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Emanoil, M. 1994 Snow leopard_ Uncia (Panthera) uncia_
Book Chapter
Emerson, S.B.; Radinsky, L. 1980 Functional analysis of sabertooth cranial morphology
Paleobiology (6)
Emmons, L.H. 1997 Cat Family (Felidae)
Book Chapter
Emmons, L.H. 1987 Comparative feeding ecology of felids in a neotropical rainforest
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (20)
Emmons, L.H. 1986 Comments on conservation and status of the Jaguar in south America
Full Book
Emmons, L.H. A field study of ocelots in Peru
Emmons, L.H. 1988 A field study of ocelots in Peru
Revue d'‚cologie (La terre et al vie) (43)
Emmons, L.H.; Sherman, P.; Bolster, D.; Goldizen, A.; Terborgh, J. 1989 Ocelot behavior in moonlight
Advances in Neotropical Mammalogy
Emsens, W.-J.; Hirsch, B.T.; Kays, R.; Jansen, P.A. 2014 Prey refuges as predator hotspots: ocelot (_Leopardus pardalis_) attraction to agouti (_Dasyprocta punctata_) dens
Acta Theriologica (59)
Emslie, K.W. 2018 Industrial landscapes promote small carnivore diversity and modulate the predation experienced by small mammals
Full Book
Emslie, R.S.; Zeiler, G.; Loock, D.; Boy, S.C.; Steenkamp, G. 2020 Dental pathology in a wild serval (_Leptailurus serval_) population
Journal of Comparative Pathology (180)
Encalada Caicedo, L.M. 2018 Patterns of daily activity of medium and large mammals in the Uyuca Biological Reserve by camera traps
Full Book
Enciso, M.A.; Galvez-Roeder, D.; La Torre, J. 2012 Pursuing the spectacled bear footprint at the Huiquilla's Forest, Northern Peruvian Yungas
International Bear News (21)
Enescu, C.M.; Halalisan, A.-F. 2017 The economic contribution of hunting products to the turnover of the forestry units in Romania
Agriculture & Forestry (63)
Engel, K.; Gramling, R. 2010 Felidae - Ein (Tier-)Familiendrama
Engel, M.T.; Vaske, J.J.; Bath, A.J.; Marchini, S. 2017 Attitudes toward jaguars and pumas and the acceptability of killing big cats in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest: An application of the Potential for Conflict Index2 
Ambio (48)
Engelhardt, K.A.M.; Lloyd, M.W.; Neel, M.C. 2014 Effects of genetic diversity on conservation and restoration potential at individual, population, and regional scales
Biological Conservation (179)
Engeman, R.M.; Evangilista, P. 2006 Investigating the feasibility of a passive tracking index for monitoring wildlife in the Lower Omo Valley, Ethiopia
African Journal of Ecology (45)
Enrique, L.A. 2017 Guidelines for heritage management in the Salinas Grandes, La Pampa province, Argentina
Conservar Patrim¢nio
Enserink, M.; Vogel, G. 2006 The Carnivore Comback
Science (314)
Environmental Investigation Agency,; Wpsi, 2006 Skinning the cat - Crime and politics of the big cat skin trade
Full Book
Eo, S.H.; Ko, B.J.; Lee, B.-J.; Seomun, H.; Kim, S.; Kim, M.-J.; Kim, J.H.; An, J. 2016 A set of microsatellite markers for population genetics of leopard cat and cross-species amplification in other felids
Biochemical Systematics and Ecology (66)
Epaphras, A.M.; Gereta, E.; Lejora, I.A.; Ole Meing'ataki, G.E.; Ng'umbi, G.; Kiwango, Y.; Mwangomo, E.; Semanini, F.; Vitalis, L.; Balozi, J.; Mtahiko, M.G.G. 2008 Wildlife water utilization and importance of artificial waterholes during dry season at Ruaha National Park, Tanzania
Wetlands Ecology and Management (16)
Eppert, A.A.; Botts, R.T.; Mooring, M.S. 2022 Natural selection of melanism in jaguar and oncilla (Carnivora: Felidae)
UNED Research Journal (14)
Epps, C.W.; Mutayoba, B.; Wasser, S.; Brashares, J. 2008 Past and present connectivity of wildlife populations in Tanzania, East Africa
Full Book
Erasmus, W.N. 2008 Lions on small reserves: an evaluation of ecological impact and financial viability
Full Book
Erdmann, R.H.; Blank, M.H.; Ribeiro, R.N.; Oliveira, M.J.d.; Cubas, Z.S.; Pradiee, J.; Goularte, K.L.; Moreira, L. 2019 Cryopreservation of margay (_Leopardus wiedii_) spermatozoa: effects of different extenders and frozen protocols
Theriogenology (143)
Erfanian, B.; Mirkarimi, S.H.; Mahini, A.S.; Rezaei, H.R. 2013 A presence-only habitat suitability model for Persian leopard Panthera pardus saxicolor in Golestan National Park, Iran
Wildife Biology (19)
Ergon, T.; Gardner, B. 2013 Separating mortality and emigration: modelling space use, dispersal and survival with robust-design spatial capture-recapture data
