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Garrote, G. 2012 DepradaciĀ¢n del jaguar sobre el ganado en los Llanos Orientales de Colombia
Mastozoologia Neotropical (19)
Garrote, G.; Bueno, J.F.; Ruiz, M.; de Lillo, S.; Martin, J.M.; Lopez, G.; Simon, M.A. 2017 First breeding record of a one-year-old female Iberian lynx
European Journal of Wildlife Research (63)
Garrote, G.; de Ayala, R.P.; Pereira, P.; Robles, F.; Guzman, N.; Garc”a, F.J.; Iglesias, M.C.; Herv s, J.; Fajardo, I.; Sim¢n, M.; Barroso, J.L. 2010 Estimation of the Iberian lynx (_Lynx pardinus)_ population in the Do¤ana area, SW Spain, using capture-recapture analysis of camera-trapping data
European Journal of Wildlife Research (57)
Garrote, G.; de Ayala, R.P.; Telleria, J.L. 2014 A comparison of scat counts and camera-trapping as means of assessing Iberian lynx abundance
European Journal of Wildlife Research (60)
Garrote, G.; Fernandez-Lopez, H.; Lopez, G.; Ruiz, G.; Simon, M.A. 2018 Prediction of Iberian lynx road-mortality in southern Spain: a new approach using the MaxEnt algorithm
Animal Biodiversity and Conservation (41)
Garrote, G.; Gil-Sanchez, J.M.; McCain, E.B.; de Lillo, S.; Telleria, J.L.; Simon, M.A. 2012 The effect of attractant lures in camera trapping: a case study of population estimates for the Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus)
European Journal of Wildlife Research (58)
Garrote, G.; Lopez, G.; Bueno, J.F.; Ruiz, M.; de Lillo, S.; Simon, M.A. 2017 Iberian lynx (_Lynx pardinus_) breeding in olive tree plantations
Mammalia (81)
Garrote, G.; Lopez, G.; Gil-Sanchez, J.M.; Rojas, E.; Ruiz, M.; Bueno, J.F.; de Lillo, S.; Rodriguez-Siles, J.; Martin, J.M.; Perez, J.; Garcia-Tardio, M.; Valenzuela, G.; Simon, M.A. 2013 Human-felid conflicts as a further handicap to the conservation of the critically endangered Iberian lynx
European Journal of Wildlife Research (59)
Garrote, G.; Lopez, G.; Ruiz, M.; de Lillo, S.; Bueno, J.F.; Simon, M.A. 2015 Effectiveness of electric fences as a means to prevent Iberian lynx (_Lynx pardinus_) predation on lambs
Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy (26)
Garrote, G.; Pā€šrez de Ayala, R. 2019 Spatial segregation between Iberian lynx and other carnivores
Animal Biodiversity and Conservation (42)
Garrote, G.; Pā€šrez de Ayala, R.; Āµlvarez, A.; MartĀ”n, J.M.; Ruiz, M.; de Lillo, S.; SimĀ¢n, M.A. 2021 Improving the random encounter model method to estimate carnivore densities using data generated by conventional camera-trap design
Oryx (2021)
Garrotte, G.; Perez de Ayala, R. 2015 Assessing unverified observation data used for estimating Iberian lynx distribution
European Journal of Wildlife Research (61)
Garshelis, D.L. 1992 Mark-recapture density estimation for animals with large home ranges
Book Chapter
