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Kunzel, W.; Probst, A. 1999 Die anatomischen Verh„ltnisse am Karpalgelenk des Geparden (Acinonyx jubaus), verglichen mit jenen der Hauskatze (Felid catus)
Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia (28)
Kurniawan, E. 2012 Adaptasi Harimau Sumatera (_Panthera tigris sumatrae_, Pocock 1929) Hasil Translokasi di Hutan Blangraweu, Nanggore Aceh Darussalam
Full Book
Kurniawan, H.M. 2001 Koefisien Kawin-dalam Harimau Sumatera (_Panthera tigris sumatrae_) di Empat Kebun Binatang di Jawa
Full Book
Kurta, A.; Schwartz, M.K.; Anderson Jr., C.R. 2007 Does a population of cougars exist in Michigan?
The American Midland Naturalist (158)
Kurten, B. 1968 The Giant Cheetah, _Acinonyx pardinensis_
Book Chapter
Kurten, B. 1965 The Pleistocene Felidae of Florida
Bulletin of the Florida State Museum (9)
Kurten, B. 1965 The Pleistocene Felidae of Florida - Contents and Introduction
Bulletin of the Florida State Museum (9)
Kurten, B. 1965 The Pleistocene Felidae of Florida - Localities
Bulletin of the Florida State Museum (9)
Kurten, B. 1965 The Pleistocene Felidae of Florida - Systematic Descriptions
Bulletin of the Florida State Museum (9)
Kurten, B. 1965 The Pleistocene Felidae of Florida - Discussions and Conclusions
Bulletin of the Florida State Museum (9)
Kurten, B. 1965 The Pleistocene Felidae of Florida - Tables
Bulletin of the Florida State Museum (9)
Kurten, B. 1965 The Pleistocene Felidae of Florida - References
Bulletin of the Florida State Museum (9)
Kurten, B. 1965 The Pleistocene Felidae of Florida - Synopsis
Bulletin of the Florida State Museum (9)
Kurten, B.; Anderson, E. 1980 Jaguar, _Panthera onca_; Studer's Cheetah, _Acionyx studeri_; American Cheetah, _Acinonyx trumani_; Lake Cat, _Felis lacustris_; Ocelot, _Felis pardalis_; River Cat,_ Felis amnicola_; Jaguarundi, _Felis yagouaroundi_
Book Chapter
Kurten, B.; Granqvist, E. 1987 Fossil pardel lynx (Lynx pardina spelaea Boule) from a cave in southern France
Annales Zoologici Fennici (24)
Kurten, B.; Werdelin, L. 1984 The relationships of Lynx shansius Teilhard
Annales Zoologici Fennici (21)
Kurt‚n, B. 1985 The Pleistocene lion of Beringia
Annales Zoologici Fennici (22)
Kurt‚n, B.; Rausch, R. 1959 Biometric comparisons between North American and European mammals
Acta Arctica (11)
Kurup, G.U. 1989 The treasured tiger
Book Chapter
Kurushima, J.D.; Collins, J.A.; Well, J.A.; Ernest, H.B. 2006 Development of 21 microsatellite loci for puma (_Puma concolor_) ecology and forensics
Molecular Ecology (6)
Kurushima, J.D.; Ikram, S.; Knudsen, J.; Bleiberg, E.; Grahn, R.A.; Lyons, L.A. 2012 Cats of the pharaohs: genetic comparison of Egyptian cat mummies to their feline contemporaries
Journal of Archaeological Science (39)
Kusak, J.; Huber, D.; Gomercic, T.; Schwaderer, G.; Guzvica, G. 2009 The permeabillity of highway in Gorski kotar (Croatia) for large mammals
European Journal of Wildlife Research (55)
Kushnir, H. 2007 Linking Human Activities and Unprovoked Lion Attacks in Southeastern Tanzania
Conference Proceeding
Kushnir, H.; Packer, C. 2019 Perceptions of risk from man-eating lions in southeastern Tanzania
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (7)
Kushnir, H.; Weisberg, S.; Olson, E.; Juntunen, T.; Ikanda, D.; Packer, C. 2014 Using landscape characteristics to predict risk of lion attacks on humans in south-eastern Tanzania
African Journal of Ecology (52)