Methods in Ecology and Evolution (5)
Ernest, H.B.; Boyce, W.M. 2000 DNA Identification of Mountain Lions Involved in Livestock Predation and Public Safety Incidents and Investigations
Conference Proceeding
Ernest, H.B.; Boyce, W.M.; Bleich, V.C.; May, B.; Stiver, S.J.; Torres, S.G. 2003 Genetic structure of mountain lion (_Puma concolor_) populations in California
Conservation Genetics (4)
Ernest, H.B.; Pen Edo, M.C.T.; May, B.P.; Syvanen, M.; Boyce, W.M. 2000 Molecular tracking of mountain lions in the Yosemite Valley region in California: genetic analysis using microsatellites and faecal DNA
Molecular Ecology (9)
Ernest, H.B.; Rubin, E.S.; Boyce, W.M. 2002 Fecal DNA analysis and risk assessment of mountain lion predation of bighorn sheep
Journal of Wildlife Management (66)
Ernest, H.B.; Syvanen, M.; Boyce, W.M. 1996 DNA from mountain lion scat: Preliminary studies Abstracts Fifth Mountain Lion Workshop 27.02.-01.03., 1996 Bahia Hotel, San Diego, California
Conference Proceeding
Ernest, H.B.; Vickers, T.W.; Boyce, W.M.; Riley, S.P.D.; Wilmers, C.C. 2014 California's cougar connectivity: genetics informing conservation and management
Conference Proceeding
Eroglu, H.E. 2017 The comparison of the Felidae species with karyotype symmetry/asymmetry index (S/AI)
Punjab University Journal of Zoology (32)
Ersmark, E.; Orlando, L.; Sandoval-Castellanos, E.; Barnes, I.; Barnett, R.; Stuart, A.; Lister, A.; Dal‚n, L. 2015 Population Demography and Genetic Diversity in the Pleistocene Cave Lion
Open Quaternary (1)
Escobar-Anleu, B.I.; Fuentes-Montejo, C.E.; Ariano-Sanchez, D. 2017 Record of mammals (Mammalia: Didelphimorphia, Artiodactyla, Carnivora, Cingulata, Lagomorpha, Pilosa and Rodentia) in private natural reserves in Guatemala
Acta Zoologica Mexicana NS (33)
Escobar-Lasso, S.; Ceron-Cardona, J.; Castano-Salazar, J.H. 2013 Los mam¡feros de la cuenca del r¡o Chinchin , en la regi¢n andina de Colombia
Therya (4)
Escobar-Lasso, S.; Ceron-Cardona, J.; Castano-Salazar, J.H.; Mendieta-Giraldo, L.; Ospina-Herrera, O. 2014 Los felinos silvestres del departamento de Caldas, en la regi¢n andina de Colombia: composici¢n, ditribuci¢n y conservaci¢n
Therya (5)
Escobar-Lasso, S.; Fonseca, L.G.; Gil-Fernandez, M.; Villachica, W.N.; Arroyo-Arce, S.; Thomson, I.; Saenz, J. 2016 First record of consumption of olive ridley sea turtle by a cougar
Cat News (64)
Eslami, F.; Mousavi, M.; Khormiz, M.Z.; Alborzi, B. 2021 First confirmed Eurasian lynx records from Chahar Mahal va Bakhtiari, south-western Iran
Cat News (73)
Esmail, N. 2014 Investigating conservation conflicts in Musalangu Game Management Area, Zambia
Full Book
Espinosa, C.C.; Galiano, D.; Kubiak, B.B.; Marinho, J.R. 2016 Medium- and large-sized mammals in a steppic savanna area of the Brazilian Pampa: survey and conservation issues of a poorly know fauna
Brazilian Journal of Biology (76)
Espinosa, C.C.; Trigo, T.C.; Tirelli, F.P.; da Silva, L.G.; Eizirik, E.; Queirolo, D.; Mazim, F.D.; Peters, F.B.; Favarini, M.O.; de Freitas, T.R.O. 2018 Geographic distribution modeling of the margay (_Leopardus wiedii_) and jaguarundi (_Puma yagouaroundi_): a comparative assessment
Journal of Mammalogy (99)
Espinosa, C.C.; Trigo, T.C.; Tirelli, F.P.; Gonsalves da Silva, L.; Eizirik, E.; Queirolo, D.; Mazim, F.D.; Peters, F.B.; Favarini, M.O.; de Feritas, T.R.O. 2017 Geographic distribution modeling of the margay (_Leopardus wiedii_) and jaguarundi _(Puma yagouaroundi_): a comparative assessment
Journal of Mammalogy (99)
Espinosa, M.; Cepeda-Mercado, A.A.; Louit, C.; Melendez, M.; Gonzalez-Maya, J.F. 2014 Pampas cat _Leopardus colocolo_ in the Atacama desert: first records from Llanos de Challe National Park, Chile
Boletin del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Chile (63)
Espinosa, S.; Celis, G.; Branch, L.C. 2018 When roads appear jaguars decline: Increased access to an Amazonian wilderness area reduces potential for jaguar conservation
PLoS ONE (13)
Espinosa-Flores, M.E.; Lopez-Gonzalez, C.A. 2017 Landscape attributes determine bobcat presence in Central Mexico
Mammalia (81)
Espinoza, E.O.; Mann, M.-J.; Bleasdell, B.; DeKorte, S.; Cox, M. 1995 Toxic metals in selected traditional Chinese medicinals
Conference Proceeding

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)