IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Farhadinia, M.S.; Mahdavi, A.; Hosseini-Zavarei, F.; Baradarani, K.; Taghdisi, M.; Habibi, R. 2010 Conservation model for the Persian leopard
Cat News (53)
Farhadinia, M.S.; Memarian, I.; Hobeali, K.; Shahrdari, A.; Ekrami, B.; Kaandorp, J.; Behnoud, P.; Moharrami, A.; Salehi, H.; Salahshour, Z.; Jowkar, H.; Johnson, P.J.; Hunter, L.T.B.; MacDonald, D.W. 2017 GPS collars reveal transboundary movements by Persian leopards in Iran
Cat News (65)
Farhadinia, M.S.; Memarian, I.; Shahrdari, A.; Taghdisi, M.; Jafari, B.; Molazem, M.; Moghani, F.; MacDonald, D.W. 2015 Capturing an old problem Persian leopard close to the Iran-Turkmenistan border
Cat News (62)
Farhadinia, M.S.; Moll, R.J.; Montgomery, R.A.; Ashrafi, S.; Johnson, P.J.; Hunter, L.T.B.; Macondald, D.W. 2018 Citizen science data facilitate monitoring of rare large carnivores in remote montane landscape
Ecological Indicators (94)
Farhadinia, M.S.; Moqanaki, E.M.; Adibi, M.A. 2016 Baseline information and status assessment of the Pallas's cat in Iran
Cat News Special Issue (10)
Farhadinia, M.S.; Moqanaki, E.M.; Hosseini-Zavarei, F. 2014 Predator-prey relationships in a middle Asian Montane steppe: Persian leopard versus urial wild sheep in Northeastern Iran
European Journal of Wildlife Research (60)
Farhadinia, M.S.; Nezami, B.; Hosseini-Zavarei, F.; Valizadeh, M. 2009 Persistence of Persian leopard in a buffer habitat in northeastern Iran
Cat News (51)
Farhadinia, M.S.; Rostro-Garcia, S.; Feng, L.; Kamler, J.F.; Spalton, A.; Shevtsova, E.; Khorozyan, I.; Al-Duais, M.; Ge, J.; MacDonald, D.W. 2021 Big cats in borderlands: challenges and implications for transboundary conservation of Asian leopards
Oryx (55)
Faria, A.A.; Svensson, G.L. 2014 Ecoregional vulnerability assessment for the funcitonal richnsess of South American Carnivorans (Mammalia: Carnivora)
Journal of Mammal Evolution (21)
Farias, V.; Tellez, O.; Botello, F.; Hernandez, O.; Berruecos, J.; Olivares, S.J.; Hernandez, J.C. 2015 First records of 4 felid species in southern Puebla, Mexico
Rev.Mex:Biodiv. (86)
Farr, M.T.; Green, D.S.; Holekamp, K.E.; Roloff, G.J.; Zipkin, E.F. 2019 Multispecies hierarchical modeling reveals variable responses of African carnivores to management alternatives
Ecological Applications (29)
Farrell, L.E. 2001 Molecular scatology as a conservation tool
Endangered Species UPDATE (18)
Farrell, L.E.; Roman, J.; Sunquist, M.E. 2001 Dietary separation of sympatric carnivores identified by molecular analysis of scats
Molecular Ecology (9)
Farrow, R.S.; Goldburg, C.B.; Small, M.J. 2000 Economic Valuation of the Environment: A Species Issue
Environmental Science (34)
Fasel, M. 2006 The lynx in Liechtenstein
Acta Biologica Slovenica (49)
Fata, I. 2011 Aplikasi SIG untuk Analisis Distribusi Populasi Harimau Sumatera (_Panthera tigris sumatrae_, Pocock 1929) dan Satwa Mangsanya di Hutan Blang Raweu, Kawasan Ekosistem Ulu Masen, Aceh
Full Book
Fattebert, J.; Balme, G.; Dickerson, T.; Slotow, R.; Hunter, L. 2015 Density-dependent natal dispersal patterns in a leopard population recovering from over-harvest
Fattebert, J.; Balme, G.A.; Robinson, H.S.; Dickerson, T.; Slotow, R.; Hunter, L.T.B. 2016 Population recovery highlights spatial organization dynamics in adult leopards
Journal of Zoology
Fattebert, J.; Dickerson, T.; Balme, G.; Slotow, R.; Hunter, L. 2013 Long-distance natal dispersal in leopard reveals potential for a three-country metapopulation
South African Journal of Wildlife Research (43)
Fattebert, J.; Robinson, H.S.; Balme, G.; Slotow, R.; Hunter, L. 2016 Structural habitat predicts functional dispersal habitat of a large carnivore: how leopards change spots
Ecological Applications (25)
Fauna and Flora International,; Iucn,; Panthera,; Traffic,; Wildlife Conservation Society,; Wwf, 2021 Securing a viable future for the tiger
Full Book
Faure, E.; Kitchener, A.C. 2009 An Archaeological and Historical Review of the Relationships between Felides and Poeple
Anthrozo”s (22)
Faure, J.P.; Swanepoel, L.H.; Cilliers, D.; Venter, J.A.; Hill, R.A. 2022 Estimates of carnivore densities in a human-dominated agricultural matrix in South Africa
