IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Franklin, S.P.; Kays, R.W.; Moreno, R.; TerWee, J.A.; Troyer, J.L.; VandeWoude, S. 2008 Ocelots on Barro Colorado Island Are Infected with Feline Immunodeficiency Virus but Not Other Common Feline and Canine Viruses
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (44)
Franklin, S.P.; Troyer, J.L.; TerWee, J.A.; Lyren, L.M.; Boyce, W.M.; Riley, S.P.D.; Roelke, M.E.; Crooks, K.R.; VandeWoude, S. 2007 Frequent transmission of immunodeficiency viruses among bobcats and pumas
Journal of Virology (81)
Franklin, W.L.; Johnson, W.E.; Sarno, R.J.; Iriarte, J.A. 1999 Ecology of the Patagonia puma Felis concolor patagonica in southern Chile
Biological Conservation (90)
Fraser, B. 2018 China's lust for jaguar fangs imperils big cats - wildlife traffickers in South America seek body parts from protected species
Nature (555)
Fraser, D.; Mouton, A.; Serieys, L.E.K.; Cole, S.; Carver, S.; VandeWoude, S.; Lappin, M.; Riley, S.P.D.; Wayne, R. 2018 Genome-wide expression revels multiple systemic effects associated with detection of anticoagulant poisons in bobcats (_Lynx rufus_)
Molecular Ecology (27)
Fraser, L.-M. 2016 A zooarchaeological study of four iron age sites in north-eastern Botswana
Full Book
Fraser, S.M. 1902 Tiger netting in Mysore
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (14)
Fratkin, E.; Mearns, R. 2003 Sustainability and pastoral livelihoods: Lessons from East African Maasai and Mongolia
Human Organization (62)
Frazee, S.R.; Cowling, R.M.; Pressey, R.L.; Turpie, J.K.; Lindenberg, N. 2003 Estimating the costs of conserving a biodiversity hotspot: a case-study of the Cape Floristic Region, South Africa
Biological Conservation (112)
Frazer Sissom, D.E.; Rice, D.A.; Peters, G. 1991 How cats purr
Journal of Zoology (London) (223)
Frazier-Taylor, H.; Karesh, W.B. 1990 Supplemental care in maternally raised snow leopard (_Panthera uncia_)
Book Chapter
Fr”hlich, M., 2011 Studying the foraging ecology of leopards (_Panthera pardus_) using activity and location data: an exploratory attempt
Full Book
Fr”hlich, M.,; Berger, A.; Kramer-Schadt, S.; Heckmann, I.; Martins, Q. 2012 Complementing GPS cluster analysis with activity data for studies of leopard (_Panthera pardus_) diet
South African Journal of Wildlife Research (42)
Fredriksen, A. 2016 Of wildcats and wild cats: troubling species-based conservation in the Anthropocene
Environment and Planning D: Society and Space (34)
Freeman, A.R.; Machugh, D.E.; McKeown, S.; Walzer, C.; McConnell, D.J.; Bradley, D.G. 2001 Sequence variation in the mitochondrial DNA control region of wild African cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus)
Heredity (86)
Freeman, H.E. 1990 The view from here - permit hunting of snow leopards
Snow Line - International Snow Leopard Trust
Freeman, H.E. 1983 Behavior in Adult Pairs of Captive Snow Leopards (Panthera uncia)
Zoo Biology (2)
Freeman, H.E. 1974 A preliminary study of the behaviour of captive snow leopards _Panthera uncia_
Freeman, H.E.; Hutchins, M. 1980 Captive Management of Snow leopard cubs: An overview
Der Zoologische Garten (50)
Freeman, P.W.; Lemen, C. 2006 An experimental approach to modeling the strength of canine teeth
Journal of Zoology
Freer, R.A. 2004 The Spatial Ecology of the Gia (_Oncifelis guigna_) in Southern Chile
Full Book
Freer, R.A. 2004 The Spatial Ecology of the Gia (_Oncifelis guigna_) in Southern Chile - Introduction and General Background
Full Book
Freer, R.A. 2004 The Spatial Ecology of the Gia (_Oncifelis guigna_) in Southern Chile - Field Methods and Map Construction
Full Book
Freer, R.A. 2004 The Spatial Ecology of the Gia (_Oncifelis guigna_) in Southern Chile - Prey Availability and the Guina Diet
Full Book
Freer, R.A. 2004 The Spatial Ecology of the Gia (_Oncifelis guigna_) in Southern Chile - Spatial Organisation of the Gia
Full Book
Freer, R.A. 2004 The Spatial Ecology of the Gia (_Oncifelis guigna_) in Southern Chile - Daily Movement and Activity Patterns
Full Book
