IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Gerrikagoitia, X.; Gil, H.; Garcia-Esteban, C.; Anda, P.; Juste, R.A.; Barral, M. 2012 Presence of _Bartonella_ species in wild carnivores of Northern Spain
Applied and Environmental Microbiology (78)
Gersi, D. 1975 A propos des orang-outans et du tigre
Book Chapter
Gerstenhaber, C.; Ipavec, A.; Lapeyre, V.; Plowman, C.; Chabi-N'Diaye, Y.; Tevoedjre, F.; Amoussa, C.A.; Siddo, O.S.; Aboubacar, H.A.; Durant, S.M. 2024 Illegal wildlife trade: An analysis of carnivore products found in markets in Benin and Niger
Global Ecology and Conservation (51)
Gervasi, V.; Nielsen, E.B.; Sand, H.; Panzacchi, M.; Rauset, G.R.; Pedersen, H.C.; Kindberg, J.; Wabakken, P.; Zimmermann, B.; Odden, J.; Liberg, O.; Swenson, J.E.; Linnell, J.D.C. 2011 Predicting the potential demographic impact of predators on their prey: a comparative analysis of two carnivore-ungulate systems in Scandinavia
Journal of Animal Ecology (81)
Gervasi, V.; Nilsen, E.B.; Odden, J.; Bouyer, Y.; Linnell, J.D.C. 2013 The spatio-temporal distribution of wild and domestic ungulates modulates lynx kill rates in a multi-use landscape
Journal of Zoology (292)
Gese, E.M. 2001 Monitoring of terrestrial carnivore populations
Book Chapter
Gese, E.M.; Cooley, H.S.; Knowlton, F.F. 2012 Designing a monitoring plan
Book Chapter
Gese, E.M.; Terletzky, P.A.; Cavalcanti, S.M.C. 2016 Identification of kill sites from GPS clusters for jaguars (_Panthera onca_) in the southern Pantanal, Brazil
Wildlife Research (43)
Gese, E.M.; Terletzky, P.A.; Cavalcanti, S.M.C.; Neale, C.M.U. 2018 Influence of behavioral state, sex, and season on resource selection by jaguars (Panthera onca): Always on the prowl?
Ecosphere (9)
Gesner, C. 1551 Historiae Animalium Lib. I de Quadrupedibus uiuiparis
Full Book
Gessner, J.; Buchwald, R.; Wittemyer, G. 2013 Assessing species occurrence and species-specific use patterns of bais (forest clearings) in Central Africa with camera traps
African Journal of Ecology
Getz, W.M.; Wilmers, C.C. 2004 A local nearest-neighbor convex-hull construction of home ranges and utilization distribution
Ecography (27)
Ghadirian, T.; Akbari, H.; Besmeli, M.; Ghoddousi, A.; Hamidi, A.K.; Dehkordi, M.E. 2016 Sand cat in Iran - present status, distribution and conservation challenges
Cat News (64)
Ghadirian, T.; Ghasemi, M. 2012 New records of Persian leopard in Bashagard area, southeastern Iran
Cat News (56)
Ghadirian, T.; Ghoddousi, A.; Abolghasemi, H.; Riazifar, A.; Nekoei, G.; Dehghani, M. 2012 First camera-trap photos of Asiatic black bears in the Bashagard Region of Southeastern Iran
International Bear News (21)
Ghadirian, T.; Ghoddousi, A.; van Maanen, E.; Cuyten, K. 2011 Conservation survey of the Asiatic black bear and Persian leopard in southeastern Iran (Hormozgan)
Full Book
Ghaemi, A. 2014 Confirmed mountain lions in Oklahoma
Conference Proceeding
Ghaemi, P.; Sadr-Shirazi, N.; Ghaemi, P. 2011 Study on Helminthic Parasites of Persian Leopard (Panthera pardus Saxicolor Pocock, 1927) in Golestan National Park and Bioshpere Reserve of Iran
World Applied Sciences Journal (13)
Ghafaripour, S.; Naderi, M.; Rezaei, H.R. 2017 Investigating abundance, density and potential threats of Sand cat in the South-Eastern parts of Iran
Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity (1)
Ghafaripour, S.; Naderi, M.; Riazi, B.; Rezaei, H.R. 2018 How Prey Density and Distribution Can Affect Predator Habitat Usage Pattern: a Case Study on Sand Cat (_Felis margarita_, Locke 1858) from Iran
Russian Journal of Ecology (49)
Ghaffar, A.; Akhtar, M. 2004 A new addition to the Siwalik Carnivora from the Tertiary rocks of Pakistan
Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences (7)
Ghani, Y. 1998 Run-over tiger may have been too sick to hunt
Gharaibeh, B.M. 1997 Systematics, distribution, and zoogeography of mammals of Tunisia
Full Book
Ghaskadbi, P.; Habib, B.; Mir, Z.; Ray, R.; Talukdar, G.; Lyngdoh, S.; Pandav, B.; Nigam, P.; Kaur, A. 2016 Rusty-spotted cat in Kalesar National Park and Sanctuary, Haryana, India
Cat News (63)
Gherman, C.M.; Ionica, A.M.; D'Amico, G.; Otranto, D.; Mihalca, A.D. 2016 _Angiostrongylus chabaudi_ in wildcat from Romania
