IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Ha, D.D. 1991 Marbled cat - Current status
Full Book
Ha, D.D. 1991 Vietnam - Leopard Cat (Felis bengalensis)
Full Book
Ha, D.D. 1991 Jungle cat (Felis chaus)
Full Book
Haag, T. 2009 Gen‚tica da conserva‡Æo e ecologia molecular de on‡as-pintadas (_Panthera onca_, Felidae)
Full Book
Haag, T.; Santos, A.S.; De Angelo, C.; Srbek-Araujo, A.C.; Sana, D.A.; Morato, R.G.; Salzano, F.M.; Eizirik, E. 2009 Development and testing of an optimized method for DNA-based identification of jaguar (_Panthera onca_) and puma (_Puma concolor_) faecal samples for use in ecological and genetic studies
Genetica (136)
Haag, T.; Santos, A.S.; Sana, D.A.; Morato, R.G.; Cullen, L.; Crawshaw Jr., P.G.; De Angelo, C.; Di Bitetti, M.S.; Salzano, F.M.; Eizirik, E. 2010 The effect of habitat fragmentation on the genetic structure of a top predator: loss of diversity and high differentiation among remnant populations of Atlantic Forest jaguars (_Panthera onca_)
Molecular Ecology (19)
Haag, T.; Santos, A.S.; Valdez, F.P.; Sana, D.A.; Silveira, L.; Cullen Jr., L.; De Angelo, C.; Morato, R.G.; Crawshaw Jr., P.G.; Salzano, F.M.; Eizirik, E. 2010 Molecular tracking of jaguar melanism using faecal DNA
Conservation Genetics (11)
Haagner, A. 1920 South African Mammals
Full Book
Haas, S.K.; Hayssen, V.; Krausman, P.R. 2005 Mammalian species - _Panthera leo_
Mammalian Species (762)
Haas, T.C. 2004 Ecosystem management via interacting models of political and ecological process
Animal Biodiversity and Conservation (27)
Habib, B.; Khan, J.A.; Chundawat, R.S.; McCarthy, T.M. 2007 Status of Snow Leopard in Wakhan Corridor of Afghanistan - an Assessment after 30 Years
Conference Proceeding
Habib, B.; Shrotriya, S.; Sivakumar, K.; Mathur, V.B.; Sinha, P.R. 2010 Radio Telemetry Studies in India - Issues and Way Forward
Habib, B.; Shrotriya, S.; Sivakumar, K.; Sinha, P.R.; Mathur, V.B. 2014 Three decades of wildlife radio telemetry in India: a review
Animal Biotelemetry (2)
Habibi, K. 1977 The Mammals of Afghanistan - Their Distribution and Status (Chapter "Felids")
Full Book
Habibi, K. 2004 Mammals of Afghanistan
Full Book
Hackel, J.D. 1999 Community Conservation and the Future of Africa's Wildlife
Conservation Biology (13)
Hacker, C.E.; Dai, Y.; Cheng, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Miller, L.J.; Janecka, J.E. 2021 Determinants of herder attitudes towards the Vulnerable snow leopard _Panthera uncia_ in Yushu Prefecture, China
Oryx (55)
Haemig, P.D. 2005 Sympatric Tiger and Leopard
Ecology (22)
Hafizullah, N.; Madad, A.; Ostrowski, S. 2012 Chemical immobilization of two snow leopards (_Panthera uncia_) in Wakhan, Afghanistan May & June 2012
Full Book
Hafizullah, N.; Madad, A.; Ostrowski, S. 2013 Chemical immobilization of two snow leopards (_Panthera uncia_) in Wakhan Dsitrict, September 2013
Full Book
Haidir, I.; Maconald, D.W.; Linkie, M. 2021 Sunda clouded leopard _Neofelis diardi_ densities and human activities in the humid evergreen rainforests of Sumatra
Oryx (55)
Haidir, I.A.; Dinata, Y.; Linkie, M.; MacDonald, D.W. 2013 Asiatic golden cat and Sunda clouded leopard occupancy in the Kerinci Seblat landscape, west-central Sumatra
Cat News (59)
Hailer, F. 2001 Low variability on the Y chromosome of lynxes (_Lynx lynx_) in Europe
Full Book
Hailer, F.; Leonard, J.A. 2008 Hybridization among three native North American _Canis_ species in a region of natural sympatry
PLoS ONE (3)
Hain, J. 1994 NAPHA- Raspeto meeting
Conference Proceeding
Haines, A.; Caso, A.; Tewes, M.; Redeker, E. 2005 Using landsat imagery to identify potential ocelot habitat in Tamaulipas, Mexico
Full Book
Haines, A.; Grassman, L.; Tewes, M. 2005 First Ocelot Tracked via Satellite Telemetry
Cat News (43 )
Haines, A.; Tewes, M.; Laack, L.L. 2005 Survival and sources of mortality in ocelots
Journal of Wildlife Management (69)
Haines, A.; Tewes, M.E.; Laack, L.L.; Horne, J.S.; Young, J.H. 2006 A habitat-based population viability analysis for ocelots (_Leopardus pardalis_) in the United States
Biological Conservation (132)
Haines, A.M. 2006 Is there competition between sympatric jaguar _Panthera onca_ and puma _Puma concolor_?