Kusi, N.; Manandhar, P.; Subba, S.A.; Thapa, K.; Thapa, K.; Shrestha, B.; Pradhan, N.M.B.; Dhakal, M.; Aryal, N.; Werhahn, G. 2018 Shadowed by the ghost: the Eurasian lynx in Nepal
Cat News (68)
Kusler, A.; Elbroch, L.M.; Quigley, H.; Grigione, M. 2017 Bed site selection by a subordinate predator: an example with the cougar (_Puma concolor_) in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
PeerJ (5)
Kusler, A.; Sarno, R.J.; Volkart, N.S.; Elbroch, M.; Grigione, M. 2017 Local perceptions of puma-livestock conflict surrounding Torres Del Paine NP, Chile
Cat News (65)
Kussin, A.N.; Kussina, D.C. 2009 Protection of livestock corrals from Snow Leopard
Full Book
Kutal, M.; Belotti, E.; Volfov , J.; Min rikov , T.; Bufka, L.; Polednik, L.; Krojerova, J.; Bojda, M.; Vana, M.; Kutalova, L.; Benes, J.; Flousek, J.; Tomasek, V.; Kafka, P.; Polednikova, K.; Pospiskova, J.; Dekar, P.; Machcinik, B.; Koubek, P.; Dula, M. 2017 Occurrence of large carnivores - _Lynx lynx_, _Canis lupus_, and _Ursus arctos_ - and of _Felis silvestris_ in the Czech Republic and western Slovakia in 2021-2016
Lynx (Praha) (48)
Kutal, M.; Vana, M.; Suchomel, J.; Chapron, G.; L¢pez-Bao, J.V. 2016 Trans-Boundary Edge Effects in the Western Carpathians: The Influence of Hunting on Large Carnivore Occupancy
PLoS ONE (11)
Kuvawoga, P.T.; Gandiwa, E. 2011 Aerial survey of elephants and other large herbivores in Chewore Safari Area, Zambezi valley: 2010
Full Book
Kuyt, E. 1971 Possible occurrence of cougar near Fort Smith, N.W.T
Blue Jay (29)
Kuzhlekov, A.O.; Spitsin, S.V. 2014 The results of the research of argutskaya group of the Snow leopard (Panthera uncia) using trail cameras in Gorny Altai
Conference Proceeding
Kuzminych, I. 1990 The snow leopard at the Moscow zoo
Book Chapter
Kuzminykh, I.A. 2006 Some aspects of husbandry and current status of the captive population of snow leopard
Conference Proceeding
Kuznetsov, G.U.; Matyushkin, E.N. 1962 The snow leopard hunts 
Int.Ped.Book of Snow leopards (2 )
Kvam, T. 1990 Population biology of the European lynx (Lynx lynx ) in Norway
Full Book
Kvam, T. 1984 Age determination in european lynx Lynx lynx lynx by incremental lines in tooth cementum
Acta Zoologica Fennica (171)
Kvam, T. 1985 Supernumerary teeth in the european lynx Lynx lynx lynx and their evolutionary significance
Journal of Zoology (206)
Kvam, T. 1990 Ovulation rates in European lynx, Lynx lynx (L.), from Norway
Zeitschrift fr S„ugetierkunde (55)
Kvam, T. 1991 Reproduction in the European lynx, Lynx lynx
Zeitschrift fr S„ugetierkunde (56)
Kvam, T. Population dynamics of the European lynx Lynx l. lynx in Norway 1960 to 1990
In Press
Kwabong, J.P. 2008 Hunting of large carnivores in Cameroon over the past 20 years
Conference Proceeding
Kws, 2010 National Strategy for the conservation of cheetahs and African wild dogs in Kenya
Full Book
Kws, 2010 National Strategy for the conservation of lions and spotted hyaenas in Kenya
Full Book
Kyne, P. 1999 Cambodia's tiger population second highest in world... ... but for how long?
Kyne, P. 1999 Camera trapping sparks debate on tiger numbers
K‚ry, M.; Gardner, B.; Stoeckle, T.; Weber, D.; Royle, J.A. 2011 Use of Spatial Capture-Recapture Modeling and DNA Data to Estimate Densities of Elusive Animals
Conservation Biology (25)
K”hncke, M.; Leonhardt, K. 1986 Cryptoprocta ferox
Mammalian Species (254)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)