Gartner, M.C.; Weiss, A. 2013 Scottish wildcat (_Felis silvestris grampia_) personality and subjective well-being: implications for captive management
Applied Animal Behaviour Science (147)
Gascon, C.; Brooks, T.M.; Contreras-MacBeath, T.; Heard, N.; Konstant, W.; Lamoreux, J.; Launay, F.; Maunder, M.; Mittermeier, R.A.; Molur, S.; Al Mubarak, R.K.; Parr, M.J.; Rhodin, A.G.J.; Rylands, A.B.; Soorae, P.; Sanderson, J.G.; Vie, J.-C. 2015 The Importance and Benefits of Species
Current Biology (25)
Gashe, T.; Yihune, M. 2020 Population status, foraging ecology and activity pattern of golden jackal (_Canis aureus_) in Guangua Ellala Forest, Awi Zone, north west Ethiopia
PLoS ONE (15)
Gaspar, D.d.A. 2005 Comunidade de mamĀ”feros nƆo-voadores de um fragmento de floresta Atlʒntica semidecĀ”dua do municĀ”pio de Campinas, SP
Full Book
Gasperetti, J.; Harrison, D.L.; Bttiker, W. 1985 The Carnivora of Arabia
Fauna of Saudi Arabia (7)
Gasperetti, J.; Jackson, P. Revised preliminary report (1st revision) of the status of the Arabian leopard
Full Book
Gaston, A.; Blazquez-Cabrera, S.; Garrote, G.; Mateo-Sanchez, M.C.; Beier, P.; Simon, M.A.; Saura, S. 2016 Response to agriculture by a woodland species depends on cover type and behavioural state: insights from resident and dispersing Iberian lynx
Journal of Applied Ecology (53)
Gaston, K.J.; Blackburn, T.M. 1996 Conservation Implications of Geographic Range Size-Body Size Relationships
Conservation Biology (10)
Gaston, K.J.; Pressey, R.L.; Margules, C.R. 2002 Persistence and vulnerability: retaining biodiversity in the landscape and in protected areas
Journal of Biosciences (27)
Gau, R.J.; Mulders, R.; Lamb, T.; Gunn, L. 2001 Cougars _(Puma concolor) _in the Northwest Territories and Wood Buffalo National Park
Arctic (54)
Gaulke, S.; Martelli, E.; Johnson, L.; Letelier, C.G.; Dawson, N.; Nelson, C.R. 2019 Threatened and endangered mammals of Chile: Does research align with conservation information needs?
Conservation Science and Practice (1)
Gaultier, E.; Falewee, C.; Bougrat, L.; Pageat, P. 2005 Case study: introduction of a female tiger in a pre-established group of two neutered males
Conference Proceeding
Gaur, A.; Kesaraju, S.; Singh, A.; Arunabala, V.; Satyarebala, B.; Singh, L. 2006 Twenty polymorphic microsatellite markers in the Asiatic lion (_Panthera leo persica_)
Conservation Genetics (7)
Gauto, R. 1989 Private Conservation Programs in Paraguay
Conservation Biology (3)
Gavali, D.J.; Lakhmapurkar, J.J.; Vyas, V.V. 2008 A Threat to Small Mammals in Central Gujarat
Cat News (48)
Gavashelishvili, A.; Lukarevskiy, V.S. 2007 Modeling the habitat requirements of leopard _Panthera pardus_ in West and Central Asia
Journal of Applied Ecology (45)
Gaveau, D.L.A.; Wandono, H.; Setiabudi, F. 2007 Three decades of deforestation in southwest Sumatra: Have protected areas halted forest loss and logging, and promoted re-growth?