Parasitology Research (115)
Ghikas, D.M.; Jalkotzy, M.G.; Ross, P.I. 2007 Variation in Cougar (_Puma concolor_) Survival by Individual Traits, Density, and Seasonal Weather
Conference Proceeding
Ghimirey, Y. 2006 Status of Common Leopard _Panther pardus_ (Linnaeus, 1758) in Kunjo VDC of Mustang District, Nepal
Full Book
Ghimirey, Y.; Acharya, R. 2013 Tiger camera trapped outside Chitwan National Park, Nepal
Cat News (59)
Ghimirey, Y.; Acharya, R. 2017 The vulnerable clouded leopard _Neofelis nebulosa_ in Nepal: an update
Ghimirey, Y.; Acharya, R. Status assessment of wild felids with a special focus on clouded leopard in Hugu-Kori Biodiversity hotspot, Annapurna Conservation Area, Nepal
Full Book
Ghimirey, Y.; Acharya, R.; Adhikary, B.; Werhahn, G.; Appel, A. 2013 Clouded leopard camera-trapped in the Annapurna Conservation Area, Nepal
Cat News (58)
Ghimirey, Y.; Acharya, R.; Dahal, S. 2014 An undocumented record of a clouded leopard captured in Chitwan district, Nepal
Cat News (60)
Ghimirey, Y.; Ghimire, B. 2010 Leopard cat at high altitude in Makalu-Barun National Park, Nepal
Cat News (52)
Ghimirey, Y.; Ghimire, B.; Pal, P.; Koirala, V.; Acharya, R.; Dahal, B.V.; Appel, A. 2012 Status of felids in Makalu-Barun National Park, Nepal
Cat News (56)
Ghimirey, Y.; Pal, P. 2009 First camera trap image of Asiatic golden cat in Nepal
Cat News (51)
Ghimirey, Y.; Thakuri, J.J.; Adhikary, B.; Lama, R.P.; Ghale, T.R.; Sherpa, C.; Shah, K.B. 2019 Possible records of the Asiatic wildcat in Nepal
Cat News (70)
Ghimirey, Y.; Yadav, K.; Rai, J.; Baral, R.; Acharya, R. 2018 Clouded leopard in Sikles-Bhujung Landscape, Annapurna Conservation Area, Nepal
Cat News (68)
Ghimirey, Y.P.; Petersen, W.J.; Jahed, N.; Akash, M.; Lynam, A.J.; Shi, K.; U Din, J.; Nwaz, M.A.; Singh, P.; Dhendup, T.; Chua, M.A.H.; Kyaw, P.P.; Gray, T.N.E. 2022 Mainland leopard cat retains its Least Concern status
Cat News (76)
Ghoddousi, A.; Ashayeri, D.; Moshiri, H.; Ghadirian, T.; Hamidi, A.H.K.; Qashqaei, A.; Hamzeh'pour, M.; Zohrabi, H.; Julayi, L.; Khorozyan, I. 2008 Persian leopard project - Annual report 2007-2008
Full Book
Ghoddousi, A.; Egli, L.; Soofi, M.; Khorozyan, I.; Waltert, M. 2017 After sanctions: the urge to upgrade and integrate conservation in Iran
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment (15)
Ghoddousi, A.; Ghadirian, T.; Fahimi, H. 2009 Status of caracal in Bahram'gur Protected Area, Iran
Cat News (50)
Ghoddousi, A.; Hamidi, A.H.K.; Ghadirian, T.; Ashayeri, D.; Moshiri, H.; Khorozyan, I. 2008 The Status of the Persian Leopard in Bamu National Park, Iran
Cat News (49)
Ghoddousi, A.; Hamidi, A.K.; Ghadirian, T.; Ashayeri, D.; Hamzehpour, M.; Moshiri, H.; Zohrabi, H.; Julayi, L. 2008 Territorial marking by Persian Leopard (_Panthera pardus saxiocolor_ Pocock, 1927) in Bamu National Park, Iran
Zoology in the Middle East (44)
Ghoddousi, A.; Hamidi, A.K.; Ghadirian, T.; Ashayeri, D.; Khorozyan, I. 2010 The status of the Endangered Persian leopard _Panthera pardus saxicolor_ in Bamu National Park, Iran
Oryx (44)
Ghoddousi, A.; Hamidi, A.K.; Ghadirian, T.; Ashayeri, D.; Qashqaei, A.T. 2008 Persian leopard project in Iran
Wildlife Middle East (3)
Ghoddousi, A.; Hamidi, A.K.; Ghadirian, T.; Ashayeri, D.; Qashqaei, A.T. 2008 Persian leopard project in Iran
Wildlife Middle East (3)
Ghoddousi, A.; Hamidi, A.K.; Ghadirian, T.; Bani'Assadi, S. 2016 The status of wildcat in Iran - a crossroad of subspecies?
Cat News Special Issue (10)
Ghoddousi, A.; Hamidi, A.K.; Soofi, M.; Khorozyan, I.; Kiabi, B.H.; Waltert, M. 2016 Effects of ranger stations on predator and prey distribution and abundance in an Iranian steppe landscape
Animal Conservation
Ghoddousi, A.; Soofi, M.; Hamidi, A.K.; Lumetsberger, T.; Egli, L.; Khorozyan, I.; Kiabi, B.H.; Waltert, M. 2016 Assessing the role of livestock in big cat prey choice using spatiotemporal availability patterns
PLoS ONE (11)
Ghosal, S.; Athreya, V.R.; Linnell, J.D.C.; Vedeld, P.O. 2013 An ontological crisis? A review of large felid conservation in India
Biodiversity Conservation (22)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)