Freer, R.A. 2004 The Spatial Ecology of the Gia (_Oncifelis guigna_) in Southern Chile - Habitat Utilisation and Associations
Full Book
Freer, R.A. 2004 The Spatial Ecology of the Gia (_Oncifelis guigna_) in Southern Chile - General Discussion
Full Book
Freer, R.A. 2004 The Spatial Ecology of the Gia (_Oncifelis guigna_) in Southern Chile - References
Full Book
Freer, R.A. 2004 The Spatial Ecology of the Gia (_Oncifelis guigna_) in Southern Chile - Appendices
Full Book
Freer, R.A. 2004 The Spatial Ecology of the Gia (_Oncifelis guigna_) in Southern Chile - Plates 1 - 6
Full Book
Freer, R.A. 2004 The Spatial Ecology of the Gia (_Oncifelis guigna_) in Southern Chile - Plate 7 Hair identification of small mammals
Full Book
Freire, L.M.P. 2017 Monitoring the reproductive activity of ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) females kept in captivity
Full Book
French, D.D.; Corbett, L.K.; Easterbee, N. 1988 Morphological discriminants of Scottish wildcats (_Felis silvestris_), domestic cat (_F. catus_) and their hybrids
The Zoological Society of London (214)
Frey, C.F.; Schuppers, M.E.; Mller, N.; Ryser-Degiorgis, M.P.; Gottstein, B. 2009 Assessment of the prevalence of_ Trichinella _spp. in red foxes and Eurasian lynxes from Switzerland
Veterinary Parasitology (159)
Frey, J.K. 2006 Inferring species distributions in the absence of occurrence records: An example considering wolverine (_Gulo gulo_) and Canada lynx (_Lynx canadensis_) in New Mexico
Biological Conservation (130)
Frey, S.N.; Conover, M.R. 2007 Influence of population reduction on predator home range size and spatial overlap
Journal of Wildlife Management (71)
Frick, H. 2012 Signs of lynx presence in Liechtenstein: 2005-2009
Acta Biologica Slovenica (55)
Frid, A.; Dill, L. 2002 Human-caused disturbance stimuli as a form of predation risk
Conservation Ecology (6)
Friedmann, Y.; Bartels, P. 2000 The application of artificial insemination to, and the DNA analysis of the lions at the Lion Safari Park
African Lion News - The newsletter of the AFRICAN lion working group (2)
Friedmann, Y.; Traylor-Holzer, K. 2008 Leopard (_Panthera pardus_) case study
Full Book
Friembichler, S. 2010 Die potentielle Verbreitung der Wildkatze _(Felis silvestris silvestris, Schreber,1777)_ in Oesterreich als Entscheidungsgrundlage fr weitere Schutzmassnahmen
Full Book
Friembichler, S.; Slotta-Bachmayr, L. 2013 Potential habitats for the European Wildcat (_Felis silvestris silvestris_, Schreber 1777) in Austria - a basis for further steps in conservation
Conference Proceeding
Friembichler, S.; Slotta-Bachmayr, L.; Hagenstein, I. 2012 The wildcat (_Felis silvestris_) in Austria - II. Status and threats of the European wildcat in Austria and adjacent states (Die Wildkatze (_Felis silvestris_) in Oesterreich - II. Status und Gefaehrdung der Europaeischen Wildkatze in Oesterreich und den angrenzenden Staaten)
Mitteilungen aus dem Haus der Natur (20)
Frigerio, D.; Pipek, P.; Kimmig, S.; Winter, S.; Melzheimer, J.; Diblikova, L.; Wachter, B.; Richter, A. 2018 Citizen science and wildlife biology: Synergies and challenges
Ethology (124)
Froede, K.; Jackson, R. 2001 Snow Leopard Manual Field Study Techniques for the Kingdom Nepal
Full Book
Frommhagen, C.; Eulenberger, K.; Thiery, J. 2009 Diagnostic utility of the serum protein electrophoresis by the example of felids and hyenas-some preliminary results
Proceedings of the International Conference on Diseases of Zoo and Wild Animals
Fromont, E. 1997 Comparative analysis of the transmission of five viruses in populations of domestic cats (Felis catus L.)
Full Book
Fromont, E.; Artois, M.; Langlais, M.; Courchamp, F.; Pontier, D. 1997 Modelling the Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) in natural populations of cats (Felis catus)
Theoretical Population Biology (52)
Fromont, E.; Artois, M.; Stahl, P.; Pontier, D. 2002 Infection par les rtrovirus chez le chat domestique (Felis catus) et le chat sauvage (Felis silvestris)
Conference Proceeding

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)