Biological Conservation (134)
Gay, S.W.; Best, T.L. 1996 Age-related variation in skulls of the puma (Puma concolor)
Journal of Mammalogy (77)
Gaydos, J.K.; Fischer, J.R. 1999 Feline panleukopenia in free ranging bobcats (_Lynx rufus_) from 3 States
Conference Proceeding
Gaywood, M. 2017 Wildcats - getting hold of information
Full Book
Gaywood, M.J.; Boon, P.J.; Thompson, D.B.A.; Strachan, I.M. 2016 The Species Action Framework Handbook
Full Book
Gā€ritz, F.; Dehnhard, M.; Hildebrandt, T.B.; Naidenko, S.V.; Vargas, A.; Martinez, F.; LĀ¢pez-Bao, J.V.; Palomares, F.; Jewgenow, K. 2009 Non cat-like ovarian cycle in the Eurasian and the Iberian lynx - ultrasonographical and endocrinological analysis
Reproduction in Domestic Animals (44)
Gā€ritz, F.; Jewgenow, K.; Lewis, J.; Strauss, G.; Vodicka, R.; Hildebrandt, T.B. 2005 Reproductive health assessment of captive pure-bred amur leopards (Panthera pardus orientalis) in European Zoos
Verhandlungsbericht des.Internationalen Symposiums Āber die Erkrankungen der Zoo- und Wildtiere (42)
Gā€ritz, F.; Neubauer, K.; Naidenko, S.V.; Fickel, J.; Jewgenow, K. 2006 Investigations on reproductive physiology in the male Eurasian lynx
Theriogenology (66)
Gā€rner, M. 2012 Wilcats (_Felis silvestris_) in Thuringia in current view of hunting, conservation and science (Wildkatzen (_Felis silvestris_) in Thueringen aus aktueller Sicht von Jagd, Naturschutz und Wissenschaft
Sā€žugetierkundliche Informationen (8)
Gā€rner, M. 2014 Corridors and wildcats (_Felis silvestris_)
Sā€žugetierkundliche Informationen (9)
Gā€tz, M. 2014 The Wildcat in Saxony-Anhalt (Die Wildkatze in Sachsen-Anhalt)
Full Book
Gā€zĀtok, S. 2017 Mammalian fauna of Bursa province and conservation status of species (Classis: Mammalia)
International Journal of Agriculture and Wildlife Science (3)
GĀnther, A. 1885 Note on a supposed melanotic variety of the leopard, from South Africa
Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London (17)
Ga¤an, N.; Gonzalez, R.; Garde, J.; Vargas, A.; Martinez, F.; Gomendio, M.; Roldan, E.R.S. 2007 Assessment of Semen Quality and Sperm Cryopreservation in the Iberian Lynx (_Lynx pardinus_)
Conference Proceeding
Ga¤ n, N.; Gonz lez, R.; Garde, J.J.; Mart”nez, F.; Vargas, A.; Gomendio, M.; Roldan, E.R.S. 2009 Assessment of semen quality, sperm cryopreservation and heterologous IVF in the critically endangered Iberian lynx (_Lynx pardinus_)
Reproduction, Fertility and Development (21)
Ga¤ n, N.; Gonz lez, R.; Sestelo, A.; Garde, J.J.; S nchez, I.; Aguilar, J.M.; Gomendio, M.; Roldan, E.R.S. 2009 Male reproductive traits, semen cryopreservation, and heterologous in vitro fertilization in the bobcat (_Lynx rufus_)
Theriogenology (72)
Ga¤ n, N.; Sestelo, A.; Garde, J.J.; Mart”nez, F.; Vargas, A.; S nchez, I.; P‚rez-Aspa, M.J.; L¢pez-Bao, J.V.; Palomares, F.; Gomendio, M.; Roldan, E.R.S. Reproductive traits in captive and free-ranging males of the critically endangered Iberian lynx (_Lynx pardinus_)
Reproduction (139 )
Gebo, B.; Takele, S.; Shibru, S. 2021 Effects of land-use and landscape drivers in the species richness and distribution of carnivores in Faragosa-Fura Landscape of Southern Rift Valley, Ethiopia
Gebremedhin, B.; Ficetola, G.F.; Naderi, S.; Rezaei, H.-R.; Maudet, C.; Rioux, D.; Luikart, G.; Flagstad, .; Thuiller, W.; Taberlet, P. 2009 Frontiers in identifying conservation units: from neutral markers to adaptive genetic variation
Animal Conservation (12)
Gebremedhin, E.Z.; Agonafir, A.; Tessema, T.S.; Tilahun, G.; Medhin, G.; Vitale, M.; di Marco, V.; Cox, E.; Vercruysse, J.; Dorny, P. 2013 Seroepidemiological study of ovine toxoplamsosis in East and West Shewa Zones of Oromia Regional State, Central Ethiopia
BMC Veterinary Research (9)
Gebresenbet, F.; Baraki, B.; Yirga, G.; Sillero-Zubiri, C.; Bauer, H. 2017 A culture of tolerance: coexisting with large carnivores in the Kafa Highlands, Ethiopia

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)