Acta Zoologica Sinica (52)
Haines, A.M. 2006 Population and habitat viability analysis of ocelots (_Leopardus pardalis)_ in southern Texas
Full Book
Haines, A.M.; Grassman Jr., L.I.; Tewes, M.E. 2004 Survival of radiocollared adult leopard cats _Prionailurus bengalensis_ in Thailand
Acta Theriologica (49)
Haines, A.M.; Grassman Jr., L.I.; Tewes, M.E.; Janecka, J.E. 2006 First ocelot (_Leopardus pardalis_) monitored with GPS telemetry
European Journal of Wildlife Research
Haines, A.M.; Janecka, J.E.; Tewes, M.E.; Grassman Jr., L.I.; Morton, P. 2006 The importance of private land for ocelot _Leopardus pardalis _conservation in the United States
Oryx (40)
Haines, A.M.; Tewes, M.E.; Janecka, J.E.; Grassman Jr., L.I. 2007 Evaluating the benefits and costs of ocelot recovery in Southern Texas
Endangered Species UPDATE (24)
Haines, A.M.; Tewes, M.E.; Laack, L.L.; Grant, W.E.; Young, J. 2005 Evaluating recovery strategies for an ocelot (_Leopardus pardalis_) population in the United States
Biological Conservation (126)
Haitao, S.; Parham, J.F.; Lau, M.; Tien-Hsi, C. 2009 Farming Endangered Turtles to Extinction in China
Conservation Biology
Halder, N.K. 2011 Scientific approach for tiger conservation in the Sundarbans
Tigerpaper (38)
Halder, N.K. 2005 A study on tiger-human conflicts in the Sundarban Reserve Forest (Bangladesh)
Tigerpaper (32)
Halilou Malam Garba, H. 2006 La predation du betail domestique par les grands carnivores dans la zone peripherique du Parc Regional du W composante du Niger
Full Book
Hall, E.R.; Kelson, K.R. 1959 Family Felidae - Cats and Allies
Book Chapter
Haller, H. 1992 Zur kologie des Luchses _Lynx lynx_ im Verlauf seiner Wiederansiedlung in den Walliser Alpen - Ecology of the lynx (Lynx lynx) during its re-introduction in the Valais, Swiss Alps
Full Book
Haller, H.; Breitenmoser, U. 1986 Zur Raumorganisation der in den Schweizer Alpen wiederangesiedelten Population des Luchses Lynx lynx
Zeitschrift fr Sugetierkunde (51)
Hallstr”m, E. 2017 Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) and Water Resource Management of the tropical mountain ecosystem P ramo: A case study in the northern parts of Ecuador
Full Book
Halsdorf, S. 2011 Patterns of resource use by grazers in a humid coastal savanna in Tanzania
Full Book
Halsdorf, S.A. 2002 Die Verteilung von Warzenschweinen in einer durch Viehbeweidung modifizierten Kstensavanne Tansanias
Full Book
Halsey, S.M.; Zielinski, W.J.; Scheller, R.M. 2015 Modeling predator habitat to enhance reintroduction planning
Landscape Ecology (30)
Haltenorth, T. 1955 Live Arabian sand cat, Felis margarita (Loche, 1858)
Saeugetierkundliche Mitteilungen
Haltia, M.; Wahlberg, C. 1984 Spastic paraparesis in young snow leopards (_Panthera uncia_)
Book Chapter
Halvorson, W.L.; Thomas, K.; Graham, L.; Kunzmann, M.R.; Bennett, P.S.; Van Riper, C.; Drost, C. 2002 Arizona Gap Analysis Project
Full Book

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)