Full Book
Buffon, G.L.L. 1799 Histoire naturelle par Buffon - quadrupĆ des tome sixiĆ me
Full Book
Buhrmester, M.D.; Burnham, D.; Johnson, D.D.P.; Curry, O.S.; MacDonald, D.W.; Whitehouse, H. 2018 How moments become movements; shared outrage, group cohesion, and the lion went viral
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (6)
Bujarbarua, P.; Sen, P. 2011 Pakke tiger reserve: an overview 
Tigerpaper (38)
Buk, K.G.; van der Merwe, V.C.; Marnewick, K.; Funston, P.J. 2018 Conservation of severely fragmented populations: lessons from the transformation of uncoordinated reintroductions of cheetahs (_Acinonyx jubatus_) into a managed metapopulation with self-sustained growth
Biodiversity and Conservation (27)
Bukhnikashvil, A. Spreading of family cats (Felidae) in Georgia
Full Book
Bull, J.K.; Heurich, M.; Saveljev, A.P.; Schmidt, K.; Fickel, J.; F”rster, D.W. 2016 The effect of reintroductions on the genetic variability in Eurasian lynx populations: the cases of Bohemian-Bavarian and Vosges-Palatinian populations
Conservation Genetics
Bulsara, F.F.C. Does the lion exist elsewhere in India?
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society
Bulte, E.; van Kooten, G.C. 2000 Economic Science, Endangered Species, and Biodiversity Loss
Conservation Biology (14)
Bulte, E.H.; Rondeau, D. 2005 Why compensating wildlife damages may be bad for conservation
Journal of Wildlife Management (69)
Bumstead, P.; Knapik, D.; Fitch, W. 1992 Feline Facts
Full Book
Bumstead, P.; Quillen, P. 1997 Cross-breeding of Wild and Domestic Cats
Cat Times - ISEC Newsletter
Bumstead, P.; Russel, S.; Knapik, D.; Fitch, W. 1999 Feline Facts
Full Book
Bunaian, F.; Hatough, A.; Ababaneh, D.; Mashaqbeh, S.; Yousef, M.; Amr, Z. 2001 The carnivores of the northeastern Badia, Jordan
Turkish Journal of Zoology (25)
Bunnefeld, N.; Linnell, J.D.C.; Odden, J.; Van Duijn, M.A.J.; Andersen, R. 2006 Risk taking by Eurasian lynx (_Lynx lynx_) in a human-dominated landscape: effects of sex and reproductive status
Journal of Zoology (270)
Bunnell, K.; Bassett, S.; Millgate, E.; Weis, J.; Flinders, J.; Hill, H. 2007 Utah Bobcat Management Plan 2007-2016
Full Book
Bunnell, K.D. 2008 Utah Mountain Lion Status Report
Full Book

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)