Oryx (56)
Faure, J.P.B.; Drouilly, M.; Mann, G.K.H.; AL Malki, A.; AL Balawi, D.M.; de Bruin, R.; Fitchen, K.; Gallacher, E.; Ross, M.D.; Smyth, L.K.; Spalton, J.A.; Balme, G.A. 2021 Interspecific event between North African wildcat and Blanford's fox, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Cat News (73)
Faust, R.; Dmoch, R. 1988 Proposal for the official endorsement of the "International Studbook for the BLACK-FOOTED CAT, Felis nigripes BURCHELL, 1823"
Full Book
Faust, T.; Tilson, R.L. Developing management strategies for Sumatran tigers (Panthera tigris sumatrae) utilizing GIS to estimate distribution and numbers
Conference Proceeding
Favilli, F.; Ravazzoli, E.; Hoffmann, C.; Streifeneder, T. 2014 The Carpathian Ecological Network GIS approach to detect the landscape permeability for particular umbrella species
Conference Proceeding
Fay, J.M.; Carroll, R.; Kerbis Peterhans, J.C.; Harris, D. 1995 Leopard attack on and consumption of gorillas in the Central African Republic
Journal of Human Evolution (29)
Fayrer, J. 1875 The Royal tiger of Bengal - his life and death
Full Book
Fazio, J.M. 2016 Assessment of adrenal activity and reproductive cycles during captive management in the fishing cat (_Prionailurus viverrinus_)
Full Book
Fazio, J.M.; Freeman, E.W.; Bauer, E.; Rockwood, L.; Parsons, E.C.M. 2018 Evaluation of management in North American zoos to enhance breeding success of the Fishing cat (_Prionailurus viverrinus_) ex situ population
Zoo Biology (38)
Fazio, J.M.; Freman, E.W.; Bauer, E.; Rockwood, L.; Brown, J.L.; Hope, K.; Siegal-Willott, J.; Parsons, E.C.M. 2020 Longitudinal fecal hormone monitoring of adrenocortical function in zoo housed fishing cats (_Prionailurus viverrinus_) during institutional transfers and breeding introductions
PLoS ONE (15)
Fcs,; Snh, Forest operations and wildcats in Scotland
Full Book
Fecske, D.M.; Thompson, D.J.; Jenks, J.A.; Oehler, M. 2008 North Dakota Mountain Lion Status Report
Full Book
Fedriani, J.M.; Fuller, T.K.; Sauvajot, R.M.; York, E.C. 2000 Competition and intraguild predation among three sympatric carnivores
Oecologia (125)
Fedriani, J.M.; Palomares, F.; Delibes, M. 1999 Niche relations among three sympatric Mediterranean carnivores
Oecologia (121)
Feeroz, M.M.; Hasan, M.K.; Khan, M.A.R.; Sultana, S.; Islam, M.A.; Islam, F.; Shovon, T.A.; Roy, S.; Chowdhury, M.S.M. (eds) 2015 Red List of Bangladesh Volume 2: Mammals
Full Book
Feierabend, D.; Kielland, K. 2014 Multiple crossings of a large glacial river by Canada lynx (_Lynx canadensis_)
The Canadian Field-Naturalist (128)
Feiler, A.; Stefen, C. 2009 Tigers in the collection of the Museum fr Tierkunde Dresden
Lynx, series nova (40)
Feldman, H.N. 1989 Individual variation in maternal behaviour: Communal care in the domestic cat
Conference Proceeding
Felisia, 2014 Pengelolaan Penangkaran Harimau sumatera (_Panthera tigris sumatrae_ Pocock, 1929) di Taman Safari Indonesia Cisarua Bogor
Full Book
Feltham, H. 2001 The Dancing Lions
Feng LImin.,; Jutzeler, E. 2010 Clouded leopard
Cat News (Special Issue)
Feng, L.; Lin, L.; Zhang, L.; Wang, L.; Wang, B.; Yang, S.; Smith, J.L.D.; Luo, S.-J.; Zhang, L. 2008 Evidence of Wild Tigers in Southwest China - A Preliminary Survey of the Xishuangbanna National Nature Reserve
Cat News (48)
Feng, L.; Shevtsova, E.; Vitkalova, A.; Matyukhina, D.; Miquelle, D.; Aramilev, V.V.; Wang, T.; Mu, P.; Xu, R.; Ge, J. 2017 Collaboration brings hope for the last Amur leopards
Cat News (65)
Feng, L.; Wang, T.; Mou, P.; Kou, X.; Ge, J. 2011 First image of an Amur leopard recorded in China
Cat News (55)
Fenton, L.L. 1910 The Kathiawar Lion
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (19)
Fenton, L.L. 1911 The Kathiawar lion
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (20)
Fenton, L.L. 1910 Tiger attacking a bear
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (19)
Feranec, R.S. 2004 Isotopic evidence of saber-tooth development, growth rate, and diet from the adult canine of _Smilodon fatalis_ from Rancho La Brea
Palaeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaecology (206)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)